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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

1. Nama Sekolah : SMA N 10 SURABAYA

2. Alamat Sekolah : Jln. Jemursari 1 /28 SURABAYA
3. Jenjang Sekolah : SMA
4. Kelas/Semester : XI
5. Kompetensi : Membaca
6. Standar Kompetensi:
11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk narrative, spoof dan
hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses
ilmu pengetahuan.
7. Kompetensi Dasar:
11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, spoof, dan
hortatory exposition.
8. Sub-kompetensi Dasar:
11.2.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk spoof.
9. Sub-sub-kompetensi Dasar Merespon makna dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk : spoof
10. Indikator:
1. Mengidentifikasi generic structure:
- Introduction
- Event
- Twist
dalam teks spoof yang disajikan.
2. Menentukan makna kata sulit yang ada pada teks spoof yang disajikan.
3. Mengidentifikasi gambaran umum yang ada pada teks spoof yang disajikan.
4. Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks spoof yang disajikan.
11. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Diberikan teks spoof, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure pada teks spoof
dengan baik dan benar.
2. Diberikan teks spoof, siswa dapat menentukan makna kata sulit yang terdapat pada
teks spoof dengan baik dan benar.
3. Diberikan teks spoof, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi gambaran umum yang terdapat
pada teks spoof dengan baik dan benar.
4. Diberikan teks spoof, siswa dapat menemukan informasi rinci tersurat pada teks spoof
dengan baik dan benar.
12. Bahan Pelajaran:
Teks spoof dengan judul : My husband,Vacation.
13. Strategi Pembelajaran (Learning Strategy):
 Mengingat
 Mengintegrasikan
 Mengorganisasikan
(3) Indikator Karakter yang ingin Dicapai:
 Kreatif
 Kerja keras
 Mandiri
14. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran:

(1) Kegiatan Awal:
(a) Guru memberi salam;
(b) Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa;
(c) Guru menjelaskan kompetensi (KD, Sub-KD, dan Sub-sub-KD, apabila ada) yang
diharapkan dapat dilakukan siswa, isi pelajaran,dan cara menguasai kompetensi
(strategi pembelajaran).
(d) Persiapan: guru mengingatkan kembali pengetahuan/ketrampilan yang telah dimiliki
siswa dengan jalan mengajukan pertanyan-pertanyaan dan menunjukkan hubungannya
dengan pengetahuan/keterampilan yang akan dipelajari.
(2) Kegiatan Inti:
Kegiatan Guru Kegiatan Siswa
 Pre-reading activity  Pre-reading activity
 Brain storming menanyakan beberapa  Siswa menyimak dan menjawab
pertanyaan sehingga dapat diarahkan pertanyaan secara oral.
menuju pada materi pembelajaran.
 Membagi siswa dalam beberapa  Membentuk kelompok sesuai instruksi
kelompok, satu kelompok terdiri dari 3 guru.
 Whilst-reading activity  Whilst-reading activity
 Memberikan teks spoof dengan judul  Mengidentifikasi generic structure:
“my husband”dan meminta siswa - Introduction
untuk mengidentifikasi generic - Event
structure yang ada pada teks. - Twist
dalam teks spoof yang disajikan.
 Memberikan teks spoof dengan judul  Menemukan makna kata sulit yang
“my husband”dan meminta siswa ada pada teks spoof yang disajikan.
untuk menemukan makna kata sulit
pada teks tersebut.
 Memberikan teks spoof dan meminta  Mengidentifikasi gambaran umum
siswa untuk mengidentifikasi yang ada pada teks spoof yang
gambaran umum yang terdapat pada disajikan.
teks tersebut.
 Memberiksn teks spoof dan meminta  Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat
siswa untuk menemukan informasi dari teks spoof yang disajikan.
rinci tersurat yang ada pada teks.
 Post-reading activity  Post-reading activity
 Guru memeriksa hasil pekerjaan siswa  Siswa membahas hasil pekerjaan
dengan bantuan guru.

(3) Penutup:
(a) Siswa diminta mengulang pelajaran;
(b) Mengerjakan tugas-tugas yang tidak terselesaikan di kelas;
(c) Mengerjakan LKS.
15. Asesmen dan Penilaian:
(1) Asesmen Proses Informal:
Guru berkeliling kelas menanyakan pemahaman siswa terkait dengan materi yang
(2) Asesmen Proses Formal:
(3) Asesmen Hasil:
Paper and Pencil Test:

- Cloze procedure
- Responding to reading
- Test esay

(4) Penilaian:
Buat Rubrik sebagai dasar dalam menggunakan Penilaian Acuan Kriteria (PAK)

Kisi-kisi Tes
(Asesmen Hasil)
Tujuan Pembelajaran Jumlah Butir Soal Bentuk Tes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 Diberikan teks spoof, * Multiple
siswa dapat choice
generic structure pada
teks spoof dengan baik
dan benar
 Diberikan teks spoof, Multiple
siswa dapat choice
menentukan makna
kata sulit yang
terdapat pada teks
spoof dengan baik dan
 Diberikan teks spoof, Multiple
siswa dapat choice
gambaran umum yang
terdapat pada teks
spoof dengan baik dan
 Diberikan teks spoof, Multiple
siswa dapat choice
menemukan informasi
rinci tersurat pada teks
spoof dengan baik dan

A Reading Test

Fluffy Bunny Rabbit

After a long day at the office, Chris came home one day and found his dog with the
neighbor’s pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit was obviously dead. Chris panicked!
“If my neighbor’s find out my dog killed their bunny, they’ll hate me forever,” he
So he took the dirty, chewed up rabbit into the house, gave it a bath and blow-dried its
Chris knew his neighbors kept their backdoor open during the summer, so he sneaked
inside and put the bunny back into the cage, hoping his neighbors would think it died of natural
A couple of days later Chris and his neighbor saw each other outside.
“Did you hear that Fluffy die?” the neighbor asked.
“Oh. Uhmm... Sorry to hear that. What happened?” Chris mumbled.
The neighbor replied, “We just found him dead in his cage one day. But the strange thing is
that the day after we buried him, we went out to dinner and someone must have dug him up,
gave him a bath and put him back into the cage!”

Adapted from:

1. What does the story tell us?
a. A rabbit and a dog
b. A boy who petted a rabbit
c. Neighborhood in America
d. A boy who tried to maintain neighborhood.
e. A boy who was angry with his neighbor’s because their dog killed his rabbit.
2. What was his dog doing when Chris found it?
a. The dog was barking at a thief.
b. The dog was digging the neighbor’s field.
c. The dog was eating the rabbit.
d. The dog was killing the rabbit.
e. The dog was carrying a dead rabbit in its mouth.
3. What did Chris think of his neighbor’s rabbit?
a. It was alive.
b. It was killed by his dog.
c. It was funny.
d. It was stinky because it was already dead.
e. He was upset because his neighbor did not bury it.
4. How did Chris cover up the death of the rabbit?
a. By cleaning it and then putting it in his neighbor’s house.
b. By burying it in the backyard.
c. By throwing it into his neighbor’s rubbish bin.
d. By bathing it and then burying it.
e. By replacing it with his own rabbit.
5. How did Chris get into his neighbor’s house?
a. Breaking the side window of the house.
b. Breaking the front door of the house.
c. Sneaking through the backdoor.
d. Using the key hidden below the doormat.
e. Passing the front gate of the house.
6. What actually happened to the rabbit?
a. The dog ate the rabbit.
b. The dog found it died.
c. Chris unconsciously killed it.
d. Chris’s neighbor killed it and buried it before the dog found it.
e. It died and buried in the backyard before the dog dug it out.
7. “If my neighbors find out my dog killed their bunny, they’ll hate me forever” (line 4). The
sentence implies ….
a. Chris wanted his neighbor to know that his dog killed the rabbit.
b. Chris worried if his neighbor was angry with him.
c. Chris hated his neighbor so that he killed the rabbit.
d. Chris let his dog eat the rabbit.
e. Chris was happy because his dog could kill the rabbit.
8. The word ‘him’ in line 13 refers to ….
a. The dog
b. Chris
c. The rabbit
d. Chris’s neighbor
e. Chris’s rabbit.

9. “We just found him dead in his cage one day. But the strange thing is that the day after we

buried him, we went out to dinner and someone must have dug him up, gave him a bath and
put him back into the cage”. What does the statement mean?
a. The dog was dead before the dog dug it out.
b. Someone consciously killed the rabbit and hid it.
c. Someone found a dead rabbit and then buried it.
d. Chris put it back to its cage because his dog killed it.
e. His neighbor did not know that the rabbit was dead in its cage.
10. What actually happened was ….
a. The rabbit was dead because the dog killed it.
b. Chris ordered his dog to get the rabbit.
c. The rabbit did not die because of the dog.
d. Chris’s neighbor thought that the rabbit was still alive.
e. Chris’s neighbor actually wanted the rabbit dead.

16. Sumber Pembelajaran:

Developing English Competencies for Grade XI of Language Programmed
Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI
17. Media Pembelajaran:
16. Lampiran-lampiran:

Lembar Pembelajaran
(Learning Sheet)
 Mengingat
 Mengintegrasikan
 Mengorganisasikan

My Husband

Because my husband, John, tends to snore, I rarely get more than a couple of hours
sleep each night. When he awakens refreshed in the morning, he's always astonished to
find that he has been the cause of another sleepless night for me.
One night John had severe allergy symptoms, so he took some medication before
he went to bed. To my surprise, he fell into a deep sleep, allowing me to nod off
comfortably too.
I awoke to find him shaking me. "What's the matter?" I asked, trying not to sound
irritable. "Are you in pain?"
"No," he said, "but the drugs have worn off, and I can't sleep." I stared at him in
exhausted disbelief. "What do you want me to do about it?" I said through clenched
"Oh, nothing," he replied. "I just wanted you to know."

Identify the generic structure of the text :


Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. Why is the wife not able to sleep more than two hours every day?
2. What is the meaning of sleepless?
3. Who is I in the text?

4. What does he in line 3 refer to?
5. Is John really sick?
6. What did John take before he slept?
7. What happened after he took medicine?
8. Why did John wake up his wife?
9. Was his wife annoyed by him?
10. How did John answer his wife's question?

Surabaya , 2013
Mengetahui, Guru Matapelajaran
Kepala Sekolah

Drs.H.M. Sukron, AP,MM Bachirijah Kurniawati S.Pd

NIP,19560322 198012 1 002 NIP :19710609 200801 2 011

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