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Jika anda berfikir Stres membuat anda gila, itu artinya Anda mungkin perlu beberapa

dari cara terbaik untuk meringankan stress .

Delapan strategi ini tidak akan hanya membantu tenang anda relax , tapi anda juga akan
merasa sangat dimanjakan saat melakukannya.
Berikut iniadalah 8 strategi yang mampu membantu anda menghilangkan stress :
If you ever think that Stress making you crazy? You probably need some of the best
ways to relieve your stress .
These eight strategies will not only help calm you down, you'll also feel legitimately
spoiled in the process.
Here are the 8 strategies that help you relieving stress:

1 .Berhiaslah dengan lavender

ramuan ini memiliki aroma yang menenangkan serta dapat menurunkan tekanan darah
dan detak jantung anda , yang keduanya dapat membantu anda rileks dan bahkan
terlelap tidur .
Caranya, masukkan bunga lavender ke dalam vas kering di dekat tempat tidur anda atau
moisturizer yang dicampur dengan lavender .
1. Decorate with lavender
This herb has a soothing scent that can lower your heart rate and blood pressure,
both of which can help you relax and even drift off to sleep.
Put dried lavender in a vase near your bed or slather on moisturizer infused with
2. mengkonsumsi strawberry yang dibalut dengan coklat
Makanan ini memiliki Vitamin c yang terkandung dalam beri yang akan menangkal rasikal
bebas, dan coklatnya akan membantu anda untuk menurunkan hormone cortisol yang menjadi
pencetus stress.
2. Have a chocolate-covered strawberry
The vitamin C in the berries can fight body-damaging free radicals and the dark chocolate
may help reduce stress hormones like cortisol.
3. Berendam.
Berendam dalam air memiliki efek menenangkan , para ahli mengatakan , karena
menghubungkan kita pada masa kita di dalam rahim . Tambahkan minyak lavender atau lilin
aromatherapy, maka anda akan merasakan effect relaksasi yang membuat anda merasa
3. Take a bath
Soaking in water has a soothing effect, experts say, since it connects us to our time in the
womb. Add lavender bath oils or aromatherapy candles and youll get the relaxation effect
and feel calm.


Memijat kulit kepala

anda tahu betapa nyaman rasanya ketika rambut anda dishampoo oleh salon? Anda
mendapatkannya juga di rumah.
Untuk menghilangkan ketegangan, pijat kulit
kepala anda dengan ujung jarimu, bergerak ke
belakang kepala anda beberapa kali.
Pijat kulit kepala juga membantu mengkondisikan
minyak pada kulit kepala jadi rambut anda akan
terlihat jauh lebih cantik.
4. Give yourself a scalp massage
You know how good it feels when you get your
hair shampooed at the salon? You can (and
should) recreate that experience at home.
To melt away tension, massage your scalp with
your fingertips, moving from your hairline to the back of your head several times.
Scalp massages also help release natural conditioning oils so your hair will look even
more gorgeous.
Get a Swedish massage
Not all rubdowns are created equal. This type of massage involves gentle, soothing strokes,
which can improve circulation and help you chill out. You could also try anaromatherapy
massage, where a therapist uses essential oils during the treatment
Sip chamomile tea
Research shows that one of the compounds in this herbal brew binds to the same brain
receptors as drugs like Valium, which means the tea acts as a mild tranquillizer. Not a tea
person? Chamomile supplements may also help reduce anxiety, according to at least one
Sip chamomile tea
Research shows that one of the compounds in this herbal brew binds to the
same brain receptors as drugs like Valium, which means the tea acts as a mild
tranquillizer. Not a tea person? Chamomile supplements may also help reduce
anxiety, according to at least one study.
Step in the sauna
If your gym has a sauna or steam room, use it after your next workout. When your body
heats up, both muscle tension and anxiety subside, according to research. Plus, feelings of
warmth can alter neural circuits that improve our mood. (This might be one of the reasons
why exercise can make us feel amazing.)
Give yourself a foot rub

Reflexology is an alternative medicine therapy that involves

applying pressure to different parts of the body. It may help
ease stress, and possibly even help migraines. Do it yourself
by running under the base of your toes to calm your head and
massaging the ball of your foot to relax your chest, says
reflexologist Mara Nicandro, director of Therapeutic
Massage of Texas. Rubbing your big toes releases soothing
endorphins, which can help you relax.

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