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Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011

Program Diklat : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Bidang Studi Keahlian : Teknologi Dan Rekayasa
Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi
Kelas / Jurusan : X (Sepuluh) / Semua Jurusan
Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 26 Mei 2011
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

1. Gunakan pensil 2B untuk menghitamkan bulatan pada Lembar Jawaban
Komputer (LJK)
Contoh cara menghitamkan :
a b c d e benar a b c d e salah

a b c d e salah a b c d e salah

2. Berdoalah sebelum anda memulai menjawabnya.

3. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer
(LJK) yang disediakan.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
5. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak
atau jumlah soal kurang.
6. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pilihan ganda.
7. Dahulukan soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
8. Penilaian diatur sebagai berikut :
a. Nilai Minimal = 0,00

1 SMK YPC Tasikmalaya

b. Nilai Maksimal = 10,00
9. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas bila diperlukan.
10. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
11. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu



Questions 1 5 refer to the following Story

The Mouse Deer And The Tiger

One day, there was a mouse deer. He was thirsty so he wanted to drink on the river. When
the mouse deer came next to the river, a tiger approached him and wanted to eat him. Of
course the mouse deer tried to escape, but the tiger run faster and caught him. In that
dangerous situation the mouse deer thought hard how to escape the tiger. Then he got idea
and said to the tiger, Listen! Your mightiness and toughness are all great! But I have my
own king. He has a greater strength than yours! I am sure that nobody can match his

Because the tiger felt challenged, he declared that he would challenge the mouse deers king.
Next the mouse lead the tiger to the river, and said, Now Look at the water. You will see my
king Foolishly the tiger looked in the river and surely saw another tiger in the water. Then he
growled, but the tiger in the river imitated to growl too. Because of his too high self pride,
the tiger jumped into the water, and wanted to fight. He was believing there was another
tiger in the water.
The mouse deer took that opportunity to escape. After fighting with himself in the river, the
tiger realized that he was fooled by the mouse deer.

1. What kind text is the text above?

A. Recount
B. Narrative
C. Descriptive
D. Announcement

2. The generic structure of the text above is ..........

A. Goal, Material, Steps.
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B. Identification, Description
C. Newsworthy event, Background Event, Sources
D. Orientation, Complication, Resolution

3. What was the mouse deer character according to the text?

A. arrogant B. Kind C. Wise D. Smart

4. Why the mouse deer came to the river?

A. The mouse deer wanted to escape from the tiger
B. The mouse deer was thirsty
C. The tiger approached the mouse deer
D. The tiger wanted to eat the mouse deer

5. What did the mouse deer do that made him survive from the tiger?
A. The mouse deer run very fast
B. The mouse deer fought the tiger
C. The mouse deer asked the tiger to fight with his own shadow
D. The mouse deer entered the river

Questions 6 16 refer to the following Story

The Story of Ruth Becker, The Titanic Survivor

Ruth Becker was twelve years old in March 1912 when she travelled from India to England
with her little brother Richard, aged one, her sister, Marion, aged four, and their mother.
They were on their way home to the USA. After travelling by boat through the Suez Canal
and across the Mediterranean Sea they arrived in England. They planned to cross the
Atlantic Ocean to the USA in a famous new ship, the Titanic.

The Titanic was the biggest and most modern ship in the world, and this was its first voyage.
It was as long as three football fields and eleven storeys high. The newspapers said the
Titanic was like a palace. They also said it could not sink.

When the Titanic left England, the weather was good. For the first four days the passengers
enjoyed life on the ship. Then, on Sunday, April 14, the weather turned cold. The northern
part of the Atlantic is near the Arctic Circle, so there were icebergs in the water. At 11.40
p.m. a lookout saw a big iceberg 500 metres ahead. An officer tried to turn the ship, but it
was going too fast, and the Titanic hit the iceberg.

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At first, nobody was worried, just after midnight, Ruth and her mother woke up. There was a
strange silence because the ships engines had stopped.

Ruths mother got up and spoke to a steward outside her cabin.

He said, Dont worry. Its only a small problem.

She went back to bed, but some time later a steward knocked on their door and said, Put
your life jackets on and go up to the lifeboat deck.
Do we have time to dress? she asked.
No, Madam, you have time for nothing. The ship is sinking.

Ruth and her mother woke the two younger children. They put coats over their nightclothes
and ran up the stairs to the lifeboats. There were not enough lifeboats, so the captain said,
Women and children first. Men had to say goodbye to their families and stay on the ship.

It was very cold, so Mrs Becker sent Ruth back to their cabin for warm blankets. When Ruth
returned, officers were putting her little brother and sister into a lifeboat. Ruths mother got
into the boat with them, but an officer stopped Ruth and said, Sorry. Its full. He lowered
the boat into the sea, and Ruth was left on the ship.
Ruths mother shouted, Ruth! Get in the next lifeboat!
A few minutes later, Ruth was in another lifeboat. But more than 1,500 people were still on
the ship.

Then the great ship broke into two halves. The front half sank below the water, and two
minutes later the other half sank. Hundreds of people were in the water, crying for help. But
nobody could help them because the lifeboats were already dangerously full.

About three hours later, Ruth saw a light from another ship. When the ship got to them,
Ruth was so cold that she could not move. Men pulled her onto the ship and gave her a hot
drink.Then Ruth ran all over the ship, looking for her mother and her brother and sister. She
watched as other lifeboats came in. Hours later, she found them. All three of them were

In the end, 705 people were saved. But many were not as lucky as Ruth. More than 1,500
people died in the freezing water.

And Ruth Becker? She lived a long life. She finished school and went to university, became a
teacher, had three children, and lived to the age of 90.

6. When was Ruth Becker born?

A. In 1912
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B. In 1900
C. twelve years
D. to the age of 90

7. How many family members were she traveling with?

A. 1 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5

8. Where did the Titanic set ?

C. Suez Canal
D. Atlantic Ocean

9. According to the text, What did the newspaper say about the Titanic?
A. The Ship could not sink
B. Its the biggest ship in the USA
C. Its about eleven storeys high
D. Its about 330 meters long

10. Why couldnt the Titanic avoid the collision with iceberg?
A. Because an officer tried to turn the ship
B. Because a lookout saw an iceberg 500 meters ahead
C. Because its going too fast
D. Because the titanic hit the iceberg

11. Why did Ruth and her mother wake up?

A. Because the ship hit the Iceberg
B. Because nobody was worried
C. Because the ships engine had stopped
D. Because the ship was sinking

12. Why did the steward knock the door?

A. Because the ship was sinking
B. Because the ship hit the iceberg
C. Because the ships engine had stopped
D. Because the ship was broke in two parts

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13. Why did the captain say woman and children first?
A. Because the ship was sinking
B. Because men had to say goodbye to their family
C. Because there were not enough lifeboat
D. Because the ship hit the iceberg

14. How many people died in Titanic accident?

A.705 B. Less than 705 C. 1500 D. More than 1500

15. All of this sentence are classified as an indirect speech, Except

A. A Steward asked Ruth mothers not to worry
B. Ruths mother asked the steward whether they had time to dress
C. Ruths mother told Ruth to get in the next lifeboat
D. Do we have time to dress ? She asked.

16. The newspapers said the Titanic was like a palace. The underlined word has
the same meaning with.......
A. Castle B. Place C. Boat D. Ship

Questions 17 22 refer to the following folks Tale

Telaga Warna

Long long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king
named His Majesty Prabu.

Prabu was a kind and wise king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn't got any
children. The queen often cried. That was why Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to
God every day, begging for a child.

A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a princess was born. Prabu
and Queen loved their beautiful daughter so much. They gave whatever she wanted. It
made Princess turn into a very spoiled girl.

One day, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday party. Many people gathered in the
palace. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel.

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"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please, wear this necklace," said

"I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess. Then she threw the necklace. The
beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor.
Everybody couldn't say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do
that cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and
began crying, too. Then, everybody was crying. Then, there was a miracle. Earth was crying.

Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. Soon, the
place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the kingdom.

Nowadays, people called the lake "Telaga Warna". It means "Lake of Color". On a bright day,
the lake is full of color. These colors come from shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and sky
around the lake. But some people said that the colors are from the princess's necklace,
which spreads at the bottom of the lake.

17. The following is the resolution of the kings problem.

a. He went to the forest and prayed to God
b. He was worried about who would be his successor
c. he asked the goldsmith to make a beautiful necklace for the princess
d. he held a special event for his princess in courtyard

18. What was the bad attitude the king did to his daughter?
A. he welcomed her birth happily C. he gave everything that she wanted
B. he spoiled very much D. he held a beautiful party

19. What was the princess like?

A. She was beautiful and helpful C. She was good looking and kindhearted
B. she was charming but lazy D. She was pretty but arrogant

20. According to the folks legend above, how did the lake happen ?
A. the people were crying C. Because of the shadows of sky
B.The colour of forests, flowers and sky D. The king and queen were weeping

21. What lesson can we take from this story?

A. We mustnt be arrogant although we are rich
B. We must be spoiled because we are poor
C. We must not be lazy even though we are wealthy
D. We must be helpful although we are not prosperous

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22. Which one of this sentence that is classified as a direct speech
A. A few months later, the queen got pregnant
B. Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel.
C. "I don't want to wear it! It's ugly!" shouted the princess
D. In their silence, people heard the queen crying

23. A:Did you fax the letter for andang ?

Y: ..............................

A. I will fax it tonight C. I received it last night

B. No, I sent it on e-mail D. Im working on it

24. A: I eat lunch everyday

A. once B. Twice C. On D. At

25. Soekarno is the person ........ became the first President of Indonesia
a. who b. whose c. whom d.which

26. Yusuf Kalla who comes from South Sulawesi is one of the ... people in eastern
A. more richer
B. richer
C. richest
D. most rich

Question no 27 to 32 refer to the following Dialogue

Andi: hey, .............................(27)?
Budi: I am working out my homework. ............................(28).?
Andi: Yes I have . I submitted my homework to Mr. Beni yesterday
Budi : Oh you are so dilligent . I didnt have time to do my homework on holiday, I
was too busy travelling
Andi : Oh I see. By the way, ................................(29)?
Budi : It was great. I went to Pangandaran Beach with my family
Andi: Really? ....................(30) there?

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Budi: I did many activity there, I swam on the beach, and then I went to pasir putih
on a boat, I also ate some delicious seafood there
Andi: hmm,. It ......... (31) great. I want to go there too.
Budi: owh,.. .............................(32) too?
Andi: No, I dont like swimming and seafood. But I like playing on the beach. I think
we should have vacation together sometimes.
Budi: Yes, I think it would be great.

27. A. What did you do C. What was you doing

B. What will you do D. What are you doing

28. A. Did you do homework C. Has you done it

B. Have you done your homework D. Will you do my homework

29. A. Where did you go C. Did you go to Pangandaran

B. How was your vacation D. Did you go with your family

30. A. What are you doing C. Where did you go

B. What do you do D. What did you do

31. A. Sounds B. Looks C. Feels D. Tastes

32. A. Do you like swimming and seafood C. What are you like swimming
B. Did you like swimming and seafood D. What do you like

Question no 33 to 37 refer to the following text

6 months ago, Our school held boarding school event. We stayed at boarding
school for 3 weeks. On the first day I felt homesick, but day after day I began to
enjoy the boarding school activity.

We woke up at 4 a.m , and we immediately went to mosque. After we prayed

subuh, we read the qur-an, and then we took a bath and prepared to go to school,
after the school was over, we had lunch together in the dining room. After that we
had a break, and then took a bath before ashar. After ashar pray, we learned to
read the quran at the mosque, and then we prayed magrib. After that we listened
to a mubaligh preach untill 9 pm. From 9 pm we had a free time. We usually played
futsal at that time.

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On the last day of boarding I felt sad and happy. I was sad because I remembered
the togetherness with all my friends at boarding, and I felt happy because I would
go back home and gathered again with my family. The most unforgetful moment at
the boarding school was when Ustad juna sprayed water on me because I was hard
to get up in the morning.

33. How long did the boarding school last ?

A. 12 hours
B. Six month
C. 3 weeks
D. 24 hours

34. What did the writer feel after he stayed long in the boarding school
A. the writer felt homesick
B. the writer missed his mom
C. the writer wanted to get out from boarding
D. the writer began to enjoy the boarding activity

35. What type of text is the text above?

A. Narrative B. Recount C. Descriptive D. Announcement

36. What did the writer do before he prayed ashar according to the text ?
A. He played futsal
B. He took a bath
C. He listened to mubaligh preach
D. He did his homework

37. Why did the writer felt sad on the last day of boarding ?
A. Because he must go home
B. Because He would gathered with his family
C. Because He remembered the togetherness with his friends
D. Because He was sprayed by Ustad Juna

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Question no 38-40 are refer to this song lyric

Every time you feel like you cannot go on/ You feel so lost/ And That youre
so alone

All you is see is night/And darkness all around/You feel so helpless/You can`t
see which way to go

Don`t despair and never lose hope/Cause Allah is always by your side

38. What is the title of the songs?

A. One big family C. Insya allah
B. Gaza tonight D. Assalamu Alaikum

39. What is the song about?

A. a girl who fall in love with a boy
B. Friendship between teenager
C. Advise for the person who Live in the darkness and walk in the wrong way
D. A broken heart man

40. What lesson can we take from this lyric?

A. We must believe that were alone
B. We have to be helpless
C. Never see wich way to go
D. Never lose hope

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