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Structures of

Wind Blade and

Concrete for

Khoirun Naima
Melinda Dwi Lestari
Wind Turbine Blade
Perthitungan Wind Power

Power we rwe
the rinntth=eh
Wind id
Ket. :

 = Density Udara = kg/ m3

A = Swept Area = πR2 = m2
V = Kecepatan Angin = m/s R
Berbagai Bentuk Blade…

Kelebihan dan kekurangan
Kelebihan Kekurangan Kelebihan Kekurangan
Menara tinggi, sehingga kec. Menara yg tinggi sulit Menara yg rendah Menara rendah, sehingga
angin jg tinggi diangkut mudah diangkut kec.angin jg rendah

Efisiensi > TASV Terpengaruh oleh Tidak terpengaruh oleh Efisiensi < TASH
arah aliran arah aliran
menangkap aliran udara

Bisa Skala besar maupun Tingkat kebisingan Tingkat Kebisingan Untuk Skala besar, sulit
kecil tinggi Rendah untuk didesain → hanya
untuk skala kecil

Torsi Awal tinggi sehingga Perawatan sulit Perawatan lebih mudah Torsi Awal rendah,
tidak membutuhkan energi sehingga membutuhkan
ekstra untuk berputar energi ekstra untuk
Mengapa biasanya jumlah
blade PLTB berjumlah 3?
tidak 1, 2, 4 atau lebih??
This is the reason
1 Blade 2 Blade 3 Blade 4 Blade/lebih
1. Rotor harus bergerak lebih 1. Rotor harus bergerak lebih 1. Tidak terlalu cepat, 1. Mengunakan baling
cepat untuk menangkap cepat untuk menangkap tidak terlalu lambat lebih banyak dapat
jumlah angin yang banyak, jumlah angin yang banyak, meningkatkan kinerja
sehingga: sehingga: 2. Biaya efektif dan turbin angin. Tetapi
a. Rasio Gearbox a. Desain Blade harus tidak terlalu mahal biayanya tidak murah
berkurang dibuat lbh rumit agar
b. Penambahan bobot mendapat angin yang lbh 3. Mendapatkan 2. Struktur tiang turbin
penyeimbang besar power yang cukup angin akan
c. Kecepatan yang lebih b. Membutuhkan biaya yg untuk mengerakan bermasalah bila tidak
tinggi berarti lebih lbh banyak turbin di dirikan di pondasi
banyak dampak c. Bising yang kuat.
kebisingan, visual, dan 4. Perawatan lebih
satwa liar 2. Ketika baling berputar lebih murah, 3. Posisi baling lebih
cepat, tekanan atau stres meminalkan banyak harus
2. Blade lebih mudah pada poros turbin harus kerusakan struktur menahan tekanan
dipasang karena seluruh rotor dibuat lebih kuat dan lagi dan mesin turbin lebih besar. Bila
dapat dipasang di tanah lagi biaya perawatan lebih terjadi badai,
mahal. 5. Tidak menganggu diperkirakan turbin
3. Menangkap energi 7% lingkungan angin dengan baling
lebih sedikit daripada desain 3. Butuh hub dan/atau lebih banyak akan
dua blade peredam kejut karena rusak
gangguan keseimbangan
4. Pada akhirnya tidak gyroscopic
memberikan penghematan
biaya 4. Menangkap energi 3% lebih
sedikit dari desain 3 blade
Terbuat dari bahan apa
saja blade turbin angin ?
Kayu Logam Fiberglass

1. Kuat, ringan, murah, 1. Baja 1. Ringan, kuat, murah, dan

berlimpah, fleksibel - Berat & mahal good fatigue
2. Populer dg do-it yourself 2. Aluminium characteristic
3. Papan padat - Lebih ringan dan mudah 2. Dapat dibuat dg berbagai
4. Laminasi dikerjakan proses:
5. Veneer - Mahal - Kain di atas bingkai
6. Komposit - Bergantung pd metal - Pultrusion
fatigue - Filamen untuk
menghasilkan spar
3. Sebagian besar turbin
modern menggunakan
Wind turbine blades

Bilah turbin angin adalah struktur kompleks yang desainnya melibatkan

dua aspek dasar, yaitu:
1. Pemilihan bentuk aerodinamis
2. Konfigurasi struktural dan pemilihan bahan (untuk memastikan bentuk
dan bahan yang ditentukan dapat bertahan untuk umur yang
Aerodinamis adalah ilmu fisika yakni cabang ilmu
mekanika fluida yang mempelajari ttg udara yg

Mempelajari : Sifat-sifat udara dan reaksi-reaksi dan

akibat-akibat yg timbul dari gerakan udara terhadap
benda yang dilalui oleh udara tersebut.

Faktor yg mempengaruhi:
-Suhu udara
-Tekanan udara
-Kecepatan udara
-Kerapatan udara Gaya Aerodinamis pd Turbin
Angin ada 2:
1. Drag
2. Lift
Lift & Drag Forces
• Lift/gaya angkat adalah gaya
yg tegak lurus dengan arah α = low
gerakan angin. We want to
make this force is BIG

α = medium
<10 degrees

• Drag/gaya Seret adalah gaya yg α = High

sejajar dengan arah gerakan
angin. We want to make this Stall!!
force is SMALL.
Airfoil Shape
Sama seperti sayap pesawat
terbang, bilah turbin angin
menggunakan bentuk airfoil untuk
menciptakan daya angkat dan
memaksimalkan efisiensi

The Bernoulli Effect

Lift/Drag Forces
Experienced by
Turbine Blades
Twist & Taper
•Kecepatan udara dari suatu titik pada
blade berubah seiring jarak dari hub
•Oleh karena itu, rasio kecepatan tip
juga bervariasi
•Untuk mengoptimalkan sudut serangan
di sepanjang blade, ia harus berputar
dari akar ke ujung



Tip-Speed Ratio
• Rasio kecepatan tip adalah rasio
kecepatan ujung pisau berputar
terhadap kecepatan angin aliran bebas. R
• Ada sudut serangan optimal yang
menciptakan rasio angkat dan seret
• Karena angle of attack tergantung pada
kecepatan angin, ada rasio kecepatan tip
yang optimal

Ω = Kecepatan rotasi = radians /sec
R = Radius rotor
V = Kecepatan angin “Free Stream”
Performance Over Range of Tip Speed Ratios

• Variasi Koefisien Power (Cp) dg Tip Speed Ratio

• Kurva karakteristik Cp vs Tip Speed Ratio
Betz Limit
Semua tenaga angin tidak
dapat ditangkap oleh rotor
atau udara akan benar-
benar masih di belakang
rotor dan tidak
memungkinkan lebih
banyak angin untuk lewat.

Kebanyakan turbin angin

modern berada dalam
kisaran 43-50% (Hau, E. Wind Turbines,
Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics,
2nd ed.; Springer:Berlin, Germany, 2006.)
Rotor Solidity
Soliditas adalah rasio total
area rotor planform
terhadap total area sapuan
Low solidity (0.10) = high speed, low torque

High solidity (>0.80) = low speed, high torque Solidity = 3a/A

Pitch Control Mechanisms
Some Wacky Ideas…
Manufacturing Blades

Cetakan blade dilapisi dengan lapisan fiberglass, kemudian disuntikkan dengan resin
epoksi. Untuk meningkatkan kekakuan, lapisan kayu ditempatkan di antara lapisan
fiberglass. Kedua cetakan disatukan dan direkatkan menggunakan epoksi cair
khusus, yang menyatukan kedua sisi blade secara merata.

Finally, seluruh cetakan dipanggang seperti kue! 8 jam pada 70˚C

Manufacturing Blades

Sebelum pengiriman, sampel bilah rotor harus melalui berbagai uji statis dan
dinamis. Pertama, mereka mengalami 1,3 kali beban operasi maksimum. Untuk
mensimulasikan 20 tahun material fatigue, bilah-bilah tersebut kemudian dipasang
pada tempat uji khusus dan dibuat untuk bergetar sekitar dua juta kali, sebelum
ketahanan bahan diuji lagi dengan uji statis akhir.

Blade dicat putih, kemudian dikirim ke wind farm di seluruh dunia.

PLTB Sidrap
PLTB pertama di Indonesia ini terdiri dari
30 turbin angin, dengan tiang berukuran
tinggi 80 meter dengan panjang satu blade
57 meter. Satu turbin tersebut ber
kapasitas 2,5 MW dan dibangun di atas
lahan seluas 100 ha, dengan jarak antar
turbin mencapai 300 meter.

Baling-baling tersebut diproduksi oleh

perusahaan asal Spanyol bernama Gamesa.
Dan khusus untuk tiang, didatangkan dari
Serang di Banten.
Concrete in Hydropower

A diversion, sometimes called

run-of-river, facility channels a
portion of a river through a canal
or penstock. It may not require
the use of a dam but also has
limited flexibility to follow peak
variation in power demand.
Thus, it will mainly be useful for
baseload capacity. This scenario
results in limited flooding and
changes to river flow.

In the United States, many of the dams in the Pacific Northwest (on the
Columbia and Snake Rivers) are diversion or run-of-river dams, with
limited or no storage reservoir behind the dam. The figure below shows a
picture of a diversion hydro-power facility. Compare what that facility looks
like with the picture of Hoover Dam, the impoundment facility shown
A “pumped storage” hydro dam combines a small storage reservoir with
a system for cycling water back into the reservoir after it has been
released through the turbine, thus “re-using” the same water to generate
electricity at a later time. When the demand for electricity is low (typically
at night), a pumped storage facility stores energy by pumping water from
a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. During periods of high electrical
demand (typically during the day), the water is released back to the lower
reservoir to generate electricity.

The figure below shows a

schematic of a pumped storage
hydro facility. Pumped storage
facilities are typically smaller in
terms of generation capacity than
their impoundment or diversion
counterparts, but are sometimes
combined with impoundment or
diversion facilities to increase
peak power output or flexibility.
Type of Dam

Arch Dam
Buttress Dam
Coffer Dam
Diversion Dam
Embankment Dam
Gravity Dam
Industrial Waste Dam
Masonry Dam
Overflow Dam
Regulating (Afterbay) Dam
Saddle Dam (or Dike)
Hydropower Dam
An impoundment facility, typically
a large hydro-power system, uses
a dam to store river water in a
reservoir. Water released from the
reservoir flows through a turbine,
spinning it, which in turn activates
a generator to produce electricity.

Generation may be used fairly

flexibly to meet base load as
well as peak load demands.
The water may also be
released either to meet
changing electricity needs or to
maintain a constant reservoir
The Constituents of Concrete
Cement is A hydraulic binder, which means that it reacts
chemically with water and hardens permanently into a strong,
durable mess.

Minerals in cement:
1. kalsium-silikat
2. kalsium alumina
3. alkali – K2O dan Na2O
4. CaOH

Pozzola is not a hydraulic binder, but contains silicious matter

having the ability to ract with the calcium hydrates formed
during cement hydration, converting these into stronger and
more resistant calcium silicates.

Natural pozzola such as volcanic ash or ground pumice.

Three most important types of pozzolana:

1. silica fume
2. pulverized fly ash (PFA)
3. pulverized blast furnace slag

(Sand, gravel, crushed rock) is decisive in determining both the

technical and economic succes of a concrete structure.

Aggregate influence the concrete mainly by three different

1. The type of rock
2. The shape of the individual grains
3. The grain size distribution curve – gradation curve
Figure 1. The distribution curves for sand for normal concetres

In general, water fit for consumption is fit for concrete. Sea

water should not be used.

Water containing much silt or mud may reduce concrete

strength. Desilting arrangements must be considered in such

Water from areas where the ground may contain harmful

minerals, salts or organic acids should be checked for
sustability before use.

Are products that are added to the mix in order to change or to obtain
certain effects or properties.

1. plasticizers/ water reducers

2. air-endtraining agents
3. accelerators
4. retarders
5. admixtures for underwater concreting (Anti Washout Admixture/ AWA)
Water/ Cement Ratio (w/c ratio)
Fresh concrete – Criteria for Mix Design

An important factor in mix design is the ratio between water dan binder.
As long as the only binder is cement, the term w/c ratio cannot be
misunderstood. With the increasing use of pozzolana as binder in
addition to the cement, the term w/b ratio is now widely used. The term
w/c ratio as used in this book shall be interpreted to include pozzolana.

1. Durability
2. Strength
Type of Structure

The type of structure may influence mix design. Large massive

structures pose other requirements than slender ones, mixes
for heavily reinforced structures will be different from sparsely
reinforced ones.

1. Massive Structures
2. Slender, Heavily Reinforced Structures
3. Structures with Requirements to Surface Finish
Workability/ Consistency

The term workability is used to describe how well, or with what

ease, the concrete can be made to fill the form and to be
compacted and finished.

Consistency as measured with the slump cone is probably the

most widely used criterion.

The vebe-apparatus is used for very low-slump or no-slump

concrete, while a flowtable is used for very high slump –
flowing concretes.
Ambient Temperature

Both high and low ambient temperature will affect connecting

and design of the mix.

When concreting in cold weather (below freexzing) it must be

ensured thet:
1. The fresh concrete will not freeze
2. The internal temperature will be high enough to allow
hydration to start
3. The strength development will be sufficiently rapid to make
the concrete frost resistant before internal temperature
falls below freezing.
Means and Length of Transport

Mix design must also consider means and length of transport,

in connection with concrete temperature and ambient

Such factors will influence decisions on the use of retarders,

high range water reducers added on site, measyres for cooling
Colour of the concrete container – whether heat absorbing or
heat reflecting – will also be of importance when transporting
under strong sunlight.

High quality concrete is dependent on proper curing.

Care must be taken to ensure thet sufficient water is present for the
hydration of the cement.

Darying out of the fresh concrete surface will result in increased

permeability of the hardened concrete surface.

Low permeability is the foremost prerequisite for high quality

concrete, which is of special importance just at the surface.

Deterioration from aggressives and intrusion of chlorides and carbon

dioxide which both may initiate corrosion of the reinforcement, always
start at the concrete surface.
Means of curing will be:
1. Spraying the concrete surface with water
2. Covering the concrete with wet burlap
3. Covering with palastic sheets
4. Curing membranes

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