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Interview for the Teacher


1 How long have you been teaching I have been teaching Based on the
English? English here since preliminary
2008 research, the
teacher has taught
English for 8 years.
2 What are the problems that you Based on the The students have
face in teaching vocabulary preliminary some problems in
mastery? research, the reading, writing,
teacher has taught speaking, and
English for 8 years. listening such as the
desire to learn
English, lack of
vocabulary mastery.
3 What you taught vocabulary Yes, but I just taught The teacher has not
mastery by using technique? vocabulary mastery special strategy or
What are they? by using translation teaching vocabulary
technique and based
on textbook.
4 How are the criteria of minimum The criteria of
standard (KKM) in English minimum standard
Lesson? (KKM) of the school
is 75

Pedoman wawancara dengan guru bahasa inggris dan siswa terkait respon penggunaan
jeopardy game dikelas

A. Interview For Teacher

1. Bagaimana kemampuan siswa ibu dalam pembelajaran vocabulary setelah menggunakan

metode jeopardy game?

2. Bagaimana penguasaan vocabulary siswa setelah menerapkan strategi jeopardy game?

3. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pembelajaran vocabulary menggunakan metode jeopardy

game berlangsung?

4. Apa pendapat Ibu, setelah melihat pembelajaran vocabulary menggunakan jeopardy game?
5. Menurut pendapat ibu, bagaimana aktivitas yang dilaksanakan dalam proses pembelajaran
vocabulary dengan menggunakan jeopardy game ?

6. Setelah mengobservasi pembelajaran vocabulary dengan menggunakan jeopardy game ,

apakah strategi pembelajaran vocabulary dengan jeopardy game efektif diterapkan pada
pembelajaran vocabulary?

B. Interviews for students

1. Apakah kamu merasa senang ketika mempelajari kosakata Bahasa Inggris menggunakan
jeopardy game. Berikan alesan

2. Apakah kamu merasa belajar kosakata dengan menggunakan jeopardy game menjadi lebih

3. Apakah kamu merasa termotivasi belajar kosakata dalam KBM dengan menerapkan jeopardy

4. Apakah kamu lebih mudah memahami kosakata dengan menggunakan jeopardy game?

5. Apakah kamu menyukai pembelajaran kosakata dengan jeopardy game?

7. Apakah kamu merasa jeopardy game dapat membantumu untuk mengembangkan dan
memperkaya kosakata kamu?

8. Apakah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan jeopardy game dapat mempermudah cara

belajar kamu?


Teacher :

Observer :

Class :

Topic :

Date observation :

No Activities Yes No
1 The teacher introduce the topic before start teaching.
1. The teacher introduce the topic before start teaching.
2. The teacher gives an explenation the material until finish.
3. The teacher explain vocabulary material
4. The teacher makes a group of students in vocabulary
5. The teacher uses Indonesian language and English to
explain the materials.
6. The teachers’ endorse the students to be active in asking
and answering question.
7. The teacher uses media in teaching vocabulary.
8. The teacher provides an explanation of the material
using the method provided by the observer.
9. The teacher use the teachnique of vocabulary are :
a. Discussion
b. Group
c. Jeopardy Game
d. power point
10. Giving comments and suggestions in learning activities.

D. The Blue Print of Vocabulary Mastery Test

No Aspect Indicators Number of Total items

1. Part of speech Noun 20
2. Word meaning Synonym 10
Total 30

Nama :

Kelas :

Sekolah :

A. Choose the corect answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

Dear Freya,

I heard the news from our school principal that you has a great result in the Math Olympiad. I
am very proud of your brilliant result. Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your
brilliant success. We are really happy that you did so well. I am sure this result will encourage
you to do better in the next Olympiad.

Your sincerely,


1. “I am very proud of your brilliant result.”

The underlined word is similar in the meaning to ...

a. Normal c. Unintelligent

b. Excellence d. Stupid

This is our classroom. Our classroom is wide and clean. There are a lot of things in it. There are
twenty two tables and forty four chairs. There is also a whiteboard, a flag, a ruler, a clock, a
calender, some marker, and some picture. Beside that, there are also; some dusters and some

2. “ There are a lot of things in it.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...

a. Tight b. Large

c. Limited d. Narrow

3. The foreign countries attempt at a blockade of the port was unsuccessfull.

The underlined word is similar in the meaning to ...

a. Expedition b. Opening

c. Landing d. Closure

4. The new building was to be octagonal in shape.

The underlined word is similar in the meaning to ...

a. Five sided b. Six sided

c. Seven sided d. Eight sided

Choose a,b,c,or d which is the antonym of the undelined word !

5. is boxing safe?
a. Curious b. Jealous

c. Dangerous d. Virgorous

6. The test is easy.

a. Diligent b. Difficult

c. Diffident d. Different

7. I think badminton is interesting.

a. Boring b. Exciting

c. Challegging d. Fascinating

Identifying part of speech for the underline word, for number

8. Happy Graduation! Wishing you success and happiness in everything that you will do.

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

9. Happy teacher’s day! You are like a light that always lightens our life.

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

10. Out of all the moms in the world, I’m so glad that you are mine.

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

11. Get well soon Marco and speedy recovery.

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

12. Finally you did it. You have finished your study excellently and accepted by the best senior
high school in your city.

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

13. There are any students in the Campina Elementary School.

What is the Part of Speech of the underlined word?

a. Noun b. Verb

c. Adjective d. Adverb

14. There is a lot of ice cream in the fridge. You can have as much as you like.

What is the definition of the underlined word…..

a. A cabinet or small recess with a door and typically shelves, used for storage

b. A box-shaped storage compartment without a lid

c. A refigrator

d. A cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing

Choose the correct answer!

15.……are group into Animal.

a. Dog,frop,mop b. Horse,honeydew,cow

c. Mouse,lion,dog d. Lion,beans,pumpkin

16. David’s……is nineteen years old.

a. Grandson b.Grandfather

c. Granddaughter d. Grandmother

17. Katy is very …….so her classmates like her.

a. Help b.helpless

c. Helplessly d. Helpful

18. Agnes monica is a popular….

a. Sing b.singer

c. Song d. Singin

19. A nurse works in a……

a. Hotel b. Restaurant

c. Hispital d. Library

20. Sui ling and Sui mei are my friends…live in solo.

a. We b. They d. I

21. Ia am thristy. Give…a glass of water, please!

a. You b. Me

c. He d. Her

22. You can …..with your nose.

a. Taste b. See

c. Kiss d. Smell

23. I left my books….scholl.

a. On b. In

c. Of d. At

24. our house is…two shops.

a. In b. Of

c. At d. Between

25. Which bicycle do you prefer, the one on the left…..the one the right?

a. So b. Or

c. But d. And

26. Korean,English, and Arabic are group into…..

a. Country b. Language

c. Nationally d. Ocean

27. My Mother is sick. Then, she goes to….to check up.

a. Driver b. Journalist

c. Doctor d. Teacher

28. Chef, dishwasher, and waiter are a worker in ....

a. Construction b. Art

c. Bank d. Restaurant

29. Red, green, yellow, and purple are kind of ....

a. Mushroom b. Colour

c. Wall d. Picture

30. . My Aunt sells vegetable in the market, they are ....

a. Avocado, Banana, and brocoli. b. Coconut, Durian, and Grape.

c. Cabbage, letuce, and mushroom. d. Mango, spinach, and Orange.

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