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Stimulasi Refleks

Dewi Herdiyanti (021411007)

Nabila Claudya (021411024)
Oktavyan Wibisono (021411026)
Gerak Refleks
Definisi :
Gerak refleks merupakan respon dari
sistem saraf terhadap stimulus yang
bersifat tiba tiba/mendadak.

fungsi :
sebagai pertahanan dan tidak
dilakukan dengan perencanaan.
Refleks Arc / Lengkung
Berdasarkan Prosesnya

Gerak Refleks pusat

Berdasarkan Jumlah
sinaps dalam lengkung
Berdasarkan Prosesnya
Refleks sederhana : refleks yang tidak di pelajari
Contohnya : refleks saat kita mengedipkan mata jika ada
benda yang tiba2 menuju ke arah kita

Refleks dipelajari : refleks yang pernah terjadi

sebelumnya dan di ingat oleh otak
Contohnya : refleks saat menghindari lubang saat
Berdasarkan Pusat Intergrasinya

Refleks kranial
refleks yang terjadi dengan melibatkan sebagian kecil dari
Contohnya : bersin

Refleks spinal
Refleks yang terjadi tanpa melibatkan otak dan hanya
melalui spinal cord
Contohnya : refleks menarik tangan saat terkena api
Berdasarkan Jumlah Sinaps Dalam
Lengkung Refleksnya

Refleks yang melibatkan hanya satu sinaps.
Contohnya : refleks hammer patella

Refleks yang melibatkan 2 atau lebih sinaps.
Contohnya : refleks saat menarik tangan jika terkena
Refleks pada bayi

Muncul pada saat perkembangan dalam kandungan dan

setelah lahir, hilang setelah umur bayi 6 bulan.
Berpusat di medulla spinalis dan juga brain stem.
Berlangsung beberapa bulan
Terinhibisi dan akan di gantikan dengan refleks postural
Berhubungan dg perkembangan postur tubuh,
keseimbangan, kemampuan motorik (sistem visual)
Refleks pada

Refleks Primitif Refleks Postural

Refleks Primitif

1. Moro Reflex

1. Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)

3. Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)

4. Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)

Refleks Postural

1. Head Righting Reflex

2. Refleks Landau
Primitive Reflexes
Palmar Grasp
Asymmetric Tonic Neck
Symmetric Tonic Neck
Plantar Grasp
Palmar Mental
Primitive Reflexes ~ Palmar Grasp
Stimulus / S: Palm stimulated
Response R: 4 fingers (not thumb) close

Duration After birth- 5-6 months postpartum

Concerns No palmer grasp may indicate neurological problems (spasticity)

Problem with handwriting
Problem with motorskill
Other One of the most noticeable reflexes
May lead to voluntary reaching / grasping
May predict handedness in adulthood
Primitive Reflexes ~ Sucking
Stimulus / S: touch of lips
Response R: sucking action
Duration In utero - 3 months postpartum
Concerns No reflex problematic for nutrition
Other Often in conjunction with searching reflex
Primitive Reflexes ~ rooting
Stimulus / S: touch cheek
Response R: head moves toward stimuli
Duration Weeks prenatal - 3 months postpartum
Concerns problematic eating
Speech problem
Other Often in conjunction with sucking reflex.
Contributes to head/body-righting reflexes.
Primitive Reflexes ~ Moro
Stimulus / S: Suddenly but gently lower babys head S: Hit surface
Response beside baby R: Arms and legs
Duration Prenatal 2-6 months postpartum

Concerns May signify CNS dysfunction if lacking

May signify balance if persists
May delay sitting & head control if persists

Other Reaction time increases with age Preceeds startle reflex

Primitive Reflexes ~ Asymmetric Tonic Neck
Stimulus / S: Prone/supine position, turn head to one side
Response R: Limbs flex on one side, extend on other side
Duration 18 weeks in utero 3 months
Concerns Problem with handwriting
Hard to turn right or left
Balance problem
Other Also called bow and arrow or fencers position
Primitive Reflexes ~ Symmetric Tonic Neck
Stimulus / S: Baby sitting up and tip forward
Response R: Neck and arms flexy, legs extend
S: Baby sitting up and tip backward
R: Neck and arms extend, legs flex
Duration 6 9 months
Concerns Persistence may lead to many motor skills
problem and cause spinal flexion deformities
Primitive Reflexes ~ Plantar Grasp
Stimulus / S: Touching the ball of foot
Response R: Toes grasp
Duration Birth 1 year
Other Must disappear before the baby can stand
or walk.
Primitive Reflexes ~ Babinski
Stimulus / S: Stroke bottom or lateral portion of foot
Response R: Great toe turns downward
Duration Birth 4 months
Concern If persistence, lead to abnormal and sign
problem in brain and spinal cord.
Primitive Reflexes ~ Palmar Mental

Stimulus / S: Scratch base of palm

Response R: Lower jaw opens and closes
Duration Birth 3 months
Postural Reflexes

Head and Body Righting
Pull Up
Postural Reflexes ~ Stepping
Stimulus / S: Infant upright with feet touching surface
Response R: Legs lift and descend
Duration After birth 5-6 months
Other Sometimes called walking reflex
Developmental changes in reflex over time
Postural Reflexes ~ Crawling
Stimulus / S: Prone position on surface, stroke
Response alternate feet
R: Legs and arms move in crawling action
Duration Birth 3-4 months
Concerns Precursor to later voluntary creeping
Postural Reflexes ~ Swimming
Stimulus / S: Infant held horizontally
Response R: Arms and legs move in coordinated
swimming type action
Duration 2 weeks after birth 5 months
Other Recognition of reflex led to popularity of
infant swim programs
Postural Reflexes ~ Head and Body Righting
Stimulus / S: Supine, turn body in either direction
Response R: Head rights itself with the body
S: Supine, turn head in either direction
R: Body rights itself with the head
Duration Head:1-6 months; Body: 5 months-1 year
Other Related to voluntary rolling movements.
Postural Reflexes ~ Parachuting
Stimulus / S: Off balance in upright position R:
Response Protective movement in direction of fall
Duration 4 months 1 year
Concerns If persistence, symptom of CP
Would be asymmetrical in spastic hemiplegia
Other Also called propping reflex
Occurs downward, sideways, & backward
Postural Reflexes ~ Labyrinthine
Stimulus / S: Baby held upright, tilted in one direction R: Baby tilts
Response head in opposite direction

Duration 2-3 months 1 year

Concerns Problem of posture

Problem of balance
Problem of coordination and vestibular
Other Also considered primitive reflex
Postural Reflexes ~ Pull Up
Stimulus / S: Sitting/standing, hold hands, tip in one
Response direction
R: Arms flex or extend in to maintain
upright position
Duration 3 months 1 year
Concerns Related to upright posture
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