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Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

1. Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Solor Barat

2. Alamat Sekolah : Jln. Ade Irma Nasution
3. Jenjang Sekolah : SMA
4. Kelas/Semester : XII / 2
5. Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
6. Standar Kompetensi:
8. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang
berbentuk narrative dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
7. Kompetensi Dasar:
8.2 Memahami dan merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative dan review
8. Sub-kompetensi Dasar:
8.2.1 Memahami dan merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative
dan review
9. Indikator:
1. Mengenal jenis teks narrative.
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks narrative.
3. Menjelaskan bagian orientation teks narrative.
4. Menjelaskan bagian complication teks narrative.
5. Menjelaskan bagian resolution teks narrative.
6. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks narrative.

10. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

1. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi jenis teks
dengan benar.
2. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi struktur teks
dengan benar.
3. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian
orientation dengan benar.
4. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat menjelaskan bagian complication
dengan benar.
5. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat menjelaskan bagian resolution
dengan benar.
6. Diperdengarkan teks narrative, siswa dapat menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks
dengan benar.

11. Bahan Pelajaran:

Teks lisan berbentuk narrative yang berjudul:
 The mice and the elephant
 The clever kid goat

12. Strategi Pembelajaran (Learning Strategy):
1. Mengingat : menghafal
2. Mengintegrasikan : mengajukan pertanyaan

(3) Indikator Karakter yang ingin Dicapai:

 Mandiri
 Disiplin
 Rasa ingin tahu

13. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran:

(1) Kegiatan Awal:
a. Guru memberi salam;
b. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
c. Guru menjelaskan kompetensi (KD, Sub-KD, dan Sub-sub-KD.
d. Persiapan: guru mengingatkan kembali pengetahuan/ketrampilan yang
telah dimiliki siswa dengan jalan mengajukan pertanyan-pertanyaan dan
menunjukkan hubungannya dengan pengetahuan/keterampilan yang akan

(2) Kegiatan Inti:

Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa

 Memperdengarkan teks lisan  Mendengarkan teks narrative

berbentuk narrative. dengan seksama.

 Meminta siswa menjawab  Menjawab pertanyaan dengan :

pertanyaan terkait teks yang - menyebutkan informasi dari teks
didengar. yang berkaitan dengan
- Menyebutkan informasi dari teks
yang berkaitan dengan
- Menyebutkan informasi dari teks
yang berkaitan dengan
 Meminta siswa mengidentifikasi  Menuliskan kalimat yang berkaitan
struktur teks narrative yang dengan:
didengar. - Orientation
- Complication
- Resoluion

 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks  Menentukan fungsi sosial teks

narrative. narrative yang dedengar.
 Meminta siswa mengingat  Melengkapi tabel dengan cara

menuliskan beberapa antonim dari menuliskan antonim dari masing-
beberapa kata yang muncul dari teks masing kata yang ada di tabel.
yang didengar.
 Memperdengarkan teks narrative  Mendengarkan teks narrative
lain sebagai tambahan latihan bagi dengan seksama.
 Meminta siswa menjawab  Menjawab pertanyaan yang ada.
pertanyaan terkait teks narrative
yang didengar.
 Meminta siswa melengkapi bagian  melengkapi bagian orientation,
orientation, complication,dan complication,dan resolution
resolution berdasarkan teks didengar. berdasarkan teks didengar.

(3) Penutup:
a. Guru merangkum materi pelajaran.
b. Guru menyakan pemahaman siswa terkait materi yang telah dipelajari.
c. Guru memberitahukan materi dan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada
pertemuan berikutnya.

14. Asesmen dan Penilaian:

(1) Asesmen Proses Informal: Guru menanyakan dan memberi komentar terkait
pemahaman siswa terkait keterampilan mendengarkan teks descriptive.

(2) Asesmen Proses Formal: Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks yang didengar.

(3) Asesmen Hasil: Responding to a listening.

(4) Penilaian:
Jumlah soal = 15
Setiap jawaban benar diberi skor 6.67
Nilai siswa = jumlah jawaban benar x 6.67
Nilai maksimal = 100

Kisi-kisi Tes
(Asesmen Hasil)
Tujuan Pembelajaran Jumlah Butir Soal Bentuk Tes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Diperdengarkan teks * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
jenis teks dengan
2. Diperdengarkan teks * * * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
struktur teks dengan
3. Diperdengarkan teks * * * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
bagian orientation
dengan benar.
4. Diperdengarkan teks * * * * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
dapat menjelaskan
bagian complication
dengan benar.
5. Diperdengarkan teks * * * * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
dapat menjelaskan
bagian resolution
dengan benar.
6. Diperdengarkan teks * Unstructured
narrative, siswa
dapat menjelaskan
fungsi sosial teks
dengan benar.

A Listening Test

A. You are going to listen to a story entitled The Clever Kid Goat. Listen

(Listening scrip)

B. Answer the following questions based on the listening text.

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Why did the goat’s mother forbid him to go alone to the forest ?
3. What did the goat search in the forest?
4. Why was the wolf happy when he saw the goat?
5. How was the kid got feeling when he met the wolf?
6. What did the kid goat ask for the wolf?
7. Did the wolf do what the kid goat ask for?
8. Who help the kid to run away?
9. Was the wolf die? Why?
10. What did the kid goat promise after that moment?
11. What can we learn from the story?
12. What is the socoal function of the text you have heard?

C. Listen to the story again and think of the structure of the story you heard.
Give one or more sentences to each part below.
Orientation :

Complication :

Resolution :

16. Sumber Pembelajaran:

BSE: Developing English Competencies for Senior High School for Grade X
BSE: Interlanguage for Senior High School for Grade X

17. Media Pembelajaran:

- Listening script

16. Lampiran-lampiran:
Answer Keys

Learning sheet

Part B:
1. The mice and the elaphants
2. Because the elephants who wanted to visit the pond carelesly destroyed
the house of the mice.
3. He said sorry and he promised the mice that the elephants would not pass
the tree again.
4. No, he he did not.
5. They wanted to catch the elephants so that they made a trap for the
6. The king elephant.
7. No, he did not.
8. The chief of the mice and his subjects.
9. They bit the trap by using their sharp teeth.
10. He thanked to the chief mice for the help.
11. Sometimes a weak looking person may prove stronger than others.
12. To entertain the listener with the story.

Part C:
Long time go, in a deep forest there was a group of mice that lived at a foot of
tree which was at the edge of the pond.

1. One day, some elephants who wanted to visit the the pond carelesly
destroyed the house of the mice and made many mice got injury.
2. Some men came to pond to make a trap for the elephants.
3. The king of the elephants caught from the trap.

The chief of mice and his friend helped the king elephant by using their sharp

Part D:
1. Shallow 5. Repaired 9. relax
2. Died 6. Escaped 10. dull
3. Middle, center 7. laught
4. Carefully 8. Restless, disturbed

A listening test

Part B:
1. The clever kid goat, goat’s mother, wolf, dogs.
2. Because the kid goat was the youngest.
3. He searched for sweet grass.
4. Because he wanted to eat the kid goat for his lunch.
5. He was very terrified.
6. He asked the wolf to sing a song.

7. Yes, he did.
8. The dogs.
9. No, he did not. Because he escaped from the dog.
10. He promised never to run away like that again.
11. We have to listen the older advice.
12. To entertain the listener with the story.

Part C:
There was a kid and his family goat who lived on a hill in a farm. They were
guarded by the dogs. There was a wolf lived near them.

One day, the kid goat was looking for some grass in the forest alone. The wolf
saw the kid goat and he wanted to eat him.

The kid goat asked the wolf to sing a song to destroy his consentration. Then the
dog came to help him. Luckily, the wolf run away.

Lembar Pembelajaran
(Learning Sheet)

1. Mengingat : menghafal
2. Mengintegrasikan : mengajukan pertanyaan

A. You are going to listen to a story. Listen carefully.

(Listening scrip)

B. Answer the following questions based on the listening text.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Why were many mice getting injury?
3. What did the king elephant say when the chief of mice tell him about the
destroyed and the injured mice?
4. Did the king angry with the mice?
5. What did the men do in the pond of the forest?
6. Who was caught by the trap?
7. Was the king elephant die after the accident?
8. Who help the king elephant from the trap?
9. What did the mice do to help the king elephant?
10. What did the king elephant do after suffering from the trap?
11. What can we learn from the story?
12. What is the social fungtion of the text you have heard?

C. Listen to the story again and think of the structure of the story you heard.
Give one or more sentences to each part below.

Orientation :

Complication :

Resolution :

D. The following words are taken from the story. With your partner, write
them to their antonyms on the right side.

No. Words Antonyms

1. deep
2. lived
3. edge
4. carelessly
5. destroyed
6. cought
7. cried
8. peaceful
9. hurry
10. sharp

Mengetahui Nusadani, Agustus 2018

Kepala SMAN 1 Solor Barat Guru Mata Pelajaran


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