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Akronim Sejarah

Tema Wajib ( Bab 9 Ting 5 )

Proses Pilihanraya di Malaysia
Tok Pantang Menangis Kalau Umie ergi beli
kayu usang
T ! Tetakan tarik Penamaan "alon dan
engundian oleh #P$
P ! Penamaan %alon diadakan ada tarikh yg
M ! Mani&esto disediakan oleh arti yang
K ! kemen Pilihanraya diadakan
U ! Umum temat engundian dan temat
engiraan undi
P ! Pemberian kertas undi yang mengandungi
lambang arti
B ! Buang undi roses engundian
K ! Kira Undi ditemat ditetakan
U ! Umumkan keeutusan ilihanray oleh
ega'ai suruhanjaya
#yarat untuk menjadi "alon Pilihanraya
( ! (a'atan * Tidak memegang ja'atan dalam
erkhidmatan a'am
U! Berumur +,
M ! Mu&lis Tidak mu&lis
P ! Penamaan Mengemukakan kertas
enamaan "alon
) ! )kal yang semurna
K ! Tidak di #abitkan dengan kesalahan
sesuatu jenayah
T ! Temoh "alon dibenarkan berkemen
-aktor Perang .unia Pertama !
/0P !
/ ! /asionalisme1
P ! Persaingan negara2negara 3roah1
P ! Pakatan Kuasa2Kuasa 3roah1 2 Pakatan
Bertiga ( BP$ 2 Britain1 Peran"is dan $usia )
Pakatan Kuasa Tengah ( ()* 2 (erman1 )ustria
*tali )
P ! Pembunuhan serta merta bakal e'aris
tahta austria 4ungry55555ba"a akronim ni
Kesan Perang .unia Pertama !
M)KP*T4 !
M! mengubah Peta 3roah1
) ! )merika #yarikat menguasai asaran
K ! Kematian dan Kemusnahan harta benda1
P !Penubuhan 6iga bangsa dan Perjanjian
* ! berlakunya kadar in&lasi yang tinggi1
T ! Tamatnya emerintahan Beraja1
4 ! 4utang eerangan yang tinggi5555555#alin
dan ba"a5555555
)akah -aedah Malaysia Menyertai
( *ngat # ) B ) $ )
Tema 4uraian
# #ukan Menjadi tuan rumah sukan Koman'el
) )skar Mendaat bantuan askar dariada
negara Koman'el semasa menghadai
an"aman PKM dan Kon&rontasi dengan
B Biasis'a Menerima bantuan biasis'a
melalui $an"angan %olombo
) )arthied Mengutuk dasar )arthied yang
diamalkan oleh )&rika #elatan
$ $umah Menjadi tuan rumah %489M
Mengadakan Minggu Bulan Bahasa
Bahasa Melayu menjadi bahasa di mahkamah
Meluluskan )kta Bahasa Kebangsaan
Melan"arkan slogan Bahasa (i'a Bangsa
Menubuhkan UKM
Menubuhkan .BP
Menjadikan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa
di semua sekolah
+M)#UK .BP
%ara Kemasukan Pengaruh 4indu Buddha
B ) K P 7
:B ! Brahmin di ba'a oleh Brahmin
:) ! )sek Kebudayaan 2 engambilan
:K ! Ksyatria 2 .iba'a oleh Ksyatria
:P ! Pemerintah dengan emerintah
:7 ! 7aisya diba'a oleh 7aisya
Pengaruh 4indu Buddha .alam Pentadbiran
M U M B ) * P B P
:M ! Mutlak $aja berkuasa mutlak
:U ! Undang2Undang $aja gubal undang+
:M ! Mitos dan 6agenda yg digunakan $aja
:B ! Beraja Pemerintahan beraja
:) ! )lam semesta $aja seluruh alam
:* ! *stiadat mengamalkan istiadat Pertabalan
:P ! Par;anda 9elaran $aja<)nak
:B ! Bayangan Tuhan $aja bayangan tuhan
:P ! Pun"ak emerintah raja diun"ak
Peranan bahasa #anskrit
M * M P * B ) P ) K
:M ! Mantera digunakan sebagai Mantera
:* ! *lmu Pengetahuan #ebagai ilmu
:M ! Memaham Kemahiran memahat
:P ! Pemerintahan Beraja Men"atatkan
:* ! *ntelek #ebagai Bahasa intelek<sarjana
:B ! Batu Bersurat .i"atatkan di batu
:) ! )gama Bahasa keagamaan
:P ! Perkayakan bahasa Melayu
:) ! )rahan mengandungi )rahan $aja
:K ! Komunikasi #ebagai bahasa
Bab 0 ! Kerajaan )'al di )sia Tenggara
B 8 # P ) K $ 8 P
:B ! Bangunan Batu
:8 ! 8rang Ternama
:# ! #tua ( %ontoh )
:P ! Patung .e'a
:) ! )bu Mayat
:K ! Keagungan Kerajaan
:$ ! $umah *badat
:8 ! 8rder Kosmos
:P ! Pusat Pemerintahan
#istem Pendidikan Tamadun *ndia
# U K ) K ) ( *
:# ! #anskrit Menggunakan bahasa sanskrit
:U ! Uni;ersiti Buddha /alanda
:K ! Kolej Brahma Pendidikan tinggi
:) ! )tasi buta huru&
:K ! Karya #ainti&ik Pelajari sainti&ik
:) ! )gama Buddha
:( ! (a'atan dalam Kerajaan
:* ! *lmu Pengetahuan
Kemajuan 3konomi Tamadun *ndia
) % ) $ # U 3 #
:) ! )nga ( Pusat Perdagangan
:% ! %ukai menyara anggota tentera
:) ! )lam Melayu *ndia dan alam Melayu
:$ ! $emah $atus dariada alam Melayu
:# ! #resthin Persatuan Tukang
:U ! Undang2Undang menga'al ersatuan
:3 ! 3mas ( mata'ang )
:# ! #enjata ( Menghasilkan senjata )
)kronim di atas adalah sumbangan elajar2
elajar kelas 5 ) +=,,
#MK5 Kemumin1 Kota Bharu1 Kelantan
Tajuk 9erakan *slah enting untuk #PM +=,,1
Tajuk ini diramal keluar utk #PM +=,=1 tetai
tidak keluar5 Untuk tahun +=,,1 Tajuk ini boleh
diulangkaji selalu1 "ikgusejarah telah membina
)kronim untyk tajuk tersebut untuk
memudahkan elajar mengingatinya5
)kronim 9erakan *slah
(9)T 0M PU# MP/)
9 > 9erakan emulihan
) > )l24adi
T > Tahir jalaluddin
M > Memajukan ekonomi
M > Mengkritik raja
M > Mengkritik embesar
P > Penentangan kaum Tua
U > Undang+ menghalang kaum muda
# > #ebarang $isalah< mesti mendaat
Kebenaran sultan
M > membina madrasah
P > endidikan kaum 'anita
/ > akti& di negeri2negeri #elat
Bab 0 ! Kerajaan )'al di )sia Tenggara
B 8 # P ) K $ 8 P
:B ! Bangunan Batu
:8 ! 8rang Ternama
:# ! #tua ( %ontoh )
:P ! Patung .e'a
:) ! )bu Mayat
:K ! Keagungan Kerajaan
:$ ! $umah *badat
:8 ! 8rder Kosmos
:P ! Pusat Pemerintahan
#istem Pendidikan Tamadun *ndia
# U K ) K ) ( *
:# ! #anskrit Menggunakan bahasa sanskrit
:U ! Uni;ersiti Buddha /alanda
:K ! Kolej Brahma Pendidikan tinggi
:) ! )tasi buta huru&
:K ! Karya #ainti&ik Pelajari sainti&ik
:) ! )gama Buddha
:( ! (a'atan dalam Kerajaan
:* ! *lmu Pengetahuan
Kemajuan 3konomi Tamadun *ndia
) % ) $ # U 3 #
:) ! )nga ( Pusat Perdagangan
:% ! %ukai menyara anggota tentera
:) ! )lam Melayu *ndia dan alam Melayu
:$ ! $emah $atus dariada alam Melayu
:# ! #resthin Persatuan Tukang
:U ! Undang2Undang menga'al ersatuan
:3 ! 3mas ( mata'ang )
:# ! #enjata ( Menghasilkan senjata )
P)/.U)/ UMUM ()W)B
#8)6)/ #3()$)4 #PM
Secara amnya kertas peperiksaan
Sejarah terbahagi kepada 3
kertas :
1. Kertas 1 (1249/1)
Soalan Objektif 40 soalan
Masa menjawab 1 jam
Markah : 40 markah
2. Kertas 2 (1249/2)
Bahagian A : Soalan Struktur 4
soalan (1 soalan 10 markah
Bahagian B : Soalan !sei 7
soalan " jawab 3 soalan sahaja
(1 soalan #0 markah
Masa menjawab 2 jam 30 minit
Markah : 100 markah
$% Kertas 3(1249/3)
Masa menjawab 3 jam
Markah : 100 markah
Sila rujuk entri Format Baru
Mata elajaran !ejaram !M
Mulai "ahun 2013
an#uan/"i$ menja%a&
soalan struktur
Soalan Baha'ian
A mengandungi 4 soalan (1
soalan 10 markah dan
wajib ja%a& semua soalan%
& soalan ' 10 markah ( &0
Soalan 1 dan 2 dari mana"mana
topik tin'katan 4 (ada 10 topik
Soalan 3 dan 4 dari mana"mana
topik tin'katan ( (ada ) topik
1% *astikan soalan tersebut dari
bab+topik mana%
#% ,aris kata tugas (contoh :
jelaskan- apakah- terangkan dll
dan kata kunci (keyword).
$% Sentiasa lihat markah bagi
setiap soalan% .awapan hendaklah
sesuai dengan markah yang
&% Soalan (d atau (e biasanya
soalan /B// (kemahiran ber0kir
secara kreatif 1 kritis% 2alon
perlu menggunakan jawapan
yang munasabah%
3% 4ak perlu pengenalan% .awapan
ringkas dan tepat%
an#uan/"i$ menja%a&
soalan esei
Soalan Baha'ian B yang
mengandungi 7 soalan (1
soalan 20 markah dan
wajib ja%a& 3 soalan sahaja%
$ soalan ' #0 markah ( 50
Soalan (- ) dan 7 dari mana"
mana topik tin'katan 4 (ada 10
Soalan *+ 9+ 10 dan 11 dari
mana"mana topik tin'katan
( (ada ) topik
1% ,unakan 4 tip menjawab
soalan struktur (rujuk bahagian
#% 4ulis jawapan+fakta penting
pada kertas soalan (ruangan
kosong ditepi soalan supaya
tiada isi yang tertinggal semasa
menulis esei%
$% .awab soalan mudah terlebih
dahulu dan diikuti dengan soalan
yang sukar% *astikan anda
menjawab mengikut masa yang
&% 4eknik menjawab 1 soalan 1
helai kertas jawapan%
3% ,unakan bahasa Melayu
moden dan
elakkan menggunakan kata
singkatan- ayat SMS dll%
5% 4ulisan hendaklah kemas (tidak
terlalu kecil dan boleh dibaca%
T3M) ? (B)B ,2B)B 0)!
B)B ,
,5 Maksud dan %iri Tamadun
B)B +
,5 3konomi (&okus)
+5 Pendidikan (&okus)
T3M) @ (B)B A2B)B @)!
B)B B! Kerajaan Khula&a ar $asyidin
B)B @! Pengaruh *slam Terhada #istem
3konomi Masyarakat Melayu Tradisional
T3M) 9 (B)B 92B)B ,=)!
B)B 9! $3786U#* P3$*/.U#T$*)/
T3M) ,= (B)B ,2B)B +)!
B)B ,! *merialisme di )sia Tenggara
B)B +! )khbar1 Majalah dan /o;el
Penggerak /asionalisme di Tanah Melayu
T3M) ,, (B)B 02B)B @)!
B)B A! Malayan Union
B)B 5! Pakatan Murni
B)B B! Pilihan raya
T3M) ,+ (B)B 9)!
B)B 9! Kemun"ulan Blok .unia dan Perang
KERTAS 3 (1249/3)
Tema berkemungkinan dari sukatan
elajaran sejarah tingkatan A5 Walau
bagaimanaun tajuk<tema #ejarah Kertas 0
akan dikeluarkan B minggu sebelum
eeriksaan #PM bertulis5
The questions are usually set in sequence
order, usually from the easiest to the
most challenging questions. For the easy
questions, candidates could easily locate
the answers in the text by matching
the key words in the questions and the
To make the questions even easier,
the numers of paragraphs where the
answers could be found were also !i"en as
to guide candidates where to get the
There would usually be #i"e m$in
questions given and one or two ot%er
su questions for each main question.
For questions 26 2! "
The beginning of the questions usually would be
very user#friendly as they $ust require the
candidates to locate the answers from the
passage. The answers would be very direct and
it would be easier for them to locate the
answer. The famous wh#question which is
always used is %w%$t&. 'ometimes, %w%ic%&,
%w%en& and %w%o& are also used but very
seldom. This type of question usually only tests
the candidates& understanding and knowledge
of the text.
(s the questions progress, they would be more
difficult and wh#questions like %w%y& and
%%ow& are used as they demand the candidates
to think more critically whereby they have to
give their answers logically, so that those
answers can be accepted.
( very famous question would also be on
the "oc$u&$ry question which is always
meant to be difficult but candidates would
have guessed for the meaning of the words
based on t%e numer o# &ow #requency
word in the paragraph.
'ome of the questions asked also require the
candidates to guess the answers based on
thekey words given, whereby the answers are
usually placed $#ter t%e key words.
)owever, candidates need to guess
'ome questions would ask for the re#erence
words like %he&, %they& or %it& and candidates
need to guess these pronouns refer to what or
whom. The answer for this type of question
usually is given e#ore t%e
'ronoun mentioned.
'ometimes there would be too muc%
in#orm$tion given that it would &e$d to
some in$ccur$te $nswers #rom we$ker
students who failed to comprehend the
question. Thus, students really have to read
and comprehend the passage as well as
identify the key words in order to be able to
get the correct answers.
The $nswers usu$&&y c$n e t$ken #rom
t%e te(t but candidates must select the
answers *in phrases or sentences+ intelligently.
,andidates are advised not to '$r$'%r$se
t%eir $nswers #or ein! #e$red o#
c%$n!in! t%e me$nin! o# words. -f
meaning has changed after the candidates try
to paraphrase, they will be penali.ed, means
that no marks will be awarded. /evertheless, it
is permissible if students still want to
paraphrase their answers but be careful not to
change the meaning.
0hen answering the questions by taking a
phrases or a sentence from the passage,
studentsc$nnot co'y t%e w%o&e
sentence)s, including copying
the irre&e"$nt '$rt *that is not the answer+
or else marks will not be awarded. -nstead,
students must answer and select the
permissible phrase and sentence only.
0hen answering the question too, students are
not supposed to commit error like over lifting
the pronouns %-& or %my&. 1y over lifting the
pronouns %-& or %my&, the answer is considered
wrong even if the students managed to copy
the correct part of the answer. Students
wou&d not e $w$rded $ny m$rks #or t%e
o"er &i#tin! o# t%e 'ronoun *I+ or *my+.
2ake sure students are aware of the difference
between word, '%r$se and sentence $s it is
vital in answering some of the comprehension
-f the question asked for %e"idence&, students
can quote any phrase or sentence from the
text, and students c$nnot '$r$'%r$se the
answers. -f the question asked for a piece of
evidence, then $ust give one phrase or one
short sentence, but if two pieces of evidence,
then give two phrases.
For question 34 "
The last question usually elicits personal
response from the candidates. This type of
question is good in the sense that it makes
candidates think logically and rationally before
coming up with the answers.
'tudents need to be careful as there are two
types of this question. The first type usually
asks for use o# own words, in which
students usually !i"e t%eir own o'inion or
'erson$& res'onse based on the
understanding of the passage *but do not
t$ke ide$s or e($m'&es in t%e te(t+.
)owever, another type of question is w%en
t%e question $sked students to $nswer
$sed on t%e te(t but then students c$nnot
co'y t%e $nswer direct&y, instead t%ey $re
required to '$r$'%r$se t%e $nswers in
t%e te(t usin! own words. -f students take
the answers completely from the text without
any paraphrasing, no marks will be awarded.
1. 5ead the text and questions at least twice.
2. 6earn to look for c&ues and use conte(tu$&
3. 7nderstand the fundamental needs of
the .%/questions.
4. 6ook for answers in the given
paragraphs. Se&ect inte&&i!ent&y phrases
or sentences.
5. 7nderstand key words in the questions.
6. ,%$n!e the 'ronouns
$ccordin!&y when &i#tin! $nswers.
7. Attem't all the questions.
8. 8ive str$i!%t#orw$rd and 'recise
9. 8ive &o!ic$& opinion.
10. 1e adept at using a wide range
of "oc$u&$ry.
11. 9xpose oneself to the use of #i!ur$ti"e
12. 9xpose oneself to the key words such as
%word, %phrase& and %sentence& which
are vital in answering some
comprehension questions.
13. 2ake it a habit to look up the meaning of
difficult words encountered when reading
during the teaching and lesson period. (
good dictionary is a must.
14. :o more comprehension exercises by
reading various types of comprehension
passages ; reading materials other than
those in text;revision books, such as
newspaper articles and maga.ines.
1. 5ead the instructions given carefully.
2. 5ead the summary question;s carefully.
3. <ust summari.e from the lines given.
4. 2ark the particular paragraphs that are
supposed to be summari.ed like
drawing a box or square on the
particular summari.ed section.
5. There will usually be three or four points
in each paragraph.
6. -dentify the main ideas based on the
summary question;s asked.
7. 5ead every sentence carefully and ask
yourself whether it answers the
summary question;s. -f it does,
underline the main phrase;sentence
but if it does not, ignore it and move to
the next line. :o so until the last line
8. :o not forget to include the =4 words
9. <ust write up to =34 words as any points
after the permissible number of words
given, the points will not be identified
as relevant.
10. 8ive more than =4 points to be on the
safe side *7sually there are more than
=4 points maximum can go up to =>
11. ,hange the pronouns accordingly when
lifting answers.
12. 0rite the summary points in sequence
13. 1e extra careful when rephrasing or
using own words *most students lose
mark for changing meaning of words+.
14. ?rgani.e specific information
15. Paraphrase concisely and use Standard English
accurately gain !ar"s #or $anguage% 5 &ar"s'

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