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Daftar belanja (shopping list) mempunyai pengertian : teks singkat yang berfungsi untuk memberikan
informasi tentang barang belanjaan. Daftar ini dibuat sekehendak penyusun. Bisa disingkat. Bisa juga ditulis
secara terperinci

Dalam kehidupan kita sehari hari terkadang kita mau mengumumkan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris. Tapi kita
belum tau bagaimana caranya.
Nah untuk mengenal pengumuman lebih dalam ,Ibu harap ananda memperhatikan contoh pengumuman di
bawah ini:

2. Announcement
Each class of SMP N 32 Kabupaten Tebo should sent a student to represent his/her class in joining the English
speech contest on Saturday, 8h June 2015 in our language laboratory. Don’t miss it!
English teacher
Hilda Hosfia, S.Hum
Masing-masing kelas dari SMPN 32 Kabupaten Tebo seharusnya mengirim seorang siswa untuk mewakili
kelasnya mengikuti Lomba Pidato Bahasa Inggris pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 8 Juni 2015 di ruang labor bahasa.
Jangan ketinggalan!
Guru Bahasa Inggris
Hilda Hosfia, S.Hum
1. What’s the announcement about? Tentang apa pengumumannya?
………to represent his/her class in joining the English speech contest
2. How many student should each class send? Berapa banyak siswa yang seharusnya dikirim masing-masing
kelas? …………a student
3. Who writes the announcement? Siapa yang menulis pengumuman?…… … English teacher (Hilda
4. Where will the contest take place? Dimana kontesnya akan ditempatkan?… in language laboratory
5. When will the contest held?kapan kontesnya akan dilaksanakan?…… on Saturday, 8h June 2015

My Bombi
Bombi is my black cat.
This cat is always playful. It likes playing with anything. It sometimes plays with me. It likes
playing with a ball very much. It is very clever. It is sometimes very naughty.
My Bombi is small but fat. It has soft fur. The fur is black. Bombi has a long tail. Its eyes are round.
It looks cute. It is always near me.
Reread the text 5 and complete the following sentences.
1. Bombi’s fur is …..
2. Its color is…..
3. It has a …..
4. Its eyes are …..
5. It is …..
6. It is …..
7. It is …..
Kalimat Positive (+) You are hungry = Kamu lapar
S to be adj
Kalimat negative (-) You are not hungry = kamu tidak lapar
S to be not adj
Kalimat Tanya (?) Are you hungry? = Apakah kamu lapar?
To be S adj
Kalimat Positive (+) The tea is hot = Tehnya panas
S to be adj
Tehnya panas

Kalimat negative (-) The tea is not hot = tehnya tidak panas
S to be not adj
tehnya tidak panas

Kalimat Tanya (?) Is The tea hot? = Apakah tehnya panas?

To be S adj
Apakah tehnya panas?

Buatlah seperti contoh diatas untuk kalimat berikut:
1. You are tured
2. The room is clean
3. He is happy
4. She is sad
5. Andi is tall

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Dina is my classmate. She is thirteen years old. She is tall. Her hair is long. She is not fat.
She is very helpful to her friends. Her friends often ask for her helps to solve math problems. All her
friends and teachers like her.
She likes reading stories, cycling and playing badminton.
1. Who is Dina?_______________
2. Do her friends like her? _______________
3. How old is she? _______________
4. How does she look? _______________
5. What colour is her hair? _______________
6. Is her hair long? _______________
7. Is she fat? _______________

Complete this paragraph with the words in the box

 Diligent
Hafid is one of my classmate. He ... (1) a clever and ... (2) student. He  Lives
...(3) at 15 jalan Sudirman. He is twelve years ... (4). (5)... hobby is
 Old
playing chess. He goes to Junior High School and He is in the seventh
grade. He likes english ... (6) very much. He ... (7) one brother and one  His
sister.  Has
 Is
 subject
Contoh teks deskriptif dan langkah retorikanya dan latihannya.

Langkah Retorika Contoh Teks

Identification Gandi is one of my classmates
Description He is a smart and hard working student. He is thirteen
years old. His hobby is camping. He goes to Junior High
School and He is in the seventh grade. He is good at
every subject at school but his favorite subject is English.


A. Read the following text carefully then answer the questions

This is Gandi’s school. It is at 14 Jalan Supratman. It has a very large school yard. The students do the flag
ceremony every Monday morning in the school yard. They also play sport there because there is a volley ball
field and a badminton court. There is a beautiful park in the yard in front of the teacher’s room. There is a small
pond with some beautiful fish there. There are two big trees at the side of the pond. There is also a garden near
the park. You can see many kinds of flowers there; roses, jasmines, sun flowers, and so on. The flowers are all
very beautiful.

1. Where is Gandi’s school?

2. When do the students do the flag ceremony?
3. How many big trees are at the side of the pond?
4. What is the social function of the text above?
5. The first sentence of the text above belongs to …

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct words in the box.

- Plays - hold - watch - lend - cooks - buys

1. My mother … some food in the kitchen everyday.

2. Mr. Ahmad … football every Sunday morning.
3. The librarians …books to the students everyday
4. The students … the flag ceremony every Monday morning.
5. We … TV program in the living room every night.

C. Arrange the following jumbled words into good sentences.

1. drives – every morning – my – car – his – father

2. the – Aminah – every Sunday – Mrs. – cleans – house
3. play – badminton- Anton – the – in – Rudi – court – and
4. English – teacher- teaches-the-class-the-in
5. drink – every morning – coffee – parents – my


Procedure Text* adalah Teks bahasa inggris yang menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan cara atau bagaimana
menggunakan instruksi atau petunjuk pengoperasian misalnya bagaimana menggunakan motor, komputer, tape
recorder, mesin fotokopi, faks, atau pun, bagaimana membuat sesuatu, misalnya how to make cake, how to
make fried rice, how to make milkshake, dan masih banyak lagi.

Pada materi pelajaran bahasa inggris ini sobat tidak usah khawatir dalam memahami teks procedure bahasa
inggris, karena pada umum nya teks procedure memiliki ciri sendiri, diantaranya, terdapat tulisan "*how to
make*" atau "*how to*" saja, yang dalam bahasa indonesia artinya adalah "*bagaimana cara membuat*",
terdapat juga step by step nya dengan ciri
ada angka nya yaitu 1- selesai.

* Tujuan procedure text* adalah memberitahu pembaca cara melakukan atau membuat sesuatu. Informasi
disajikan dengan urutan peristiwa yang logis. Peristiwa tersebut biasanya dibagi menjadi beberapa langkah-
langkah terpisah. Teks ini biasanya ditulis menggunakan present tense.
*Generic Structur Text Procedure Bahasa Inggris * ada tiga macam yaitu :

1. Maksud atau tujuan ( Goal )

2. Alat atau bahan yang dibutuhkan ( Material Needed )
3. Langkah -Langkah ( Methods or Steps )

Berikut ini adalah *Contoh atau Example Procedure Text Bahasa inggris lengkap dengan gambar nya* :

How to Plant Sunflower Seeds

Materials : sunflower seeds, a pot, dirt, water.

a. First, put some dirt in the pot
b. Dig 3 holes with your finger one inch in the dirt
c. Next, put 3 seeds in each hole
d. Cover the seeds with dirt
e. Then, put the pot in a place with enough sunshine
f. Finally, water the seeds every two days. Don’t give too much water.

1. What is the purpose/goal of the text?

2. What are the materials?
3. How many steps are there?

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Andi : How do you cook soto instant noodle?
Budi : That’s easy. First put the instant noodle into 400 ml of boiling water. Boil it for 3 minutes.
Andi : Then the seasoning and oil?
Budi : Yes, put the seasoning and oil on a bowl, and then add hot seasoning.
Andi : And then what?
Budi : Put the cooked noodle together with the soup into the bowl. Finally, mix it well. Now, the delicious
noodle is ready.
Andi : That sounds easy.
The words first, then, next, and finally are used to tell a procedure. First is used to begin the procedure. Then is
used to tell steps during the procedure. Finally is used to end the procedure.

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