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Konjungtivitis Alergi
Awilia Fargi Hidayati
Muhammad Ananta Winarto

Dr. Andhika Prahasta, dr., SpM (K), M.Kes
Ine Renata Musa, dr., SpM (K)

Nama : Nn. E
Usia : 19 tahun
Alamat : Bandung
Pekerjaan : Karyawan
Status Perkawinan : Belum Kawin
Pendidikan Terakhir : SMA
Tanggal Pemeriksaan : 15 Maret 2018

Keluhan Utama:

Penglihatan buram
Riwayat penyakit sekarang:
Pasien mengeluh penglihatan buram sejak 1 tahun SMRS. Penglihatan buram
dirasakan semakin lama semakin memburuk. Pasien juga mengeluh mata merah
dan gatal di kedua mata sekitar 10 tahun SMRS. Keluhan juga disertai dengan mata
berair. Pasien juga mengeluhkan kelopak mata yang bengkak dan merah. Keluhan
tersebut muncul setiap kali pasien makan seafood .
Pasien menyangkal adanya rasa mengganjal setiap kali pasien berkedip.
Keluhan silau ketika melihat cahaya disangkal pasien. Keluhan tidak disertai
dengan demam, batuk dan pilek, nyeri menelan dan pembengkakan pada daerah
leher ataupun nyeri tekan di sekitar telinga. Pasien menyangkal adanya kontak
dengan penderita sakit mata.
Riwayat pengobatan:

Pasien merasakan keluhan seperti ini sejak 10 tahun yang lalu dan
hilang timbul. Setiap keluhan muncul, pasien biasanya berobat ke puskesmas
dan diberikan obat tetes mata.
Riwayat penyakit dahulu:

Riwayat adanya kulit kering dan terkadang gatal diakui pasien.

Riwayat alergi terhadap makanan seafood juga diakui pasien. Riwayat
penggunaan kacamata, lensa kontak, operasi, dan trauma tidak ada. Keluhan
yang sama pada keluarga tidak ada. Riwayat penyakit sistemik seperti
tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis pada pasien dan keluarganya tidak ada.
Riwayat batuk lama disangkal pasien.
III. Status
III. Status Oftalmologis
Oculi Dextra Oculi Sinistra
(OD) (OS)
VISUS 0.15 0.15
Koreksi Tidak dilakukan Tidak dilakukan
Posisi bola mata Ortotropia
Gerak bola mata Gerak bola mata normal ke segala arah
TIO Normal Normal
Tenang, Tenang,
Edema ada, Edema ada,
hiperemis, hiperemis,
Tidak ada nodul, Tidak ada nodul,
Palpebra Tidak ada spasme, Tidak ada spasme,
Tidak entropion, Tidak entropion,
Tidak ektropion Tidak ektropion
Dennice morgan fold Dennice morgan fold
(+) (+)
III. Status Oftalmologis
Oculi Dextra (OD) Oculi Sinistra (OS)

Tenang Tenang
Silia krusta (-), trikhiasis (-) krusta (-), trikhiasis (-)
hiperemis (+), sekret (-), hiperemis (+), sekret (-),
K. Tarsal Superior papilla (+), papilla (+),
pseudomembrane (-) Pseudomembrane (-)

hiperemis (+), sekret (-), hiperemis (+), sekret (-),

K. Bulbar injeksi (+) injeksi (+)

hiperemis (+), sekret (-), hiperemis (+), sekret (-),

K. Tarsal Inferior papilla (-), papilla (-),
pseudomembrane (-) pseudomembrane (-)

Sklera Merah merata Merah merata

Erosi epitel pungtata Erosi epitel pungtata

Kornea FT (+) FT(+)

COA dalam dalam

Oculi Dextra (OD) Oculi Sinistra (OS)

Iris Coklat, sinekia(-) Coklat, sinekia(-)

Bulat, sentral, reflex Bulat, sentral, reflex

Pupil cahaya direk/indirek cahaya direk/indirek
(+)/(+) (+)/(+)

Lensa Jernih Jernih

Pupil distance 60 mm
1. Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis alergi ODS + refractive
error ODS
2. Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis alergi ODS + refractive
error ODS

Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis alergi ODS +
refractive error ODS

• Menghindari pajanan alergen
• Memberikan kompres dengan air dingin
• Menjaga kebersihan mata
• Istirahat dan makan cukup
• Kontrol 7 hari kemudian

• Artificial tear drops (6dd 1gtt sampai habis)
• Mast cell stabilizer (alegysal) 2 dd ODS
• Antibiotik Ofloxacin (6dd 1gtt sampai habis)

Quo ad vitam: Ad bonam

Quo ad functionam: Ad bonam
Perbedaan Jenis-jenis Konjungtivitis
Penemuan Virus Bakteri Klamidia Alergi
klinis dan

Gatal-gatal minimal minimal minimal berat

Hiperemia menyeluruh menyeluruh menyeluruh menyeluruh
Lakrimasi amat banyak sedang sedang sedang

Eksudasi minimal amat banyak amat banyak minimal

Adenopati biasanya ada langka biasanya hanya tidak ada

aurikuler ada pada
pewarnaan monosit bakteri sel PMN, eosinofil
kerokan PMN plasma,
konjungtiva badan
dan eksudat inklusi

kaitan kadang ada kadang ada tidak tidak

dengan pernah ada pernah ada
an dan
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Inflammation of conjunctiva due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions
which may be immediate (humoral) or delayed (cellular).

1. Simple allergic conjunctivitis
 Hay fever conjunctivitis
 Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC)
 Perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC)
2. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
3. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)
4. Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC)
5. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis (PKC)
6. Contact dermoconjunctivitis (CDC)
Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis
It is a mild, non-specific allergic conjunctivitis characterized by itching,
hyperaemia and mild papillary response. Basically, it is an acute or
subacute urticarial reaction.
Etiological Form:
1. Hay Fever Conjunctivitis
2. Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis
3. Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis

Clinical Picture:
• Intense itching and burning sensation in the eyes
• Watery discharge
• Photophobia
• Hyperaemia and chemosis  swollen and juicy appearance
• May show mild papillary reaction
• Edema of lids
Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis
 Typical symptoms and signs
 Normal conjunctival flora
 Presence of abundant eosinophils in the discharge
• Elimination of allergens if possible
• Local palliative measures  provide immediate relief
o Vasoconstrictors (adrenaline, ephedrine, and naphazoline)
o Sodium cromoglycate
o Steroid eye drops should be avoided. (may be prescribed for
short duration in severe and non-responsive patients.
• Systemic antihistaminic drugs
• Desensitization
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)

It is a recurrent, bilateral, interstitial, self-limiting, allergic inflammation of the

conjunctiva having a periodic seasonal incidence.
a hypersensitivity reaction to some exogenous allergen, such as grass pollens. VKC
is thought to be an atopic allergic disorder in many cases, in which IgE-mediated
mechanisms play an important role.

Clinical Picture • Ropy discharge

Symptoms • Heaviness of lids
• Marked burning and itching
sensation which is usually
intolerable and accentuated Signs
when patient comes in a warm • Palpebral Form
humic atmosphere • Bulbar Form
• Mild photophobia • Mixed Form
• Lacrimation
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
Local Therapy Giant Papillae
 Topical steroids  6x/day for 2 days  Supratarsal injection of steroid
and then 3-4x/day for 2 weeks
 Surgical excision
 Mast cell stabilizers: Sodium
cromoglycate 2% drops 4-5x/day
 Topical antihistaminics
 Acetyl cysteine 0,5%

Systemic Therapy
 Oral antihistaminics
 Oral steroids
Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)
It can be thought of as an adult equivalent of vernal keratoconjunctivitis and is often
associated with atopic dermatitis. Most of the patients are young atopic adults, with male

Symptoms keratitis
• Itching, soreness, dry sensation Clinical course
• Mucoid discharge Has a protracted course with
• Photophobia or blurred vision exacerbations and remissions
• Lid margins are chronically inflamed Association
• Tarsal conjunctiva has milku Keratoconus and atopic cataract
appearance, there are very fine
papillae, hyperaemia, and scarring.
• Cornea may show punctate epithelial
Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
 Treat facial eczema and lid margin disease
 Sodium cromoglycate drops, steroids and tear
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC)
Inflammation of conjunctiva with formation of very large sized papillae.

Localized allergic response to a physically rough
or deposited surface (contact lens, prosthesis, left
out nylon sutures).

• Itching
• Stringy discharge
• Reduce wearing time of contact lens or
prosthetic shell

• Papillary hypertrophy (>1 mm) of upper tarsal
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

 Offending cause should be removed
 Disodium cromoglycate
 Steroids are not much use in this condition
Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis

Characteristic nodular affection occurring as an allergic response of the

conjunctival and corneal epithelium to some endogenous allergens to which they
have become sensitized.

• Tuberculous proteins were considered, previously, as the most common cause.
• Staphylococcus proteins are now thought to account for most of the cases.
• Other allergens may be proteins of Moraxella Axenfeld bacillius and certain
parasites (worm infestation).

Clinical Pictures
• Mild discomfot in the eye, irritation, and eye watering
• Associated mucopurulent conjunctivitis due to secondary bacterial infection.
Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis

 Typical pinkish white nodule surrounded by
hyperaemia on the bulbar conjunctiva usually
near the limbus.
 Presence of very large phlycten with necrosis
and ulceration.
 Multiple phlyctens, may be arranged hapzardly
or in a ring around the limbus
Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis

Local Therapy
 Topical steroids (dexamethasone or betamethasone)
 Antibiotic drops for secondary infection
 Atropine 1% should be applied 1x/day when cornea is involved

Specific Therapy
 Tuberculous infection
 Septic focus
 Parasitic infestation
Contact Dermoconjunctivitis
An allergic disorder, involving conjunctiva and skin of lids along with surrounding
area of face.
A delayed hypersensitivity (type IV) response
to prolonged contact with chemicals and
drugs (atropine, penicillin, neomycin,
soframycin and gentamycin)

Clinical Picture
• Cutaneous involvement
o Eczematous reaction, involving all
areas with which medication comes in
• Conjunctival response
o Hyperaemia with generalized papillary
Contact Dermoconjunctivitis

 Discontinuation of the causative medication
 Topical steroid eye drops
 Steroid ointment on the involved skin
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