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Kimia Polimer

Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.

Materi Rician materi

1 Dasar polimer definisi kimia polimer, aplikasi kimia polimer, istilah-istilah dalam polimer

2 Polimer nomenklatur tata nama polimer, jenis polimer berdasarkan monomer dan susunannya

3 Berat molekul polimer perhitungan BM polimer, persamaan Huggins dan Mark-Houwink dan derajat polimerisasi

4 Sifat-sifat polimer sifat mekanik polimer (tegangan, regangan, modulus young, modulus geser)

5 sifat-sifat polimer sifat thermal dan konduktifitas listrik, degradabilitas, transisi gelas, optik

6 Reaksi polimer reaksi adisi (inisiasi, propagasi, terminasi) dan reaksi kondensasi

7 Reaksi polimer polimerisasi kationik dan anionik


8 Polimer industri plastic, fiber, ruber dan coating

9 Polimer berbasis vinil reaksi polimer vinil, klorinasi, flourinasi, pembentukan cincin, ikat silang, vulkanisir polimer

10 Polimer-polimer non vinil (polyester) sumber, struktur, Reaksi pembuatan, sifat fisika-kimia &aplikasi, PET, polikarbonat

11 Poliamida Struktur amida, sumber bahan, reaksi pembuatan, sifat fisika-kimia &aplikasi,nylon, poliuretan

12 Polimer alam Sumber, macam dan aplikasi, Polisakarida, lignin dan polimer alam lain

13 Polimer anorganik dan resin polisulfid, polimer anorganik, resin fenol-formaldehid

14 Modifikasi polimer ramah lingkungan dan biofilm berbasis pati dan proses recycling polimer
polimer recycling
• Apa yang anda ketahui tentang sifat mekanik?
• Seberapa kuat (strength) suatu polimer?
• Seberapa tahan dan panjang suatu polimer ketika
ditarik atau ditekan?
• Berapa energi yang diperlukan untuk menarik suatu
polimer sampai putus?
• Seberapa keras/kaku (stiff) suatu polimer?
• Apa yang dimaksud dengan getas (brittle)?

Mechanical properties: the physical properties of the material which

describes its behaviour under the action of loads on it (strength, elasticity)
The elastic modulus (also called
tensile modulus or modulus of
elasticity) is the ratio of the
applied stress to the strain it
produces within the region
where the relationship between
stress and strain is linear. Te
ultimate tensile strength is
equal to the force required to
cause failure
divided by the minimum cross-
sectional area of the test

It is expressed in Pascals or psi (pounds per square inch).

1 MPa = 145 psi

Fibers, for instance, must have good tensile strength
% Elongation to Break

• the strain on a sample when it breaks

• Expressed as a percent
• is called the ultimate elongation

Fibers have a low elongation-to-break and elastomers have a

high elongation-to-break
Kimia Polimer-Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.
Young's Modulus/Modulus of elasticity /the tensile modulus
• the ratio of stress to strain
• is the slope of a stress-strain curve
• are not straight-line plots, indicating that the
modulus is changing with the amount of strain

Rigid materials, such as metals, have a high

Young's modulus. In general, fibers have high
Young's modulus values, elastomers have low
values, and plastics lie somewhere in between
Kimia Polimer-Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.
Toughness (kekerasan)
• The toughness of a material is the area under a stress-
strain curve
• The stress is proportional to the tensile force on the
material and the strain is proportional to its length
• The toughness is a measure of the energy a sample can
absorb before it breaks /the work (energy) required to
break the sample
• There is a difference between toughness and strength

A material that is strong but not tough is said to

be brittle. Brittle substances are strong, but cannot deform very
much. Polystyrene (PS) is brittle, for example

Kimia Polimer-Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.

Typical Materials - Mechanical Properties

Material Tensile Strength (MPa) % Elongation-to-Break Young's Modulus (GPa)

Stainless Steel
2,000 Very small 200
Cellophane Film51 50 - 120 10 - 50 3
Nitrile Rubber
20 - 30 250 - 500 Very low
Fiberglass Yarn52 1400 - 2000 3-4 72
Nylon53 50 150 2

Kimia Polimer-Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.

Stress – Strain (tegangan-regangan)

• The elastic component is dominant in • The ratio of stress to strain is called

“Young’s modulus.”
solids; hence, their mechanical properties • also called the modulus of elasticity and
may be described by Hooke’s law tensile modulus
• the applied stress (s) is proportional to
the resultant strain (γ) but is independent of
the rate of this strain (dγ/dt)

Stress is equal to the force per unit area, and strain or

elongation is the extension per unit length

Kimia Polimer-Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono, S.Si., M.SI.

Tensile strength (daya regang-daya tarik)
• The tensile strength of a material quantifies how much
stress the material will endure before failing. In general
tensile strength increases with polymer chain length.
Tensile strength
• Mechanical behavior of amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers is
strongly affected by Tg
• In general
• Polymers whose Tg is above the service temperature are strong, stiff
and sometimes brittle
• e.g. Polystyrene (cheap, clear plastic drink cups)
• Polymers whose Tg is below the service temperature are weaker, less rigid,
and more ductile
• Polyethylene (milk jugs)
Thermoplastics (80%)

• No cross links between chains.

• Can change shape.
• Can be remoulded.

• Cross-linking formed by covalent bonds.

• Bonds prevent chains moving relative to
each other.
Crystalline polymers
• Crystallinty is areas in
polymer where chains
packed in a regular way.
• Both amorphous and
crystalline areas can exist
in the same polymer.
• More crystalline polymer
causes stronger and less
flexible polymer.
Melting temperature (Tm)
• The (Tm) when applied to polymers suggests not a solid-liquid phase
transition, but a transition from a crystalline phase to a solid
amorphous phase. Crystalline melting is only discussed with
thermoplastics, as thermosets will decompose at high temperatures
rather than melt.

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