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Tugas Modul : Tugas M4 KB2: Kemampuan Awal Peserta Didik

Nama : Hilda Hosfia, S.Hum

Sekolah : SMPN 32 Kab. Tebo

Dalam rangka melakukan pengumpulan data untuk menganalisis kebutuhan instruktional maka
guru perlu melakukan identifikasi terhadap kemampuan awal peserta didik. Lakukanlah
identifikasi kecakapan dasar spesifik peserta didik anda dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah
sebagai berikut ini:

1. Tuliskan daftar kompetensi dasar yang telah berhasil dibuat dalam kegiatan analisis
Tes Awal yang Disesuaikan dengan Perilaku Khusus
No Kompetensi Dasar Perilaku Khusus Tes Awal
1 3.1 Memahami Memahamai 1. Tes Tulis 1
fungsi sosial,
1. fungsi Read the text and answer the questions
struktur teks, dan social,struktur below.
unsur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan pada kebahasaan teks
ungkapan interaksi
sapaan, pamitan, interpersonal lisan
ucapan dan tulis ungkapan
terimakasih, dan sapaan, pamitan,
permintaan maaf, terimakasih,
serta responnya, meminta maaf
sesuai dengan serta responnya 1. What is the text in the picture

konteks sesuai dengan about?

penggunaannya. konteks 2. What is the text in the picture

penggunaannya. written for?

3. What will you say if you meet
your friend at 6.30 p.m?
4. Mention 4 words to describe your

Tes Tulis 2
Read the text and answer the question
1. What is the text in the picture
2. What is the text in the picture
written for?
3. What will you say if you leave
your friend?
4. Mention 4 expression for leaving?

Tes Tulis 3
Read the text and answer the question

1. What is the text in the picture

2. What is the text in the picture
written for?
3. What will you say if your friend
help carry your bag?
4. What will you say if your teacher
give you a complement?
Tes Tulis 4
Read the text and answer the question

1. What is the text in the picture

2. What is the text in the picture
written for?
3. What will you say to your teacher
if you come late?
4. What will you say to your friend if
you can’t come to study group?

4.1 Menyusun teks

2. Menyusun teks Write a short dialogue based on the
lisan sederhana interaksi situation below
untuk interpersonal 1. You meet your friends on the way
mengucapkan lisan dan tulis to school at 6.30 a.m
dan merespon sangat pendek 2. You broken your friend’s pen
sapaan, pamitan, dan sederhana 3. Your friend treat you meatball
ucapan untuk 4. You can come to football practice
terimakasih, dan mengucapkan dan because you have to take care your
permintaan merespon brother at home.
maaf, dengan ungkapan sapaan,
memperhatikan pamitan,
fungsi sosial, terimakasih,
struktur teks, meminta maaf
dan unsur dengan
kebahasaan memperhatikan
yang benar dan fungsi sosial,
sesuai konteks. struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.

2. Buatlah tabel hasil penilaian tes awal

No Perilaku Khusus Dimiliki Belum
1 1. Tes Tulis 1
Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. What is the text in the picture about? V X

2. What is the text in the picture written for? V X
3. What will you say if you meet your friend at 6.30 V X
4. Mention 4 words to describe your feeling? X V
2 Tes Tulis 2
Read the text and answer the question below

1. What is the text in the picture about? V X

2. What is the text in the picture written for? V X

3. What will you say if you leave your friend? V X

4. Mention 4 expression for leaving? X V

3 Tes Tulis 3
Read the text and answer the question below
1. What is the text in the picture about? X V
2. What is the text in the picture written for? X V
3. What will you say if your friend help carry your
bag? X V
4. What will you say if your teacher give you a
4 Tes Tulis 4
Read the text and answer the question below

1. What is the text in the picture about?

2. What is the text in the picture written for?
3. What will you say to your teacher if you come
4. What will you say to your friend if you can’t
come to study group?
5 Write a short dialogue based on the situation below
1. You meet your friends on the way to school at
6.30 a.m
2. You broken your friend’s pen
3. Your friend treat you meatball
4. You can come to football practice because you
have to take care your brother at home.
3. Kelompokkan perilaku yang mendapat nilai cukup, sedang, kurang, rendah
No Perilaku Khusus Nilai
1 1. Tes Tulis 1
Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. What is the text in the picture about? Cukup

2. What is the text in the picture written for? Cukup
3. What will you say if you meet your friend at 6.30 p.m? Sedang
4. Mention 4 words to describe your feeling? Kurang
2 Tes Tulis 2
Read the text and answer the question below

1. What is the text in the picture about? Sedang
2. What is the text in the picture written for? Kurang
3. What will you say if you leave your friend? Rendah
4. Mention 4 expression for leaving?
3 Tes Tulis 3
Read the text and answer the question below
1. What is the text in the picture about?
2. What is the text in the picture written for? Sedang
3. What will you say if your friend help carry your bag? Kurang
4. What will you say if your teacher give you a complement? Kurang
4 Tes Tulis 4
Read the text and answer the question below

1. What is the text in the picture about? Sedang

2. What is the text in the picture written for? Kurang
3. What will you say to your teacher if you come late? Kurang
4. What will you say to your friend if you can’t come to study Rendah
5 Write a short dialogue based on the situation below
1. You meet your friends on the way to school at 6.30 a.m Rendah
2. You broken your friend’s pen Rendah
3. Your friend treat you meatball Rendah
4. You can come to football practice because you have to take Rendah
care your brother at home.

4. Buatlah garis batas antara kedua kelompok perilaku tersebut pada bagan hasil analisis
instruktional untuk menunjukkan dua hal sebagai berikut :
a) Perilaku yang ada digaris batas adalah prilaku yang dikuasai oleh siswa sampai tingkat
cukup baik.
b) Perilaku yang ada di atas garis batas adalah perilaku yang belum dikuasai oleh populasi
sasaran atau baru dikuasai dari tingkat sedang, kurang, dan buruk. Perilaku-perilaku itulah
yang akan di ajarkan kepada siswa.
Tingkat Penguasaan secara umum
Kuran Baik
No Perilaku Khusus Kura Sedan Cuku
g Baik sekal
ng g p
Sekali i
1. 1. Tes Tulis 1
Read the text and answer the
questions below.

1. What is the text in the
picture about?

2. What is the text in the
picture written for?
3. What will you say if you

meet your friend at 6.30

4. Mention 4 words to describe
your feeling?
2. Tes Tulis 2
Read the text and answer the
question below

1. What is the text in the √

picture about?
2. What is the text in the √
picture written for?
3. What will you say if you √
leave your friend?
4. Mention 4 expression for √
3. Tes Tulis 3
Read the text and answer the
question below

1. What is the text in the

picture about?
2. What is the text in the √
picture written for?
3. What will you say if your √
friend help carry your bag?
4. What will you say if your √
teacher give you a
4. Tes Tulis 4
Read the text and answer the
question below
1. What is the text in the √
picture about?
2. What is the text in the √
picture written for?
3. What will you say to your √
teacher if you come late?
4. What will you say to your √
friend if you can’t come to
study group?
5. Write a short dialogue based on
the situation below

1. You meet your friends on the
way to school at 6.30 a.m

2. You broken your friend’s pen
3. Your friend treat you

4. You can come to football
practice because you have to

take care your brother at

5. Buatlah susunan urutan perilaku yang ada diatas garis batas untuk dijadikan pedoman
dalam menentukan urutan materi pembelajaran!
Susunan urutan perilaku yang ada diatas garis batas

1. What is the text in the picture about?

2. What is the text in the picture written for?

3. What is the text in the picture about?


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