Anda di halaman 1dari 26

. recode umur_thn (min/5=1 "Balita") (5/11.

9=2 "Anak") (12/16=3 "Remaja Awal") (17/25=4 "Remaja Akhir") (26/35=5 "Dewas
> a Awal") (36/45=6 "Dewasa Akhir") (46/55=7 "Lansia Awal") (56/65=8 "Lansia Akhir") (65/max=9 "Manula"), gen (kat_umur
(46 differences between umur_thn and kat_umur)


1. Nama Penderita : ..........................................................................................
2. Jenis Kelamin : ..........................................................................................
. tab jk_res

jk_res Freq. Percent Cum.

laki-laki 21 45.65 45.65

perempuan 25 54.35 100.00

Total 46 100.00

3. Tanggal Lahir : ................................, Umur : ............ (th)

. tab kat_umur

(umur_thn) Freq. Percent Cum.

Balita 14 30.43 30.43

Anak 28 60.87 91.30
Remaja Awal 3 6.52 97.83
Remaja Akhir 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab puskesmas

puskesmas Freq. Percent Cum.

karanglewas 2 4.35 4.35

kembaran 2 4 8.70 13.04
pwt barat 18 39.13 52.17
pwt selatan 7 15.22 67.39
pwt timur 1 6 13.04 80.43
pwt timur 2 5 10.87 91.30
pwt timur 3 1 2.17 93.48
pwt utara 3 6.52 100.00

Total 46 100.00

Itu data timur 3 masuk timur 2 jadi total timur 2: 6 KASUS, utara 2: 4 KASUS, Barat: 17
KASUS (ada kesalahan koding)

. tab nama_ibu_bpk

nama_ibu_bpk Freq. Percent Cum.

Nur khasan - Aisiyah 1 4.35 4.35

arif sugianto - asih setiorini 1 4.35 8.70
aris suharyanto - mukhul wigati 1 4.35 13.04
bayu setiono - dewi pancawati 1 4.35 17.39
cholid basalamah - elis hilaliyah 1 4.35 21.74
dwi afni palupi-arif ariansyah 1 4.35 26.09
dwi anto - kushartini 1 4.35 30.43
eviyati - haryoko 1 4.35 34.78
hartoyo - emy damayanti 1 4.35 39.13
helmy anisyah 1 4.35 43.48
hidayat khoiridin - khusnul khumaidiyah 1 4.35 47.83
imam ariyanto - laksmi 1 4.35 52.17
jepten - sri handayani 1 4.35 56.52
jihad akhiri - musriati 1 4.35 60.87
maryoso - emy kurniati 1 4.35 65.22
purwanti 1 4.35 69.57
saad - nuraeni 1 4.35 73.91
salman amin Dian Fitri 1 4.35 78.26
siswoko - umiyati 1 4.35 82.61
sulkhan - kurniasih 1 4.35 86.96
sumarno - setyo rini 1 4.35 91.30
umiyati - arif nuruddin 1 4.35 95.65
yayan - rosa 1 4.35 100.00

Total 23 100.00

6. Luas lantai bangunan rumah : ................ m2

. tab luas_rmh

luas_rmh Freq. Percent Cum.

- 1 4.35 4.35
108 2 8.70 13.04
110 3 13.04 26.09
111 1 4.35 30.43
114 1 4.35 34.78
120 1 4.35 39.13
142 1 4.35 43.48
154 1 4.35 47.83
21 1 4.35 52.17
210 1 4.35 56.52
211 1 4.35 60.87
60 1 4.35 65.22
70 3 13.04 78.26
80 2 8.70 86.96
90 3 13.04 100.00

Total 23 100.00

7. Jumlah anggota keluarga serumah : ........... orang
. tab jml_klrg

jml_klrg Freq. Percent Cum.

- 1 4.35 4.35
10 1 4.35 8.70
3 2 8.70 17.39
4 7 30.43 47.83
5 5 21.74 69.57
6 4 17.39 86.96
7 1 4.35 91.30
8 1 4.35 95.65
9 1 4.35 100.00

Total 23 100.00

No Gejala Ya Tdk Tanggal muncul
1 Demam
2 Ruam merah (rash)
3 Batuk
4 Pilek
5 Mata merah (conjuntivitis)
6 Diare/mencret Komplikasi
7 Telinga keluar nanah (otitis media) Komplikasi
8 Sesak nafas (broncopneumonia) Komplikasi
9 Kejang (encepalitis) Komplikasi
10 Gejala lain-lain

. tab demam

demam Freq. Percent Cum.

ya 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab rash

rash Freq. Percent Cum.

ya 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab batuk

batuk Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 3 6.52 6.52

ya 43 93.48 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab pilek

pilek Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 15 32.61 32.61

ya 31 67.39 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab mata_merah

mata_merah Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 5 10.87 10.87

ya 41 89.13 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab diare

diare Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 26 56.52 56.52

ya 20 43.48 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab otitis

otitis Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab sesak_nafas

sesak_nafas Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab kejang

kejang Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 45 97.83 97.83

ya 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab lain_lain

lain_lain Freq. Percent Cum.

bibir kering 2 8.00 8.00

mimisan 1 4.00 12.00
mual 1 4.00 16.00
muntah 5 20.00 36.00
sariawan 8 32.00 68.00
sariawan, mual 1 4.00 72.00
sariawan, muntah 6 24.00 96.00
tenggorokan merah 1 4.00 100.00

Total 25 100.00

. tab tgl_demam

tgl_demam Freq. Percent Cum.

24jul2016 1 2.17 2.17

07aug2016 1 2.17 4.35
14aug2016 1 2.17 6.52
21aug2016 1 2.17 8.70
13sep2016 1 2.17 10.87
14sep2016 2 4.35 15.22
15sep2016 1 2.17 17.39
16sep2016 1 2.17 19.57
17sep2016 5 10.87 30.43
18sep2016 2 4.35 34.78
21sep2016 1 2.17 36.96
22sep2016 2 4.35 41.30
24sep2016 2 4.35 45.65
25sep2016 2 4.35 50.00
26sep2016 1 2.17 52.17
27sep2016 1 2.17 54.35
28sep2016 2 4.35 58.70
29sep2016 1 2.17 60.87
30sep2016 1 2.17 63.04
02oct2016 1 2.17 65.22
04oct2016 2 4.35 69.57
05oct2016 4 8.70 78.26
06oct2016 3 6.52 84.78
07oct2016 3 6.52 91.30
09oct2016 2 4.35 95.65
13oct2016 1 2.17 97.83
15oct2016 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab tgl_rash

tgl_rash Freq. Percent Cum.

27jul2016 1 2.17 2.17

10aug2016 1 2.17 4.35
17aug2016 1 2.17 6.52
24aug2016 1 2.17 8.70
16sep2016 1 2.17 10.87
18sep2016 1 2.17 13.04
19sep2016 3 6.52 19.57
20sep2016 2 4.35 23.91
21sep2016 1 2.17 26.09
22sep2016 2 4.35 30.43
24sep2016 3 6.52 36.96
27sep2016 4 8.70 45.65
29sep2016 3 6.52 52.17
30sep2016 1 2.17 54.35
01oct2016 1 2.17 56.52
02oct2016 1 2.17 58.70
03oct2016 2 4.35 63.04
06oct2016 1 2.17 65.22
07oct2016 2 4.35 69.57
08oct2016 4 8.70 78.26
10oct2016 4 8.70 86.96
11oct2016 1 2.17 89.13
13oct2016 3 6.52 95.65
15oct2016 1 2.17 97.83
17oct2016 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

1. Apakah pernah berkunjung ke rumah teman/saudara yang sakit campak?
. tab saudara_skt

saudara_skt Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

2. Apakah pernah menerima tamu yang sakit campak : □ Ya □ Tidak

. tab tamu_sakit

tamu_sakit Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 46 100.00 100.00

Total 46 100.00

3. Dimana tempat bertemu dengan penderita campak? ....................................
. tab ketemu_campak

k Freq. Percent Cum.

SUMBER UTAMA 1 2.17 2.17

rumah 11 23.91 26.09
sekolah 34 73.91 100.00

Total 46 100.00

4. Dalam 2 minggu terakhir, tempat yang pernah dikunjungi (dimana terdapat banyak
perkumpulan orang)
. tab tmpt_kunjungi

tmpt_kunjungi Freq. Percent Cum.

man 2 purwokerto 1 2.17 2.17

paud khoiro ummah 9 19.57 21.74
sdit khoiro ummah 26 56.52 78.26
sdt putra harapan 1 2.17 80.43
tidak ada 7 15.22 95.65
tk aisiyah pasir lor 1 2.17 97.83
tk sokanegara 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

Sekolah: .................................................................kelas: .....................

. tab kelas

kelas Freq. Percent Cum.

1 7 15.22 15.22
2 2 4.35 19.57
3 3 6.52 26.09
4 3 6.52 32.61
5 5 10.87 43.48
6 7 15.22 58.70
a 7 15.22 73.91
b 3 6.52 80.43
belum sekolah 8 17.39 97.83
guru/ustadz kelas 4 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

1. Apakah pernah sakit campak? □ pernah □ tidak
. tab sakit_sblmcampak

ampak Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 38 82.61 82.61

ya 8 17.39 100.00

Total 46 100.00

2. Sakit lainnya (sebulan terakhir)? ....................................................

. tab jns_sakit

jns_sakit Freq. Percent Cum.

alergi 1 2.17 2.17

batuk-batuk lama sering kambuh 1 2.17 4.35
bronkhitis 1 2.17 6.52
cacar 2 4.35 10.87
db 1 2.17 13.04
flek paru 2 4.35 17.39
tidak ada 38 82.61 100.00

Total 46 100.00

3. Dimana tempat berobat saat sakit?

Sebutkan: ...........................................................(lengkap nama dan alamat)
. tab berobat_skt

berobat_skt Freq. Percent Cum.

dokter 5 10.87 10.87

puskesmas 1 2.17 13.04
rumah sakit 2 4.35 17.39
tidak 1 2.17 19.57
tidak ada 37 80.43 100.00

Total 46 100.00

4. Dimana tempat berobat saat sakit campak sekarang?

Sebutkan: ...........................................................(lengkap nama dan alamat

. tab berobat_campak

berobat_campak Freq. Percent Cum.

PMI 2 4.35 4.35

apotek 1 2.17 6.52
bidan 2 4.35 10.87
dokter 8 17.39 28.26
klinik 5 10.87 39.13
obati sendiri 7 15.22 54.35
puskesmas 9 19.57 73.91
rumah sakit 4 8.70 82.61
tidak berobat sama sekali 8 17.39 100.00

Total 46 100.00

. tab keteranganberobatcampak

keterangan berobat campak Freq. Percent Cum.

bidan purwanti 2 4.35 4.35

dokter 1 2.17 6.52
dokter bambang 1 2.17 8.70
dokter mustofa 2 4.35 13.04
dokter mustofa, obat sisa kakaknya 1 2.17 15.22
dokter oent 1 2.17 17.39
dokter widodo 2 4.35 21.74
klinik omnia 1 2.17 23.91
klinik tanjung 4 8.70 32.61
obat apotik 1 2.17 34.78
obat sendiri, air kelapa, air asam 1 2.17 36.96
obat sendiri, madu 2 4.35 41.30
obati sendiri 4 8.70 50.00
pmi pwt 2 4.35 54.35
puskesmas 9 19.57 73.91
rs anugerah 1 2.17 76.09
rs dkt 3 6.52 82.61
tidak berobat 8 17.39 100.00

Total 46 100.00


1. Bila kasus berumur 6 bln – 5 tahun, apakah diberi vitamin A?

. tab beri_vitA

beri_vitA Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 42 91.30 91.30

ya 4 8.70 100.00

Total 46 100.00

2. Jika Ya, berapa jumlah vitamin A yang diberikan?
□ 1 kapsul □ 2 Kapsul □ 3 kapsul
. tab jml_vitA

jml_vitA Freq. Percent Cum.

0 42 91.30 91.30
1 kapsul 4 8.70 100.00

Total 46 100.00

3. Kapan vitamin A dimakan?

□ hari pertama berobat □ hari kedua □ 2 minggu setelahnya
. tab wkt_vitA

wkt_vitA Freq. Percent Cum.

0 42 91.30 91.30
hari pertama 4 8.70 100.00

Total 46 100.00

4. Bagaimana cara pengobatan di masyarakat?

Sebutkan : ......................................................................................................
. tab obat_masy

obat_masy Freq. Percent Cum.

obat apotik 1 2.17 2.17

obat bidan 2 4.35 6.52
obat dokter 10 21.74 28.26
obat klinik 6 13.04 41.30
obat puskesmas 7 15.22 56.52
obat rumah sakit 4 8.70 65.22
obat sendiri 3 6.52 71.74
obat sendiri, herbal 3 6.52 78.26
obat sendiri, kelapa, madu, dettol 1 2.17 80.43
obat sendiri, ramuan rumput mutiara 4 8.70 89.13
pakai sisa obat kakanya 1 2.17 91.30
tidak berobat sama sekali 4 8.70 100.00

Total 46 100.00


1. Imunisasi Campak:
□1x □2x □ belum permah □ tidak tahu

. tab jml_vaksin

jml_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

1 kali 5 10.87 10.87

2 kali 5 10.87 21.74
belum pernah 35 76.09 97.83
tidak tahu 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

Sumber Informasi : □ KMS □ Catatan Puskesmas □ Ingatan Ortu

. tab info_jml

info_jml Freq. Percent Cum.

ingatan ortu 45 97.83 97.83

tidak tahu 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00

2. Bila belum pernah imunisasi campak, apa alasan belum diimunisasi?

Sebutkan : ......................................................................................................

. tab alasan_tdkvaksin

alasan_tdkvaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

Pada waktu jadwal campak (2 kali) sel.. 1 2.17 2.17

anak lahir bblr, sering sakit-sakit 1 2.17 4.35
cukup dengan makanan bergizi 1 2.17 6.52
khawatir karena info di masyarakat va.. 3 6.52 13.04
lupa, penyakit campak jarang terjadi 2 4.35 17.39
masih ragu vaksinasi, dibuat dari bah.. 5 10.87 28.26
pada anak usia masih kecil masih pind.. 1 2.17 30.43
pengalaman vaksin banyak gejala yang .. 3 6.52 36.96
ragu dengan keberadaan vaksin 5 10.87 47.83
ragu dengan keberadaan vaksin, suami .. 4 8.70 56.52
suaminya melarang 1 2.17 58.70
takut karena ada pengalaman saudara s.. 1 2.17 60.87
tidak boleh suami, beriyta isu vaksin.. 3 6.52 67.39
tidak diijinkan suami, pengalaman yan.. 1 2.17 69.57
tidak tahu 1 2.17 71.74
trauma, karena ada saudara setelah va.. 3 6.52 78.26
trauma, karena ada saudara setelah va.. 1 2.17 80.43
vaksin campak lengkap 5 10.87 91.30
vaksin kedua tidak tahu jadwalnya 3 6.52 97.83
vaksin kedua tidak tahu kalo vaksin k.. 1 2.17 100.00

Total 46 100.00


Berat Badan (BB) : ...................... kg
Panjang Badan (PB/TB) : ................. cm
Status Gizi : □ Gizi Lebih □ Gizi Baik □ Gizi Kurang □ Gizi Buruk

□ Sembuh, tgl :............ □ Meninggal, tgl : .............. □ Masih sakit, tgl skg :............

. tab knds_akhr

knds_akhr Freq. Percent Cum.

masih sakit 9 19.57 19.57

sembuh 37 80.43 100.00

Total 46 100.00


1. Pendidikan orang tua
. tab didik_bpk

didik_bpk Freq. Percent Cum.

d1 1 4.35 4.35
d3 3 13.04 17.39
s1 8 34.78 52.17
s2 1 4.35 56.52
slta 10 43.48 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab ddk_ibu

ddk_ibu Freq. Percent Cum.

d3 5 21.74 21.74
s1 5 21.74 43.48
slta 10 43.48 86.96
sltp 3 13.04 100.00

Total 23 100.00

2. Pekerjaan orang tua

. tab kerja_bpk

kerja_bpk Freq. Percent Cum.

buruh 2 8.70 8.70

pedagang 2 8.70 17.39
pegawai swasta 15 65.22 82.61
wiraswasta 4 17.39 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab kerja_ibu

kerja_ibu Freq. Percent Cum.

irt 13 56.52 56.52

pedagang 2 8.70 65.22
pegawai swasta 5 21.74 86.96
pns 1 4.35 91.30
wiraswasta 2 8.70 100.00

Total 23 100.00

3. Penghasilan keluarga (BPS, 2012)

. tab pnghsln

pnghsln Freq. Percent Cum.

1.5 - 2.5 juta 6 26.09 26.09

2.5 - 3.5 juta 5 21.74 47.83
< 1.5 juta 4 17.39 65.22
> 3.5 juta 8 34.78 100.00

Total 23 100.00


1. Apakah ibu tahu, atau pernah mendengar penyakit Campak?
a. Ya b. Tidak
. tab tahu_campak

tahu_campak Freq. Percent Cum.

ya 23 100.00 100.00

Total 23 100.00

Jika ”Ya”, apakah nama lain penyakit campak: .............................................

k Freq. Percent Cum.

campak 1 4.35 4.35

gabag 22 95.65 100.00

Total 23 100.00

2. Apakah ibu dapat menyebutkan gejala anak yang sakit Campak?

a. Demam d. Pilek
b. Bercak merak pada kulit e. Mata merah
c. Batuk f. Lainnya: ............................

. tab gejala

gejala Freq. Percent Cum.

2 poin 9 39.13 39.13

3 poin 4 17.39 56.52
4 poin 7 30.43 86.96
5 poin 3 13.04 100.00

Total 23 100.00

3. Berdasarkan pendapat ibu, penyakit ini berbahaya untuk anak?

a. Ya b. Tidak
Mengapa? ......................................................................................................
. tab berbahaya

berbahaya Freq. Percent Cum.

tidak 2 8.70 8.70

ya 21 91.30 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab alasan_berbahaya

alasan_berbahaya Freq. Percent Cum.

bisa berakibat fatal/kematian 1 4.35 4.35

bisa komplikasi 2 8.70 13.04
bisa komplikasi bahaya, paru-paru, me.. 1 4.35 17.39
bisa komplikasi menyerang ke otak, ke.. 1 4.35 21.74
bisa komplikasi paru-paru 1 4.35 26.09
bisa komplikasi, diare, dehidrasi 1 4.35 30.43
bisa lebih parah 1 4.35 34.78
bisa menyerang ke otak 1 4.35 39.13
hanya penyakit biasa, kata orang tua .. 1 4.35 43.48
jadi tidak doyan makan sama sekali 1 4.35 47.83
jika bintik merah tidak keluar bisa b.. 1 4.35 52.17
panas tinggi bisa kejang 5 21.74 73.91
panas tinggi bisa kejang dan meninggal 2 8.70 82.61
panas tinggi bisa kejang, bisa menyer.. 1 4.35 86.96
panas tinggi bisa kejang/step 1 4.35 91.30
panas tinggi bisa kena syaraf 1 4.35 95.65
penyakit lama, nanti bisa sembuh 1 4.35 100.00

Total 23 100.00

4. Apakah penyebab penyakit campak?

a. Virus / Kuman
b. Polusi udara/udara kotor
c. Tidak tahu

d. Lain-lain, sebutkan ................................................................................

. tab pnybb_campak

pnybb_campak Freq. Percent Cum.

polusi/udara yang kotor 1 4.35 4.35

tidak tahu 5 21.74 26.09
virus 17 73.91 100.00

Total 23 100.00

5. Bagaimana mencegah supaya tidak terkena penyakit campak?

a. Imunisasi
b. Minum obat/vitamin
c. Tidak tahu
d. Lain-lain, sebutkan ...............................................................................
. tab cegah_campak

cegah_campak Freq. Percent Cum.

imunisasi 9 39.13 39.13

kebersihan, makanan sehat 1 4.35 43.48
makan teratur, cukup istirahat 1 4.35 47.83
makanan yang bergizi 3 13.04 60.87
minum obat/vitamin 1 4.35 65.22
minum obat/vitamin, istirahat cukup, .. 1 4.35 69.57
tidak tahu 7 30.43 100.00

Total 23 100.00

6. Menurut ibu, bagaimana cara penularan penyakit campak?

a. Tidak menular
b. Melalui angin/udara (droplet)
c. Melalui kulit/bersentuhan
d. Tidak tahu
e. Lain-lain, sebutkan ...............................................................................
. tab penularan_campak

pak Freq. Percent Cum.

ludah 1 4.35 4.35

tidak menular 1 4.35 8.70
udara 21 91.30 100.00

Total 23 100.00

7. Apakah manfaat imunisasi campak?
a. Tidak bermanfaat
b. Supaya kebal terhadap penyakit
c. Tidak tahu
Lain-lain, sebutkan .................
. tab manfaat_campak

manfaat_campak Freq. Percent Cum.

supaya kebal 16 69.57 69.57

tidak bermanfaat 6 26.09 95.65
tidak tahu 1 4.35 100.00

Total 23 100.00


No. Pertanyaan S KS TS TT
1 Setiap anak harus diberi imunisasi campak
2 Jika dilarang suami/orang tua, anak tetap diimunisasi campak
3 Jika tempat pelayanan kesehatan jauh, anak tetap diimunisasi
4 Walaupun ragu-ragu, anak tetap diimunisasi campak
5 Meskipun ada kemungkinan gejala penyerta vaksinasi, anak
tetap diimunisasi campak
6 Meskipun sibuk dan tidak sempat ke posyandu, anak tetap
diimunisasi ke yankes lain
7 Imunisasi anak belum lengkap jika belum diimunisasi campak
. tab anak_vaksin

anak_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 9 39.13 39.13

setuju 5 21.74 60.87
tidak setuju 6 26.09 86.96
tidak tahu 3 13.04 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab dilarang_vaksin

in Freq. Percent Cum. Alasan dilarang
suami karena
kurang setuju 4 17.39 17.39 alasan religius =
setuju 5 21.74 39.13 78,26%
tidak setuju 14 60.87 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab jauh_vaksin

jauh_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 6 26.09 26.09

setuju 8 34.78 60.87
tidak setuju 9 39.13 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab ragu_vaksin

ragu_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 7 30.43 30.43

setuju 7 30.43 60.87
tidak setuju 9 39.13 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab efek_vaksin

efek_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 7 30.43 30.43

setuju 8 34.78 65.22
tidak setuju 8 34.78 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab sibuk_vaksin

sibuk_vaksin Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 9 39.13 39.13

setuju 8 34.78 73.91
tidak setuju 6 26.09 100.00

Total 23 100.00

. tab vaksin_lengkap

p Freq. Percent Cum.

kurang setuju 5 21.74 21.74

setuju 12 52.17 73.91
tidak setuju 6 26.09 100.00

Total 23 100.00

Dari 46 kasus tersebut di atas masih ada penderita yang belum diwancarai karena saat PE
rumah sepi. Adapun penderita tersebut adalah:

No Nama Jen Kel Kls Nama ortu Alamat Puskesmas

jln. Jend sudirman
47 azka adzkia akhyar perempuan 1 no 30 rt 6/1 pwt barat??
heru rusyanto -
48 kayis mar'ah sholihah perempuan 2 kusumadewi kedungwringin patikraja
heru rusyanto -
49 gozy laki-laki 4 kusumadewi kedungwringin patikraja
50 azzam laki-laki 3 fahmi indrayadi berkoh pwt selatan
jln. Sunan
51 azzam taqiyudin laki-laki 5 riyanto kalijagar, berkoh pwt selatan
hidayat desa karang
52 nasrullah fahmi hasan laki-laki 5 ramadhon nanas, sokarja sokaraja 1
gandul ekor, ds
karang nanas rt
53 ziyadah rahmah perempuan 6 kharisun 4/1 sokaraja 1
54 adam faiz abdillah laki-laki Paud
55 abdurohman nur huda laki-laki Paud kober pwt barat

Menghitung Attack Rate : SDIT dan PAUD KHIORO UMMAH (termasuk yang belum
diwawncarai, N= 55 penderita)

Kelas Jml siswa Jml siswa AR Keterangan

+ Guru sakit
Paud A 7
Paud B 3
1 8
2 2
3 4
4 5 1 penderita adalah
5 7
6 7
Sub total 43
 MAN 2 Pwt 1
 SDT Putra 1
 TK Aisiyah 1
Pasir lor
 TK 1
 Belum 8 1 penderita bukan murid, tetapi
Sekolah anak dari gurunya yang selalu
ikut saat ngajar di Paud A
Total 55
Ket: kasus lainlain mempunyai hubungan epidemiologis dengan kejadian campak di
SDIT/PAUD Khoiro Ummah

Want To Boost Vaccination? Don’t
Punish Parents, Build Their Trust
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Vaccination is one of the greatest public health success stories in history, shifting infectious
diseases from the leading cause of childhood death and disease to a relatively rare cause of
death in developed countries. Even globally, heart disease overtook infectious diseases as the
leading cause of death in 2008.
But unless an infectious disease can be eradicated, high vaccination rates need to be maintained
to control the disease. There are many historical examples of epidemics of previously rare
diseases that have occurred when immunisation programs wane.
Australia, the United States and United Kingdom have different approaches to boost vaccination
rates, with much overlap and similar success. But Australia is unique in using parental financial
incentives for immunisation. From January, vaccine “conscientious objectors” will lose
their childcare and family tax benefits, worth up to A$15,000 a year.

So, how do parents decide whether or not to vaccinate their children – and what works to
increase vaccination rates?

How Do Parents Decide?

Mass immunisation programs have developed in different ways around the world, and a range of
factors are important to maintaining high levels of immunisation:

No vaccine is 100% safe nor 100% effective, so public health decisions about which vaccines to
recommend and fund are made by weighing disease burden and cost against vaccine effectiveness, cost
and safety.
Where consumers perceive a risk of infection to be high, the acceptance and demand tends to
be high. Conversely, for rare diseases (often because of effective vaccine programs) or diseases
perceived as less serious, consumers tend to focus more on risks of vaccination.

Delivery of vaccine programs, therefore, is a delicate partnership between immunisation

providers and parents. Trust is critical to maintaining such programs.

The anti-vaccination lobby is a small but vocal group that has been around as long as vaccines
have. They believe vaccines are unsafe and tend to associate compulsory vaccination with

There is, however, a larger group of parents who delay or are hesitant about vaccination. This
group is somewhat like swing voters – they are likely to be receptive to health promotion
messages about immunisation, particularly from their doctor, but can equally be influenced by
misinformation on the internet or false equivalence in the media.
Parental vaccine concerns are also influenced by vaccine side-effects or medical problems that
coincidentally occur around the time of vaccines, and a host of factors that influence perceptions
about the risks and benefits of vaccines.
A loss of confidence and trust by consumers can result in falling vaccination rates and epidemics.
This was illustrated in the UK with measles outbreaks following the falsely attributed risk of
autism following the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
How Do You Boost Vaccination Rates?
First, vaccines must be readily accessible to the public. This requires reducing or eliminating cost
as a barrier and making the vaccine conveniently available. Strong support from health-care
providers is central to gaining parental acceptance of vaccines.

Other strategies include financial incentives to physicians for achieving high vaccination rates
among their patients (historically in Australia and the United Kingdom) and requiring vaccination
to attend school (US and Australia) or to receive social benefits (Australia).
Australia has school entry legislation in most states except Western Australia and Queensland,
which has “guidelines” for managing student immunisation data.

School-entry legislation raises vaccination rates. JPC-PROD/Shutterstock
In the US, all states have school entry requirements that mandate immunisation prior to school
entry. All states allow medical exemptions and 48 allow non-medical exemptions. West Virginia
and Mississippi allow only medical exemptions.

Amid tremendous national attention surrounding a measles outbreak that originated in

Disneyland, California, several states have proposed legislation to ban all non-medical

There is certainly evidence that school-entry legislation raises vaccination rates. These are often
accompanied by school exclusion policies for unvaccinated children during outbreaks. However,
removal of vaccine legislation does not necessarily reduce vaccination rates, as seen in a region
of Italy.
It has also been shown that ease of applying for conscientious objection to vaccination predicts
lower vaccination rates, particularly if it is easier to gain an objection than to get immunised. The
greater the administrative hurdles to applying for objection, the higher the vaccination rates.

Following major outbreaks of pertussis, four US states (California, Oregon, Vermont and
Washington) that had comparatively high rates of exemptions recently made their exemptions
more difficult to obtain.

Addressing Parental Concerns

Recent suggestions to eliminate non-medical exemptions in the US and Australia are rooted in
an understandable desire to reduce the risks of diseases and to equitably distribute the benefits
and burdens of vaccination. But doing so may backfire.

Parents who feel they are being unduly coerced or punished to vaccinate their children are likely
to become anti-vaccination. This coercion may push the hesitant parent in the exact opposite
direction to what it is intended to achieve. Other members of the public may also feel sympathy
for these parents.

Rarely, vaccination programs do go wrong, such as the first rotavirus vaccine rolled out in the
US, which had to be withdrawn due to serious side effects. In a coercive environment, such
incidents can derail vaccination programs.

If vaccination rates are falling, we need to understand why. Konstantin Sutyagin/Shutterstock
But while a small proportion of Australians (less than 2%) are ideologically opposed to vaccines
and are unlikely to change their minds, a larger proportion of vaccine-hesitant parents (about 4-
5%) may be responsive to efforts to boost vaccination.
If vaccination rates are falling, we need to understand why. We need to listen to and evaluate the
concerns of parents and inform policy decisions with what we learn.

Health-care providers need tools and resources to talk with vaccine-hesitant parents. This
ensures the credibility of the science as well as how it is communicated to and received by
parents. Many such tools have been rigorously evaluated for effectiveness and have been used

Health-care providers also need to be adequately reimbursed for the time it takes to
communicate with vaccine-hesitant parents.

Government systems that monitor the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and communicate the
risks and benefits of vaccines can also be helpful. The US and some European countries (but not
Australia) have no-fault vaccine compensation schemes to support their mandatory vaccination

It may also be prudent to fund vaccine safety research if many parents are concerned about a
particular issue, even if that level of concern is not shared by the scientific community.

There is evidence to support the effectiveness of mandatory vaccination strategies, but

penalising parents who object on philosophical grounds may erode public confidence. Australia’s
unique policy of linking financial benefits to vaccination poses an additional risk of backlash if
these benefits are withdrawn from tax-paying vaccine refusers.

A more effective approach to boost vaccination rates is to increase the administrative hurdles to
objection, but still allow it without penalty.


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