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Langkah-langkah untuk memupuk minat membaca di kalangan pelajar ?

Seperti yang kita semua maklum,membaca dalah satu gejalah yang penting untuk meningkatkan
bahasa kita.Namun begitu,ramai pelajar-pelajar yang enggan mengambil tahu tentang betapa
pentingnya membaca itu.Lebih-lebih lagi pelajar yang di peringkat sekolah menengah.Mereka telah
merosot dalam subjek-subjek bahasa terutamanya bahasa inggeris dan bahasa ibunda
mereka.Tambahan lagi,para pelajar memberitahu guru bahawa membaca itu sangat membosankan
dan tidak mengukirkan minat mereka untuk membaca dan memahami jalan cerita tersebut.Di sini
saya ingin memberi beberapa langkah untuk memupuk minat membaca di kalangan pelajar.
Langkah pertama yang patut diambil adalah untuk pihak sekolah mengadakan sesi pembacaan
selepas sekolah.Sesi pembacaan itu boleh dilakukan sebanyak dua kali seminggu.Bukan itu
sahaja,pelajar akan mendengar lagu yang boleh menukar suasana yang penuh dengan kebosanan
menjadi keghairahan.Di samping itu,guru-guru juga boleh turut berlagu dendang kerana itulah yang
akan membuat pelajar lebih minat membaca selepas itu.Kehadiran guru sangat penting untuk sesi
pembacaan tersebut kerana mereka boleh menolong pelajar yang mempunyai pahit maung
membaca buku masing-masing.Dengan berbuat demikian,pelajar akan mula membaca setelah
dihiburkan oleh persembahan guru-guru dan dengan demikian dapat memupuk minat membaca di
kalangan pelajar.
Seterusnya,peranan keluarga juga amat penting dalam menolong pelajar untuk membina minat
dalam membaca.Tidak syak lagi bahawa ramai ibu bapa kepada pelajar sangat sibuk sehingga
mereka mengabaikan tanggunjawab mereka untuk meluangkan masa bersama anak mereka.Pelajar
akan lebih berinspirasi jikalau hadirnya ibu bapa mereka di samping mereka untuk membaca buku
bersama-sama.Tambahan pula,perbuatan ini akan membuat pengikatan antara ibu bapa dan anak
lebih mendalam lagi.Dengan itu,penglibatan Ibu bapa dalam pelajaran mereka akna memberi impak
yang menakjuban.Di sini saya ingin tegaskan bahawa keluarga adalah aspek terpenting dalam
membina bahasa di kalangan remaja-remaja.
Langkah seterusnya yang saya ingin huraikan adalah bagi pihak berkuasa untuk mengiklankan
pertandingan membaca atau menulis karangan menggunakan kreativiti mereka.Tambahan lagi
pemenangnya akan mendapat penginapan percuma di hotel di negara-negara luar.Mereka juga akan
diberi peluang untuk berinteraksi dengan penulis-penulis yang mahir di negara sana.Ini akan
merafakkan lagi minat pelajar untuk membaca lebih buku untuk menggandakan lagi ilmu bahasa
mereka supaya boleh mencipta karangan yang ikut semampu ilmu tahap mereka.Dengan berbuat
demikian,pelajar akan lebih minat membaca dan jikalau mereka tidak memenangi pertandingan
tersebut,ilmu bahasa mereka tetap tidak terpupus.
Yang terakhir sekali,pihak sekolah boleh menggunakan teknologi canggih zaman moden ini seperti
Iphone,Ipod dan banyak lagi.Benda ini boleh digunakan untuk pelajaran kerana ia boleh melungsuri
lelaman web.Tambahan lagi,banyak buku elektronik yang boleh diambil dengan percuma kerana ia
khusus untuk sekolah.Buku elektronik tersebut hanya boleh digunakan di sekolah.Seperti lain
kata,pelajar tidak boleh membuka buku elektronik apabila mereka di luar kawasan sekolah.Dengan
berbuat demikian,ramai pelajar akan pergi ke perpustakaan selepas sekolah untuk menggunakan
benda canggih dan mereka akan terpesona dengan buku elektronik yang ada banyak macam.Untuk
menyimpul kata,kehadiran benda-benda yang mengikut teknologi zaman sekarang akan membuat
pembacaan di kalangan pelajar-pelajar lebih menarik.
Seperti apa yang diluahkan di atas,jikalau perkara ini tidak ditangani,para pelajar akan mula
merosot dalam pengukuhan bahasa mereka dan ini akan memalukan masyarakat bangsa
mereka.Dengan langkah-langkah yang diberikan,pelajar akan mula membina dan mengukuhkan
bahasa mereka.Ini akan membawa kebanggaan bagi masyarakat masing-masing kerana tidak lama
lagi para pelajar akan menjadi pemimpin bagi generasi akan datang dan mereka mungkin akan
peroleh kala depan sempurna jikalau bahasa mereka kukuh.Sebagai akhir kata,membaca itu sangat
penting bagi membina bahasa kita.

My Best Pal

Close friendships are hard to come by these days. In an ever-changing world with people
striving to achieve their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your
true friends are. Fortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender age of seven. We
were both enrolled at the same school and were at wits ends as we searched tirelessly for
our designated classes.

Samantha and I got acquainted as both of us were in the same class and sat next to each
other. Samantha was a happy-go-lucky girl who always managed to breathe fresh air into
the sometimes arid classroom. She always knew what to say and would voice them at the
best possible moments. Both pupils and teachers alike enjoyed her company and liveliness.
There was hardly ever a dull moment when she was around with her funny quips and

Samantha was born with a silver spoon. Her father was a businessman and her mother
owned and ran a boutique. Both her parents were very caring towards her as she, just like
I, was the only child of the family. Samantha came to school each day with a perpetual
smile. She was a very nice person to be around with. She and I used to go everywhere
together and both of us were rarely seen apart. We used to talk about so many things as
we walked, thoroughly enjoying our time together.

One day, I went to school and forgot to ask my parents for lunch money. At first, I was not
hungry and thought I could bear going without a meal but soon, my stomach began to
growl. Without asking, Samantha generously paid for my meal and drinks during recess.
The incident revealed to me how lucky I was to have such a caring and compassionate

As time went on, people started teasing us as we were spending more and more time
together. We seemed to know what each other thought and we cared for each other
deeply. Was I in love with her? I did not know then and we both knew we were too young
for all that emotional roller coaster.

Currently, Samantha and I are studying at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first,
but technology in the form of instant messaging and e-mails have helped to bridge the gap
in our friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will never end as it would be equivalent to
waking up from a beautiful dream.

About seventeen years ago, a beautiful young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust
and understand the purpose of her life. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes and
hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction of life. At this time, she was

living in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and off with a boyfriend, and fighting to
keep a relationship with her family, through letters. It may not seem like an ideal
situation, but everything in life has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike most
adolescents, her life was put into perspective very quickly. At the age of nineteen, Kari
received results from a test, which changed her life forever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age of twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her life now
revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out of her relationship, got a job, and found a
safe place for the two of them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working as a
papergirl (newspaper delivery person), and fighting for divorce, Kari was struggling. It
didnt matter though; she made the best of it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home.
Now, with a home and family, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot
of life to be learned from. Mike was constantly traveling; in fact, he was in Utah for two
years after they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week, and
working to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her life, Kari took sacrifices
and made it work.

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she
has faced in life. She is a beautiful, young, and caring, mother, friend and wife. She lives
in a nice house, takes care of kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost
every night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the
most unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take
anything normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship
with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, its like we grew
up together (although twenty years apart), best friends. She has always provided the
loving, but strict mother figure, which I can rely on, in my life. Her creativity brought me
lots of fun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words
and lectures, many she has learned from in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance for
the rest of my life. And her open and loving heart, gives me a safe place to share my
emotions. I never could ask for a better person to spend my memories with, for they
wouldnt be the memories they are, without her.

This friend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me since
he was born, a pleasure to have all these years.The strength to face each day can
sometimes be drawn from knowing him.

When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it
into the goal leaving the opponent frustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting
from the core of my heart. How this fine young man has grown from a novice soccer player
just three years ago to a forwarder that instill fear to defenders who have to mark him. A
elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the highest
standard of the land.

The fond memories of the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him to
the movies, watching him fight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is younger, he
never kept still and even climb out of the cradle that is meant to restrain him. That is
when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking from his grand mother.

The coolest transformation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the
"curry puff" look that is the trademark look that signifies his childhood days. Curry puff is a
local snacks that has ultra ordinary puff when fried. Youth has robbed away that and
reinstall a new image to befit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now the
replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order of the day when he needs to
go for a outing. While I would prefer him to be in long sleeved shirt and a business pant,
his peer may feel out of place with this sort of strange outfit.

Our favorite chat always centered on his favorite Barclay Premier League Club Chelsea and
my Manchester United Football Club. Our exchange on the matter can turn into a feisty
with each not giving way to the other. Glorified Manchester United has done it once again
but the arrival of Ancelloti this season and the departure of Christano Ronaldo has up the
challenge for the rivals.

Every weekend is spent at the soccer field where we conduct soccer lessons for children
under ten. He is my coach while I am his manager and together we managed to keep
soccer alive for these kids who showed up every weekend. Our effort has rewarded us with
two championship through the years and the greatest pride is the one that Chris has played

Chris is more of a friend than a son, we spend our time together like most friends do. I am
proud of him both as a friend and a son.

Persuasive Essay Example: Cell phones - One of Our Greatest Technologies Misused

Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once
developed to get in contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on
the phone while driving has turned out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers.
More than 85 percent of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers frequently talk on the
phone during driving.( Talking on the cell phone while driving
should be illegal, because of the dangers they cause. Driving while using the cell phone is
one of the major problems here in the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving.
This matter is too dangerous to let it go unnoticed.
According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional
quarterlys web site on March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed a study
in 1999. They appointed a crash risk factor to using cell phones. In the summer of 2000 it
came out to 450 to 1,000 fatalities each year. The NHTSH says that for every fatality, there
are 666 property-damage and injury-producing crashes. There are about 300,000 and
650,000 different crashes due to cell phones! This same essay states that Japan is one of
the 14 countries banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The accidents
caused by the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month, proving cell
phones are not necessary parts of the driving nature.

There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take
their eyes off the road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations
that their ability to concentrate may be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of
the people inside the vehicle, and the pedestrians outside. In order to drive safely, the
driver should be able to put 100% of his or her focus on the road. Cell phones are simply a
huge distraction while driving.

It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In
these cases, I agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over
somewhere safe to use the phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait
until the car has come to a complete stop. Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he
feels that the emergency is urgent enough to take action right away, then the person
should use the hands free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.

Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a
cell phone when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the
most common cause of car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the US.
The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many
people die due to distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths
and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. (
Another reason to not use the cell phone while driving is devastating the many lives of the
victims and their families in the case of an accident.

When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not increase.
Reflective Essay: What would you do if you had a lot of money - SPM Model Essay
uestion: What would you do if you had a lot of money?

When I was small, I often dreamt about being rich as my parents were quite poor. We had
difficulty making ends meet each month. So, if I had a lot of money, I would certainly
fulfill my dreams.
First and foremost, I would buy a house for my parents, preferably a bungalow, in a quiet
town. I would equip the house with the latest technology so that it would be a smart
home. My mother would have a state-of-the-art kitchen as she loves cooking. I would also
get a maid to help her with the household chores. I will ensure that my family is
comfortably settled in this house.

The second thing I would do is to go on a world tour with my parents. I have never been
overseas but I long to see the places I have only read or dreamt about. First, I would like to
visit Europe, especially Italy, the city of romance. I would visit all the museums and
buildings I have heard so much about. My next stop would be Hong Kong or China. There is
something mystical about China and her people. This would be my dream come true.

Apart from that, I could finally go on a shopping spree, which is my favourite pastime. Thus
far, I could only go window shopping and if I had a lot of money, I would go into these
stores and buy whatever I fancy. Just imagine that for once in my life, I do not need to
look at the prices of the items that I like. I could just shop till I literally drop. The
salesgirls would be hovering near me with their latest outfits and my wish would be their
command. Ah, I would not be ignored anymore as I walk into their stores!

Besides shopping, I would also remember the poor and the less fortunate. First, I would
certainly build a better home for the orphans in my town. In fact, I would also sponsor
their education till they could stand on their own. They would receive an allowance
monthly and I would definitely take them shopping.

Finally, I would take the opportunity to further my studies. When I was younger, my
parents could not afford to send me overseas. So, I would love to pursue a course in
interior decorating in London and once I graduate, I would like to set up my own business
with the rest of the money.
They say that a fool and his money are soon parted. Thus, I would be very careful with how
I spend my money. I would invest my money with my parents advice and keep some for
rainy days.

Which do you prefer, living in the countryside or living in the city?


I think living in the countryside is far better than living in the city. There are numerous of
reasons why living in countryside is the better than the city. The scenery, the streets, the
people and the paced are totally different compare to the city.

The first outstanding characteristic about the countryside is that it is beautiful and
peaceful. The air is fresh and the surroundings green. This is because the countryside is
free from pollution, be it air, land or noise pollution. There no such perfect peaceful view
that you can see other than in the countryside.

There are no crowded streets and heavy traffic in the countryside. Thus there are no fumes
from cars and smoke from factories buildings to pollute the air. The trees surrounded the
countryside help the people from inhaling the polluted air. The freshness smell of plant
somehow helps the people of the countryside to have a healthy life.

Furthermore, people in the countryside are more conscious of keeping their surroundings
clean and so there is little throwing of rubbish everywhere, only at designated places. This
is unlike the cities where if the garbage trucks do not collect the rubbish disposed by
household or restaurants, the city will be overflowing with rubbish! This will attract the
mosquitoes, fly, rats and wild dogs to pollute their surrounding that will cause them to
have diseases like dengue and cholera.

Thirdly, heavy traffic and crowded streets increase the level of noise pollution. The
honking of cars in the streets is continuous and the crowds on the roads increase the hub
of activity. There are also sound of the machine used in manufacturing factories, loud radio
in and out the mall. These add to the noise of the city. Even if one lives in residential
areas, one is never far from busy streets.
However, in the countryside, life is slow-paced. There is no need to rush around because
there are not too many places to go. Most places are close by and people can walk or
cycle. Less vehicle used, so less fumes is released.
The most heart-warming thing about the countryside is the attitude of people. People are
friendly and helpful. If there are any happy or festive occasions, everyone pitches in to
help. This feeling of cooperation and neighbourliness is what separates the countryside
from the city.
In the city, people are too busy to take note of the people around. Some hardly even know
their neighbours. So they would not even be bothered about what happens to people
around. This is why the crime rate is increasing in the city because bystanders do not rush
in to help if a crime is committed on the streets.
The pace of life in the countryside is slow so people have more time to enjoy life as the
day goes on. Thus, for me to enjoy the quality of life, I prefer to live in the countryside.


In my opinion, one has not experienced life until one has lived in the city. There is so much
to see and experience in the bright lights of the city that you cannot get in the
countryside. Here in the city, you can learn about how to get along with people of
different types, encounter varied situations and solve problems. All these help a person to
grow in maturity. After all, experience is the best teacher.

In the countryside, however, you only move around people you are used to. So, you seldom
encounter strangers or new and demanding situations. Life is more mundane and routinelike. Staying in a secure, safe place does not allow for one to gain new experiences and
grow in maturity.

Furthermore, young people need a life that is exciting and pleasurable. It is the city that
offers you entertainment- cinemas, parks and eating places. Here you can hang out with
friends and family members. Life as fast-paced and this keeps you active and alert all
times. And when it comes to educational opportunities, the city abounds in this. There are
good school and libraries that are necessary for your mental development. Furthermore,
there are places like museums and educational centres where you can go, to increase your

Such places that offer you entertainment or learning opportunities are of course not
available in the countryside. For entertainment, there is only the occasional festive
celebration or marriage feast or fishing outing. Some may find this appealing but not me.
Moreover, opportunities to widen your knowledge are limited in the countryside.

Another point in support of living in the city is the available of jobs. In the city, you can
find a job that suits your qualification or interest. If you find a job unsuitable, you can
always move to another. This, naturally, increases your earning power and you have better
chances of a more comfortable life. Of course, one may argue that one can live in the
countryside and work in the city but this will only incur extra expenses and unnecessary

Thus, for all the reasons mentioned above, I think that life in the city is better than living
in the countryside. After all, you are young only once.

A holiday I would never forget

Holidays, a time everyone gets hyped up over, parents planning activities for the family to spend
quality time with and school children ( as well as teachers) jumping for joy. Hello, waking up late,
celebrating, goin for tuition and best of all, vacations! In myy case, a holiday I would never forget is

a fruitful one I expereinced five years ago, where my family I spent six days in the land of K-Pop and
' kimchi '- Korea.

Finally, after ages of waiting, our family arrived in beautiful Korea. Stepping out of the plane,
we could feel the chilly weather to our bones. Never experiencing that kind of weather, my siblings
and I were totally excited. Passing through immigration and baggage claim, we were talking
animatedly about our new surroundings. Since we went with tour group, we knew we were in good

Incident number one. We were supposed to take a bus to check in at the hotel, as instructed. I
guessed I was overeager and without thinking. I ran to a random bus and knocked on the door. The
young bus driver opened the door and looked at me with a puzzled expression. He started asking me
something in Korean, which of course I did not understand. I tried to reply in English, but before I
could make the attempt, my father quickly apologized to the driver and walked me back to the tour
group who was watching from afar, shaking with laughter. It turned out that the bus I was running to
was not the bus we were supposed to take. I dismissed my burning cheeks. I was glad I could be the
butt of everyone's jokes on my first day in a foreign country.

It was a bit past lunch time when we were done checking in our hotel. Not doubt, everybody's
stomachs were grumbling. Thank God after checking in, we were going to have our lunch and do a
bit of sightseeing. While waiting for the others outside the hotel, we walked around nearby. There
was a row of vending machines that sold various snacks and beverages, including Haagen Dazs icecream , and instant noodles. My mother had a craving for Nescafe, so she spent her first Korrean
money on that.

At the restaurant, a delicious meal was already spread out for us. That was the first time we
all tried kimchi, a spicy and sour vegetable side dish.I did not think it was horrible, buut I
preferred the fish kimchi much better. We all ate using chopsticks, so that was kind or awkward for
me and my siblings, as we were not skilled at using them yet. Being Malaysians, we were used to
rice, so it was a good thing that the Korean meal included rice and a few other side dish, eaten
from a Bento box. It was weird though, the rice was stickier compared to the rice we eat at home,
mainly to make it easier to eat using chopsticks. There was also hot and scumptious miso soup
together with the meal. Since my sister and my brother did not like it much, I finshed up theirs. I
gulped the warm soup down my throat- a nice connntrast from the shivering weather outside.

One of the highlights of our activities that we did in Korea was skiling. Everybody from the
tour group was looking forward to that, even the 52-year old couple traveling with us. Since it
was'nt fully snownig yet, the hill was coverred with artificial snow. After grobbing our ski gear, we
listen to a briefing by the instructor. He was very help ful, especially with us kids annd the elderly

Feeling jumpy and hyperactive, me and my sister made our way to the cable car and successfully
skied down a slope. I thought, " We're natural at this," and my sister could not agree more. When we
came to see how our parents and brother were doing, my brother started to throw a snowball
towards me and my sister. It hit me, and we started having a small snowball fight of our own, just
like in the movies! I guessed we got a bit out of hand and my sister accidentally hit a woman's back.
when she turned around, she had this angry look on her face and started to walk towards us.I

hurried my siblings to continue skiing with our parents,and we ran away before she cold catch us.
Breathless, we giggled innaivety as we recapped the moment.

In a way, skiing is like swimming. Why do I say so? Well, when swimming ,you do not feel
tired , but you would see the effect when you get ravenous and eat more after a session or when
you aintend to tke a nap, but it is extended to long hours. The same goes to skiing. When we arrived
at the hotel after skiing, we were drained out and starving. Instant noodles saved the day! We all
ate curry-flavoured Maggi together, savouring the memontary pleasure. We also dozed off quite
early that night , right after going for a walk to enjoy the amazing night view of th mountains, and
breathing the cool, fresh winter air.

Shopping in Korea was also different compared to Malaysia. Its malls were packed with small
shops or stalla on every floor. Big boutiques were not seen as much as the quaint kiosks.
Nevertheless, I found shopping at their markets more enjoyable, especially because you could
haggle the price. Their specialities were crystals, fabrics and outerwear. Apart form that, I also
liked their wet markets , mainly because they were very clean and they did not have that fishy
smell. I remembered a shocking incident when walking through the stalls of the wet market. A large
fish jumped out its aquarium and onto the floor. I stared at it and suddenly, I saw a huge cutting
knife slicing through the fish's neck! It was the owner of the stall's doing. Then, the owner left the
fish flapping around lifelessly without a head.

There was also a treasure trove among the stalls of the wet market- a tiny shoop which served
grilled seafood. My family stepped into the shop and ordered some grilled fish and cockles.

After saying our prayers, we devoured our mouth-watering find of the day. Dripped in a type of
souce, the seafood was the best I had ever eaten, as you could taste the freshness. Or maybe I was
just hungry after a full day of activities.

If it was up to me, there were so many things to write on my memorabe trip to Korean. Not
onli we got to spend quality time together as a family, but we also learnt countless new things and
even discovered hidden talents. My father always said we should travel with an open mind and an
open heart. This is when you get to see your capability to adapt to changes. Just enjoy the simple
things in life and be thankful of what you have. So, do just that. Who knows you might discover a

part of yourself you never know existed?

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