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Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas


Diyan Yuli Wijayanti
Psychologic Responses

 Anxiety
 Fear
 Anger
 Depression
 Defense mechanisms: compensation, denial,
displacement, identification, intellectualization,
introjection, minimization, projection,
rationalization, reaction formation, regression,
repression, sublimation, substitution, undoing.

 Gelisah
 Apprehension
 Dread
 Firasat
 Tidak berdaya

Can be experienced at the conscious,

subconscious, or unconscious level

Berbeda dengan fear :

Anxiety Fear

Sumber tidak teridentifikasi Sumber teridentifikasi

Berhubungan dengan “future” Sekarang

Tidak jelas Jelas

Result of psychological or emotional Result of a discrete physical or

conflict psychologic entity
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)
1. Cemas ringan
a. Respons fisik
 Ketegangan otot ringan
 Sadar akan lingkungan
 Rileks atau sedikit gelisah
 Penuh perhatian
 Rajin
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)
b. Respon kognitif
 Lapang persepsi luas
 Terlihat tenang, percaya diri
 Perasaan gagal sedikit
 Waspada dan memperhatikan banyak hal
 Mempertimbangkan informasi
 Tingkat pembelajaran optimal
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

c. Respons emosional
 Perilaku otomatis
 Sedikit tidak sadar
 Aktivitas menyendiri
 Terstimulasi 
 Tenang
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

2. Cemas sedang
a. Respon fisik :
 Ketegangan otot sedang
 Tanda-tanda vital meningkat
 Pupil dilatasi, mulai berkeringat
 Sering mondar-mandir, memukul tangan
 Suara berubah : bergetar, nada suara tinggi
 Kewaspadaan dan ketegangan menigkat-
 Sering berkemih, sakit kepala, pola tidur
berubah, nyeri punggung
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

b. Respons kognitif
 Lapang persepsi menurun
 Tidak perhatian secara selektif
 Fokus terhadap stimulus meningkat
 Rentang perhatian menurun
 Penyelesaian masalah menurun
 Pembelajaran terjadi dengan
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

c. Respons emosional
 Tidak nyaman
 Mudah tersinggung
 Kepercayaan diri goyah
 Tidak sabar
 Gembira
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)
3. Cemas berat
a. Respons fisik
 Ketegangan otot berat
 Hiperventilasi
 Kontak mata buruk
 Pengeluaran keringat meningkat
 Bicara cepat, nada suara tinggi
 Tindakan tanpa tujuan dan serampangan
 Rahang menegang, mengertakan gigi
 Mondar-mandir, berteriak
 Meremas tangan, gemetar
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

b. Respons kognitif
 Lapang persepsi terbatas
 Proses berpikir terpecah-pecah
 Sulit berpikir
 Penyelesaian masalah buruk
 Tidak mampu mempertimbangkan informasi
 Hanya memerhatikan ancaman
 Preokupasi dengan pikiran sendiri
 Egosentris
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

c. Respons emosional
 Sangat cemas
 Agitasi
 Takut
 Bingung
 Merasa tidak adekuat
 Menarik diri
 Penyangkalan
 Ingin bebas
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)
4. Panik
a. Respons fisik
 Flight, fight, atau freeze
 Ketegangan otot sangat berat
 Agitasi motorik kasar
 Pupil dilatasi
 Tanda-tanda vital meningkat kemudian menurun
 Tidak dapat tidur
 Hormon stress dan neurotransmiter berkurang
 Wajah menyeringai, mulut ternganga
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

b. Respons kognitif
 Persepsi sangat sempit
 Pikiran tidak logis, terganggu
 Kepribadian kacau
 Tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah
 Fokus pada pikiran sendiri
 Tidak rasional
 Sulit memahami stimulus eksternal
 Halusinasi, waham, ilusi mungkin terjadi
Level cemas
Videbeck (2008)

c. Respon emosional
 Merasa terbebani
 Merasa tidak mampu, tidak berdaya
 Lepas kendali
 Mengamuk, putus asa
 Marah, sangat takut
 Mengharapkan hasil yang buruk
 Kaget, takut
 Lelah

 Respon terhadap sesuatu yang sudah ada atau

Contoh :
 The beginning nursing student may be fearful in
anticipation of the first experience in a client
setting. The student may fear that the client will
not want to be cared for by the student or that the
student might harm the client

 Subjective feeling of animosity

 Can be expressed in a non alienating verbal
manner – positive emotion and sign of
emotional maturity
 Do the verbal communication than –
 Negative
 Extreme feeling of sadness, despair, dejection, lack of
worth, emptiness
 Tanda dan gejala berbeda antara individu satu dengan yang
 Emotional symptom: tiredness, sadness, emptiness,
 Behavior sign: irritability, inability to concentrate, difficulty
making decision, loss of sexual desire, crying, sleep
disturbance, social withdrawal
 Physical sign: loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation,
headache, dizziness
Defense mechanisms

 Unconscious
 Psychologic adaptive mechanisms/ mental
mechanisms to defend, establish compromises
among conflicting impulses, allay inner
 Protect person from anxiety – precursors to
conscious cognitive coping mechanisms –
solve problem
Defense mechanisms

Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose

Covering up weaknesses by A high school student too Allow a person to
emphasizing a more small to play football overcome weakness and
desirable trait or by becomes the star long- achieve sucess
overachievement in amore distance runner for the
comfortable area track team

An attempt to screen or A woman, though told her Temporarily isolated a
ignore unacceptable father has metastatic person from the full impact
realities by refusing to cancer, continues to plan a of a traumatic situation
acknowledge them family reunion 18 months
in advance
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
The transferring or A husband and wife are Allows for feelings to be
discharging of emotional fighting, and the husband expresses through or to less
reaction from one object or becomes so angry he hits a dangerous objects or
person to another object or door instead of his wife people

An attempt to manage A new graduate suddenly Helps a person avoid self-
anxiety by imitating the left in charge emulates her devaluation
behavior of someone feared faculty role model
or respected
Defense mechanisms

Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose

A mechanism by which an emotional The pain over a Protect a person
response that normally would parent’s sudden death from pain and
accompany an uncomfortable or is reduced by saying, traumatic events
painful incident is evaded by the use of “he wouldn’t have
rational explanation that remove from wanted to live with a
the incident any personal significance disability”
and feeling
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
Not acknowledging the A person says, “Don’t Allows a person to
significance of one’s believe everything my wife decrease responsibility for
behavior tells you. I wasn’t so drunk own behavior.
I couldn’t drive”.
A process in which blame A mother is told her child Allows a person o deny the
attached to others or the must repeat a grade in existence of shortcomings
environment for school, and she blames this and mistakes; protect self
unacceptable desires, on the teacher’s poor image
thoughts, shortcomings, instruction. A husband
and mistakes forgets to pay a bill and
blames his wife for not
giving it to him earlier
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
Justification of certain A mother spanks her Helps a person cope
behavior by faulty logic and toddler too hard and says it with the inability to
ascribing motives that are was all right because he meet goals or certain
socially acceptable but did not couldn’t feel it through the standards.
in fact inspire the behavior diapers anyway

A form of identification that A 7-year-old tells his little Help a person avoid
allows for the acceptance of sister, “Don’t talk to social retaliation and
others’ norms and value into strangers”. He has punishment; particulary
oneself, even when contrary to introjected this value from important for the child’s
one’s previous assumptions the instructions of parents development of
and teacher superego
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
Reaction formation:
A mechanism that causes An executive resent his bosses for Aids in reinforcing
people to act exactly calling in a consulting firm to repression by allowing
opposite to the way they make recommendation for change feelings to be acted out
feel in his department but verbalizes in a more acceptable
complete support of the idea and way.
is exceedingly polite and
Resorting to an earlier, An adult throws a temper tantrum Allows a person to
more comfortable level of when he does not get his own return to appoint in
functioning that is way. A critically ill client allows development when
characteristically less the nurse to bathe and feed him nurturing and
demanding and dependency were
responsible needed and accepted
with comfort
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
Displacement of energy A person with excessive Protect a person from
associated with more primitive sexual drives invests behaving in irrational,
sexual or aggressive drives into psychic energy into a well- impulsive ways
socially acceptable activities defined religious value

The replacement of a highly A woman wants to marry a Helps a person achieve
valued, unacceptable, or man exactly like her dead goals and minimize
unavailable object by a less father and settles for frustration and
valuable, acceptable, or someone who looks a little disappointment
available object. bit like him
Defense mechanisms
Defense mechanism Examples Use/purpose
An action or words designed to A father spanks his child Allow a person to
cancel some disapproved and the next evening appease guilty feelings
thoughts, impulses, or act in brings home a present for and atone for mistakes
which the person relieves guilt by him.
making reparation

An unconscious mechanism by A teenager, seeing his Protect a person from
which threatening thoughts, best friend killed in a car a traumatic experience
feelings, and desires are kept from accident, becomes until he or she has the
becoming conscious; the present amnesic about the resources to cope.
material is denied entry into circumstances
consiousness surrounding the accident
Common coping mechanisms grouped by
developmental appropriateness

Age Coping mechanisms

Delusional projection
Acting out
Passive-aggressive behavior
Common coping mechanisms grouped by
developmental appropriateness

Age Coping mechanisms

3-adulthhood Intellectualization
Reaction formation

12-adulthhood Altruism

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