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Bekerja dengan Netcdf dan Matlab

Ada banyak sekali cara dan tools yang dapat digunakan untuk membaca dan atau memodifikasi
file netcdf. Tulisan ini mencoba sedikit menerangkan cara memulai bekerja dengan file netcdf
menggunakan tools matlab.

Tool membaca file netcdf menggunakan matlab juga banyak sekali. Saya mencoba
menggunakan nctoolbox yang dapat di unduh di . ada beberapa
pertimbangan mengapa saya menggunakan toolbox ini yaitu 1. Kemudahan penginstalan (*setidaknya
buat saya =)) ), 2. Konsep datasetnya sangat memudahkan bagi saya, 3. Filenya kecil.

1. Install nctoolbox
a. Download nctoolbox di alamat
b. Kemudian extract zip file tersebut ke tempat/folder yang anda inginkan.
c. Arahkan directori matlab ke folder tadi
d. Ketik di command prompt >>setup_nctoolbox
e. Jika tidak terjadi apa-apa maka nctoolbox sudah terinstall dengan baik.
2. Help toolbox
Ketik di command prompt
>> help ncdataset
NCDATASET Provide access to datasets accessable by the NetCDF 4 API

Use as:
ds = ncdataset(dataref)

dataref = A reference to a ncdataset that can be accessed by the NetCDF 4
API. This includes local netcdf files, netcdf files on web servers
and OpenDAP URLs

An instance of a ncdataset class

netcdf = For power users. This is an instance of
a ucar.nc2.ncdataset.NetcdfDataset (NetCDF-Java 4.0) and
is used for the underlying data access. This object can
be tweaked as needed. (For example, to enable/disable
data caching.) See
variables = A cell array of all variables in the ncdataset. These names
are used as arguments into other ncdataset methods

ncdataset.axes - access coordinate variable names for a given variable
ncdataset.attributes - access global or variable attributes - retrieve data (or a subset of data) for a variable
ncdataset.size - returns the size of a variable in the data store
ncdataset.time - Attempt to convert a variable to matlabs native time format (see datenum)

For more information on the methods use help. For example:

>> help

ds = ncdataset('
ga = ds.attributes; % Global Attributes
sv = 'SonicVelocity'; % A variable that we're interested in.
d =; % Data for the SonicVelocity variable
svAx = ds.axes(sv); % Coordinate Variable names for the SonicVelocity variable
svAt = ds.attributes(sv); % Attributes for SonicVelocity

Membuka dataset

>> ds=ncdataset('')
ds =
ncdataset handle

netcdf: [1x1 ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset]
variables: {10x1 cell}
Methods, Events, Superclasses

Membuka property netcdf

>> ds.netcdf
ans =
netcdf {
time = 132247;
float plannedMeterDepth;
:units = "metres";
float sampleRate;
:units = "minutes";
double time_raw(time=132247);
:units = "hours since 01-jan-2003 00:00:00";
:_FillValue = -99999.0; // double
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
float temperature(time=132247);
:units = "degrees Celsius ITS-90";
:_FillValue = -99999.0f; // float
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
float temperature_raw(time=132247);
:units = "degrees Celsius ITS-90";
:_FillValue = -99999.0f; // float
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
float pressure_raw(time=132247);
:units = " ";
:_FillValue = -99999.0f; // float
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
float latitude;
:units = "degrees where south is negative";
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";
float longitude;
:units = "degrees 0 -360";
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";
double time(time=132247);
:units = "hours since 01-jan-2003 00:00:00";
:_FillValue = -99999.0; // double
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";
float pressure(time=132247);
:units = "dbar";
:missing = -1.0E34; // double
:_FillValue = -99999.0f; // float
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Pressure";

:Organisation = "Scripps Institute of Oceanography";

:Scientist = "Dr Janet Sprintall";
:netcdfAuthor = "Bernadette Heaney/Rebecca Cowley CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric
Research, Australia";
:experimentName = "INSTANT";
:mooringName = "Ombai South";
:deploymentNumber = "1";
:latitude = "08 32.00S";
:longitude = "125 03.86E";
:waterDepth = 3225.0; // double
:mooringDeploymentDate = "08-Aug-2003";
:mooringRetrievalDate = "01-Jul-2005";
:serialNo = "1331";
:meterType = "SBE-39-TP";
:manufacturer = "SeaBird Electronics Inc";
:sampleRate = 7.5; // double
:startData = "06-Aug-2003 00:22:30";
:endData = "24-Jun-2005 19:07:30";
:comments = " Mooring was tangled on recovery, this instrument was recovered with the
VMCM 002. Pressure was measured, so the data is OK.";
:time_comment = " ";
:temperature_comment = " ";
:pressure_comment = " ";

Membuka property variables

>> ds.variables
ans =

Membaca data

>> ds.variables
ans =

Tes plot data


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