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Diabetes mellitus
faktor-faktor pengatur
homeostasis glukosa.
Tindakan dopamin pada homeostasis glukosa dan
asupan makanan berdampak baik pada sistem saraf
otonom dan sistem endokrin. Aksi sentral yang
berbeda dari sistem dopamin dapat memediasi efek
metaboliknya seperti:

pengaturan output noradrenalin hipotalamus

partisipasi dalam pengendalian nafsu makan

pemeliharaan jam biologis dalam nukleus


Di sisi lain, dopamin menghambat prolaktin, yang memiliki

fungsi metabolisme; dan, pada reseptor dopamin D2 sel
beta pankreas menghambat sekresi insulin.
Asam empedu
Dimediasi asam empedu regulasi metabolisme
glukosa. Setelah makan, BA dilepaskan ke
usus tempat mereka mengaktifkan FXR dan
TGR5. Aktivasi FXR merangsang FGF19, yang
berpartisipasi dalam glikogen sintesis dan
glukoneogenesis. Aktivasi TGR5 meningkatkan
level GLP-1, mempromosikan sekresi insulin
dan menurunkan kadar glukosa serum. BA itu
diserap kembali melalui sirkulasi enterohepatic
dan mengaktifkan FXR di hati, yang juga
berpartisipasi dalam glukoneogenesis dan

BA: Asam empedu. FXR: farnesoid X reseptor. TGR5: G TGR5 reseptor yang berpasangan protein.
FGF19: faktor pertumbuhan fibroblast-19. GLP1: glukagon seperti peptida 1. Diadaptasi dari Sonne, et al.
2014 49
Peran fisiologis amylin. islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP)
memiliki endokrin serta auto- / parakrin efek. Hal Ini
melibatkan perlambatan dalam pengosongan lambung dan
mengurangi asupan makanan, dengan efek di otak dan di
perut, sehingga mengakibatkan berkurangnya berat badan.
Untuk itu, amylin juga bekerja secara sinergis dengan
hormon-hormon lain seperti leptin. Karena kesamaan
dengan peptida terkait gen kalsitonin, itu juga
mempengaruhi metabolisme tulang dengan menurunkan
aktivitas osteoklas. Selain itu, amylin memengaruhi
vasodilatasi dan sistem renin-angiotensinsin. Efek otokrin
Amylin pada sel β pankreas masih kontroversial. Seperti
mengurangi pelepasan glukagon. Namun, sekresi insulin
yang menurun tidak berubah
 Mekanisme Kerja Biguanida
 Mekanisme Kerja Biguanida
(1) Serapan metformin menjadi hepatosit dikatalisis oleh transporter kation organik-1 (OCT1). Menjadi
bermuatan positif, obat menumpuk di sel dan, selanjutnya, di mitokondria karena potensi membran
melintasi membran plasma dan membran dalam mitokondria .
(2) Metformin menghambat Kompleks I, mencegah produksi ATP mitokondria dan, dengan demikian,
meningkatkan ADP sitoplasma: ATP dan AMP: rasio ATP (yang terakhir dengan perpindahan dari reaksi
adenilat kinase); perubahan ini mengaktifkan AMPK .
(3) Sebagai alternatif, AMPK dapat diaktifkan oleh mekanisme lysosomal, tetapi membutuhkan Axin dan
adaptor endosomal / lisosom akhir, aktivator MAPK dan mTOR 1 (LAMTOR1) .
(4) Peningkatan rasio AMP: ATP juga menghambat fruktosa-1,6-bifosfatase (FBPase), menghasilkan
penghambatan akut glukoneogenesis , sementara terjadi penghambatan adenilat siklase dan
menurunkan produksi cAMP.
(5) AMPK yang diaktifkan memfosforilasi ACC1 dan ACC2 isoform dari ACC, menghambat sintesis lemak
dan mempromosikan lemak oksidasi sebagai gantinya, sehingga mengurangi simpanan lemak hati dan
meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin hati.
 Mekanisme Kerja Biguanida
(6) AMPK juga memfosforilasi dan mengaktifkan spesifik cAMP 3 ′, 5′-siklik fosfodiesterase 4B (PDE4B),
dengan demikian menurunkan cAMP dengan mekanisme lain.
(7) Peningkatan cAMP yang diinduksi glukagon mengaktifkan protein kinase A (PKA) yang tergantung cAMP,
menyebabkan beralih dari glikolisis ke glukoneogenesis melalui fosforilasi dan inaktivasi PFKFB1,
menyebabkan penurunan fruktosa-2,6- bisphosphate (F2,6BP), aktivator alosterik fosfofruktokinase (PFK) dan
inhibitor fruktosa-1,6-bifosfatase (FBPase).
(8) PKA juga memfosforilasi dan menonaktifkan isoform hati glikolitik Enzim piruvat kinase (Pyr K)
(9) memfosforilasi transkripsi factor cAMP response element binding protein (CREB), sehingga menginduksi
transkripsi gen yang mengkode enzim glukoneogenik PEPCK dan G6Pase.
(10) Fosforilasi coactivator transkripsional-2 yang diatur CREB oleh AMPK, atau oleh kinase terkait AMPK
seperti salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2), menyebabkan CRTC2 ditahan dalam sitoplasma, mengganggu efek PKA
pada transkripsi PEPCK dan G6Pase . PKA menghambat SIK2 dengan fosforilasi langsung pada banyak situs.

Ac-CoA, asetil-CoA; BPG, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone phosphate; FBP, fruktosa 1,6-bifosfat; F6P,
fruktosa 6-fosfat; G3P, gliseraldehida 3-fosfat; G6P, glukosa 6-fosfat; Ma-CoA, malonyl-CoA; OAA, oksaloasetat; PEP,
fosfoenolpiruvat; 3PG, 3-fosfogliserat
 Mekanisme Kerja Biguanida
 Mekanisme Kerja Sulfonilurea

Di sudut kanan atas diwakili sulfonylurea receptor

(SUR), sedangkan oktagonal adalah sulfonylurea
(SU). Ketika SU mengikat SUR, aliran K (panah)
berhenti, sehingga membran sel terdepolarisasi.
Peningkatan aliran kalsium menyebabkan
kontraksi filamen aktomiosin bertanggung jawab
atas eksositosis insulin
Mekanisme Kerja Meglitinida 

Metabolisme glukosa, yang menghabiskan simpanan ATP, atau pengikatan nateglinide atau repaglinide ke
lokasi pada reseptor sulfonilurea, menyebabkan penutupan saluran kalium ATP-sensitif dan depolarisasi
membran plasma. Masuknya ion kalsium selanjutnya menghasilkan sekresi insulin.
Agenda Style
01 Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time.

02 Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time.

03 Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time.

04 Contents
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time.
Timeline Style
Contents You can simply
Contents You can simply impress your
Contents You can simply impress your audience and add a
Contents You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
appeal to your Presentations.
2016.05 Text here 2017.05 Text here 2018.05 Text here 2019.05 Text here 2020.05 Text here
2016.08 Contents 2017.08 Contents 2018.08 Contents 2019.08 Contents 2020.08 Contents
here here here here here
2016.10 Presentation 2017.10 Presentation 2018.10 Presentation 2019.10 Presentation 2020.10 Presentation
2016.11 Template 2017.11 Template 2018.11 Template 2019.11 Template 2020.11 Template
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Name Here Name Here
2013 ~ 2014 Text here 2013 ~ 2014 2013 ~ 2014 Text here
Get a modern PowerPoint Text here Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully You can simply Presentation that is beautifully
designed. impress your audience designed.
and add a unique zing.
2014 ~ 2016Text here 2014 ~ 2016Text here
Get a modern PowerPoint 2014 ~ 2016Text here Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Presentation that is beautifully designed.
2016 ~ 2019 Text here
u re Here u re Here 2016 ~ 2019 Text here
Pic t 2016 ~ 2019 Text here ct
Get a modern Your You r Pi Get a modern
Pla c e Get a modern PowerPoint Place
PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is
beautifully designed. designed. beautifully designed.

Name Here
Infographic Style
We Create Quality
Q Professional PPT
Contents Title
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audience and add a unique zing
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You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

Contents Title
You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations. A
Contents Title
We Create Quality You can simply impress your
Professional PPT audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.
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Your Text Here that is beautifully designed.
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is beautifully designed.
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Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that
is beautifully designed.
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Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that
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Content Here is beautifully designed.
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and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.

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unique zing and appeal unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. to your Presentations.
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audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change Presentations. Easy to change Presentations. Easy to change Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. colors, photos and Text. colors, photos and Text. colors, photos and Text.
We Create Professional
Presentation Designed

Portfolio Designed
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zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique

zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text.
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Easy to change Easy to change Easy to change

colors, photos colors, photos colors, photos
and Text. and Text. and Text.

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Modern PowerPoint Presentation

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Text Slide for your Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can simply
Presentation impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
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Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed.
Clean Text I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
Slide for your You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
Presentation colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. You
can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your Presentations.

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Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. designed.

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Get a modern PowerPoint Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully Presentation that is beautifully
designed. designed.
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Presentation that is beautifully
Content D Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors, designed. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. photos and Text.

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Content Here Presentation that is beautifully Content Here
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is designed. Easy to change colors, Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. beautifully designed. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. photos and Text.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation

that is beautifully designed.

I hope and I believe that this Template will your

Time, Money and Reputation. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. You can simply impress
your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations


Infographic Style
30% I hope and I believe
that this Template will
your Time, Money and
I hope and I believe Reputation.
that this Template will A1
your Time, Money and
B2 I hope and I believe
that this Template will
your Time, Money and

Place Your Picture Here

Awesome Presentation
We Create Professional Presentation

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.
Infographic Style
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You can simply You can simply You can simply You can simply
impress your impress your impress your impress your
audience and add audience and add audience and add audience and add
a unique zing and a unique zing and a unique zing and a unique zing and
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Presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Presentations.

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Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint
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add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed. You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully designed.
Get a modern Get a modern Get a modern
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint
Presentation that Presentation that Presentation that
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We Create Quality Professional

PPT Presentation
 Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is beautifully
designed. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text.
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Presentation that is beautifully Simple
designed. Easy to change colors,
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audience and add a unique zing

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Easy to change colors, Easy to change colors, Easy to change colors,
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Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

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photos and Text. photos and Text.
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your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
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believe that this Template will your
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Presentations. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
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Presentations. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint
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Presentations. Easy to change colors, Content Here
photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint
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and add a unique and appeal to your and add a unique and appeal to your
Reports and Presentations with our Reports and Presentations with our
Templates. Easy to change colors, Templates. Easy to change colors,
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and add a unique and appeal to your and add a unique and appeal to your
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Templates. Easy to change colors, Templates. Easy to change colors,
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You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
We Create your Presentations.

Simple Portfolio Presentation
You can simply impress your audience
PPT and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
Simple Portfolio
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.

Portfolio Presentation
You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations.
Place Your Picture Here and send to back Place Your Picture Here and send to back

Modern Portfolio We Create

Designed Quality
You can simply impress your audience PPT Presentation
and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
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impress your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed.

We Create
Quality Professional
PPT Presentation
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Modern PowerPoint Presentation

NO.1 Presentation
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Contents Title

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Contents Title

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos and Text.
Infographic Style
Example Text : Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully
designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos. You can simply impress
your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.

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80% 2000


60% 0
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7

2013 ~ 2014 Text here

Example Text : Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed.

2014 ~ 2016Text here

Example Text : Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed
2016 ~ 2019 Text here
Example Text : Get a modern CU USU AGAM
PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. INTEGRE IMPEDIT.
Infographic Style
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Simple PowerPoint
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation Get a modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is Presentation that is beautifully
beautifully designed. Easy to designed. Easy to change
change colors, photos and colors, photos and Text.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

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beautifully designed. Easy to designed. Easy to change
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Presentation that is Presentation that is beautifully
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Text. Presentation
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You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.

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You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing audience and add a unique zing
and appeal to your and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.

45% 54% 66% 96%

You can simply impress your You can simply impress your You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique audience and add a unique
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Presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Presentations.
Infographic Style
Text Here

You can simply impress

your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to Place Your Picture Place Your Picture
your Presentations. Get a Here Here
modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope
and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Text Here
Money and Reputation.
You can simply impress
your audience and add a
unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. Get a
modern PowerPoint
Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope
and I believe that this
Template will your Time,
Money and Reputation.
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You can simply impress your audience and You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.

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add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.

Content Here Content Here

You can simply impress your audience and You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.
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$ 1200 $1000 $600 $500

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text.

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text.

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique
zing and appeal to your Presentations. Easy to change
colors, photos and Text.

Simple Portfolio
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You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Your Text Here
You can simply impress your audience and add
a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, photos.
Infographic Style
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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing Content
and appeal to your Presentations

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing Content Here
and appeal to your Presentations

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You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing Text
and appeal to your Presentations

Content Here
You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing Your Content Here
and appeal to your Presentations
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. You
can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money
and Reputation. You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal
to your Presentations. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.
I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can
simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations.
Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe
that this Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. Get a modern
PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this

Template will your Time, Money and Reputation. You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to your Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and Reputation.

You can simply impress your audience and add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Infographic
You can simply impress your You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. I hope appeal to your Presentations. I hope
and I believe that this Template will and I believe that this Template will
your Time, Money and Reputation. your Time, Money and Reputation.
You can simply impress your audience and You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Easy to change colors, Presentations. Easy to change colors,
photos and Text. I hope and I believe that photos and Text. I hope and I believe that
this Template will your Time, Money and this Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. You can simply impress your Reputation. You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing and audience and add a unique zing and
appeal to your Presentations. You can appeal to your Presentations. You can
simply impress your audience and add a simply impress your audience and add a

Column unique zing and appeal to your

Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and
unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. I hope and I believe that this
Template will your Time, Money and
Reputation. Reputation.

Infographic You can simply impress your audience and

add a unique zing and appeal to your
You can simply impress your audience and
add a unique zing and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations.
Insert the Sub Title of Your Presentation
Fully Editable Shapes
Fully Editable Shapes

Fully Editable Icon Sets: A

You can Resize without

losing quality
You can Change Fill
Color &
Line Color

Fully Editable Icon Sets: B

You can Resize without

losing quality
You can Change Fill
Color &
Line Color

Fully Editable Icon Sets: C

You can Resize without

losing quality
You can Change Fill
Color &
Line Color


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