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I. Tujuan Pembelajaran


2.1. Memahami detail spesifik, inti, ide 2.1.1. mengidentifikasi ide utama dari teks
pokok, pengembangan plot, tujuan report yang dibaca
penulis, dan informasi tersirat dari 2.1.2. Menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dan
berbagai berbagai macam teks report tersurat dari teks report
2.1.3. Menganalisis tujuan, struktur, dan ciri
kebahasaan teks report

II. Langkah langkah Pembelajaran

PERTEMUAN KE 1 dan 2 (8 X 45 Menit)
A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Peserta didik merespon apersepsi yang di lakukan oleh guru yang dilanjutkan dengan penyampaian
tujuan pembelajaran.
2. Peserta didik kemudian menjawab pertanyaan pemantik sebagai asesmen awal yaitu “Do you know
about computer? What are the parts and the function of a computer? How do you describe a
computer? Jawaban peserta didik digunakan sebagai dasar guru menentukan pembelajaran

B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Peserta didik membaca teks report mengenai komputer yang ditayangkan guru melalui slide power
point dan juga dengan aplikasi Classpoint.
2. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru mendiskusikan tentang kata-kata sulit yang ada dalam bacaan
3. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru bertanya jawab untuk menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan ciri kebahasaan teks report
4. Peserta didik dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok secara heterogen untuk mendiskusikan
pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru dalam LKPD 1.
(P3- Beriman bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia, Elemen Akhlak
Beragama – sub elemen akhlak kepada manusia – peserta didik memahami dan menghargai
perasaan dan sudut pandang peserta didik lain dalm diskusi kelompok)
5. Masing-masing kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompoknya, dan kelompok lainnya
memberi tanggapan. (Dimensi P3 : Bergotong – royong, Elemen Kolaborasi – Sub Elemen Kerja
sama - membangun tim dan mengelola kerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama sesuai
dengan target yang sudah ditentukan)
6. Peserta didik menganalisis tujuan, struktur, dan ciri kebahasaan teks report di dalam LKPD 2 secara
7. Peserta didik yang belum memahami tentang teks report diberikan kesempatan untuk
menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan konsultasi guru, bagi peserta didik yang sudah mampu
memperkenalkan dirinya sendiri diapresiasi dan dapat membantu temannya

C. Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik secara bersama-sama dengan bimbingan guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran
pada hari ini.
2. Peserta didik dan guru saling memberikan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan
3. Peserta didik memperoleh penguatan atas kesimpulan secara keseluruhan yang dipelajari dan guru
memberikan umpan balik terkait proses dan hasil pembelajaran serta informasi terkait dengan
pertemuan selanjutnya

III. Assesment

1. Asesmen Awal
Asesmen awal dilakukan untuk mengetahui kesiapan peserta didik dalam memasuki
 “Do you know about computer?
 What are the parts and the function of a computer?
 How do you describe a computer?
2. Asesmen Proses
a. LKPD 1
 Keaktifan diskusi
 Mengidentifikasi ide pokok
 Menganalisis informasi rinci dari teks yang dibaca
 Presentasi
b. LKPD 2
 Menganalisis tujuan, struktur, dan ciri kebahasaan teks report
3. Asesmen Akhir
Dilaksanakan Sumative Lingkup Materi
Rancangan Assessment Sumatif
A. Read the following text then choose a, b, c, d, or e for the best answer!
A laptop is a computer which is easy to carry around. Its user can fold the laptop along its hinge
for carrying. The laptop was created mainly for this particular reason. Computer parts were
scaled to smaller size so this could happen.
The first laptop was invented in 1979 by British Designer Bill Moggridge. In 1982, two
computer designers from Microsoft, Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates, started their discussion
concerning a new portable computer. The main thing about the computer was a new LCD
technology. A year later the company launched its TRS-80 Model 100, which was a computer
that looked pretty much like the laptops we know today.
The development of laptops continued with various upgrades and additional functions added.
Laptops have a lot of advantages like:
- People can carry them anywhere, whether office or home.
- They can be used in a smaller space than an ordinary personal computer. At the same time
portable computers have several negative points like:
- Price is higher
- Computer thefts became easier.
- While used in the car they can cause car accidents.
- They break more easily than desktop computers.

1. What kind of text is it?

a. Descriptive text
b. Report text
c. Narrative text
d. Explanation text
e. Exposition text
2. What is the writers intention to write the text?
a. To describe particular thing
b. To describe something in general
c. To entertain someone
d. To explain something
e. To persuade someone
3. The first paragraph is called…
a. Identification
b. Description
c. General classification
d. Orientation
e. Re-orientation
4. The main idea of the second paragraph is…
a. The definition of a laptop
b. The effectiveness of a laptop
c. The history of a laptop
d. The development of a laptop
e. The function of a laptop
5. “A laptop is a computer which is easy to carry around…”. The word carry can be replaced by…
a. Deliver
b. Send
c. Travel
d. Bring
e. Take
6. Arrange these jumbled sentence into a good paragraph!
1. Locomotive are sometimes called engines.
2. There are two types of train, freight and passenger trains.
3. The types of locomotive engines most used today are diesel-electric.
4. Engine that burn diesel fuel drive generators that make electricity. 
5.  Powerful electric motors turn the wheels of diesel-electric locomotive. 
6. A Freight train can have as many as 200 cars hooked together.
7. A train is made up of railroad cars, hooked together and full by locomotive .
8. Passenger trains have seats in row along each side.

a. 7-1-3-4-5-2-6-8
b. 7-1-3-4-5-6-2-8
c. 7-1-3-4-2-5-6-8
d. 7-1-3-4-2-6-5-8
e. 7-1-3-5-4-2-6-8

For number 7 to 10, fill in the blank with a correct word!

A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, cell phone, or cellular telephone) … (7) a very
small portable radio telephone.
The first mobile phone networks were created in the late 1970s in Japan. A cell phone … (8)
technologies, mainly telephone, radio, and computer. Cell phones work as two-way radios. They send
electromagnetic microwaves from base station to base station. The waves are sent through antennas.
This is called wireless communication.
There are different kinds of phones. A flip phone flips open, and is best for calling. A bar phone is …
(9) like a candy bar, and the keys and screen are on one face. A slate phone is a phone that has almost no
buttons, and uses a touchscreen. Most smartphones are slates. A slider phone slides on rails. It can slide
out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do both. A swivel spins on an axle.
Many 21st century mobile phones are smartphones. These phones can be used for email, browsing
the internet, playing music and games, and many other functions that computers can perform. This is
because mobile phones basically are … (10) small computers. Older phones also used computer
technology, but lacked many of the parts of a computer that were too big to fit into a phone. Modern
phone makers have been able to use smaller parts. Most smartphones are also GPS receivers and digital
7. a. is
b. am
c. are
d. was
e. were
8. a. combine
b. combines
c. combining
d. combined
e. is combined
9. a. shape
b. shapes
c. shaped
d. shaping
e. shapely
10. a. big
b. large
c. vast
d. wide
e. small

B. Answer the following questions based on the text you have read!
The plane with largest wingspan ever built was nicknamed the Spruce Goose. The wingspan of the
Spruce Goose was 320 feet (almost 100 meters), and the plane weighed 200 tons. It was so big that it
needed eight engines to power it.
The plane was designed by Howard Hughes in response to a U.S government request for a plane that
was able to carry a large cargo for the war effort. It was made of wood because wood is a less critical
material in wartime than metal
The plane was so difficult to build that it was never really used. It was flown one time only, by Hughes
himself on November 2, 1947; during that flight, it travelled a distance of less that one mile over the Los
Angeles Harbor, but it did fly. Today, the Spruce Goose is on exhibit for the public to see in Long Beach,
1. What is the text about?
2. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
3. According to the text, why did the plane need eight engines to power?
4. What is main idea of paragraph two?
5. “The plane was so difficult to build that it was never really used. It was flown one time only..” the
word it refers to…

1. ………………………………………
2. ………………………………………
3. ………………………………………
4. ………………………………………
5. ………………………………………
6. ………………………………………

Petunjuk Belajar

1. Bacalah petunjuk pengerjaan pada masing-masing tugas dengan benar!

2. Diskusikanlah permasalahan di dalam LKPD dengan teman satu kelompok
3. Tuliskanlah hasil diskusi kalian pada tempat yang telah disediakan!
4. Jika mengalami kesulitan, silahkan bertanya kepada guru kalian!


2.1. Memahami detail spesifik, inti, ide 2.1.1. mengidentifikasi ide utama dari teks
pokok, pengembangan plot, tujuan report yang dibaca
penulis, dan informasi tersirat dari 2.1.2. Menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dan
berbagai berbagai macam teks report tersurat dari teks report
2.1.3. Menganalisis tujuan, struktur, dan ciri
kebahasaan teks report

Task 1 Read the following text then answer the questions!

Software is an instructions that tell a computer what to do. Software comprises the entire set of
programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system. The term was
coined to differentiate these instructions from hardware—i.e., the physical components of a computer
system. A set of instructions that directs a computer’s hardware to perform a task is called a program, or
software program.
The two main types of software are system software and application software. System software
controls a computer’s internal functioning, chiefly through an operating system, and also controls
such peripherals as monitors, printers, and storage devices. Application software, by contrast, directs the
computer to execute commands given by the user and may be said to include any program that processes
data for a user. Application software thus includes word processors, spreadsheets, database
management, inventory and payroll programs, and many other “applications.” A third software category
is that of network software, which coordinates communication between the computers linked in a
Software is typically stored on an external long-term memory device, such as a hard drive or
magnetic diskette. When the program is in use, the computer reads it from the storage device and
temporarily places the instructions in random access memory (RAM). The process of storing and then
performing the instructions is called “running,” or “executing,” a program. By contrast, software
programs and procedures that are permanently stored in a computer’s memory using a read-only
(ROM) technology are called firmware, or “hard software.”

Questions :

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
3. How many types of a software and what are they?
4. Is software an important part of a computer? Why or why not?
5. “When the program is in use, the computer reads it from…” . What does it refers to?




Petunjuk Belajar

1. Bacalah petunjuk pengerjaan pada masing-masing tugas dengan benar!

2. Kerjakan masing-masing tugas secara mandiri!
3. Tuliskanlah hasil pemikiran kalian pada tempat yang telah disediakan!
4. Jika mengalami kesulitan, silahkan bertanya kepada guru kalian!


2.1. Memahami detail spesifik, inti, ide 2.1.1. mengidentifikasi ide utama dari teks
pokok, pengembangan plot, tujuan report yang dibaca
penulis, dan informasi tersirat dari 2.1.2. Menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dan
berbagai berbagai macam teks tersurat dari teks report
report 2.1.3. Menganalisis tujuan, struktur, dan ciri
kebahasaan teks report

Task 1 Read the following text then analyze the generic structures of it!

Computer hardware Generic structures

Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of
the physical components of an analog or digital computer. The
term hardware distinguishes the tangible aspects of a computing
device from software, which consists of written, machine-readable
instructions or programs that tell physical components what to do
and when to execute the instructions.
Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal
or external components. Generally, internal hardware components
are those necessary for the proper functioning of the computer, while
external hardware components are attached to the computer to add
or enhance functionality.
Internal components collectively process or store the
instructions delivered by the program or operating system (OS).
These include motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, Solid-state drive
(SSD), Optical Drive, Heat Sink, Graphic Processing Unit, and
Network interface card (NIC). Other computing components, such
as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chips, are also types of
internal hardware.
External hardware components, also called peripheral
components, are those items that are often externally connected to
the computer to control either input or output functions. These
hardware devices are designed to either provide instructions to the
software (input) or render results from its execution (output).
Common input hardware components include mouse, keyboard,
microphone, camera, touchpad, USB flash drive, memory card. Other
input hardware components include joysticks, styluses and scanners.
Examples of output hardware components include monitor, Printer,
Speaker, and Headphones, earphones, earbuds.

Task 2 Read the following text then analyze the underlined words, whether it includes in
the general nound, relating verbs (to be, seem, look, appear, grow), simple present tense,
or technical term/vocabulary!

Computer hardware Language Features

Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of 1. ….
the physical components of an analog or digital computer. The
term hardware distinguishes the tangible aspects of a computing 2. …
device from software, which consists of written, machine-readable
3. …
instructions or programs that tell physical components what to do
and when to execute the instructions.
Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal 1. ….
or external components. Generally, internal hardware components
are those necessary for the proper functioning of the computer, while 2. ….
external hardware components are attached to the computer to add
or enhance functionality.
Internal components collectively process or store the 1. ….
instructions delivered by the program or operating system (OS).
These include motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, Solid-state drive 2. ….
(SSD), Optical Drive, Heat Sink, Graphic Processing Unit, and
Network interface card (NIC). Other computing components, such
as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chips, are also types of
internal hardware.
External hardware components, also called peripheral 1. ….
components, are those items that are often externally connected to
the computer to control either input or output functions. These 2. ….
hardware devices are designed to either provide instructions to the
3. ….
software (input) or render results from its execution (output).
Common input hardware has some components which are mouse,
keyboard, microphone, camera, touchpad, USB flash drive, memory
card. Other input hardware components include joysticks, styluses
and scanners. Examples of output hardware components include
monitor, Printer, Speaker, and Headphones, earphones, earbuds.


Task 1

1. The topic of the text is about software

2. The writer’s intention is to describe software in general
3. There are 3 types of software which are system software, application software, and network software
4. Yes, it is. Because software is a part of a computer. A computer can not run well if there is no software
in it.
5. The word it refers to the program.

Task 1

Masing-masing jawaban betul nilai 2

Masing-masing jawaban salah nilai 0
Jadi, skor task 2 = 10



Computer hardware Generic structures

Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of General Classification
the physical components of an analog or digital computer. The
term hardware distinguishes the tangible aspects of a computing
device from software, which consists of written, machine-readable
instructions or programs that tell physical components what to do
and when to execute the instructions.
Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal Description
or external components. Generally, internal hardware components
are those necessary for the proper functioning of the computer, while
external hardware components are attached to the computer to add
or enhance functionality.
Internal components collectively process or store the Description
instructions delivered by the program or operating system (OS).
These include motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, Solid-state drive
(SSD), Optical Drive, Heat Sink, Graphic Processing Unit, and
Network interface card (NIC). Other computing components, such
as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chips, are also types of
internal hardware.
External hardware components, also called peripheral Description
components, are those items that are often externally connected to
the computer to control either input or output functions. These
hardware devices are designed to either provide instructions to the
software (input) or render results from its execution (output).
Common input hardware components include mouse, keyboard,
microphone, camera, touchpad, USB flash drive, memory card. Other
input hardware components include joysticks, styluses and scanners.
Examples of output hardware components include monitor, Printer,
Speaker, and Headphones, earphones, earbuds.


Computer hardware Language Features

Computer hardware is a collective term used to describe any of 1. General noun
the physical components of an analog or digital computer. The
term hardware distinguishes the tangible aspects of a computing 2. Present tense
device from software, which consists of written, machine-readable
3. Technical term
instructions or programs that tell physical components what to do
and when to execute the instructions.
Computer hardware can be categorized as being either internal 1. Technical term
or external components. Generally, internal hardware components
are those necessary for the proper functioning of the computer, while 2. Relative verb
external hardware components are attached to the computer to add
or enhance functionality.
Internal components collectively process or store the 1. Present tense
instructions delivered by the program or operating system (OS).
These include motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, Solid-state drive 2. Technical term
(SSD), Optical Drive, Heat Sink, Graphic Processing Unit, and
Network interface card (NIC). Other computing components, such
as USB ports, power supplies, transistors and chips, are also types of
internal hardware.
External hardware components, also called peripheral 1. General noun
components, are those items that are often externally connected to
the computer to control either input or output functions. These 2. Technical term
hardware devices are designed to either provide instructions to the
3. Present tense
software (input) or render results from its execution (output).
Common input hardware has some components which are mouse,
keyboard, microphone, camera, touchpad, USB flash drive, memory
card. Other input hardware components include joysticks, styluses
and scanners. Examples of output hardware components include
monitor, Printer, Speaker, and Headphones, earphones, earbuds.

Masing2 jawaban betul nilai 2,5
Jadi, skor task 1 = 4 x 2,5 = 10

Task 2
Masing-masing jawaban betul nilai 1
Masing-masing jawaban Salah nilai 0
Jadi, skor task 2 = 10

Jumlah Skor Task 1,2

Nilai = x 10=100

Rubrik Penilaian Profil Pelajar Pancasila

 Dimensi P3- Beriman bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia, Elemen Akhlak
Beragama – sub elemen akhlak kepada manusia – peserta didik memahami dan menghargai
perasaan dan sudut pandang peserta didik lain dalm diskusi kelompok
 Dimensi P3 Bergotong-royong (membangun tim dan mengelola kerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan
bersama sesuai dengan target yang sudah ditentukan)

Dimensi Beriman bertaqwa kepada

Dimensi Bergotong-royong Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak
Nama Peserta
Dalam Belum Dalam Belum
Berkembang Berkembang
proses Berkembang proses Berkembang

M. Rinzal √ √ √ √ √ √

a) Definition
Report text is a text which describe something as the way it is. It is as a result of systematic observation
and analyses.

b) Social Function
To describe something in general

c) Language Feature
- Focus on generic participant
- Use simple present tense
- Use technical term
- Use relative verb
- Use general noun
d) Generic structure
 General classification : Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place,
plant, etc which will be discussed in general
 Description : tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits
or behaviors


Computer (noun)

Hardware (noun)

Software (noun)

Operating (adjective)

General (noun)

Description (noun)


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