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Beberapa istilah

Pendidikan (education) Pelatihan (training) Pengajaran (teaching) Pembelajaran (instruction) Belajar Tujuan instruksional umum (TIU)/ SK & KD) Tujuan instruksional khusus (TIK)/ Indikator

Pendidikan; usaha yg dilakukan oleh

seseorg/sekelompok org utk mempengaruhi seseorg/sekelompok org lain agar menjadi dewasa atau mencapai tingkat hidup dan penghidupan yg lebih tinggi dlm arti mental.
Pembelajaran (instruction); serangkaian

peristiwa/kegiatan yg memiliki tujuan agar terjadi proses belajar. Tujuannya membantu org utk belajar.
Mengajar (teaching); proses transfer pengetahuan/informasi oleh guru kepada siswa.

a relatively permanent change in behavior or behavioral ability of an

individual that occurs as a result of experience. (Behaviorism)

a process of relating new material to previously learned information or is

a relatively change in mental structures (schema) as a result of experience, therefore instruction should provide experiences that facilitate mental processing, storing, and recalling of new information.In cognitive learning theory, it is believed that learning occurs when a learner processes information. The input, processing, storage, and retrieval of information are the processes that are at the heart of learning. (Cognitivism)

acquisition of those behavior patterns which society expects. (Koszalka,

2004). Observation and modeling of behavior, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others is the basis of social learning. Learning is thus a combination of watching, thinking and trying. Social learning refers to learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating behaviour observed in others. (Social learning theory)


10% dari apa yg kita baca 20% dari apa yg kita dengar 30% dari apa yg kita lihat 50% dari apa yg kita lihat dan dengar 70% dari apa yg kita katakan 90% dari apa yg kita katakan dan lakukan


Menarik perhatian Memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran Merangsang ingatan pd prasyarat belajar Menyajikan bahan perangsang Memberikan bimbingan belajar Mendorong kinerja Memberikan umpan balik Menilai kinerja Meningkatkan retensi dan alih belajar

Keefektifan Efisiensi Daya tarik


TEORI BELAJAR (Deskriptif): tujuan

utamanya menerangkan proses belajar


tujuan utamanya menetapkan metode pembelajaran yg optimal sehingga dpt mempengaruhi org lain agar terjadi belajar.

Taksonomi/Hasil Belajar
Benjamin S. Bloom (Kognitif, Afektif,

Robert M. Gagne (Informasi verbal,

Keterampilan Intelektual, Strategi Kognitif, Sikap, dan Keterampilan Motorik)



Evaluation Utilization Management


Instructional Design (ID) Instructional Development (ID) Instructional Systems Design (ISD)

Whats ID?
Instructional Design as a Process
is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.

Instructional Design as a Discipline

is the branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies.

Instructional Design as a Science

is the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of situations that facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter at all levels of complexity.

Whats ID? (lanjutan)

An organized procedure that includes the steps of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating instruction. How to plan, develop, evaluate and manage the instructional process effectively so that it will ensure competent performance by students. The systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instructional into plans for instructional materials and learning. Concerned with understanding, improving, and applying methods of instruction. The function of ID is more on application of theory, rather than a theory itself.

Analyze - analyze learner characteristics, task to

be learned, etc. Design - develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach Develop - create instructional or training materials Implement - deliver or distribute the instructional materials Evaluate - make sure the materials achieved the desired goals

Langkah-Langkah Rancangan Pembelajaran

Menganalisis Karakteristik Mahasiswa Mengidentifikasi Tujuan Pembelajaran Melakukan Analisis Pembelajaran Menulis Tujuan Khusus Pembelajaran

Mengembangkan Instrumen Penilaian

Mengembangkan Strategi Pembelajaran Mengembangkan dan Menulis Materi Pembelajaran Merancang dan Melaksanakan Evaluasi Formatif Merevisi Pembelajaran Merancang dan Melaksanakan Evaluasi Sumatif

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