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Respon 1 :

Jelaskan definisi darah !

Sebutkan komponen darah !
Jelaskan fungsi darah !
Sebutkan proses pembekuan darah !
Faktor pembekuan darah !
Sebutkan zat penting untuk pembentukan sel darah merah !
Jelaskan tentang Anemia :
Pembuluh getah bening
Lymphatic Vessels
Fungsi sistem limfa
Mengembalikan cairan & protein
dari jaringan ke sirkulasi darah
Mengangkut limfosit
Membawa lemak emulsi dari usus
Menyaring dan menghancurkan
mikroorganisme untuk
menghindarkan penyebaran
Menghasilkan zatantibodi
Pembuluh limfatik

Saluran limfe
terdapat hampir
pada semua organ
kecuali pada saraf
Pembentukan dan komposisi cairan
Cairan limfe berasal dari cairan interestial yang masuk ke dalam
sistem limfatik
Komposisinya hamper sama dengan cairan
interstial.namun,konsentrasi protein cairan limfe dapat
berbeda,tergangtung dari jaringannya.
Protein cairan interstial pada sebagian besar jaringan 2 gr/dl sehingga
konsentrasi protein cairan limfe hamper sama dengan nilai ini. tetapi
cairan limfe yang dibentuk dihati mempunyai konsentrasi 6
gr/dl,disaluran cerna 3-4 gr/dL
Konsentrasi elektrolit kation plasma hanya sedikit lebih tinggi
dibandingkan pada cairan limfe,sedangkan Cl dan bikarbonat pada
cairan limfe sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding plasma.
Cairan limfe juga mengandung factor pembekuan dan antibody,sel
yaitu limfosit(paling banyak),monosit,makrofag dan sel plasma.
Bila dalam cairan limfe ditemukan eritrosit ke pendarahan bila
ditemukan granulosit ke infeksi
Lymphatic nodes
Fungsi :
(1)They act as lymph
filters - Makrofag
(2)They help activate
the immune system
- Lymphocytes
Kandung Empedu
Terletak tepat di bawah hati dan
berfungsi menyimpan empedu
yang diproduksi hati.Kandung
empedu bisa menyimpan
sekitar 0,4 liter empedu. Hati
menghasilkan sekitar satu liter
empedu setiap hari.
Empedu adalah cairan hijau
kekuningan (kadang-kadang
kehitaman) yang diperlukan
untuk pencernaan makanan
berlemak di usus kecil. Selain
mengandung air (95%), empedu
juga mengandung kolesterol,
garam empedu, garam mineral
dan pigmen
Fungsi kandung empedu :
It stores some of the breakdown
products of red blood cells for later
reuse (for example, it salvages iron for
making hemoglobin) and releases
others to the blood for processing by
the liver.
It is a site of erythrocyte production in
the fetus (a capability that normally
ceases after birth).
It stores blood platelets.
(bahasa Inggris:thymus,
bahasa Yunani:,
tumos- hati, jiwa,
keinginan, kehidupan)
adalah sebuah kelenjar
yang terletak di depandada
, yang mencapai berat
maksimalnya saatmanusia
memasuki masapubertas.
Hingga saat ini, fungsi
kelenjar diketahui hanya
sebagai tempat produksisel
Tyang dibutuhkan di
dalamsistem kekebalan
The term most commonly refers
specifically to thepalatine tonsils,
which are masses of lymphatic
material situated at either side at
the back of the human throat. The
palatine tonsils and the
nasopharyngeal tonsil are
lymphoepithelial tissues located
near theoropharynxand
are theimmune system's first line
of defense against ingested or
inhaled foreignpathogens.
Gangguan klinik :
1. Mononucleosis A viral disease common in adolescents
and young adults; symptoms include fatigue, fever, sore
throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Caused by the Epstein-
Barr virus, which is transmitted in saliva (kissing disease)
and specifically attacks B lymphocytes. (These lymphocytes
were originally misidentified as monocytes: mononucleosis
= a condition of monocytes.) Usually lasts four to six weeks.
2. Sentinel node The first node that receives lymph drainage
from a body area suspected of being cancerous. When
examined for presence of cancer cells, this node gives the
best indication of whether metastasis through the lymph
vessels has occurred.
3. Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen due to
accumulation of infectious microorganisms; typically caused
by septicemia, mononucleosis, malaria, or leukemia.
4. Tonsillitis (Inflammation of the tonsils, typically due to
bacterial infection; they become red, swollen, and sore.
Gall stone = batu empedu
an infectious condition called filariasis;
swelling (due to edema) reaches enormous
Hodgkins disease
A malignancy of lymphoid
tissue; symptoms include
swollen, nonpainful lymph
nodes, fatigue, and often
tent fever and night
sweats. Infection with
Epstein-Barr virus (see
mononucleosis below)
and genetic susceptibility
appear to be predisposing
Treated with
chemotherapy and
radiation; high cure rate.
Includes all cancers of lymphoid tissues except
Hodgkins disease.
Involves uncontrolled multiplication and metastasis
of undifferentiated lymphocytes, with swelling of
the lymph nodes, spleen, and Peyers patches;
other organs may eventually become involved.
The fifth most common cancer. A high-grade type,
which primarily affects young people, grows quickly
but is responsive to chemotherapy; up to a 75%
remission rate.
A low-grade type, which affects the elderly, is
resistant to chemotherapy and so is often fatal.
Any disease of the lymph nodes.
Any neoplasm (tumor) of the lymphoid
tissue, whether benign or malignant.

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