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The honorable, guests....

Ladies and Gentlemen, all the guests and audiences... We would like to welcome you all to
Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School. Thank you very much for attending our invitation.”
For those outside, we expect you to come in, and have a seat.
The Quran Graduation Ceremony and The Release of The 6th Grade Students of Amanah Bunda
Tahfidz School, in the Academic Year 2022/2023, on Saturday, 24th June 2023, is about to
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim “assalamu’alaikum wr. wb’’

‫ِاَّن الحمد هلل نحمده ونستعنه ونستغفره ونعوذ باهلل من شرور انفسنا ومن سيئات اعمالنا من يهدهللا فال مضل له ومن يضلل فال‬
‫ها دي له اشهد ان ال اله اال هللا واشهد ان محمدا عبده ورسوله‬

Let us pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his blessing and mercy, we can come together
here in this event especially for Quran graduation ceremony and the release of the 6 th grade
students of Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School

Let us greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW (who had brought us to the path
of light and left the darkness in this life).

The honorable Owner of the Islamic Education Foundation Faqih Sahal, Ust. Sulaeman, M. A
and our beloved headmaster of Amanah Bunda Tahfidz school: Mr. Hadi Sabili, S.Sos

The honorable all of teachers of Amanah Bunda Tahfidz school, and also all parents and students
of Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School whom happy today. InsyaaAllah.

Bertabur rasa penuh bahagia, marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah swt,
bahwasannya berkat limpah kasih sayang-Nya, kita dapat berkumpul dalam kesempatan yang
luar biasa ini, yaitu dalam acara wisuda Quran dan pelepasan siswa kelas 6 Amanah Bunda
Tahfidz School Pada hari Sabtu, 24 Juni 2023.

Sholawat serta salam marilah senantiasa kita sanjungkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi besar
Muhammad SAW yang selalu kita tunggu syafaatnya hingga hari akhir nanti.
Adapun susunan acara pada hari ini adalah:
 Pembukaan
 Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan lantunan ayat suci Al Quran (Ananda Zio Grade 3)
 Selanjutnya menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dan Himne Guru
 Acara selanjutnya, yaitu Sambutan kepala sekolah
 Penampilan Pidato oleh Ananda Ayyash dan Tasmi’ by Takhasus Class
 Penampilan Quran Translation oleh Ananda Miza dan Ziva
 Acara dilanjutkan dengan prosesi Wisuda Quran perwakilan dari siswa/i berprestasi dan
diiringi dengan Pelepasan Siswa Kelas 6 Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School
 Menyanyikan lagu “Aku ingin jadi hafidz Qur’an”
 Acara selanjutnya yaitu penampilan kembali dari siswa/I ABTS, pembacaan tufathul
athfal dan khitabah oleh Ananda Darrell
 Acara yang ke-9 Penyampaian nasihat perpisahan oleh ustadzah Ana dilanjutkan dengan
sambutan dari perwakilan wali siswa kelas 6
 Selanjutnya penyerahan beasiswa Pendidikan oleh pembina Yayasan Faqih Sahal
 Penutup serta Doa akan menjadi acara terakhir
Let us begin our event today by reciting Ummul Quran Suratul fatihah, ala haadzihinniyyah wa
ala kulli niyyatin shaalihah al faatihah
Today we will witness the graduation of our beloved students who have been working very hard
for this years to achieve well.
Next, we would like to invite Our beloved student, Zio... to recite QS. Mujadalah Ayat 11-12
Dear Zio, please time is yours.
Thank you for Zio

Now, singing National Anthem (Indonesia Raya). For Kayyesa, please come to the front as
drigent. And All audience we please you stand up together

The next agenda is singing the Himne Guru. The students who gets duty, please proceed to the
Thank you for all the students...

Next agenda, We would like to invite Mr Hadi Sabili, S.Sos (the Principal of Amanah Bunda
Tahfidz School) to deliver his speech. Mr Hadi is kindly requested to proceed to the stage.
Thank you for Mr. Hadi Sabili
Now, we are going to watch some speech from our student that will be delivered by Ayyash
Hanif Abdullah. For Ayyash, the time is yours.
Thank you for your nice speech dear, Ayyash

For the next agenda is tasmi’ qur’an by takhossus class for Khairina, Gendhis and Ayyash.. the
time is yours
Thank you for your nice speech dear, Khairina, Gendhis and Ayyash

The next performance is Quran Translation by Miza and Ziva. For both of you the time is yours.
Thank you Miza and Ziva.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to have Qur’an Graduation Procession. And this will
be followed by farewell program of the 6th grade students of Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School.
Para Ayah dan Bunda, saat ini adalah Prosesi Wisuda Qur’an dan akan dilanjutkan dengan
prosesi perpisahan siswa kelas 6 Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School.
We would like to invite Mr. Hadi Sabili, Ust. Sulaeman and Ustadzah Ana to proceed to the
Prosesi Wisuda Quran dan Perpisahan Siswa Kelas 6 Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School. Kepada
Siswa-Siswi yang dipanggil, harap maju ke atas panggung.
1. Ayyash Hanif Abdullah Penghargaan akan diberikan oleh Ust. Hadi Sabili. S.Sos
(kalungin, salim, foto)
2. Genish Reinata Jaya Wardani Penghargaan akan diberikan oleh Ustadzah Ana (kalungin,
salim, foto)
3. Khairina Salsabila Penghargaan akan diberikan oleh Ust, Sulaeman (kalungin, salim,
Acara yang selanjutnya adalah Pemberian Penghargaan kepada Siswa Amanah Bunda Tahfidz
School yang telah menyelesaikan target capaian sekolah.
Penghargaan berupa medali dan sertifikat Kepada Siswa Penerima Golden Ticket (telah
mencapai target hafalan selama 1 tahun):
(diumumkan menggunakan file berbeda) (girls Ustadzah Rizka) (boys Ust. Rizki)
Penghargaan berupa sertifikat Kepada Siswa yang telah menghafal selama 1 tahun (yang akan
diberikan oleh Ustadzah Churul. S.Pd., Al Hafidzoh kepada siswa-siwi ABTS)
(diumumkan menggunakan file berbeda) (girls Ustadzah Rizka) (boys Ust. Rizki)
Kami, segenap Guru dan staff Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School mengucapkan Terima kasih
kepada seluruh Orang Tua yang telah membina dan membimbing anak-anak dalam
menyelesaikan target hafalan Qur’an anak=anak. Semoga Allah merahmati usaha kita semua
dalam memdidik putra-putri bangsa penghafal Quran yang gemilang.

Let us now listen to the graduates’ final song entitled Aku ingin jadi hafidz qur’an. To all
students who have duty, please proceed to the stage.

For the next agenda, we are going to watch some speech by Darrell. For Darrell, the time is
Thank you Darrell, for your insirational speech
The next performance is tufathul athfal recitation by An Nahl and Maryam Class’ Students. To
all of students the time is yours.

To inspire our Graduates, we shall now hear important messages from two of our distinguished

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present ustadzah ana (the home room teacher of takhasus class). To
Ustadzah Ana, we proceed you to the stage.

Another messages will be given by our supportive parents. To Gendhis’s Father, we proceed you
to the stage.

Thank you very much for the very inspiring and insightful messages you imparted. May Allah
surely guide our graduates as they tread a new path in their lives. May your messages motivate
them to strive harder.

Terima kasih banyak atas pesan-pesan yang sangat inspiratif dan berkesan ini. Semoga Allah
akan selalu membimbing lulusan kami saat mereka menapaki jalan baru dalam hidup mereka.
Semoga pesan Bu Ana selaku wali kelas 6 dan petuah dari Ayah Gendhis selaku perwakilan wali
siswa dapat memotivasi semua siswa-siswi Amanah Bunda Tahfidz School untuk senantiasa
berusaha lebih giat untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam menghafal Al Qur’an.

For the next agenda is the announcement of educational scholarships, which will be given by
ustadz Sulaeman. Please to Ust. Sulaeman, we proceed you to the stage.

Acara selanjutnya adalah pengumuman beasiswa pendidikan yang akan disampaikan oleh Ust.
Sulaeman selaku Pembina Yayasan Faqih Sahal. Kepada Ust. Sulaeman, kami persilahkan.

Terima kasih kami haturkan, dan selamat kepada siswa-siswi oenerima beasiswa, semoga hal
tersebut bermanfaat untuk keberkahan kita semua. Aamiin Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalamiin.
Alhamdulillah, we already at our last agenda... We would like to invite al mukarrom Ustadz
Yusuf to lead Doa for us. Ustadz Yusuf please proceed to the stage.

Thank you for Ust. Yusuf and all Audiens...

This is the end of our graduation, we hope that the graduates can be the khalifah in the future.

Lets close this event today by reciting hamdalah.

We are Rizka Hanifah and Rizki Agustian as master ceremony of this event would like to say

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wb.

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