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Eschericia Coli

Oxanna Anouska Malaihollo
Escherichia Coli
01 02
Adalah Namun
bakteri yang hidup di dalam usus ada jenis E. coli yang
manusia untuk menjaga menghasilkan racun dan
kesehatan sistem pencernaan. menyebabkan diare parah.

03 04
Paparan Infeksi
dapat menimbulkan gejala Sekitar 90% dari infeksi saluran
berupa sakit perut, diare, mual, kemih disebabkan oleh bakteri E.
dan muntah. coli jenis uropatogenik (UPEC).
Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK)

atas 2 jenis

01 02
ISK atas ISK bawah
terjadi pada organ yang terletak infeksi di kandung kemih bagian
sebelum kandung kemih, yaitu bawah, yaitu kandung kemih dan
ginjal dan ureter uretra

Kuman tersering penyebab kedua tipe tersebut

adalah Escherichia coli, tetapi bakteri lain, virus,
maupun jamur dapat menjadi penyebab meskipun
Selain Infeksi Saluran Kemih ada beberapa penyakit lain
yang disebabkan oleh E.Coli

01 Infeksi Selaput

02 Infeksi Saluran

03 Hemolytic Uremic
Penyebab Infeksi Bakteri Escherichia Coli
Makanan &
01 Minuman yang

Kontak langsung
02 dengan bakteri
Faktor – faktor resiko Infeksi E.Coli

Anak-anak, ibu hamil, dan lansia lebih

rentan menderita penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh E. coli dan menderita USIA
komplikasi yang lebih serius.

Orang dengan daya tahan tubuh lemah, seperti

penderita AIDS dan pasien yang menjalani
Sistem Imun yang lemah
kemoterapi, lebih rentan mengalami infeksi E.

Obat penurun asam lambung atau obat sakit

maag, seperti esomeprazole, pantoprazole,
Penurunan asam dalam perut
lansoprazole, dan omeprazole, berpotensi
meningkatkan risiko terjadinya infeksi E. coli.
Gejala Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK)

ANAK ✓ Sulit makan

✓ Demam
✓ Muntah

dapat ditandai dengan sakit saat

buang air kecil, sering buang air
kecil tapi urine yang keluar
sedikit, dan warna urine keruh
atau merah karena adanya darah.
 Tampak sebagai
 Perubahan keadaan
LANSIA  Kelelahan
Penyebab Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Infeksi Rumit
Terjadi saat bakteri Dialami oleh orang dengan
masuk ke dalam kandung sistem perkemihan yang tidak
kemih. normal.
Faktor-Faktor Resiko Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Aktif Berhubungan
Uretra wanita lebih pendek dan Seksual
vagina lebih dekat dengan anus 01 02 Hubungan seksual dapat
sehingga bakteri bisa lebih mudah mendorong bakteri masuk ke
menginfeksi. dalam uretra

Penyakit Pada Memakai Alat

Kelenjar Prostat Kontrasepsi
Pembesaran atau infeksi 06 Pengguna KBTertentu
prostat sehingga lebih rentan 03
terutama yang
terinfeksi. mengandung zat
pembunuh sperma
Menopause Hamil
Penurunan hormon estrogen
menyebabkan lapisan uretra 05 04 Janin dapat menekan kandung
menipis, sehingga lebih rentan kemih sehingga air kencing tidak
terinfeksi . keluar hingga tuntas.
Pencegahan Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Pencegahan :

Minum lebih
Tidak memakai Tidak menahan
banyak cairan,
pembersih vagina buang air kecil
terutama air
Air membantu membilas Jangan lupa buang air
Hindari semprotan, bakteri keluar dari kecil hingga tuntas agar
sabun, deodoran, kandung kemih tidak ada urine yang
douche, ataupun produk sehingga tidak terjadi tersisa dalam kandung
sejenisnya. infeksi. kemih.
Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Antibiotik dan
Asupan Cairan
01 02

Antibiotik Cairan

Mengonsumsi banyak air

Obat antibiotik dibutuhkan
adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk
untuk mengobati isk.
perawatan isk.
Bacterial infection infographics

✓ Jupiter is a gas giant and

Yes Bacteria the biggest planet
✓ Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun


✗ Neptune is the farthest

planet from the Sun
✗ Despite being red, Mars
No Viruses is a cold place
Pencegahan Escherichia Coli
Ada 4 cara pencegahan Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 1

Incubation Prodrome Illness Convalescent

Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars Jupiter is the biggest Earth is the third planet
planet to the Sun is a cold place planet of them all from the Sun
Bacterial infection infographics
01 Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun

02 Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place

03 Pluto is considered a
dwarf planet
Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

01 03
Incubation Illness
Jupiter is a gas giant and Venus has a beautiful
the biggest planet name but it’s hot
Bacterial infection infographics
Things with

Money Phones
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet of them all

Door handles
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
Bacterial infection infographics
Jupiter is a gas giant and the
01 Bacillus biggest planet

Mercury is the closest planet to

02 Diplobacillus the Sun and the smallest one

Venus has a beautiful name but is

03 Streptobacillus actually really hot

Earth is the third planet from the

04 Palisade Sun and harbors life

Neptune is the farthest planet from

05 Sarcina the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is a very

06 Streptococcus cold place
Pencegahan Escherichia Coli

 Cuci tangan setelah dari kamar mandi

Bacterial infection infographics
Bacteria cell


Water Dry solids Inorganic


80% 20%
Bacterial infection infographics
01 02
Jupiter Neptune
Jupiter is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest
the biggest planet planet from the Sun

03 04
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place

05 06
Venus Pluto
Venus has a beautiful Pluto is considered a
name but it's hot dwarf planet
Bacterial infection infographics

Parts of the bacteria Chromosome Flagellum

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
smallest one in the entire Solar System Cytoplasm

Cell wall

Most of a bacterial cell is water Pilus
Bacterial infection infographics
Some places where bacteria live

01 02 03

Desktop Books Elevator button

Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant and Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun the biggest planet name but it's hot
Bacterial infection infographics
01 02
Staphylococcus Diplococcus
Jupiter is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest
the biggest planet planet from the Sun

Main types
of bacteria

03 04
Bacillus Streptococcus
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place
Bacterial infection infographics
Mercury is the closest
Good Bifidobacteria planet to the Sun

Jupiter is a gas giant and

Escherichia the biggest planet

Venus has a beautiful

Lactobacillus name but it's hot

Campylobact Neptune is the farthest

Bad er planet from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars

Enterococcus is a cold place

Pluto is considered a
Clostridium dwarf planet
Bacterial infection infographics
Bacterial infection symptoms
Fever Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet of them all

Chills Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun

Fatigue Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one

Swelling Despite being red, Mars is a cold place full of iron oxide dust

Pain Venus has a very beautiful name but is actually a hot planet

Redness Ceres is located in the main asteroid belt

Bacterial infection infographics

01 Neptune is the farthest 25%
planet from the Sun

02 Despite being red, Mars 75%
is a cold place
Bacterial infection infographics
Mercury is the closest
Meningitis planet to the Sun
Neisseria meningitidis

Jupiter is a gas giant and Streptococcus

Ear infection the biggest planet pneumoniae

Venus has a beautiful Haemophilus

Pneumonia name but it's hot influenzae

Skin Neptune is the farthest

Staphylococcus aureus
infections planet from the Sun
Bacterial infection infographics

Bacterial infections
01 02
Eye infections Blood infections
Jupiter is a gas giant and Mercury is the closest
the biggest planet planet to the Sun

03 04 05
Pneumonia Gastritis Skin infections
Venus has a beautiful Neptune is the farthest Despite being red, Mars
name but it's hot planet from the Sun is a cold planet
Bacterial infection infographics

Environment mVOCs
● Plants
● Soil

● Oral microbiome
Hardware ● Lung microbiome
● Urogenital microbiome
● Buildings ● Skin microbiome detection
● Air-conditioner ● Gut microbiome

● Meat
● Cheese Diagnosis
Bacterial infection infographics
Poisoned water
Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun

Poisoned food
Jupiter is a gas giant and
the biggest planet

Venus has a beautiful
name but it's hot
Bacterial infection infographics
Virus vs. bacteria
Differences between two pathogens

Viruses are not living organisms Bacteria are living organisms

Viruses live inside the host cells Bacteria live in many places

Viruses are submicroscopic Bacteria are giant compared to viruses

A viral infection is systemic Bacteria affect parts of the body

Influenza, polio, COVID-19 Pneumonia, tuberculosis, tetanus

Bacterial infection infographics

Bacteria Both Virus

Strep throat Bronchitis Common cold
Tuberculosis Ear infection Flu
Whooping cough Sinus infection Sore throat

Antibiotics? Antibiotics? Antibiotics?

Yes Maybe No
Bacterial infection infographics

Bacterial vaginosis Possible causes

Itchiness or redness
✓ Unprotected sex
✓ Multiple sex partners
White or yellow discharge ✓ New sex partners
✓ Shared sex toys
✓ Douching
Fishy smell ✓ Smoking
✓ Intrauterine devices
Vaginal bleeding after sex
Bacterial infection infographics

30% Blood infection 10%

Sepsis Osteomyelitis
Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun is a cold place

20% 40%
Candida Bacteraemia
Earth is the third planet Saturn is a gas giant
from the Sun with several rings
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