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Jl. Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang 50112
Academic year of 2017 / 2018

Course : English
Type of test : Take Home Test
Lecturer : Destary Praptawati, S.S., M.Hum


1. Tulis nama dan NIM pada bagian “Header” lembar ini.

2. Download lembar soal dan kerjakan langsung pada lembar ini. Kirim kembali ke email dengan subject nama lengkap anda.
3. Email anda saya tunggu sampai pukul 22.00. Keterlambatan 15 menit dari waktu yang ditentukan,
nilai terbaik yang bisa diperoleh adalah B. Pengiriman email lewat pukul 22.15 maka dianggap tidak
ikut ujian akhir.
4. Mahasiswa dengan nomor absen 1-25 (Afifa Tasya – Dinda Vinca) menjawab Question A
5. Mahasiswa dengan nomor absen 26-50 (Efridha Fitri – M. Mar’ie) menjawab Question B
6. Mahasiswa dengan nomor absen 51-75 (Maila Samicha – Rizkyta) menjawab Question C
7. Mahasiswa dengan nomor absen 76-93 (Rizqa C – Zulfa Nur) menjawab Question D
8. Soal ke 4 untuk masing-masing mahasiswa adalah sebagai berikut:
Buatlah bahan presentasi dengan menggunakan PPT untuk artikel berikut:
a. Plasma Cell Gingivitis (absensi nomor 1-18)
b. Ortho-Perio Interrelationship (absensi nomor 19-38)
c. Wisdom (absensi nomor 39-58)
d. Multiple Radiolucencies of the Jaws in a 6 Year Old (absensi nomor 59 78)
e. Necrotizing Fasciitis Case Presentation and Literature Review (absensi nomor 79-93)

Bayangkan saja jika anda harus mempresentasikan materi artikel tersebut. Apa yang akan anda
jelaskan dan tuliskan di PPT serta jumlah slide PPT terserah pada anda.

Answer the following questions based on your comprehension toward the articles!

Question A
1. Every article has objective(s)/aim(s) of the study. What is the aim of Ortho-Perio
Interrelationship article?
The aim of this article is to familiarize clinicians in the field of both periodonthics and
orthodontics with the precautions and clinical technique necessary to preserve the integrity of
already compromised periodontium.
2. What is the case written in Necrotizing Fasciitis Case Presentation and Literature Review article
and how is the patient treated?
Necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressing infection characterized by significant morbidity and
high mortality rates. The describtion of necrotizing faciitis dates back to the times of
hipprocrates , it had been known by a variety of names, malignant ulcer, gangrenous ulcer ,
putrid ulcer , phagedenid ulcer , hospical gangrene and necrotizing celulites
The mainstay of treatment for necrotizing facilities remains aggresive surgical therapy. Wide
surgical debridement should occured , tissue should be removed until areas of normal bleeding
tissues are encountered without regard to reconstruction
3. What the case happens to patient in Wisdom article?
in this case we as a health professional are obliged to provide an option in the plan of a
treatment and treatment to be performed and recommend the best for the patient before the
patient feels aggrieved. in this case it is known that a patient has done several endodontic
treatments but there is still widespread caries, so a restorative compromise on his second
molars is required by making crowns or dental implants, but the patient does not want the
nurse to refuse and not so do the treatment because he is upset and the doctor loses his

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