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Group 1

Lukman Hakim
Mita Tasmayanti
Sri Murniati
The Pacific Ocean is the earth’s largest and deepest body of water . If all the continents were
placed in the pacific , there would still be room for another continent the size of Asia, the largest continent .
The Pacific covers about a third of the earth’s surface and stretches from the frozen north to the frozen south .
It laps the shores of warm islands in the troics and washes of coasts of all the continents except Africa and
Europe .

Terjemahan :
Samudra Pasifik adalah perairan terbesar dan terdalam di bumi . Jika semua benua adalah Samudra
Pasifik adalah perairan terbesar dan terdalam di bumi yang ditempatkan di pasifik, masih akan ada ruang
untuk benua lain seukuran Asia, benua terbesar. Pasifik meliputi sekitar sepertiga permukaan bumi dan
membentang dari utara yang membeku hingga selatan yang beku . Ia mengitari pantai pulau - pulau hangat di
daerah tropis dan mencuci pantai semua benua kecuali Afrika dan Eropa .
The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan , as he looked upon this great ocean, named it Pacific ,
which means peaceful . He sailed for weeks and was driven by soft winds . He watched flying fishes and
porpoises play in its warm , quiet waters . However , it mighty pacific is not always so peaceful because it can
rise to heights of wrath . Out of its great spaces blow some of the most destructive storms on earth . Its
typhoons have wrecked fleets of ships , and leveled island cities . Its eruptive volcanoes as well as
earthquakes beneath the sea have caused destructive tsunamis , or tidal waves . These waves sometimes reach
heights of 30 meters and roll completely over islands in their paths .

Terjemahan :
Penjelajah Portugis, Ferdinand Magellan, saat memandang lautan luas ini, menamakannya Pasifik, yang
berarti damai. Dia berlayar selama berminggu-minggu dan didorong oleh angin lembut. Dia menyaksikan
ikan terbang dan lumba-lumba bermain di perairannya yang hangat dan tenang. Namun, Pasifik yang perkasa
tidak selalu begitu damai karena dapat menimbulkan kemarahan yang tinggi. Dari luar angkasanya yang besar
meniup beberapa badai yang paling merusak di bumi. Topan-nya telah menghancurkan armada kapal, dan
meratakan kota-kota pulau. Letusan gunung berapi serta gempa bumi di bawah laut telah menyebabkan
tsunami yang merusak, atau gelombang pasang. Gelombang ini terkadang mencapai ketinggian 30 meter dan
menggelinding sepenuhnya di atas pulau-pulau yang dilaluinya.
The Pacific has an average depth of about 3,900 meters , but the ocean floor is extremely
uneven . It includes underwater mountains and ridges and extremely deep areas called trenches . Most
of the underwater mountains rise in the central and western pacific . These mauntains form ranges that
extend northwest and southeast . Geologists believe that most of them are active volcanoes .

Terjemahan :
Pasifik memiliki kedalaman rata-rata sekitar 3.900 meter, tetapi dasar laut sangat tidak rata. Ini
termasuk pegunungan bawah laut dan pegunungan dan daerah yang sangat dalam yang disebut parit.
Sebagian besar gunung bawah laut naik di Pasifik tengah dan barat. Mauntains ini membentuk barisan
yang memanjang ke barat laut dan tenggara. Ahli geologi percaya bahwa kebanyakan dari mereka
adalah gunung berapi aktif.
The main currents of the Pacific follow a circular pattern , clockwise in the northern
Hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern Hemisphere . They greatly influence the climate
of the land bordering the pacific . The Japan current , for example , sweeps northward from the
warm tropics, warming the Japanese islands . The North Pacific drift maintains some of its
warmth across the Pacific , and helps moderate the climate or southern. Alaska and Western
Canada. .

Terjemahan :
Arus utama Pasifik mengikuti pola melingkar, searah jarum jam di belahan bumi utara dan berlawanan arah jarum
jam di belahan bumi selatan. Mereka sangat mempengaruhi iklim tanah yang berbatasan dengan pasifik. Arus Jepang,
misalnya, menyapu ke utara dari daerah tropis yang hangat, menghangatkan pulau-pulau Jepang. Pergeseran Pasifik
Utara mempertahankan sebagian kehangatannya di seluruh Pasifik , dan membantu memoderasi iklim atau Alaska
selatan dan Kanada Barat



• Belahan
1. The word “ it “ in line 4 refer to _______
(A) Another continent
(B) Asia
(C) The Pacific
(D) The earth’s surface
Answer : C. The pasific

2. Where in the passage does the author indicate who gave the name of the Pacific Ocean ?
(A) Lines 1-3
(B) Lines 7-8
(C) Lines 9-10
(D) Lines 17-18
Answer : B. Lines 7-8
3. Where in the passage does the author describe the damage caused by the Pacific storms ?
(A) Lines 8-9
(B) Lines 10-11
(C) Lines 11-12
(D) Line 12
Answer : D. Line 12

4. The word “ Their “ in line 15 refers to ________

(A) earthquakes
(B) waves
(C) heights
(D) islands
Answer : B. waves
5. The word “ Them “ in line 20 refers to _______
(A) trenches
(B) mountains
(C) ranges
(D) geologists
Answer : B. mountains

6. Where in the passage does the author mention the impact of the Pacific currents on the climate ?
(A) Lines 4-5
(B) Lines 19-20
(C) Lines 21-22
(D) Lines 22-23
Answer : D. Lines 22-23
7. The phrase “ its warmth “ in line 25 refers to the warmth of the _______
(A) climate
(B) the pacific
(C) the Japan current
(D) drift
Answer. : D drift

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