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Hyper-pigmented Kulit

Skin Care 22 September 2009

Hiper-pigmentasi kulit yang menyebabkan cedera akibat yang disebabkan oleh matahari atau karena
kerusakan yang dilakukan oleh matahari. Orang-orang yang adalah penduduk Asia, Afrika dan wilayah
Mediterania rentan dari hiper-pigmentasi.
Hiper-pigmentasi pada umumnya disebabkan karena berlebihan sekresi pigmen yang disebut 'Melanin'
yang bertanggung jawab untuk warna kulit. Selama sekresi melanin dan hiper pigmentasi dapat
disebabkan oleh berbagai kondisi seperti kehamilan, penyakit Addison atau paparan sinar matahari
selama berjam-jam.
Kondisi Terkait Untuk Hyper-pigmented Kulit:
Beberapa kondisi yang berkaitan dengan hiper-pigmentasi kulit adalah:
Albinisme: Ini adalah kondisi yang keturunan dan disebabkan karena kurangnya enzim yang bertanggung
jawab untuk produksi melanin pigmen. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan perubahan warna lengkap dari rambut,
kulit atau mata. Tidak ada penyembuhan penyakit ini telah ditemukan yang belum.
Vitiligo: Ini adalah penyakit autoimun di mana sel-sel penghasil pigmen damaged.In kondisi mulus ini,
muncul bercak putih pada kulit dan dalam beberapa kasus di seluruh tubuh. Tidak ada obat untuk kondisi
ini juga.
Kerusakan To The Kulit Dapatkah Hasil Dalam Rugi Pigmentasi: Dalam kasus infeksi pada kulit, trauma,
lepuh atau luka bakar dapat mengakibatkan perubahan warna daerah yang terkena. Warna semacam ini
tidak permanen. itu akan sembuh ketika luka sembuh atau mendapat infeksi diobati.
Natural Cures For Hyper-pigmented Kulit:
Ada dua jus yang dapat diterapkan pada daerah yang terkena. Salah satunya adalah jus lemon dan yang
lain adalah jus tomat. Kedua jus ini bersifat asam di alam sehingga ketika mereka diterapkan di hiperpigmented bagian melarutkan lapisan atas hiper-pigmentation.This adalah proses yang lamban, tetapi
aplikasi biasa pasti memberikan hasil

The cause of albinism is a mutation in one of several genes. Each of these genes provides the
chemically coded instructions for making one of several proteins involved in the production of melanin.
Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, which are found in your skin and eyes. A mutation
may result in no melanin production at all or a significant decline in the amount of melanin.
In most types of albinism, a person must inherit two copies of a mutated gene one from each
parent in order to have albinism. If a person has only one copy, then he or she won't have the
Impact of mutations on eye development
Regardless of which gene mutation is present, vision impairment is a common characteristic with all
types of albinism. These impairments are caused by irregular development of the nerve pathways
from the eye to the brain and from abnormal development of the retina.
Types of albinism
The system for classifying types of albinism is based primarily on which mutated gene caused the

disorder rather than how it's manifested. Nonetheless, most types of albinism have some features that
distinguish them from each other. Types of albinism include:

Oculocutaneous albinism. Oculocutaneous albinism is caused by a mutation in one of four genes.

These mutations result in signs and symptoms related to vision (ocular) and those related to skin
(cutaneous), hair and iris color.
Oculocutaneous albinism 1 is caused by a mutation in a gene on chromosome 11. Most people with
this type of albinism have milky white skin, white hair and blue eyes at birth. Some people with this
disorder never experience changes in pigmentation, but others begin to produce melanin during
childhood and adolescence. Their hair may become a golden blond or brown. Their skin usually doesn't
change color, but it may tan somewhat. The irises may also change color and lose some of their
Oculocutaneous albinism 2 is caused by a mutation in a gene on chromosome 15. It's more
common in Sub-Saharan Africans and African-Americans than in other population groups. The hair
may be yellow, auburn, ginger or red, the eyes can be blue-gray or tan, and the skin is white at birth.
In people of African descent, the skin may be light brown, and in those of Asian or Northern European
descent, the skin is usually white. In either case, the skin color is generally close to the family's
coloring, but little bit lighter. With sun exposure, the skin may over time develop freckles, moles or
The rarer oculocutaneous albinism 3 is caused by a gene mutation on chromosome 9 and has been
primarily identified in black South Africans. People with this disorder usually have reddish-brown skin,
ginger or reddish hair, and hazel or brown eyes.
Oculocutaneous albinism 4, caused by a gene mutation on chromosome 5, is a rarer form of the
disorder generally presenting signs and symptoms similar to those of type 2. This type of albinism
may be one of the most common forms among people of Japanese descent.

X-linked ocular albinism. The cause of X-linked ocular albinism, which occurs almost exclusively
in males, is a gene mutation on the X chromosome. People who have ocular albinism have the
developmental and functional vision problems of albinism. But skin, hair and eye color are generally
in the normal range or slightly lighter than that of others in the family.

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome is a rare albinism disorder caused

by one of at least seven mutated genes. People with this disorder have signs and symptoms like
those of oculocutaneous albinism, but they also develop lung and bowel diseases and a bleeding

Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare form of albinism caused by a

mutation in a gene on chromosome 1. Signs and symptoms are also similar to those of
oculocutaneous albinism. The hair is usually brown or blond with a silvery sheen, and the skin is
usually creamy white to grayish. People with this syndrome have a defect with white blood cells that
results in a susceptibility to infections.

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