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Plagiarism and AntiPlagiarism Tools

Information Literacy Training Program for Lecturer

By: Dhama Gustiar Baskoro SIP., M. Pd.

Definition of Plagiarism Scope of Plagiarism Plagiarism cases Models and types of citation

American Psychological Asociation, version 6

Anti-plagiarism tools: generator, dan manager

Definition of Plagiarism

Scope of Plagiarism
Plagiarism because of copying other else work (Ghost Writer) Too many COPAS Paraphrase is too close with the original, and without the quotation mark Combine Paraphrases from several sources without the citation Self-plagiarism

Scope of Plagiarism
List sources that cannot be tracked or doesnt have a clear URL Too many quotations Cite the sources in the text, but the citation is not mentioned on the reference list, or vise versa The border between the original work and the paraphrase is not clear

Masalah umum
Informasi atau ide umum dari berbagai sumber mis. buku atau artikel jurnal yang dibaca dan sudah diinternalisasi menjadi bagian dari pemahaman dan pengetahuan kita (tacit knowledge), tidak merupakan plagiarisme jika kita ungkapkan lagi. Namun ketika kita ingin menuliskan kalimat yg spesifik mengacu kepada data tertentu atau bagian spesifik milik si pengarang, maka harus mengutip dan membuat sitasinya

Why plagiarism happened?

It is too easy to do it
Student doesnt know about how much they may quote Student is too lazy to read, and to do analysis and synthesis Student doesnt do their outline and their research questions Some teacher or lecturer choose to ignore them

Mengapa terjadi plagiarisme?

Plagiarisme Ilmiah Biasanya Terjadi di Program Master dan Doktor
(, Kamis 4 Maret 2010)

Ketua Senat akademik IPB, Prof.Dr.Ir. Dudung Darusman mengatakan ada tiga faktor yang mendorong terjadinya plagiat karya ilmiah. Pertama orang yang melakukan plagiat adalah pejabat negara (umumnya mereka yang menduduki jabatan penting). Kedua, karena masalah waktu, banyak mahasiswa S2 dan S3 yang tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk menyelesaikan karya ilmiahnya kemudian melakukan plagiat. Ketiga, karena faktor ekonomi. Pelaku merasa memiliki uang yang cukup untuk meminta seseorang melakukan plagiat untuk karya ilmiahnya.

Kekuasaan, Waktu & Uang (power, time and money)

Don McCabe, a professor in the management and global business department of the Rutgers Business School, 2011
McCabe's surveys of more than 200,000 college students, 50,000 high school students and about 20,000 faculty members have found that a third to 40 percent of students admit to having done some kind of cut-and-paste plagiarism, he said. The number of students engaging in the behavior has not increased, but those who are doing it are doing it more often. They used to do it only when they were . Now they do it as a matter of habit."

When we quote?
When we need a theory or statement When we need data (statistic, numerical, Period, Numbers, Coefficient, and other specific data) When we need cases and example When we need to explain the process When we need a formula Other specific things that cannot be memorized

Beberapa kasus plagiarisme

Kutipan dari beberapa media, dalam presentasi: Jonatan, E.(2012). Plagiarism awareness on internet based research. Karawaci: Universitas Pelita Harapan. Dan, Baskoro, D. G.(2012). Avoid plagiarism on the internet based research. Karawaci: Universitas Pelita Harapan

Beberapa kasus besar (the big cases)

Kasus Plagiat Amir Santoso (dosen UI), berupa bahan ajar. Plagiasi dilakukan terhadap lebih dari 22 buku dan makalah pasca sarjana.
Kasus Plagiat Syaiful S. Azhar MS (dosen Universitas Gadjah Mada), berupa disertasi. Plagiasi dilakukan terhadap karya tulis Nurhasim (peneliti LIPI). Kasus Plagiat Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita(dosen UNPAR Bandung), berupa artikel di Jakarta Post dan 4 tulisan lainnya. Plagiasi dilakukan terhadap beberapa artikel jurnal internasional
Budi, H. S.(2011). Plagiarisme: pelanggaran hak cipta dan etika. Yogyakarta : Kanisius.

* Mahasiswa Universitas Parahyangan Sesalkan Dosen Plagiat

(, Kamis 11 Februari 2010) * Dosen ITB Mengaku Menjiplak Karya Orang Lain

(, Kamis 15 April 2010)

* Skandal Plagiarisme Global (, Sabtu 12 Maret 2011) * Menjiplak, Dosen Gorontalo (catatan: Universitas Negeri Gorontalo) Dipecat dari Tiga Jabatan (, Jumat 3 Juni 2011) * Tiga Calon Guru Besar UPI Ketahuan Menyontek (, Jumat 2 Maret 2012)

*Unila Akui Ada Lektor Kepala yang Plagiat Jurnal Ilmiah (, Senin 12 Maret 2012)
* Dugaan Plagiat di PTN (catatan: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah) Diselidiki (, Rabu 6 Juni 2012)

Beberapa contoh kasus mahasiswa


Penulisan daftar pustaka yang salah dan tidak lengkap (incomplete reference list)

Jumlah sitasi teks tidak sama dengan daftar pustaka (Text citation doesnt match with Reference list)

Jumlah sitasi teks tidak sama dengan daftar pustaka (Text citation doesnt match with Reference list)

Mengutip langsung yang tidak menggunakan tanda kutip atau paragraf gantung

Cara menghindari plagiarisme

Always make an outline to clarify where to put the quotation If it is grey area, make sure to cite in text

Memorize at least one simple citation model for common sources, such as books, journal articles, or websites
If you reluctant to memorize, please use the reference generator

Be consistent!

Model MLA (Modern Language Association)

remark Mostly use in literature and focus on the author Mostly used in Psychology and Social science. Focus on the publishing year

Plus Its easier to use because it uses the parenthetical reference Its easier to use because it uses the parenthetical reference. It doesnt have many variation

Minus Too many variation for work with many authors. Unknown author, other than first letter, title is in lowercases.

Various Citation Model

APA (American Psychological Association)


Used in social area and humanism

Can be used using 2 combinations: in brackets with references or footnote with bibliography.

More complicated writing. With combination of footnote and bibliography need certain rules, such as: ibid, loc cit dan op. cit
Almost the same.


Used in social area and Journalistic

This model continues Turabian, so they have a lot in common There are not separation by comma for authors name, so its easier


Used in Computer, engineering and electronics subjects

The first name of author is unknown, the publication year is on the end, so its difficult to check the currentness

Menggunakan APA versi 6

Buku, artikel jurnal (tercetak dan online), website.


In-text citation (Paraphrase): Beginning of sentence Krankenstein (2006) reported that empirical research verified compliance.

Middle of sentence
After looking into the issue, Lynch (2007) stated that the findings were not valid. End of sentence The report concluded were victims of cyber terrorism (Windhorst, 2004).

In-text citation (Direct quote): Author and quote together The principal stated clearly that students needed parental permission to leave school (Abbott, 2005, p. 25). Author and quote separated MacDougall (2004) stated that the Information Literacy Model needed to be implemented (p. 34). Quote from non-paginated material Winkowski (2007) stated, The research is unreliable (Conclusion section, para.4).

Direct quotation more than 40 words:

Students at Nova Southeastern University have faced challenges in learninghow to use APA formatting. When discussing the challenges, Strunk (1922) stated:

2 line spacing

Use quotes around an article title or book chapter, but italicize the title of abook, journal, brochure, or report when used in the body of the paper.Use a short title in the parenthetical citation or complete title if the title isshort. NOTE Non-periodical titles like books and book titles have all theimportant words capitalized in the text citations, but these same book titles do not have all the important words capitalized in the reference list. (p.342)

5 spaces or 0.5 inches

No quotation mark

Six or more author (In-text citation)

(Smith et al., 2007)

Group author (in-text citation) American Psychological Association ([APA], 2010) Multiple author (in-text citation)
(Boote & Beile, 2004; Brydges & Tunon, 2005; Morner, 1997; Tunon & Brydges, 2007)

Secondary sources
According the Skinner Freud took the position . (Freud, 1923, as cited in Skinner, 1974).

Reference list
Book by a single author. Chitty, D. (2003). Do lemmings commit suicide? Beautiful hypotheses and ugly facts. New York, NY:Oxford University Press. Book by two or more authors. Rosellini, G., & Worden, M. (2004). Of course you're angry: A guide to dealing with the emotions of substance abuse (Rev. ed.). Center City, MN: Hazelden.

Book by an unknown author.

The alternative medicine handbook. (1994). New York: Crescent Books. Secondary sources

Skinner, B. F. (1974). About behaviorism. New York, NY: Knopf.

(Skinner cite Freud, 1923)

Two seven authors

Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36

Eight or More Authors

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., ...Griffin. W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.

Journal article
Jones, H. M., McKay, J., Alvarado, F., Plath, E., Jordan, A., Porter, M., . . . Allsop, S. (2005). The attractions of stupidity. The St. Croix e-Review, 30(2), 6-10. Retrieved from

Journal article with DOI

Gerry, R.. (2000). Tempo training for freestyle. Journal of Swimming Technique, 34(1), 40-42. doi:10.1022/02029822.77.4.444

Artikel Jurnal dari Website Takase, A. (2007). Japanese high school students' motivation for extensive L2 reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 19(1), 1-18. Retrieved September 24, 2007, from

Anti-plagiarism tools
Reference generator and manager

Reference Generator
The function is to generate the citation of some sources automatically or manually. Weakness: The result is not always accurate, especially when it involves many authors. Some generators is not updated the model according to the newest version

Some Free Generator

Eturabian ( Citefast ( OttoBib ( Noodletools ( Bibme (

GoBiblio (
WorksCited4u ( EasyBib (

Practice with eturabian

Use ISBN = 0878911774 Keyword = Biology


Reference Manager
The function is to manage the documentation of the sources (covers many formats), and to be recalled it again when it needed in the text citation or reference list. Its usually in application format, that can be installed as a stand alone mode, browser or word processor adds-on or plugg-in.

Some Free Manager

Mendeley ( Readcube ( Bibliographix ( Zotero ( Connotea (

Qiqqa (

Plagiarism Checker
The function is to check text duplication, by compare it with the existing paper database on the internet. Weakness: The paper to be checked should be in English, and it is so depending on how many paper has been uploaded in the database as a comparison paper.

Some Free Plagiarism Checker /analyse.php echeck.aspx m.checker/

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