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Nama Sekolah : MTs Al-Mubaarok Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Kelas/Semester : IX/1
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Dengan membaca teks, siswa dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan dari ungkapan harapan atau doa dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan
dan prestasi, serta responnya dengan benar
2. Melalui latihan siswa dapat membuat sebuah dialog sederhana tentang harapan atau doa
dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi serta responnya secara mandiri.
Media Pembelajaran & Sumber Belajar
 Media : Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa), Lembar
penilaian, internet
 Alat/Bahan : Spidol, papan tulis, Laptop, LCD

 Sumber : Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX, Kemendikbud,

Belajar Revisi Tahun 2016

B. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pendahuluan/KegiatanAwal (10menit)
 Guru menyampaikan salam kemudian mengajak peserta didik berdoa bersama-sama
(PPK : Religius)
 Guru mengabsen dan mengecek kesiapan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan
pembelajaran sebagai sikap disiplin (PPK: disiplin)
 Guru mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan
pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/ tema/kegiatan sebelumnya serta mengajukan
pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.
 Guru memotivasi peserta didik dengan mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang bersih &
 Guru menyampaikan kompetensi dan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
2. Kegiatan Inti (70menit)
a. Pemberian rangsangan (Stimulation)
1. Siswa menyimak video yang ditampilkan guru dengan menggunakan power point
melalui LCD proyektor.
2. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai video yang telah mereka lihat. (4Cs :
Critical Thinking)
3. Siswa menyimak penjelasan singkat mengenai ungkapan memberi selamat, harapan,
dan do’a
b. Identifikasi Masalah (Problem Statement)
1. Siswa membuat kelompok secara heterogen.
2. Siswa menerima LKPD yang dibagikan oleh guru.
3. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru mengenai kegiatan yang akan dilakukan, yaitu:
a. Membaca teks yang diberikan guru
b. Menganalisis teks yang dibaca dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan
c. Pengumpulan Data (Data Collection)
1. Siswa berdiskusi kelompok untuk mencari jawaban yang benar atas perrtanyaan
yang ada dalam LKPD. (4Cs: Collaboration, PPK: gotong royong)
2. Siswa mencari berbagai referensi di dalam internet untuk membantu memecahkan
permasalahan yang diberikan guru dalam LKPD. (4Cs: Creativity, PPK: rasa ingin
d. Pembuktian ( Verification)
1. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok di hadapan guru dan teman-
temannya dengan percaya diri. (4Cs: Communication).
2. Siswa dan guru mengevaluasi hasil presentasi siswa dengan teliti. (4Cs: Critical
e. Menarik kesimpulan (Generalitation)
1. Siswa menarik kesimpulan dari hasil presentasi seluruh kelompok.
2. Siswa mendapatkan penghargaan dan pengakuan dari guru
3. Penutup (10menit)
a. Siswa bersama guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari dalam pertemuan
b. Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan
c. Guru menjelaskan rencana kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan berikutnya
d. Guru meminta salah satu peserta didik untuk memimpin do’a penutup
C. Penilaian Pembelajaran
1. Sikap : Observasi
2. Pengetahuan : Tes tertulis, Lisan, Penugasan
3. Ketrampilan : Kinerja

Mengetahui Rembang, Juli 2022

Kepala Madrasah Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Achmad Muzakki, M. Pd. I Winarti, S. Pd.

1. Ringkasan Materi
3. Instrumen Penilaian
Lampiran 1
 Expression Congratulation
a. Definition
Expression congratulation is expression that used to congratulate
someone when he or she has achieved something.
b. Social Function
- To congratulate someone about his/her achievement. The
achievement is not only about winning something but also in other
kind condition, like graduating from a certain education, celebrating
something, and getting something new.
- To keep good personal relationship to someone.
c. Generic Structure
Generic Structures or structure text of congratulation has the same
structure like other expressions.
- Expressions
The beginning of expression (in this case, in the
dialogue) For example: Congratulations on your
winning, dear!
- Responses
Response is the feedback of expression. The
feedback can be positive (accepting the expression)
or negative (declining the expression).
For example: Thank you, Putri. You’re so kind.
The following table shows the Expression of
Congratulation and Responses

d. Language Features
- The using of the word “Congratulation!” to congratulate people.
- The using of adjective, for example: awesome, wow, great, nice, fantastic,
and etc.
 Expression Hopes

Expressing Hope Responding

I hope you win the game I hope so
I hope for your health Thank you
I hope I can get the best score Thanks a lot
I hope to see you again soon Thank for your hope
I hope she can forgive me God bless you
I hope to find true friend That is good idea
 Expression Wishes
Expressing Wishes
I wish you would you would quit smoking soon
I wish that I had a luxury big house
I wish I spoke English well
I wish you happiness

Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Al Mubaarok Rembang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : IX / Ganjil
Topik / Subtopik : Expression Congratulation, Hopes, and Wishes
Sub Skill : Reading

A. Petunjuk Belajar
1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan.
2. Bacalah semua instruksi dengan jelas.
3. Kerjakan latihan berikut pada lembar kerja yang tersedia
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Dengan membaca teks, siswa dapat menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan harapan atau doa dan ucapan selamat atas suatu
kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta responnya dengan benar
2. Melalui latihan siswa dapat membuat sebuah dialog sederhana tentang harapan
atau doa dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi serta responnya
secara mandiri.

C. Task 1

A. Observe the dialogs below carefully!

B. Find the expresion of congratulating, hope,and wish!
C. Read the dialog below, and then write the communicative purpose of
the expressions of in each dialog in the table!
Dialog 1

Alya : I heard that

you got a new job
Dialog 2

Dona : How will you

spend the vacation?

Nia : I am going to

Dialog 3

Cici : What happen?

You look so happy.

Ulfa: Yeah. I passed the


Dialog 1

Dialog 2

Dialog 3

Task 2
Answer these questions based on the dialog in the TASK. 1!
1. Who begins the conversation? (Dialog 1)

2. Who congratulates Danish for his success in getting a new job? (Dialog 1)

3. What does Alya say to congratulate Danish? (Dialog 1)

4. What is Danish‟s response? (Dialog 1)

5. What does Nia say to express her hope? (Dialog 2)

6. What does Dona say to respond to Nia? (Dialog 2)

7. Who responds to Cici‟s expression? (Dialog 3)

8. What is the Indonesian of “I wish you be the winner “!(Dialog 3)

A. Pengetahuan
Multiple Choices
Read carefully the following dialogs and choose A, B, C or D for the correct

Dialog 1 for number 1-3!

Sulaik: What are you doing here, Ely?

Ely: I am going to attend a seminar here in Horison Hotel.

Sulaik: What is the seminar about?

Ely: It is about how to become a successful online business.

Sulaik: Are you going to run an online entrepreneur?

Ely: Yes, I am. I want to develop my mother‟s online fashion store.

Sulaik: I hope you achieve your dream.

Ely: I hope so. Thank you.

Sulaik: Don’t mention it

1. Where does the dialog probably take place?

A. At seminar.
B. At Ely‟s house.
C. At Horison Hotel.
D. At online fashion store.
2. What does Ely want to do in the future?
A. Work for a hotel.
B. Make dress for herself.
C. Be a speaker at a seminar.D. Run an online fashion store.
3. What is Ely‟s mother?
A. A fashion designer.
B. A shop assistant.
C. A fashion seller.
D. A dress maker.
Dialog 2 for number 4-6!
Audy : How was your tryout?
Faroos : I got the second rank at my schools. How about you?
Audy : That‟s great! Congratulation!
I actually got the first rank in my class, but only fifth at school.
Faroos : Not bad. You need to study more.
Audy : I guess so. I hope I receive the best mark for the next tryout and final
Faroos examination.
Audy : I hope so. I have to study hard because I want to get the best mark to
enter the best senior high school in our town.
: I hope so. I intend to study at the best vocational school here.
4. What are they talking about?
A. The cleverest students at school.
B. The final examination
C. The result of tryout.
D. The best school.
5. What is Faroos‟s rank in his school?
A. Second
B. Fifth.
C. Third
D. First.
6. What are the speakers‟hopes?
A. To attend a course to prepare for the final examination.
B. To achieve the best mark and study at the best school.
C. To get a scholarship from the best school.
D. To have more time to study.

Dialog 3 for number 7-10!

Zidni : Nice trophy!

Ano : Thanks.

Zidni : It‟s written here “The first winner of Story Telling Competition 2020”.
Don‟t tell me that you won the trophy?
Ano : Yes, I did.

Zidni : Awesome! Congratulations!

Ano : Thank you.

Zidni : Why didn‟t tell me that you join a story telling competition?

If I knew, I would come to see and support you.

Ano: Sorry, I forgot.
Zidni: I hope you win in the next level of story telling competition.
7. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Zidni‟s dream of being a story teller.
B. Zidni‟s participation in competition.
C. Ano’s achievement in contest.
D. Ano‟s plan for his future.
8. Zidni says, “ I hope you win in the next level of story telling
competition.” What does he mean?
A. He congratulates Ano.
B. He wishes the best for Ano.
C. He supports Ano to study English.
D. He agrees with Ano to tell English story.
9. How did Zidni know that Ano won a competition? He knew from….
A. the tropy
B. his friend
C. Ano himself
D. the competition website
10. From the dialog, we know that….
A. story telling competition will be held soon
B. Zidni and Ano used to practice story telling together
C. Ano asked Zidni to watch his performance in a competition
D. Zidni no idea that Ano participated in story telling competition


Answer the following questions based on the dialog!

Agnes : Good morning, Mam.
Mrs. Ana : Good morning Agnes.
Agnes : Can I meet Sarah, Mam.
Mrs. Ana : I'm sorry Agnes. Sarah has been visiting her uncle in Bali. She will be
returning next Friday.
Agnes : I see. I wish I meet Sarah because it's been a while we don't talk to each
Mrs. Ana : Don't worry Agnes. I'll tell Sarah and ask her to visit you as soos as she
arrives home.
Agnes : Thank you, Mam.
1. Where does the dialog take place?
2. Why does Agnes wish to meet Sarah?
3. Who do you think Agnes is?
4. When should Agnes come to Mrs. Ana‟s house if she‟d like to meet Sarah?
5. What will Sarah do after arriving home?

Answer keys:
1. At Sarah‟s house
2. Because she doen‟t talk to Sarah for a while
3. Sarah‟s friend
4. Next Friday
5. She wil visit Agnes‟s house
Kriteria Penilaian:

Pilihan Ganda =10X3 = 30

Essay =5X4 = 20
Total 50
Nilai =
50 x 2 = 100
No Pedoman Penilaian Essay Skor
1 Jawaban benar 4
2 Jawaban mendekati benar 3
3 Jawaban kurang tepat 2
4 Jawaban salah 1
5 Tidak menjawab 0

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