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Mahasiswa dapat :
Menginterpretasi kondisi dan posisi dari gigi
impaksi dari foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi anomali gigi dan rahang dari
foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi infeksi rahang dari foto
Menginterpretasi kista rahang dari foto
Mahasiswa dapat :
Menginterpretasi tumor rahang baik jinak maupun ganas
pada foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi penyakit tulang yang bermanifestasi pada
tulang rahang pada foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi penyakit sistemik yang memberikan
manifestasi di rahang pada foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi fraktur gigi dan rahang pada foto radiografis
Menginterpretasi kelainan/penyakit sinus paranasal, radiologi
kelenjar saliva, dan TMJ pada foto radiografis

1. Oral Radiology : Principles and Interpretation. 7th Ed. White
and Pharoah. Mosby. 2014.
2. Essential of Dental Radiography and Radiology. 4th Ed. Eric
Whaites. ChurchillLivingstone. 2007.
3. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine : Radiology. Friedrich A
Fasler. Thieme. 1993.
4. Panoramic Radiology : Seminar on Maxillofacial Imaging and
Interpretation. Editor : Alan G Farman. Springer. 2007.
5. Radiographic Imaging for the Dental Team. 4th Ed. Miles,
Van Dis, Williamson, Jensen. Elsevier. 2009
6. Radiology for Dental Professional. 9th Ed. Frommer,
Stabulas-Savage. Mosby. 2011
7. Essential of Dental Radiography for Dental Assistants and
Hygienists. 9th Ed. Evelyn M. Thomson, Orlon N Johnson.
Pearson. 2012
8. Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology. Friedrich A Pasler, Heiko
Visser. Thieme. 2007
9. Radiography and Radiology for Dental Care Professionals.
2nd Ed. Eric Whaites. Churchill Livingstone. 2009
10. Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology. 2nd Ed.
Freny R Karjodkar. Jaypee. 2009
11. Textbook of Dental Radiology. 2nd Ed. Pramod John R.
Jaypee. 2011
Jadwal Perkuliahan
No. Tanggal Materi Dosen
1. 4 November Pengarahan drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
2015 - Anomali gigi dan rahang
2. 11 November Impaksi gigi drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
2015 Infeksi rahang
3. 18 November Kista rahang drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
2015 Tumor rahang
4. 25 November Tumor rahang (lanjutan) drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
2015 Fraktur gigi dan rahang
Kelainan/penyakit sinus paranasal ,
radiologi kelenjar saliva dan TMJ
5. 2 Desember - Penyakit pada tulang yang drg. Tyas Hestiningsih
2015 bermanifestasi di tulang rahang
- Penyakit sistemik yang
bermanifestasi di tulang rahang
6. 9 Desember Presentasi mahasiswa drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
7. 16 Desember Presentasi mahasiswa drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
8. 23 Desember Review dan Kuis drg. Shanty Chairani, M. Si.
Ketentuan umum
Mahasiswa harus menginterpretasikan 2 gambar panoramik
dengan lesi tertentu
Gambar bisa berasal dari jurnal, website. Tidak boleh dari text
book. Beri keterangan darimana sumber gambar
Kualitas gambar harus baik
Tugas diketik dalam bentuk microsoft Word kertas A4, font 12
times new roman, spasi 1,5, semua hardcofy dan softcopynya
(dalam bentuk 1 cd) dikumpulkan pada tanggal 2 Desember
Tiap topik antar mahasiswa harus berbeda
Ketentuan khusus
Mahasiswa harus menginterpretasikan :
Semua kelainan yang terdapat pada gigi, tulang alveolar, dan
tulang rahang
Deskripsi lesi harus lengkap dan sistematis
Topik gambar
Infeksi : 5
Kista rahang : 10
Tumor rahang :14
Penyakit sistemik yang bermanifestasi di rahang : 10
Penyakit tulang yang bermanifestasi di rahang : 10

Understanding the nature of the radiographic

image and interpreting the information contained
within, it requires a knowledge of:
The radiographic shadows
The three-dimensional anatomical tissues
The limitations imposed by a two-dimensional
picture and superimposition.
Radiographic Interpretation

1. Recognize the type of radiography being

2. Recognize the position of patient, film and tube
3. Recognize the radiographic appearances of
normal anatomical structures (including
anatomy variance or physiologic changes)
4. Recognize the typical patterns and
appearances of different diseases
Systematic Approach
Of Radiographic Interpretation
Radiographic Interpretation
A systematic description of a lesion in
radiographic image should include its:
1.Localize the abnormality :
a. Localized or generalized
If generalized a metabolic or endocrine
abnormalities of bone
If localized : unilateral or bilateral
Radiographic Interpretation
1. Localize the abnormality
b. Position in the jaw
In soft tissue or within the jaw? Maxilla or
mandible? Anterior or posterior?
Wheres the epicenter of the lesion?
If its coronal to a tooth or above inferior alveolar
canal (IAC) odontogenic in origin
If its below IAC non odontogenic in origin
If its within IAC neural/vascular in origin
c. Single or multiple
d. Size
Radiographic Interpretation
2. Assess the periphery and shape
a. Well defined or ill defined
If well defined :
A punched-out border : a sharp boundary in which no
bone reaction adjacent to the lesion
A corticated margin : a thin, fairly uniform radiopaque
line of reactive bone at the periphery of a lesion
A sclerotic margin : a wide, radiopaque border of
reactive bone, that usually is not uniform in width
A radiopaque lesion may have a soft tissuse capsule
radiolucent line at the periphery of lesion
If ill defined mostly in acute infection,
malignant lesions
Radiographic Interpretation
2. Assess the periphery and shape
b. Shape
Particular shape or irregular?
Circular or scalloped?
Radiographic Interpretation
3. Analiyze the internal structure
a. Totally radiolucent
b. Totally radiopaque
c. Mixed radiolucent and radiopaque
Posibble internal structure :
- Septa multilocular
- A difference in the number, length, width, and orientation of
the trabeculaer ex. fibrous dysplasia
- Sementum has a homogeneous,dense, amorphous
structure, usually round and oval shapes
- Tooth structure : internal density is equivalent to tooth
structure and greater than the surrounding bone
Radiographic Interpretation
4. Analiyze the effect of the lesions on adjacent
surrounding structures
Teeth, lamina dura, and periodontal membrane
space displacement, destruction, widening?
Surrounding bone density and trabecular pattern
corticated, sclerotic?
Inferior alveolar nerve canal and mental foramen
widening, displacement?
Outer cortical bone and periosteal reactions
expansion, destruction, widening?

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