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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X Multimedia/1 (satu)
Materi Pokok : Ungkapan Selamat (congratulation)
Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 45 Menit (2 X pertemuan)
Tahun Pelajaran : 2018/2019

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI.3 Pengetahuan : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi
tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, operasional
dasar, dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup
kajian/kerja Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detil, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga,
sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional, regional,
dan internasional.
KI.4 Keterampilan : Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat,
informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian/kerja
bahasa Inggris. Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan
dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan
standar kompetensi kerja. Menunjukkan keterampilan
menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif,
produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif,

B. Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 Pengetahuan : Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat
bersayap (extended), dan responnya, sesuai dengan konteks
4.2 Keterampilan : Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan
selamat bersayap (extended), dan responnya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.2 Pengetahuan : 1) Menyebutkan jenis-jenis ucapan selamat yang digunakan
dalam kegiatan sehari-hari
2) Menyebutkan jenis-jenis respon ucapan selamat yang
digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.
3) Menjelaskan fungsi sosial Ungkapan ucapan selamat
yang digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

4.2 Keterampilan : 1) Melengkapi dialog ungkapan selamat tentang

2) Menyusun dialog yang berhubungan dengan ucapan
3) Menampilkan dialog percakapan ucapan selamat
(congratulation) dengan teman sejawat di depan kelas.
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
3.2 Pengetahuan : 1) Disediakan dialog, peserta didik dapat menyebutkan jenis-
jenis ungkapan ucapan selamat dengan tepat dan
2) Disediakan dialog, peserta didik dapat menyebutkan jenis-
jenis respon ungkapan ucapan selamat dengan tepat dan
3) Disediakan dialog, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan fungsi
sosial dengan tepat dan bertangungjawab.

4.2 Keterampilan : 1) Disediakan beberapa dialog, peserta didik dapat

melengkapi ungkapan ucapan selamat dan responnya
dengan benar dan bertangungjawab.
2) Disediakan dialog acak, peserta didik dapat menyusun
kembali dialog ungkapan ucapan selamat dengan tepat
dan bertangungjawab.
3) Setelah menyusun dialog, peserta didik dapat
menampilkan dialog ungkapan ucapan selamat didepan
kelas dengan tepat dan percaya diri.

E. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Materi Pembelajaran Reguler
 Fungsi sosial ungkapan selamat (congratulation)
Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation
when she or he succeeds in doing something. Social function of
congratulation is to express the someone succeeds in doing something.

 Struktur Teks ungkapan selamat (congratulation)

Ungkapan selamat (congratulation)
Expression Responding
 Congratulation  Thank you
 Congratulation on your ...  Thanks a lot
 May i congratulation you on ....  Thank you so much
 Well done!  Thanks.
 You did it!  It's very good of you to say so
 That ‘s fantastic!  Thank you, I can't forget your help
 That’s marvellous! to me
 That’s great!  How nice of you to say so
 Thank you very much for saying so
 That’s wonderful!
 I'm glad you think so
 That’s exciting!
 Oh, actually it's nothing special
 Fantastic job!  Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
 You must be very happy with  Oh, not really
your achievement.  Oh, nothing to it, actually
 I'd like to congratulate you on
your accomplishment!
 Please accept my warmest
 I must congratulate you on your
 Happy Birthday
 Happy New Year
 Happy Eid Mubarak
 Happy Anniversary
 Let me congratulate you
 I would be the first to
congratulate you on...
 I would like to congratulate you
 Please accept mywarmest
 May I congratulate you.
 It was great to hear about...
 Well done!

 Dialog ungkapan selamat (congratulation)

Read the text carefully. Pay attention to the expression used to congratulate people.
Pay attention also to the responses.

After a long struggle and hard work, ALif is finally appointed as the director of a national
company here he works. Many of his friends who work at the same company congratulate
Samuel : Alif, congratulations. You deserved it, man.
ALif : Thank you very much. This is because you always help me.
Sinta : I am very happy for you, Alif. Now, That you are the director of the
company, I believe the company will develop even faster.
Alif : (Replies with a happy tone) thank you. I cannot forget your
collaboration with me, and I will still need your help.
Other friends shake his hands and congratulate him too.
Deni : That’s wonderful, ALif.
Alif : Oh, Thanks
Santi : Good for you. Good Luck.
Alif : Thank you very much.
Bejo : Well done
Alif : Thank you for saying so
Ivan : That was great. You must be very proud of your achievement.
ALif : Thanks. I am glad you think so. But I still have to learn a lot.
His staff also congratulate him
Eny : Please accept my warmest congratulations, sir
ALif : It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you.
Bintary : I must congratulate you on your success.
Alif : Thank you very much for saying so.


Answer the following questions.

1. Why do all of those people congratulate ALif?
2. What expressions do they use to congratulate Alif?
3. How does ALif respond to their congratulating expressions?
4. What is the social purpose of congratulating people?
5. When do we congratulate people?
6. What are the expressions commonly used to congratulate people.

Complete the following table with the expression of congratulations and the
responses you find in the proceeding dialogs. The first row is done for you.

Congratulating expression Responses

Congratulations! You deserved it, man Thank you very much. Your support
means a lot.

Match the expression on the right column to their suitable situation on the left

Situation Expression
1. A classmate of yours gained a perfect score of TOEIC a. Congratulations on
2. You give compliment to your friend’s new hairstyle. your success!
3. Your fellow is very fashionable and well dressed. b. What a decent
4. One of your schoolmates won a medal in the national uniform!
science Olympiad. c. You look great!
5. You like your brother’s uniform. d. We did it!
6. The headmaster has just been chosen as the e. You look charming.
headmaster of the year in the regency. f. Congratulations!
7. Our school basketball team defeated a strong g. Well done!
opponent. h. Thank you very
8. The neighbor of yours has just bought a new car much.
9. The school authority will open a student canteen as i. Fantastic!
soon as possible. j. It’s great to hear it.
10. Your response to someone’s

In group, discuss how you express congratulation for the situation
1. Graduation : ______________________________________
2. Engagement : ______________________________________
3. Wedding : ______________________________________
4. Birthday : ______________________________________
5. Getting a good score : _________________________________
6. Winning Competition : __________________________________
7. Newly born baby : __________________________________
8. Passing the exam : __________________________________
9. Independence day : __________________________________
10. Mother day : __________________________________
11. New Year : __________________________________
12. Soft opening : __________________________________
13. Getting Promotion : __________________________________
Complete these dialogue below with the suitable expression of congratulation!

Dian : Hi, Yuni. What’s your

daughter doing these days?
Yuni : Oh, She’s in college. In fact,
she plans to graduate this
Diana : that’s (1) must be
very proud of her.

Ru di : you look gorgeous in this

wedding dress! (2) .......
Ian : Thank you very much,(3) ....  Congratulation
 Wonderful
 I’m glad you
think so
 New hair cut
 mentioning

Ihsan : you look so cute in the (4) ...

Ali : Oh, Thanks for (5) ......that.
by the way, congratulations
for the first prize. Great job,
Ihsan : Thanks

Jagat : Hey, Puja, (6) … ! I just heard that you gained the highest score on the
English Test.
Puja : (7) … , Jagat.
Jagat : Well, Because you had prepared very hard for it, I think you deserve your
Puja : I (8) … your saying that.

Thank congratulation appreciate

Fuad : Hi. Abdel. (9) … ?

Abdel : Oh, I’m going to take the driving test tomorrow.
Fuad : that’s great, Abdel. (10) …..

What’s new good luck

Arrange the jumble dialog into a good expression of congratulation.
Dialog 1

A : You are a very lucky person. I am sure you will be successful there.
A : Congratulations, Susan! I heard that you are getting a job promotion and will be
placed inNew
York. Is that true?
B : Yes, it is true. I am very happy and can't wait to move to New York
B : Thanks, James.

Dialog 2
A : I met your parents at the market, and they told me about it. It's so happy for you.
I hope you will become successful architect.
A : For your graduation.
A : Congratulations, Bobby
B : What for?
B : Thank you very much, Gina

Dialog 3
Ican : “It is about Rose. She accepted me as her boyfriend.”
Ican : “Thanks!”
Ican : “Hello, jacky ! I am so happy to day.”
Jacky : “What is it going on, friend?”
Jacky : “Well, that’s great! Congratulation, man.”

Dialog 4
Mr. Smith : “Hello, Honey. I got a good news for you. Do you want to hear it?”
Mr. Smith : “I got a promotion. My boss said that he is going to promote me as the
manager soon.”
Mrs. Smith : “Sure, What is it?”
Mrs. Smith : “Oh dear. What a good news. Congratulation honey! I am so glad to hear
Mrs. Smith : “Thanks baby.”


Perform the dialog in front of the class with his/her partner.

2. Materi Pembelajaran Pengayaan

 Ungkapan Selamat (congratulation)

3. Materi Pembelajaran Remedial

 Ungkapan selamat (congratulation)

F. Model dan Metode Pembelajaran

Model : Discovery Learning
Metode : Diskusi, Penugasan dan Performance.
G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke- 1 (3 x 45 Menit)

1. Kegiatan Awal/Pendahuluan
Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Nilai PPK Waktu
 Peserta didik merespon salam  Religious 10
 Peserta didik berdoa menurut agama dan  Kemandirian menit
kepercayaannya masing-masing.
 Siswa menyiapkan peralatan belajar (buku, kamus
dan alat tulis lainnya)

2. Kegiatan Inti
No Tahapan Langkah-langkah Nilai PPK Waktu
Kegiatan pembelajaran
1 Pre Activities  Peserta didik menjawab  Kemandirian 10
pertanyaan yang  kerjasama Menit
berhubungan dengan topik
yang akan disampaikan
oleh guru
 Peserta didik menerima
informasi tentang tujuan
pembelajaran yang akan
 Peserta didik Membentuk
2 While Activities
 Stimulation  Peserta didik Mencermati
dialog ungkapan ucapan 95
selamat yang disajikan Menit
 Secara berpasangan,
peserta didik membaca
dialog ungkapan ucapan

 Problem  Peserta didik secara  Kerjasama

Statement berkelompok mengajukan  Kemandirian
pertanyaan tentang
ungkapan ucapan selamat
dan responnya yang
digunakan di dalam dialog.

 Data  Peserta didik secara

collection berkelompok,
Menyebutkan jenis-jenis
ungkapan ucapan selamat
dan responnya
 Peserta didik secara
berkelompok, berdiskusi
menjelaskan fungsi dan
tujuan dari ungkapan
ucapan selamat
 Peerta didik secara
berkelompok, mencari
ungkapan ucapan selamat
yang lain dalam kehidupan
 Verification  Peserta didik secara
menyampaikan hasil
diskusi tentang jenis-jenis
ungkapan selamat dan
 Peserta didik
menyampikan hasil diskusi
tentang fungsi dan tujuan
dari ungkapan ucapan
 Peserta didik mengucapkan
ungkapan selamat secara
lisan dengan benar dengan
teman sejawat.

 Generalization  Peserta didik dapat

Praktikan ungkapan
ucapan selamat secara
 Peserta didik dapat
menyimpulkan hasil
rangkuman ungkapan
ucapan selamat dan
3 Post-activities  Peserta didik 10
menyimpulkan materi yang Menit
telah dipelajari
 Peserta didik
menyampaikan refleksi
pembelajaran yang telah

3. Kegiatan Penutup
Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Nilai PPK Waktu
 Peserta didik mendapatkan tugas individu dari guru  Religious 10
 Peserta didik mendapatkan informasi dari guru menit
untuk mempelajarai materi yang sudah diajarkan
 Peserta didik berdoa menurut agama dan
kepercayaannya masing-masing bahwa proses
pembelajaran berkahir
Pertemuan Ke- 2 (3 x 45 Menit)
1. Kegiatan Awal/Pendahuluan
Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Nilai PPK Waktu
 Peserta didik merespon salam  Religious 10
 Peserta didik berdoa menurut agama dan  Kemandirian menit
kepercayaannya masing-masing.
 Siswa menyiapkan peralatan belajar (buku, kamus
dan alat tulis lainnya)

2. Kegiatan Inti
No Tahapan Langkah-langkah Nilai PPK Waktu
Kegiatan pembelajaran
1 Pre Activities  Peserta didik bertanya  Kemandirian 10
jawab tentang materi yang Menit
telah diajarkan
2 While Activities
 Stimulation  Peserta didik
(Pemberian mendengarkan percakapan 95
Rangsangan) ucapan selamat melalui Menit
video pembelajaran.

 Problem  Peserta didik secara

Statement berkelompok mengajukan
(Identifikasi pertanyaan tentang
Masalah) ungkapan ucapan selamat  Kerjasama
yang digunakan dalam  Kemandirian
percakapan melalui video.

 Data  Peserta didik secara

collection berkelompok, melengkapi
(Mengumpulk dialog tentang ucapan
an Informasi) selamat
 Peserta didik secara
berkelompok, menyusun
dialog acak tentang ucapan
 Peserta didik secara
berpasangan menentukan
pilihan dialog yang sesuai
untuk ditampilkan.

 Verification  Peserta didik secara

(Pembuktian) berkelompok
menyampaikan hasil
diskusi tentang melengkapi
ungkapan selamat dan
responnya dengan tepat
 Peserta didik
menyampikan hasil diskusi
menyusun kalimat acak
menjadi sebuah dialog
tentang ucapan selamat.
 Generalization  Peserta didik
(menarik menyimpulkan hasil
Kesimpulan) tentang melengkapi dan
menyusun dialog
ungkapan ucapan selamat.
 Peserta didik menampilkan
dialog yang dipilih didepan
kelas secara berpasangan.

3 Post-activities  Peserta didik 10

menyimpulkan materi yang Menit
telah dipelajari
 Peserta didik
menyampaikan refleksi
pembelajaran yang telah

3. Kegiatan Penutup
Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran Nilai PPK Waktu
 Peserta didik mendapatkan tugas individu dari guru  Religious 10
 Peserta didik mendapatkan informasi dari guru menit
untuk mempelajarai materi yang sudah
diajarkan/akan diajarkan untuk pertemuan
 Peserta didik berdoa menurut agama dan
kepercayaannya masing-masing bahwa proses
pembelajaran berkahir

H. Alat/ Bahan dan Media Pembelajaran

Media : Power point tentang dialog ungkapan ucapan selamat,
dialog tentang ungkapan selamat (congratulaiton),
Alat/Bahan :  Laptop, LCD, White Board, spidol dll.

I. Sumber Belajar
Sumber Belajar :  Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016.
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X . Jakarta: Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016.
Bahasa Inggris Kelas X: Buku Guru. Jakarta:
Kementerian Pendidikan danKebudayaan.
 Otong setiawan, Dkk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris Kelas
X. Jakarta : Yrama Widya.
 Internet

J. Penilaian
1. Penilaian Pembelajaran
a. Teknik Penilaian :
 Penilaian Sikap/Karakter : Observasi
 Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tertulis
 Penilaian Keterampilan : Tes Praktik/Unjuk Kerja
b. Instrumen Penilaian
1) Instrumen Penilaian Sikap
Jurnal Penilaian Sikap
No Waktu Nama Catatan prilaku Butir sikap

Jurnal Perkembangan Karakter

Hari/Tanggal :
Sikap yang Sikap yang perlu
No Nama Kelas
unggul/unik bimbingan

2) Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan.

No Indikator Teknik
Pencapaian Penilaian Instrumen
1 Menyebutkan Tes tulis Multiple 1. Situation.
jenis-jenis choice Siti has just got the first
Ungkapan prize in the “Bakiak Race”
Selamat tentang to celebrate Indonesia
keberhasilan Independence Day. Beni
Congratulates her. What
does Beni say to
congratulate siti?
Beni : “ .....?”
Siti : Thank you.”
a. Surre, Good Luck
b. Congratulate to siti
c. Congratulations, Siti
d. Thanks, I will do my

Albert : Hi, George. What’s

your son doing
these days?
George : Oh, she’s in
college. In fact, she
plans to graduate
this june.
Albert : That’s
_______________! You
must be very proud
of her.
2. What is the best
expression to complete the
dialog above?
a. Thanks you
b. Good job
c. Congratulation
d. Wonderful
Deni : That’s wonderful, Alif.
Alif : Oh, Thanks
Santi : Good for you. Good
Alif : Thank you very much
Bejo : Well done.
Alif : Thank you for saying
Ivan : that was great. You
must be very
proud of your
Alif : Thanks. I’m glad you
think so.
But, I still have to
learn a lot.

3. Which one is the

expression of
congratulation in the
dialgue above?
a. Thanks
b. That’s wonderful
c. That was great
d. Well done

2 Menyebutkan Tes tulis Multiple 4. Situation

Jenis-jenis choice Fadel is going to
respon participate in the story
ungkapan telling competition.
selamat tentang Dara shows her hope that
keberhasilan Fadel will get a prize. The
Fadel : “Dara, wish me
luck. I will take
part in the story
Dara : “ ..... I Hope you
will win the
a. Thank you very much
b. I hope so
c. I’m sorry
d. Sure, good luck

5. Jhon : I Heard that your

class get the best
participant in English
Students : Yes, sir.
Jhon : wow. I say
congratulate for your class.
Good luck!
Students : ........
a. That’s very kind of you
b. Thank you
c. I don’t believe
d. Sure.

Dika : I won the

competition yesterday.
Hendri : Really? That’s very
great. Please accept my
warmest congratulations
Dika : ....
Hendri : you are welcome
6. What is the best response
of the dialogue above?
a. Thanks for saying so
b. I hope you say so
c. Oh, don’t mention it
d. That’s very great
3 Menjelaskan Tes Tulis Multiple Riska : Is it true what the
fungsi sosial teks Choice newspaper’s
ucapan selamat. headline said?
Andi : What news?
Joko : The news about you
are winning the
national novel writing
competition. Is it really
Andi : Yeah. It is me.
Riska : Congratulations! We’re
happy for
Andi : Thanks a lot guys.
Joko : It’s a terrific job, Andi.
Andi : Oh, no, I guess it’s just
my luck.

7. What is the purpose of the

Riski’s statement of dialog
a. Asking someone’ help
b. Expression of
c. Congratulation
d. Riska’s news

Edo : “Happy Birthday, Lia.”

Lia : thank you Edo. You
are the first who
congratulate me.”
Edo : “Oh really? Here is a
little present
for you. I hope you
like i.”
Lia : ‘thank you very
much. You are
really my best
8. What is the aim of the
underlined word?
a. To respond the
b. To express the
c. To express the enjoying
d. Lia’s responding to
express the

Bobot Penilaian multiple choice :

Nomor 1 – 8= Masing-masing skor 20.
Nilai maksimal = 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
Nilai siswa = = 𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
x 100

3) Instrumen Penilaian Keterampilan

No Indikator Teknik
Pencapaian Penilaian Instrumen
1  Menyusun dialog Tes Tertulis Arrange the jumble
acak tentang Praktik/ sentence into good
ungkapan selamat Unjuk dialogue!
(congratulation) Kerja - Thanks, James.
- Congratulations,
Susan! I heard that
you are getting a job
promotion and will
be placed in New
York. Is that true?
- You are a very lucky
person. I am sure
you will be
successful there.
- Yes, it is true. I am
very happy and can't
wait to move to New
 Menampilkan dialog Tes Performance In pair, Practice the
percakapan ucapan Praktik/ dialog in front of the
selamat Unjuk class.
Kreteria speaking skill.

Aspek yang
No Kriteria Skor
Hampir sempurna 5
Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak
mengganggu makna
Pengucapan Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu
1 3
(pronounciation) makna
Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna 2
Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu
Hampir sempurna 5
Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak
mengganggu makna
Intonasi Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu
2 3
(intonation) makna
Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna 2
Terlalu banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu
Sangat lancer 5
Lancar 4
3 Cukup lancer 3
Kurang lancer 2
Tidak lancer 1
Sangat teliti 5
Teliti 4
4 Cukup teliti 3
Kurang teliti 2
Tidak teliti 1

Skor Penilaian : Jumlah Skor x 100 = .............


2. Remedial
 Peserta didik yang belum tuntas diremedial dengan cara: Dimulai dengan
pembelajaran indikator/materi yang belum tuntas dan diakhiri dengan tes
tertulis/ penugasan.
 Soal Remedial :
Tuti : How is your business, Ria? - It’s good
Ria : ....(1) I’ve sold 100 items these two - Popular
days business
Tuti : Congratulation! That’s a ...(2) right - Thanks a lot
Ria : .....(3)

3. Pengayaan
 Peserta didik yang sudah tuntas diberi tugas lain untuk memperdalam materi
yang sudah dipelajarinya.
 Contoh soal :
Complete the following conversations with your own words.
Rudi : Hi Ben. How are you?
Ben : Hi, You look great in that black jacket.
Rudi : .....(1) saying so.
Ben : I’ve never seen you in that outfit. Is it new?
Rudi : My sister bought it for me when she went to singapore.
Ben : Oh, I see
Rudi : Look. What a nicee new hair style! Where did you have a haircut? I
it a lot
Ben : ....(2) think so. My brother did it. I can ask him to do yours if you want
Rudi : Yes, please. Look! Andi is coming.
Ben : Hi andi, I heard you won the speech contest last month.
Rudi : Fantastic! It’s a great job, Bro !
Andi : Oh, thanks. It’s ....(4) actually.

Bengkulu, 14 Agustus 2018

Mengetahui, Guru Mata Pelajaran,
Kepala SMK N 1 Ketahun

Alfian, S.Pd, M.Pd Nurohiman, S.Pd, M.Pd

NIP. 19680404 199702 1 003 NIP. 19850410 201001 1 012

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