Anda di halaman 1dari 2


1. Adnaan Haq, Haseebullah Wardak and Narbeh Kraskian. (2013). Infective

Conjunctivitis – Its Pathogenesis, Management and Complications. INTECH.

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2. Ilyas, Sidarta. (2013). Atlas Ilmu Penyakit Mata. Edisi Keempat. Fakultas

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3. Vaughan and Asbury. (2016). Oftalmologi Umum. Edisi 17. Penerbit Buku

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4. Nicholas P, Nancy C, Dorris M et all. (2013). Conjunctivitis. American

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5. Irana G, Budi Azhar, Suwandi Z. (2012). Karakteristik Klinis dan Demografis

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6. Azari, A and Barney, N. (2013). Conjunctivitis : A Systematic Review of

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7. Louis B, Christopher B, Geoge A et all. (2014). Opthalmic Pathology and

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9. Bruce, J and Bron, A. (2011). Opthalmology : 11th Edition. Wiley Blackwell
10. WHO. (2012) World Health Organization Trachoma Grading Card

11. Lukitasari, A. (2012). Konjungtivitis Vernal. Fakultas Kedokteran : Universitas

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