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SMA N 1 Gunung Talang

SMA N 1 Gunung Talang
Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014
Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS
T!" #S" $% &'(LL)
Nama Siswa : .
Kelas : .
A* K+m,e-ensi .asar
1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang
diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur disiplin per!aya diri dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional
dengan guru dan teman.
".#. Menganalisis $ungsi sosial struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
&.'. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang
dan telah dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang dengan memperhatikan $ungsi sosial struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
/* (n0i1a-+r2
Mengikuti interaksi untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan%kegiatan %kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah
dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang selama proses pembelajaran dengan bimbingan guru.
Menirukan !ontoh(!ontoh pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah
dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang
Mengidenti$ikasi !iri(!iri penyataan dan pernyataan tentang tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah
dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang )$ungsi sosial struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
Mengidenti$ikasi perbedaan antar berbagai pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan%kejadian yang terjadi diwaktu yang
akan datang yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris perbedaan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam bahasa
Indonesia kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain dsb.
Menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah dilakukan%terjadi di waktu
yang akan datang dalam bahasa Inggris selama proses pembelajaran.
Membandingkan ungkapan tentang tindakan%kejadian yang terjadi diwaktu yang akan datang yang telah dipelajari dengan
ungkapan(ungkapan lainnya.
Siswa membandingkan antara pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang tindakan%kegiatan%kejadian yang akan sedang dan telah
dilakukan%terjadi di waktu yang akan datang dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pernyataan dan pertanyaan dalam bahasa ibu
atau bahasa Indonesia.
3* Lang1ah Pembelajaran
A4-i5i-6 12 Watch the Video and write down your conclusion on the table provided
The use of WILL and GOING TO
SMA N 1 Gunung Talang
A4-i5i-6 22 At the end of the video, there will be an exercise, write down your answer in the followin box
1. a / b ; Reason:
2. a / b ; Reason:
3. a / b ; Reason:
4. a / b ; Reason:

A4-i5i-6 32 !tudy the followin infor"ation, and co"plete the "issin part#
Future Simple (I will do, she will do )
1. A decision at the time of speaking (used mainly in dialogue, and in contracted form):
a. You must speak to him as soon as possible!
- O.. (I/call) !!!!!!!!!!!!! him tomorro".
b. # feel $ery cold.
- %ait. ( I/ get) !!!!!!!!!!!!! your coat.
&. A possibility in the future (usually in combination "ith an e'pression of possibility):
- (I/probably/call) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. him tomorro".
- (I/think/it/rain) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this afternoon.
!e going to" (I am going to do, she is going to do )
1# An action in the future that has already been plAn$asd by the speaker%
(I/call) !!!!!!!!!!!!! him tomorro".
(She/look) !!!!!!!!!!!!! for a (ob.
&# Something that is certain to happen in the near future%
)ook at those black clouds. (It/rain) !!!!!!!!!!!!! any minute.
*top eating those s"eets. (&ou/be) !!!!!!!!!!!!! sick.
A4-i5i-6 42 $o the followin Tas%, 3h++se be-ween 7will7 8 7be g+ing -+7
She probably )buy* a new !ar. She will ,r+babl6 bu6 a new !ar.
1. +as she decided on a color for her room,
- Yes, she (paint) it blue.
&. #f # finish my "ork early, # ((oin) you.
-. %hat she (study) at uni$ersity,
.. # don/t think it (rain) tonight.
0. # cannot understand this sentence.
- Alright. I (explain) it to you.
1. )ook! 2hat plane (land) any moment.
3. 4re they planning to "alk home,
- No, they (take) a taxi.
5. 6aybe they (return) ne't year.
7. +o" many people you (in$ite),
18. +e isn/t here at the moment. 6ay # take a message,
- No, thank you. I (call) back later.
SMA N 1 Gunung Talang
A4-i5i-6 92 !tudy the followin &attern, and then do the exercise
Positive : S + will + V1
Negative : S + will + not + V1
Interrogative : Will + S + V1
Yes, S + will / No, S + will +
1. they / call / us
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
2. she / ree!er / us
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
". you / !e / in #ustralia
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
$. I / !uy / !rea%
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
Positive : S + !e going to+ V1
Negative : S + !e going to + not + V1
Interrogative : &e + S + going to + V1
Yes, S + !e / No, S + !e + not
1. 'vin / e(ty / the !in
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
2. y )rien%s / hel( / e
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
". we / lose / the gae
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
$. you / see / the house
Positive :
Negative :
Interrogative :
A4-i5i-6 :2 Watch the Video and write down your conclusion on the table provided
The use of 'uture (ontinuous, &erfect, and &erfect (ontinuous
SMA N 1 Gunung Talang
A4-i5i-6 ; 2 !tudy the followin infor"ation
A. Future Progressive/Continuous (uts e(hasis on the course o) an action ta*ing (lace in the )uture.
Positive : S + will + !e + V ing
Negative : S + will not + !e + V ing
Interrogative : Will + S + !e + V ing
action that is going on at a certain tie in the )uture
action that is sure to ha((en in the near )uture
Signal Words
in one year, ne+t wee*, toorrow
You will be waiting )or her when her (lane arrives tonight.
Will you be waiting )or her when her (lane arrives tonight,
You will not be waiting )or her when her (lane arrives tonight.
. Future Per!e"t )ors are usually interchangea!le.
Positive : S + will have+ V"
Negative : S + will not have + V"
Interrogative : Will + S + have + V"
You will #ave $er!e"te% your -nglish !y the tie you coe !ac* )ro the ..S.
Will you #ave $er!e"te% your -nglish !y the tie you coe !ac* )ro the ..S.,
You will not #ave $er!e"te% your -nglish !y the tie you coe !ac* )ro the ..S.
Use 1: Co&$lete% A"tion e!ore 'o&et#ing in t#e Future
&y ne+t Nove!er, I will #ave re"eive% y (rootion.
Use 2: (uration e!ore 'o&et#ing in t#e Future )Non*Continuous +erbs,
I will #ave been in /on%on )or si+ onths !y the tie I leave.
C. Future Per!e"t Continuous )ors are usually interchangea!le.
Positive : S + will have !een + V ing
Negative : S + will not have !een + V ing
Interrogative : Will + S + have !een + V ing
You will #ave been waiting )or ore than two hours when her (lane )inally arrives.
Will you #ave been waiting )or ore than two hours when her (lane )inally arrives,
You will not #ave been waiting )or ore than two hours when her (lane )inall
Use 1: (uration e!ore 'o&et#ing in t#e Future
0hey will #ave been tal-ing )or over an hour !y the tie 0hoas arrives.
#: When you finish your -nglish course, will you #ave been living in New 1ealan% )or over a year,
&: No, I will not #ave been living here that long.
Use 2: Cause o! 'o&et#ing in t#e Future
.sing the 2uture Per)ect 3ontinuous !e)ore another action in the )uture is a goo% way to show cause an% e))ect.
4ason will !e tire% when he gets hoe !ecause he will #ave been .ogging )or over an hour.
A4-i5i-6 <2 $o the followin Tas%) put the verbs into the correct for" *'uture &roressive+#
1. +t midnight we )sleep*
2. ,his time ne-t week we )sit*
". ,onight we )!ram up* ............... $or our /nglish test.
&. 0e )not % play* ............... all a$ternoon.
SMA N 1 Gunung Talang
1. )$ight % they* ............... again2
A4-i5i-6 =2 $o the followin Tas%) put the verbs into the correct for" *'uture &erfect+#
1. )you%$inish* the report by the deadline2
2. ,hey )arri3e* by dinner time.
". She )$inish* her e-ams by then so we !an go out $or dinner.
&. She )not%$inish* work by se3en
1. )she%get* home by lun!h time2
A4-i5i-6 102 ,sin the words in parentheses, co"plete the text below with the appropriate tenses
A. Simple Future / Future Continuous
1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) ____________________________ TV
as well.
2. Hopefully, when we (wae) ______________________ up tomorrow morning, the sun shines.
!. Tomorrow after school, I (go) ____________________ to the "each.
#. I am going on a $ream %acation to Tahiti. &hile you are $oing paperwor, I (lie)________________ on
a sunny, tropical "each. 're you (ealous)
*. If you (nee$)_______________________ to contact me sometime ne+t wee, I (stay) ____________
at the ,heraton in ,an -rancisco.
B. Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous
1. .y the time we get to /aarta this e%ening, we ($ri%e)_____________________________ more than
four hun$re$ miles. &e are going to "e e+hauste$.
2. &hen 'ulia goes on %acation ne+t month, she (stu$y) __________________________ 0erman for
o%er two years. ,he shoul$ "e a"le to communicate fairly well while she is in 'ustria.
!. I ha%e not tra%ele$ much yet1 howe%er, I (%isit)_________________ the 0ran$ 2anyon an$ ,an
-rancisco "y the time I lea%e the 3nite$ ,tates.
#. .y the time you finish stu$ying the %er" tense tutorial, you (master_________________________ all
twel%e tenses inclu$ing their passi%e forms.
*. 4in$a (ust calle$ an$ sai$ she woul$ "e here at 5 o6cloc. .y the time she gets here, we (wait)
________________________ for her for two hours.
-il$8a : &hen are going to get your "achelor6s $egree, 'n(as)
'n(as : I am going to finish my $egree ne+t /une. .y the time I gra$uate, I
(go)____________________ tofour $ifferent colleges an$ uni%ersities, an$ I (stu$y)
______________________ for more than se%en years.
-il$8a : &ow, that6s a long time9
'n(as : 'n$ I plan to continue on to get a :h.4.
-il$8a : Really) How long is that going to tae)
'n(as : .y the time I finally finish stu$ying, I ("e) ____________________ a stu$ent for o%er 1!
'rief : It6s 7<==, an$ I ha%e "een woring on my essay for o%er three hours.
4itha : 4o you thin you (finish) _____________________ "y 1=<==) There6s a party at ,ear6s
'rief : I (complete, pro"a"ly) _______________________ the essay "y 1=<==, "ut I (wor)
_________________________ on it for more than se%en hours, an$ I $on6t thin I am going to
feel lie going to a party.
-arhan : .y the time they finish their trip across >osemite ?ational :ar, they (hie)
__________________________________ for more than si+ $ays.
.unga : 'n$ they ("e, not)______________________ in a "e$ or (ha%e) ______________________ a
shower in almost a wee9
-arhan : &hen we pic them up, they (eat) _____________________________camping foo$ for $ays,
an$ I am sure they will "e star%ing.
.unga : I thin we ha$ "etter plan on taing them $irectly to a restaurant.

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