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Wahai Allah, Milik-Mu lah segala puji.

Engkaulah penegak dan pengurus langit dan bumi serta
makhluk yang ada di dalamnya.
Milik-Mu lah segala puji, Engkaulah penguasa (raja) langit
dan bumi serta makhluk yang ada di dalamnya.
Milik-Mu lah segala puji, Engkaulah cahaya langit dan bumi
serta makhluk yang ada di dalamnya.
Milik-Mu lah segala puji, Engkaulah Yang Hak (benar), janji-Mu
lah yang benar, pertemuan dengan-Mu adalah benar,
perkataan-Mu benar, surga itu benar (ada), neraka itu benar
(ada), para nabi itu benar, Nabi Muhammad SAW itu benar,
dan hari kiamat itu benar (ada).
Wahai Allah, Hanya kepada-Mu lah aku berserah diri, hanya
kepada-Mu lah aku beriman, hanya kepada-Mu lah aku
bertawakkal hanya kepada-Mu lah aku kembali, hanya
dehgan-Mu lah kuhadapi musuhku, dan hanya kepada-Mu lah
aku berhukum.
Oleh karena itu ampunilah segala dosaku, yang telah
kulakukan dan yang (mungkin) akan kulakukan, yang
kurahasiakan dan yang kulakukan secara terang-terangan,
dan dosa-dosa lainnya yang Engkau lebih mengetahuinya
daripada aku.
Engkaulah Yang Maha Terdahulu dan Engkaulah Yang Maha
Terakhir. tak ada Tuhan selain Engkau, dan tak ada daya
upaya dan kekuatan kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah.
OAllah we extend these plams to you from these dirty hearts,

OAllah, OAllah we plead infront of you

From these hearts which have been soiled with years and years of sin

OAllah, OAllah its a struggle day in and day out as we live this life

There are many challenges and there are many fitnah out there,

We want to be good but we find ourselves failing day in and day out

OAllah we ask you, we beseech you that you make your obedience
beloved to our hearts so that we can avoid disobedience so much more

OAllah we ask that your disobedience be made hated in our hearts so

that we can avoid your disobedience

OAllah, OAllah bring your obedience close to us

OAllah grant us your love and the love of those who love you

OAllah OAllah we find ourselves failing everyday

We find that we come into the masjid and we pray , we come into a
class and we study, we go outside .. and one wrong look wipes out all
the nur that weve just attained, wipe out all the benefit that weve just
been given

OAllah allow all the good that we do to accumulate and to benefit us

and to benefit our families when we get back home

OAllah your tarteeb is so beautiful that the men they go to the masjid
to pray and they bring back the nur into the houses

But OAllah we are failures in that regard

We make our salat in the masjid and yet we dont take any of that Nur

OAllah , OAllah purify our hearts and our gazes, our every aspect of
our body
OAllah, because we cant be left to our own Nafs (ego)

OAllah dont leave us with our own Nafs

OAllah you take charge of us ! OAllah you take charge of us

OAllah we know were insincere servants, we have a lot of darkness in
our hearts and these hands that are extended to you and these
tongues which are speaking to you are soiled and dirty but we have
nobody else to ask. Only you can we ask because there is nobody else
to turn to

OAllah weve seen in this world that when a child becomes soiled and
their nappy is dirty, nobody wants to pick up that child, that smelly
child. But the mother, youve given her such mercy that this mother
will go and pick this child up and clean it.. clean the child and make it
smelling nice again and will draw this child close to her heart

OAllah we are soiled with our sins, we are worse than that child. If the
sins were to smell, and their stench.. nobody would come close to us,
nobody wants to pick us up

But OAllah, OAllah we ask that you purify us because your mercy
knows no bounds, your rivers of mercy are constantly flowing. We ask
for one drop of it to be given to us. That would be sufficient for us! That
will allow us to reach, to get close to you

OAllah your mercy has been manifested in many ways

OAllah give us the tawfeeq to understand that mercy and to seek that
mercy from you

OAllah our problem is our sins and our weakness! We waste our time
in redundant activities! We dont fulfil our times in the most useful
ways. We have insincerity in our intention

OAllah, OAllah we can expect much more from you

OAllah we know that we have this hope in you that you can give us all
of these things

OAllah, OAllah dont turn us away because theres nobody else to turn
to if you turn us away

OAllah we ask you to grant us barakah in our lives. That we turn away
from here with full repentance and full purification of our heart with a
new outlook to life. A more positive outlook to life!
OAllah and that our life changes and we become more conscientious

OAllah accept our duas

And finally we ask you , one last thing that you send your abundant
blessings on our messenger Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon

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