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Tugas #3 Kimia Dasar I FMIPA UGM Tahun 2017

Kerjakan soal-soal berikut secara singkat, jelas dan benar.

Perhatikan syarat dan ketentuan di bawah,
1. Why do many of the transition elements in Period 4 form ions with a 2+ charge?
2. Which of these Lewis symbols is incorrect?

3. Is the formation of a covalent bond endothermic or exothermic?

4. Why doesnt hydrogen obey the octet rule?
5. What are the electron configurations of the Bi3+ and Bi5+ ions
6. The molecule bromine monofluoride has a dipole moment of 1.42 D and a bond length of
176 pm. Calculate the charge on the ends of the molecule, expressed in electronic charge
units (e =1.60 10-19 C). Which atom carries the positive charge?
7. Draw Lewis structures for (a) selenium trioxide and (b) selenium dioxide.
8. Draw the Lewis structure for SO2Cl (sulfur bonded to two Cl and one O). Assign formal
charges to each atom. Determine the preferred Lewis structure for this molecule.


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