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Istilah- istilah lain

ilmu tauhid
Ilmu Ushuluddin Fiqh Akbar

Ilmu ‘Aqoid Ilmu Teologi Islam

Ilmu Hakikat dan

Ilmu Kalam
Ilmu Marifat
Bahasa: Pokok-pokok atau dasar-dasar

Ilmu Ushuluddin Istilah : Ilmu yang membahas tentang

prinsip-prinsip kepercayaan agama
dengan dalil-dalil naqli (al-Qur'an dan as-
Sunnah) dan dalil-dalil 'aqli (akal)

Bahasa: Sesuatu yang diimani oleh seseorang

Ilmu Aqoid
Istilah : Pengetahuan yang terikat dalam
masalah kejakinan keagamaan yang
diambil dari dalil-dalil syara
Bahasa: Ilmu tentang kata-kata

Ilmu Kalam
Istilah : Sebuah disiplin ilmu yang
membahas segala macam masalah
ketuhanan dengan menggunakan logika

Fiqh Akbar: Membahas masalah keyakinan

atau pokok-pokok agama atau ilmu tauhid

Fiqh Akbar
Fiqh al-Ashghor: Membahas masalah hal-
hal yang berkaitan dengan masalah
muamalah, bukan pokok-pokok agama

Ta’arif atau Definisi
Ilmu Tauhid
Menurut lughot atau etimologi :‫ا ول يحعل يمم اااااحب واان ن واالاوشي يوئوواححدد‬
Artinya : Mengetahui bahwa sesuatu itu adalah satu.

Menurut syar’an atau terminologi religion (istilah) :

‫بحمينأ وحد ل نوحت وهااالاي وحقي يحني نوحة‬
‫تاوعوقاحئحداالاحندحني نوحة ممك يتو ح ب‬
‫س‬ ‫علوى حإثبي حا واال‬
‫حعل يمباااي ويقااتحدمر اااابحهاا و‬
Artinya : Ilmu yang menetapkan aqidah agama islam
yang diambil dari dalil-dalil yang yakin.

Menurut syar’i :
‫تووأ ويف وع ال د‬ ‫حإيفورامد ا ل يوميعبميوحد اااااحباا ل يحعوباودحة وم وع ا ي‬
‫عحتوقاحد وويحودحت حه ﻭﺍلنتﺼديﻖ بها وذادتا ووحصوف تا‬
Artinya : Allah yang disembah, serta mengi’tikadkan
tunggal-Nya disertai dengan pengakuan dan
penerimaan ketunggalan dzat, sifat dan af’al-Nya.

Firman Allah :
‫ ل ويم ي ولحيد وول ويم ي ميول ويد – وول ويم ي و م‬- ‫مقيل مهوواللمه ا ووحبد – اللمه ال نوﺼومبد‬
‫كن يل ومه ك ممفدوا ا ووحبد‬
Artinya   :
“Katakanlah : Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa , Allah
adalah tuhan yang bergantung kepadaNya segala
sesuatu, Dia tidak beranak dan tidak pula
diperanakkan, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang setara
dengan Dia “.  Q.S. Al-Ikhlas ayat : 1-4

Menurut kajian ilmu tauhid
yang telah dita’rifkan  oleh
para ahli
a.       Syekh Muhammad Abdullah mengatakan :
Ilmu tauhid ialah ilmu yang membahas tentang wujud allah dan
sifat-sifat yang wajib ada pada-Nya, dan sifat yang ada pada-
Nya dan sifat yang tidak harus ada pada-Nya (mustahil)

b. Syekh Husain Affandial Jirsal Tharblusy meta’rifkan sebagai

Ilmu Tauhud ialah yang membahas atau membicarakan
bagaimana aqidah (agama islam) dengan menggunakan dalil-
dalil yang meyakinkan.
Split your content
White Black
Is the color of milk and Is the color of coal,
fresh snow, the color ebony, and of outer
produced by the space. It is the darkest
combination of all the color, the result of the
colors of the visible absence of or
spectrum. complete absorption of

In two or three columns
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, Is the colour of the Is the color of
butter and ripe clear sky and the blood, and because
lemons. In the deep sea. It is of this it has
spectrum of visible located between historically been
light, yellow is violet and green on associated with
found between the optical sacrifice, danger
green and orange. spectrum. and courage.

A picture is
worth a
thousand words
A complex idea can be
conveyed with just a single
still image, namely making it
possible to absorb large
amounts of data quickly.

Want big impact?
Use big image.

Use diagrams to explain
your ideas Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum
And tables to compare

Yellow 10 20 7

Blue 30 15 10

Orange 5 24 16



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit
Lorem amet odio vel purus bibendum luctus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Ipsum Duis sit amet odio vel purus bibendum luctus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

Dolor elit. Duis sit amet odio vel purus bibendum luctus.

Let’s review some concepts
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear sky Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum. courage.

Yellow Blue Red

Is the color of gold, butter Is the colour of the clear sky Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. It is because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum. courage.

You can insert
graphs from
Google Sheets

Mobile project
Show and explain your
Place your screenshot here
web, app or software
projects using these
gadget templates.

Tablet project
Show and explain your
Place your screenshot here
web, app or software
projects using these
gadget templates.

Desktop project
Place your screenshot here Show and explain your
web, app or software
projects using these
gadget templates.

Any questions?
You can find me at
@username &

Special thanks to all the people who made
and released these awesome resources for
✘ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
✘ Photographs by Unsplash

Presentation design
This presentation uses the following typographies and colors:
✘ Titles: Raleway Bold
✘ Body copy: Work Sans Light

You can download the fonts on these pages:

✘ Yellow #ffbc00

You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design
guide if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in
PowerPoint® 24
Extra graphics

SlidesCarnival icons are editable

This means that you can:

✘ Resize them without losing
✘ Change fill color and opacity.
✘ Change line color, width and
Isn’t that nice? :)


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How? Follow Google instructions

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❤���� � and many


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