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Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan

Vol. 8, No. 1, Juni 2007, hal. 50 - 61

ISSN 1411- 6081

Volume 8, No.1, Juni 2007

Pimpinan Redaksi
Didit Purnomo

Dewan Redaksi
Bambang Setiaji Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
M. Wahyuddin Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Yuni Prihadi Utomo Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Daryono Soebagiyo Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Edy Rahmantyo Tarsilohadi Universitas Bengkulu
Sutomo Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Waridin Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang

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2 kali dalam setahun
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Juni 2000

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Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan
Vol. 8, No. 1, Juni 2007, hal. 50 - 61



Joko Mariyono
University of Gunung Kidul at Wonosari, Jogjakarta; and
PhD Candidate in Economics at Crawford School of Economics and Government
The Australian National University, Canberra

Rika Harini
Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta

Nur K. Agustin
Centre for Agricultural, Socioeconomic and Policy Studies, Bogor

Luas lahan pertanian cenderung berkurang karena dialihfungsikan untuk keperluan
lain sebagai akibat dari pembangunan ekonomi regional. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk
menganalisis alih fungsi lahan di Jogjakarta dengan menggunakan model dinamis
dengan memasukkan variabel ekonomi, demografi dan infrastruktur. Panel data
yang digunakan dalam kajian ini dikumpulkan dari lima wilayah selama kurun
waktu 1979-2000.
Estimasi dilakukan dengan panel regresi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa lahan
pertanian di Jogjakarta berubah secara dinamis dan menuju pada keadaan yang
stabil. Lahan sawah akan tetap ada, sedangkan lahan kering kemungkinan akan
dikonversi ke lahan sawah dan untuk kepentingan lainnya. Lahan sawah akan
dicetak sebagai akibat naiknya pendapatan daerah. Tekanan penduduk terhadap
lahan kering jauh lebih besar daripada terhadap lahan sawah.
Kata kunci: alih fungsi lahan pertanian, pembangunan ekonomi, pertambahan
penduduk, model dinamis, regresi panel

INTRODUCTION capacity of lands. Irianto (2004) highlights

Agricultural land conversion has two major agricultural land conversion has potential
adverse impacts: ecological and economic impact on reduction in ground water produc-
impacts. Ecologically, the agricultural land tion and flood. For example, flood in Jakarta
conversion leads to decrease in carrying is mainly caused by agricultural land
Joko M., Rika H., & Nur K.A. – Impact of Economic Development … 51

conversion in Bogor (Ashari, 2003). increasing along with the steady rise in
Moreover, loss of water resource is highly population growth. However, Indonesian
costly because water resource has high total agricultural production still faces classical
economic value (Usman, 1991). Agricultural problems such as shortage of water in dry
land conversion also leads to loss of aesthet- season, lack of fertilisers during early
ics (Soetisna et al., 1992) because agricul- planting season, and agricultural land
tural landscape provides natural services conversion. The two first problems have
such as amenity, clean air, and biodiversity. temporary impact, but the last problem has
In many countries, environment is of high permanent impact on rice production.
priority concern of the country's develop- The fact that agricultural land
ment. The increasing awareness of people on conversion has various permanent impacts on
the environmental issues encourages several production of rice, ecology, and socio-
researchers to study the environmental economics of rural life, it is important to
effects of agricultural activities partly study agricultural land conversion. This
because agriculture has different characteris- paper aims to examine the land conversion
tics from those of other industries regarding using a dynamic model, and to determine
its environmental effects. One of the factors influencing the speed of land
characteristics is its spatial conservatory conversion. A theoretical frame work of land
which provides a beautiful landscape and conversion and mathematical model will be
friendly environment that create amenities built and data set on agricultural land will be
for the citizens. used to test empirically. Results of empirical
Economically, agricultural land conver- test will be discussed.
sion does not only impact on agricultural
productions; but also leads to loss of CONCLUSION
agricultural jobs for both former and land Agricultural land conversion is inevitable
owners and agricultural wage workers; loss along with economic development and
of agricultural investments such as irrigation, demographical changes. In Jogjakarta, length
institutions and other infrastructures; and of road, population, regional income and
negative environmental consequences farmer exchange rate are the main factors
(Firman, 1997). In fact, agricultural sector affecting agricultural land conversion.
provides most jobs in rural area (Hill, 2000; Accounting for those factors and
Soekartawi, 1994). The implication is that interdependency between dryland and
there will be huge quantity of opportunity wetland, it is indicates that the wetland is
cost resulting from agricultural land created and dryland converted at constant
conversion. rate. The rate of dryland conversion is much
Once the lands are converted to other higher than the rate of wetland creation.
non agricultural purposes, it will never back Regional income and population have
to the original agricultural lands. As a result, opposite effect on change in both dryland
there is permanent decrease in total and wetland. Length of road has the same
production of agricultural outputs. Ironically, impact; but the magnitudes of both impacts
the national demand for foods is steadily are different.
52 Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Vol. 8, No. 1, Juni 2007

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agriculture in Jogjakarta will not disappear, rian di Bidang Pangan: Suatu
although the dryland will likely to evaporate Kebutuhan bagi Indonesia, Jurnal
from Jogjakarta because it will be converted Ekonomi Rakyat, 6, http://www.
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