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Campuran Angka, Simbol dan Huruf Campuran Angka, Simbol dan Huruf :) atau :-) = Happy, smile (Senang,

gembira, tersenyum) :)) atau :-)) = Laughing (Ngakak) :( atau :-( = Sad, bad (Sedih) :(( atau :-(( = Crying (Nangis) :P atau :-P = Menjulurkan lidah :X atau :-X = Kiss and Hug (Peluk cium) :/ atau :-/ = Confused (Bingung) :O atau :-O = Screaming, Get Shocked (Teriak, Kaget) O:) atau O:-) = Dizzy (Pening) :"> = Ashamed (Malu) ;) = Flirting, blinking eye (mengerdipkan mata) @WRK = At work (Sedang kerja) 2bctnd = To be continued. (Bersambung) 2d4 = To die for (Sangat berharga) 2g4u = Too good for you (Terlalu bagus untukmu) 2Ht2Hndl = Too hot to handle. (Tak bisa dipegang) 2l8 = Too late (Terlambat) 2WIMC = To whom it may concern (Kepada yang berkepentingan) 4e = Forever (Selamanya) 4yeo = For your eyes only (Rahasia) (by exel_jeksen, Kamus SMS Kamus SMS ini diadopsi dari Bahasa Inggris... . A AAM = As a matter of fact (Sebenarnya) ADctd 2 L = Addicted to Love (Mabuk kepayang) AFA = As far as (Sejauh ini) AKA = Also known as (dikenal juga sebagai) AL I Wan is U = All I want is You (Hanya kau yang kuinginkan) AML = All my love (Seluruh cintaku) ASAP = As soon as possible (Secepat mungkin) ATB = All the best (Yang terbaik) ATW = At the weekend (Di akhir pekan) AWHFY = Are we having fun yet (Sudah senang-senang belum?) B B4 = Before (Sebelum) BBFN = Bye Bye for now (Sampai jumpa) BBS = Be back soon (Segera kembali) BBSD = Be back soon darling (Segera kembali, Sayang) BCNU = Be seein' you (Sampai nanti) BF = Boyfriend (Pacar) BGWM = Be gentle with me (Jangan kasar padaku) BMW = Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku) BRB = Be right back (Segera kembali) BTW = By the way (Omong-omong) Cm = Call me (Telepon aku) Cu = See you (Sampai jumpa) CUIMD = See you in my dreams (Sampai jumpa dalam mimpi) Cul = See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi) CUL8R = See you later (sampai ketemu lagi) D Dk = Don' t know (Tak tahu) Dur? = Do you remember (Kau ingat?) E E2eg = Ear to ear grin (Menyeringai lebar) EOD = End of discussion (Akhir perbincangan) EOL = End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan) F F? = Friends (Kawan) F2F = Face to face (Berhadapan) F2T = Free to talk (Bebas Bicara) FITB = Fill in the Blank (Isi titik-titik, isi sendiri bagian yang kosong) FYEO = For your eyes only. (Rahasia) FYA = For your amusement (Untuk senang-senang) FYI = For your information (Sebagai informasi) G GF = Girlfirend. (Pacar) GG = Good Game (Ucapan ketika kedua pihak yang berseteru selesai melakukan pertandingan) Gr8 = Great (bagus) GSOH = Good Salary, Own Home (Gaji OK, punya rumah) GTSY = Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu) H h2cus = Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi) H8 = Hate (Benci) HAGN = Have a good night (Selamat tidur) HAND = Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang-senang) hbtu = Happy birthday to you (Selamat ultah) HldMeCls = Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat) Ht4U = Hot for You ("Panas" untukmu) H&K = Hugs and Kisses (Peluk cium) IDK = I don't know (Aku tak tahu) IIRC = If I recall correctly (Kalau tidak salah ingat) IK = I know (Aku tahu) ILU = I love you (Aku cinta kamu) IMHO = In my humble opinion (Menurutku) IMI = I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)

IMBLuv = It must be Love (Ini pasti cinta) IOW = In other words... (Dengan kata lain.) IOU = I owe you (Aku berhutang padamu) IUSS = If you say so (Baiklah) J J4F = Just for fun (Sekedar bersenang-senang) JFK = Just for kicks (Iseng-iseng) JstCllMe = Just call Me (Telepon saja aku) K KC = Keep cool (Tetap tenang, jangan langsung marah, dst) KHUF = know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu) KIT = Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus) KOTC = Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi) KOTL = Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir) L8 = Late (Telat, malam) L8r = Later (Nanti) Lol = Laughing out loud (Tertawa terbahak-bahak) LTNC = Long time no see (Lama tak jumpa) LtsGt2gthr = Lets get together (Kita ketemu yuk) M M$ULkeCrZ = Miss you like Crazy! (Rindu kamu setengah mati) M8 = Mate (Kawan, pasangan) MC = Merry Christmas (Selamat Natal) MGB = May God Bless (Semoga Tuhan Memberkati) Mob = Mobile (Mobil, bergerak) MYOB = Mind your own Business (Jangan ikut campur) N NA = No access (Tak boleh masuk, tak ada akses) NC = No comment (Tak ada komentar) NWO = No way out (Tak ada jalan keluar) O O4U = Only for you (Hanya untukmu) OIC = Oh, I see. (Oh, begitu.) OTOH = On the other hand (Di sisi lain) P PCM = Please call me (Tolong telepon aku) PPL = People (Orang-orang) Pls = Please Q QT = Cutie (Orang yang Lucu, imut, keren) R R = Are RMB = Ring my Bell (Aku tak ingat, tolong ingatkan aku) ROTFL = Roll on the floor laughing (Tertawa terpingkal-pingkal) RU? = Are you? (Kamu?) RU OK? = Are you Ok? (Kamu baik-baik saja?) S SC = Stay cool (Tenanglah.) SETE = Smiling Ear to Ear (Tersenyum lebar) SO = Significant Other (Pendamping) SOL = Sooner or later (Cepat atau lambat) SME1 = Some One (Seseorang) SRY = Sorry (Maaf) SWALK = Sent with a loving Kiss (Dikirim dengan cium mesra) SWG = Scientific Wild Guess (Tebakan ilmiah) T T+ = Think positive (Berpikir positif) T2ul = Talk to you later (Nanti kita bicara lagi ya.) TDTU = Totally devoted to you (Cinta mati padamu) Thx = Thanks (Terima kasih) T2Go = Time to Go (Waktunya berpisah) TIC = Tongue in Cheek (Ramah) TMIY = Take me I'm yours (Aku milikmu) TTFN = Ta ta for now. (Sampai jumpa) U U = You (Kamu) UR = You are (Kamu) URT1 = You are the one (kamulah orangnya) VRI = Very (Sangat) W W4u = Waiting for you (Menantimu) WAN2 = Want to (Ingin) WLUMRyMe = Will you marry Me? (Maukah kau menikah denganku?) WRT = With respect to (Salam hormat untuk) WUWH = Wish you were here (Andai kau di sini.) X! = Typical Woman (Wanita biasa) X = Kiss (Cium) XclusvlyUrs = Exclusively Yours (Milikmu seorang) Y Y! = Typical Man (Pria biasa) YBS = You'll be Sorry (Kau akan menyesal) Z

Zzzz = Sleep (Tidur) (by exel_jeksen, Singkatan Dalam SMS AFAIK As Far As I Know AFK Away From Keyboard ASAP As Soon As Possible BAS Big A** Smile B4 Before BBL Be Back Later BBN Bye Bye Now BBS Be Back Soon BEG Big Evil Grin BF Boyfriend BIBO Beer In, Beer Out BRB Be Right Back BTW By The Way BWL Bursting With Laughter C&G Chuckle and Grin CICO Coffee In, Coffee Out CID Crying In Disgrace CNP Continued (in my) Next Post CP Chat Post(a chat message) CRBT Crying Real Big Tears CSG Chuckle Snicker Grin CYA See You (Seeya) CYAL8R See You Later (Seeyalata) CUL8R See You Later DLTBBB Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite EG Evil Grin EMSG Email Message FC Fingers Crossed FTBOMH From The Bottom Of My Heart FYI For Your Information FWIW For What Its Worth GAL Get A Life GF Girlfriend GFN Gone For Now GMBA Giggling My Butt Off GMTA Great Minds Think Alike GR8 Great GTSY Glad To See You H&K Hug and Kiss HABU Have A Better Un HAGN Have A Good Night HAGU Have A Good Un HHIS Hanging Head in Shame HUB Head Up Butt IAE In Any Event IC I See IGP I Gotta Pee IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion IMO In My Opinion IMCO In My Considered Opinion IMHO In My Humble Opinion IOW In Other Words IRL In Real Life IWALU I Will Always Love You IWO In Other Words JMO Just My Opinion JTLYK Just To Let You Know KIT Keep In Touch KOC Kiss On Cheek KOL Kiss On Lips L8R Later L8R G8R Later Gater LHM Lord Help Me LHO Laughing Head Off LHU Lord Help Us LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off LMSO Laughing My Socks Off LTNS Long Time No See LOL Laugh Out Loud LSHMBB Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing LSHMBH Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts LSHTTARDML Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg LTNS Long Time No See LTS Laughing To Self LUWAMH Love You With All My Heart LY Love Ya MTF More To Follow NRN No Reply Necessary NADT Not A Darn Thing OIC Oh, I See OL Old Lady (significant other) OM Old Man (significant other) OTOH On The Other Hand OTTOMH Off The Top of My Head PDS Please Dont Shoot PITA Pain In The A** PM Private Message PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In PMP Peed My Pants POAHF Put On A Happy Face QSL Reply QSO Conversation QT Cutie ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing

ROFLAPMP ROFL And Peeing My Pants ROFLMAO ROFL My A** Off ROFLMAOAY ROFLMAO At You ROFLMAOWTIME ROFLMAO With Tears In My Eyes ROFLUTS ROFL Unable to Speak RTFM Read The F****** Manual! SETE Smiling Ear To Ear SHID Slaps Head In Disgust SNERT Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager SO Significant Other SOT Short Of Time SOTMG Short Of Time Must Go SWAK Sealed With A Kiss SWAS Scientific Wild A** Guess SWL Screaming with Laughter SYS See You Soon TA Thanks Again TGIF Thank God Its Friday TCOY Take Care Of Yourself TILII Tell It Like It Is TNT Till Next Time TOY Thinking Of You TTFN Ta Ta For Now TTYL Talk To You Later WAS Wild A** Guess WB Welcome Back WTH What/Who The Heck (or sub an F for the H YBS Youll Be Sorry YG Young Gentleman YL Young Lady YM Young Man

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