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8/24/2017 Instalasi Prestashop

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Instalasi Prestashop

Pilih bahasa
Proses instalasi selesai !
Perjanjian lisensi
Proses instalasi berhasil dan selesai. Terima kasih telah menggunakan PrestaShop !

Kompabilitas sistem
Harap ingat informasi login Anda berikut ini:

Informasi toko
Konfigurasi sistem Cetak informasi login saya
Password sandiku123456
Instalasi toko

Untuk alasan keamanan, folder "install" sebaiknya dihapus.

Back Office Front Office

Kelola toko Anda melalui Jelajahi toko Anda

backoffice, dimana Anda dapat sebagaimana pelanggan
mengatur order, pelanggan, mengunjungi website Anda !
memasang modul, merubah
theme dan banyak lagi..,

Kelola toko Anda Kunjungi website Anda

Bagikan pengalaan Anda ke teman-teman Anda!

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Customize Your Design! Custom Store Modules

Create a design that suits your products and Find just the right feature on PrestaShop
your customers, with a ready-to-use template Addons to make your e-commerce business a
theme. success:

Increase your traffic

Optimize your conversions
-15% Templates
on Premium
Create promotional offers the easy way
for the first 500 orders Get to know your e-commerce calendar...
with the code: PROMOTHEME and more!

Find a theme Discover the modules

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8/24/2017 Instalasi Prestashop

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