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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Nama : Enos K. Ndaha Nggongu, S.Pd

No. Peserta : 19241215710251
Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Nggaha Ori Angu
PPG Angkatan : ke-IV
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
LPTK : Universitas Mataram


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Nggaha Ori Angu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / I (Satu)
Materi/Pokok Bahasan : Analytical Exposition

A. Identitas

Nama : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Kelas : ……………………………………………………………………………..

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi
analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.4 Teks eksposisi analitis

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual
4.4.2 Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analisis
3.4.2 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks eksposisi
analisis Menyimpulkan topik utama dan kalimat pendukung dari setiap paragraph terkait teks
eksposisi analisis. Mengurutkan paragraf acak menjadi sebuah paragraf yang utuh terkait Teks eksposisi
analisis Membacakan teks-teks eksposisi dengan suara lantang di depan kelas, dengan ucapan
dan tekanan kata yang benar Menulis kalimat utama untuk masing-masing paragraf. Menulis kalimat pendukung untuk setiap paragraf. Menyusun draft teks eksposisi analsis sesuai dengan topik yang diberikan. Menulis kembali teks eksposisi analisis. Mempublikasikan tulisan di blog atau majalah dinding.

D. Directions/Instructions
- Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan
- Bacalah semua instruksi dengan jelas
- Kerjakan latihan berikut pada lembar kerja yang tersedia
Name : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………….


Read the questions carefully. Note down your opinions and reactions to the
questions. During the discussion with your teacher and classmates offer your
personal reaction and understanding of the text.


 What is Global Warming?

 Is it a severe problem? Why?

 What kind of text is given above?

Discussion Note:

Cars Should Be Banned In The City

Cars should be banned in the

city. As we all know, cars create
pollution, and cause a lot of road
deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know
contribute the most of pollution in
the world. Cars emit a deadly gas
causes illnesses such as bronchitis,
lung cancer, and trigger of asthma.
Some of these illnesses are so bad
that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy.
Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in
the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it
hard to sleep at night, or concentrate in your homework, and especially
talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons
Name / Class : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best answer for each questions

based on the Analytical Exposition Text above.

1. What type of the text above? e. to entertain readers about Cars Should
a. Narrative. Be Banned In The City
b. Report.
6. The following sentences are true, except …
c. Analytical.
a. the cars contribute the most of pollution
d. Explanation.
in the world.
e. Description.
b. the cars are very noisy.
2. What one of the diseases caused by c. the cars can also cause many deaths and
pollution? other road accidents.
a. HIV / AIDS d. the car cans accelerate the transport.
b. BRONCHITIS e. the cars today are our roads biggest
c. LIVER killers.
7. What the title text above?
a. Cars Should Be Banned In The City
3. What tense is mostly used in the text? b. Cars cause pollution.
a. Past tense c. Car giant killer street.
b. Simple present tense d. Car facilitate transportation.
c. Simple perfect tense e. Cars cause noise of the city.
d. Present continuous tense
8. Which paragraph is called arguments?
e. Past continuous tense
a. I and II.
4. We usually call the last paragraph as……… b. IV
a. Resolution c. All paragraph
b. Reiteration d. II, III, and III
c. Conclusion e. I and IV
d. Recommendation
9. Is the car also cause pollution?
e. Twist
a. No.
5. What is the purpose of the text? b. No, he is.
a. to persuade reader about the Cars Should c. Yes, it‟s
Be Banned In The City d. Yes.
b. to explain the characteristics the Cars e. No, it‟s not.
Should Be Banned In The City 10. Is the car also cause noise?
c. to inform readers about Cars Should Be a. Yes, it‟s.
Banned In The City b. No, it‟s
d. to describe Cars Should Be Banned In c. No.
The City d. Yes, he is.
e. No, it‟s not
Name : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………….


Answer the questions based on the passage!

Read the following text.

What has one billion users and doubles as the

second largest search engine on the Internet? The
answer is YouTube. This search engine has been an
incredible tool for most businesses. Unfortunately, not
many businesses make use of it. I want to share why
YouTube is such an significant platform for your brand.
It is said that YouTube is the second largest search engine, while its parent
company Google is the first. Do you know what it means? It means Google gives
search engine priority to YouTube videos. Try to search for a “how to” on Google,
then the results come back with several videos related to the “how to”. The videos
may have even been the first results on the page even though some of these videos
date back several years, to 2011 and before!
Even without relying on Google, your chance of getting discovered on
YouTube alone is very high. By using the right keywords for your videos (actual
phrases that your customers will use to locate your content), you can increase the
odds of discovery.
Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience‟s attention.
Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building trust.
Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that
they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a
product demo, or a freebie found on your site.
Based on the arguments above, I believe that YouTube is beneficial to
promote and expand your businesses. So, what are you waiting for? Make one now.
Adopted from: (March 15,

1. What does the text tell you about?


2. In your opinion, why did the writer write the text?


3. What is the function of the first paragraph?


4. What is the function of the second, third, and fourth paragraphs?


5. What is the function of the last paragraph?


6. What tenses are used in the text?


7. What is the word „furthermore‟ used in the text for?

Name : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………….


Task 1:
Read and identify the structure of the
following text.

Why Owning a Home is Important

Owning a home is more than just hype; it‟s the gateway to long-term and
short-term financial success. Long-term, you‟ll build an equity nest egg and short-
term, you‟ll be able to enjoy potential tax breaks and pay yourself instead of a
A home purchase is an investment you‟ll be glad you made!
There are many reasons owning a home is important, and most of them stem
from the fact that a home is an asset and paying a mortgage increases your equity
in that asset, which is better than paying rent.
A potential increase in your credit score, tax benefits, and anticipated
growth in the housing market are additional benefits to having a mortgage.
Having a mortgage can help improve your credit score because a home loan
adds diversity to your credit profile. Even though a mortgage is a debt, it is “good”
debt, because it is tied to an asset (the house). The largest portion of your credit
score is determined by your payment history, and making payments on a long-term
loan like a mortgage positively contributes to your payment history. As long as you
make your payments on time, your mortgage can improve your credit score by
increasing your reputation as a responsible borrower.
Owning a home can make a huge difference for your financial future,
especially for a first-time homebuyer. While buying a home can be a
transformative experience for you personally, homeownership can help you
financially as well. Homeownership can lead to building your personal wealth due to
home equity, or fair market value, which will likely increase over time based on
both the market and any renovations you make to your home.
To summarize, it is important to own a house while you are young. You can
use it as your financial investment or your future residence.
Adopted from tps:// (March 20, 2019)

Complete the following table to help you

identify the structure of the text

Element Main Topic Supporting Details


1st Argument

2nd Argument

3rd Argument


Task 2:
Find language features of Analytical Exposition consisting in the text above and put them
into table bellow.

Language Features Evidence (In the text above)

Present Tense

Mental Verbs

Saying Verbs

Connecting Words

Causal Conjunction
Name : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………….


Rearrange the jumble paragraph below to

create a good Analytical Exposition Text

Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast

food‟s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients

to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered

from its original healthy form.

Fast food, nowadays, is considered as a normal eating venture. People are not

just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the

time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?

It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is

the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate).

Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.

Fast food has its popularity in the 1940‟s. Within a few years, fast-food

operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food

restaurants since the 1940‟s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during

that same time period.


Write here your answer!

The Unhealthy Fast Food




















Name : ………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………….

Class : ……………………………………………….

Writing Connection

Task 1: Complete the following articles using the

format of analytical exposition text and give it
suitable title or You can write an analytical
exposition text on any of theANNOUNCEMENT
recent issues in the
media. Give at least two (2) arguments plus
explanation to support your thesis statement.

Introduction (thesis statement)

Television is the most popular form of entertainment in every household in
Indonesia. However, I think watching too much television especially soap operas
and dramas can have negative impact on the viewers.

Argument 1 + Elaboration

Argument 2 + Elaboration
Writing Connection


Task 2: Rewrite you Analytical Exposition Text above and then publish it in
Notice Board or Social Media or Blog.














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