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Pengolahan Citra

Sistem Pengolahan Citra Digital

Sistem Pengolahan Citra Digital
 Merupakan suatu kesatuan yang saling
berhubungan atau terintegrasi untuk
membentuk suatu sistem antara data,
perangkat keras, perangkat lunak,
prosedure pengolahan, dan tenaga
pelaksana dalam ekplorasi citra digital
Konsep Dasar
 Pengolahan citra digital merupakan manipulasi dan
interprestasi digital dari citra dengan bantuan
komputer. Konsep dasar pengolahan citra dengan data
masukan pokok (internal data) berupa langkah berikut
1. Pengumpulan data yang relevan, yaitu citra digital
2. Klasifikasi atau pengelompokan dengan cara pengkelasan
3. Penyusunan data sesuai kelas
4. Perhitungan dan manipulasi
5. Pengujian ketelitian dan perhitungan
6. Penyimpulan dan rekapitulasi hasil
7. Informasi
1. Aplikasi Grafik
2. Pengolahan Citra Design
1. Rancangan Arsitektur
2. Rancangan Design
3. Animasi
3. Pengolahan Citra
1. Pengolah Citra
2. Pembuatan Efek
3. Contras
4. Brightness
5. Emboss
 Perangkat Input
 Scanner
 Digital Camera
 Perangkat Output
 Printer
 Plotter
 Monitor
 Aspek penentuan kualitas citra dari perangkat keras :
 Resolusi
 Warna
 Kecepatan
 Kapasitas
Proses Pengolahan Data Citra
Secara Umum
Citra ADC Citra Digital Kompresi

Media Penyimpan

Citra Digital Pengkodean Bit

Proses ke Tabel Warna

Perangkat Input Data
 Perangkat input data yang digunakan
diantaranya perangkat penangkap atau capture
citra yang bekerja membaca citra dengan cara
dijelajahi dan kemudian dilakukan proses
konfersi kedalam data digital.
 Perangkat capture ini memiliki 3 (tiga) elemen
dasar :
 Sensor intensitas cahaya
 Penjelajah untuk merekam seluruh bagian citra
 Analog Digital Converter (ADC)
Perangkat Output data
 Diantara perangkat keras output diantaranya layar
menggunakan perangkat pengolah data yang dikenal
sebagai Card VGA atau Display Processor dengan cara
kerja seperti terlihat dalam gambar berikut :
 Display ProcessorCPUMemoryDisplay Processor
 Layar

I/O Display

 Memory

Display Processor akan mengubah digital ke analog,

digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan CPU dan
mengontrol operasi dari display device
Mode Layar Monitor
 Mode Teks :
 25 x 80
 25 x 40
 Mode Grafiks (Resolusi)
 320 x 200
 640 x 200
 640 x 400
 800 x 600
 640 x 480
 1024 x 768
 1180 x 1024
 1600 x 1400
 Dibedakan oleh adanya Pixel  Resolusi Layar Monitor
 Resolusi adalah jumlah penembakan titik pada horizontal atau
vertical tiap pixel oleh elektron gun. Resolusi merupakan jumlah
pixel percentimer vertical dan horizontal.
 Tipe Resolusi
 High : Penampungan jumlah pixel pada layar maksimum
 Midle
 Low
 Tipe Monitor
 Monocrome
 CGA (Color Graphic Adapter)
 EGA (Enchanded Graphic Adapter)
 VGA (Video Graphic Array)
 SVGA (Super VGA)
 XGA (eXtra Graphic Array)
 Warna yang dihasilkan pada setiap monitor selain tergantung pada jenis
monitor juga tergantung dari interface yang berupa Card Monitor seperti
VGA Card.
 Layar dari ukuran monitor terbatas dan tidak akan tampak jelas dilihat dari
jarak jauh, untuk keperluan tersebut digunakan Computer Display
Sistem Monitor
 Aspek Ratio (Y/X)
 Perbandingan antara Y dan X yang digunakan untuk
mendapatkan panjang yang sama antara garis vertical-horizontal
yang dibutuhkan yaitu vertical 3 pixel dan horizontal 4 pixel.
 Random Scan Monitor
 Pengaksesan setiap titik secara langsung yang digunakan untuk
menelusuri titik pada tiap screen dengan cukup[ diwakili oleh 1
 Raster Scan Monitor
 Penggambaran suatu gambar yang sama dengan penelusuran
setiap garis
 Refresh rate : 30 – 60 frames/sec
 Frame = banyak pixel pada layar
 Interlaced System : Teknik untuk mengatasi layar bergoyang,
dengan cara menampilkan tiap frame secara bergantian.
Jumlah Warna
2 4 16 256 64K 16,7 M …… Warna
High Color True Color
1 2 4 8 16 24 …. Bit

 Setiap Pixel dapat menampilakan 1 warna

 Total warna yang dapat ditampilkan dapat ditentukan, sebagai
Monitor resolusi 800 x 600 warna yang ditampilkan 16,7 Juta warna,
memori yang dibutuhkan  16,7 Juta = 24 Bit
Jumlah Pixel = 800 x 600 = 480.000
1 Pixel  24 Bit = 3 Byte
480.000 x 3 / 1024 = 1440 Kb = 1,44 Mb
Image Media Types
 Images can be generally divided into two formats:
 Bitmapped or Raster images
 Draw-type or Vector graphics or Metafile images

 Bitmapped images are stored as an array of

pixels. It represents the image as an array of
dots, called pixels

 Vector graphics are stored as geometric shape to

represent the image
Bitmaps Image
 A pixel is the smallest element of resolution on a computer
screen (Screen Resolution)

 A pixel is the basic unit of a digital images. Digital image is a

picture that may be stored in, displayed on, processed by a

 As mentioned, bitmap is composed of a matrix elements called


 Each pixel can be in a specific colour and each pixel consists of

two or more colors.
Bitmaps Image
 The range of these colours is known as the
colour depth.

 The color depth determined “How much data in

bits used to determined the number of colors”.

 Colour depth is measured in bits per pixel

 Remember: a bit (binary digit) is either 1 or 0 and
that there are eight bits in a byte
Colour depth
 1 bit per pixel = 2 colours (monochrome)

 2 bits per pixel = 4 colours

 4 bits per pixel = 16 colours

 8 bits per pixel = 256 colours

 Generally good enough for colour images

 16 bits per pixel = 65536 colours

 Better quality for photograph-like images, also known as high colour

 24 bits per pixel = >16 million possible colours

 Used to recreate photo realistic images, also known as true colour
Bitmaps Image
 The more colours that are allowed per pixel, the
greater the size of the image

 The number of pixels is related to the size of file

that required to store an image.

 Remember, two factors effect the size file

bitmap are:
 Resolution
 Color Depth
Bitmaps images

Original image

Calculating the size
of a raster image
width  height  colour depth
size in bytes 

 Where:
 Width of the images measured in pixels
 Height of the images measured in pixels
 Colour depth is the number of bits used for color measured in bits per pixel

 Remember:
 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte (KB)
 1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte (MB)
 A 640 x 480 pixel image in 24-bit colour would
require how much disk space?

640  480  24 7372800

size in bytes  
8 8
 921600 bytes
 900KB
Popular bitmap formats
 Microsoft bitmap (.bmp)
 Used in microsoft windows

 TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tif)

 Used for faxing images (amongst other things)

 JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group (.jpg)

 Useful for storing photographic images

 GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)

 Used a lot on web sites

 PNG - Portable Network Graphics (.png)

 A new format for web graphics

 PCD – Kodak photo CD

 A new format for store image in a compressed form on a CD
Advantages and Disadvantages
of using bitmap images
 Advantages
 Convey detail of information quickly
 Real life

 Disadvantages
 Depend on a Resolution
 Effect to the image quality
 Size file is big
Software to create bitmap
 Popular PC packages include:
 Microsoft Paint
 Included with microsoft windows
 Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000
 Adobe Photoshop
 Paint Shop Pro
 Macromedia Fireworks
Vector images
 Vector images are stored as the set of graphic
primitives required to represent the image

 A graphic primitive is a simple graphic based on

drawing elements or objects such as shape
 e.g. square, line, ellipse, arc, etc.

 The image consists of a set of commands

(mathematical equations) that are drawn the object
when needed.
Vector images
 Storing and representing images by mathematical equations
is called vector graphics or Object Oriented graphics.

 Each primitive object has various attributes that go to make

up the entire image
 e.g. x-y location, fill colour, line colour, line style, etc.

 Example:
 RECTANGLE : rectangle top, left, width, height, color is ( 0, 0, 200,
200, red)
 CIRCLE : circle top, left, radius, color
 LINE : Line x1, y1, x2, y2, color
Vector images
 Vector image or vector graphics can be resized
without losing the integrity of the original image.

 Scaling a vector is a mathematical operation -

only the attributes change, the image is
Primitive geometric drawing objects
 Basic  Shapes
 Line  Circle
 Polyline  Ellipse
 Arc  Rectangle
 Bezier  Square
curve  Pie segment
 Triangle
 Pentagon,
 Text hexagon,
 Font, heptagon, Text Text
weight octagon, etc
Scaling vector graphics
Original image Shown
V e c to r
g r a p h ic s

V e c to r
g r a p h ic s
Advantages and Disadvantages
of using vector image
 Advantages
 Relatively small amount of data required to
represent the image.
 Therefore, it does not required a lot of memory
to store
 Easier to manipulate

 Disadvantages
 Limited level of detail than can be presented in
an image
Software to create images
 Graphics programs are tools that allow an artist to create
and edit designs used in multimedia applications.

 Generally, graphics programs can be categorized as:

 Drawing programs
 Creating draw type graphics
 Provide freehand. Example geometric shape
 Example : Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand
 Paint programs
 Those creating bitmaps
 Useful in creating original art
 Example: Paint Shop Pro
 Image editing programs
 Making changes to existing images, such as manipulating the brightness
or contrast, applying textures, patterns
 Examples : Adobe Photoshop, Corel PhotoPaint
Vector formats
 Windows metafile (.wmf)
 Used by Microsoft Windows

 SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)

 A new format devised for the web

 CGM - Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm)

 Older format commonly used for clip art

 Adobe PostScript (.ps)

 A page description language used to control printers

 Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf)

 A page description language common on the web

 Drawing Exchange Format (.dfx)

 Store 3D image created by design program AutoCAD

 Encapsulated PostScript (.epf)

 Professional printing: Illustration program, Adobe Systems, Desktop Publishing programs
3-Dimensional Graphic models
 A 3D model is a variation on the
vector format

 The location of a 3-dimensional

object is specified using x, y and
z co-ordinates
 Further primitives can be found 3D model
in 3D models
 Cube, sphere, pyramid, etc.
 Camera, spotlight, texture, shading Y
3-Dimensional Graphic models
 3D graphics offer the photorealistics effects that
have you seen in TV, Computer Games

 Examples, Motion Picture films such as:

 Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, Lost World and Toy Story

 Examples 3D programs:
 Carigali Truespace
 3D Studio Max
 Infini-D
3-Dimensional Graphic models
Hardware used to acquire images
 Scanners and digital imaging

 Many forms of scanner

 Drum
 Flat-bed
 Negative / slide
 Hand-held

 Important to check the optical

resolution of the scanner
 measured in dots per inch (DPI)
Hardware used to acquire images
 Digital camera
 Uses digital memory instead of film
 Images are transferred to computer
via a cable
 Can be very high resolution

 Stills from a camcorder or PC

“web-cam” type camera
 Home products tend to be low
Hardware used to create / edit
 Graphics tablet and pen Tablet and pen
 Preferred by digital artists
 Pressure sensitivity

 Digitiser tablet
 Preferred by technical
 Mouse has accurate
crosshair to help digitise
Converting image
TrueType / PostScript formats
Type font

Bitmapped font

Bitmapped image

Vector image
Render as bitmap

Contour trace
Optical Character
Recognition (OCR)

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