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THE ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE MAIN ENGINE NIIGATA 8MG40X AFTER TURBOCHARGER RETROFITTING Created by Suendar, Bogi Akhmad Subject Keyword : : Permesinan : Performa Mesin ; Retrofitting Turbocharger

Description :
Kapal Kirana II milik PT. Dharma Lautan Utama mengalami kerusakan turbocharger pada mesin induk no 1, karena suku cadang yang sulit untuk didapatkan maka diputuskan untuk mengganti turbocharger atau retrofitting dari Niigata Napier NHP50AL menjadi BBC VTR 401. Retrofitting turbocharger tersebut menyebabkan perubahan performa mesin pada kapal tersebut. Maka dari itu dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini akan dibahas bagaimana perubahan performa mesin akibat retrofitting tersebut. Pengerjaan ini menggunakan perhitungan Grinevetsky-Mazing Method dan juga analisa berdasarkan catatan log book kamar mesin dari kapal tersebut. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh hasil bahwa performa mesin setelah retrofitting turbocharger lebih bagus, dimana daya yang dihasilkan lebih besar dibandingkan sebelum retrofitting turbocharger. Demikian juga hasil catatan di log book kamar mesin yang menyatakan bahwa performa mesin setelah retrofitting turbocharger lebih bagus, ini dapat dilihat dengan fuel rack yang sama diperoleh putaran mesin yang lebih tinggi dan juga tekanan udara yang dihasilkan turbocharger juga lebih besar, serta kecepatan servis yang dihasilkan juga lebih tinggi.

Description Alt:
PT. Dharma Lautan Utamas ship, Kirana II, have turbochargers damaged on main engine number one. Difficulty to get spare parts is the reason why PT. Dharma Lautan Utama exchange the turbochargers engine. Peoples also known this(exchange the turbocharger) as a retrofit. The type of turbocharger before retrofitting is Niigata Napier NHP50AL and the new ones is BBC VTR 401. The turbocharger retrofit has caused engines perform changed. Accordingly, in this final project will discussed about how engines perform changed because of the retrofit. Grinevetsky- Mazing Method and also log books note from engine room of the ship was used in this final project. As a result of calculation, engine performance after retrofit is better than before retrofit. Engine producing powers bigger than before retrofit. It also can be seen from the log books note in engine room, which is show engines perform is better after retrofitting. From the same quantity of fuel rack, engine perform a higher rotation and also air pressure that produced by the turbocharger is bigger. Consequently, service speed of the ship is also increase

Contributor Date Create Type Format Language Identifier

: Ir. Toni Bambang Musriyadi, PGD <br> Ir. Indrajaya Gerianto, MSc : 25/11/2008 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Undergraduate-3100008031786

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: 3100008031786 : RSSP 623.87 Sue a : Undergraduate Theses of Marine Engineering Department, RSSP 623.87 Sue a, 2008 : ITS Community : Copyright @2008 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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