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Sentence Type 2
and Type 3

as M ina t
s X I L in t
Kela ris
h as a In gg
e r G e na p
Sem e st

Disusun oleh:
Sandita Nur Indahsari, S.Pd


1. Siapkan alat tulis
2. Buatlah petunjuk kegiatan dengan cermat
3. Kerjakan tugasmu pada lembar/ kolom yang telah tersedia/
sesuai dengan petunjuk kegiatan

Elemen: Menyimak - Berbicara

Pada akhir Fase F, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris

untuk berkomunikasi dengan guru, teman sebaya dan orang lain
dalam berbagai macam situasi dan tujuan. Mereka menggunakan
dan merespon pertanyaan terbuka dan menggunakan strategi
untuk memulai, mempertahankan dan menyimpulkan percakapan
dan diskusi. Mereka memahami dan mengidentifikasi ide utama
dan detail relevan dari diskusi atau presentasi mengenai berbagai
macam topik. Mereka menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
menyampaikan opini terhadap isu sosial dan untuk membahas
minat, perilaku dan nilai-nilai lintas konteks budaya yang dekat
dengan kehidupan pemuda. Mereka memberikan dan
mempertahankan pendapatnya, membuat perbandingan dan
mengevaluasi perspektifnya. Mereka menggunakan strategi
koreksi dan perbaikan diri, dan menggunakan elemen non-verbal
seperti bahasa tubuh, kecepatan bicara dan nada suara untuk
dapat dipahami dalam sebagian besar konteks.
3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian
terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat ini dan
pada waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan conditional: past dan past perfect/
conditional type 2 and type 3)

4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata
pada saat ini dan pada waktu lampau, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks

Setelah melakukan pembelajaran PBL tentang Conditional Type 2
and Type 3, peserta didik mampu menganalisis, membandingkan,
dan mengungkapkan pendapat secara lisan menggunakan
conditional type 2 dan type 3.


Pre - Test

Choose the correct answer!

1. If he ... lots of chocolate, he would have bad teeth

(A) eat
(B) ate
(C) eaten
(D) had

2. If Budi asked me, I ..... emailed the documents

(A) would have
(B) will
(C) will have
(D) has

3. If an endangered language is spoken by children, it ...... relatively safe from

dying. (TOEFL Test)
(A) would
(B) does
(C) will
(D) has

4. If a break were to occur in the Earth's crust, push-pull and shake waves ....
generated simultaneously. (TOEFL Test)
(A) will be
(B) would be
(C) would have been
(D) be

5. If schools had tried to educate young women, they ... productive places in
the urban industrial economy. (TOEFL Test)
(A) would occupy
(B) would have occupied
(C) will occupy
(D) had occupy
Pre Activity (Speaking Test)
Link :

Answer the questions directly!

1. What would you do if you had a lot of money?

2. What would you do if you had no classes today?
3. What would you do if you had no you were a boy/girl?
4. What would you do if you were 10 years old?

Main Activity

Activity 1 - Speaking
Look at the Picture. Answer the questions with the correct form of conditional
sentence type 2. Then mention the fact of the sentences!

What would you do if you had no classes today?
Answer : If I had no classess today, I would go
to Jatim Park with my family.

Fact : I have classes today

What would you do if you were the member of
Answer : ...................
Fact : .................
What would you do if you were a dancer of
Topeng Malangan Dance?
Answer: .............................
Fact : .....................

What would you do if your family had Batik

Answer: .............................
Fact : .....................

What would you do if you were student in

elementary school ?
Answer: .............................
Fact : .....................

What would you do if you were born in other

country ( Surabaya ) ?
Answer: .............................
Fact : .....................
Activity 2 - Writting
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of conditional sentence type
3. Then write the fact of the sentences!

Example :
If I …. (know) Willy was in hospital, I ….. (visit) her.
Answer : If I had known Willy was in hospital, I would have visited her.
Fact : I didn’t know Willy was in hospital so I didn’t visit her.

1. If I … (call) her last night , she … (bring) the novels today.

2. If I … (get) the ticket, I … (be) in Palembang.
3. If I … (know) that you were here, I … (prepare) a cake for you.
4. If you … (come) to my special day, I … (happy).
5. If Steve … (get) up earlier, he … (be) at school before Mr. Syaifur came.

Activity 3 - Reading & Speaking

Work in Group !
1. Make a group consist of 5-6 persons
2. Choose a theme below:
- Malin kundang
- Sangkuriang
- Jaka Tarub
- Roro Jongrang
- Ande-Ande Lumut

2. Imagine if you were the characters of the story, what would you do?
(It can be main characters or side characters)

3. Tell your opinion in front of the class. Don’t forget to use Conditional Sentence
Type 2. The longer your opinion the better your score.

Example :
If I were Samosir’s father, I would not break my promise. I would also be more
careful in speaking so that the secret is kept. Then not be too angry with my child
and be a forgiving person. As a father, i would always be patient in dealing with the
behaviour of my children.


Student's Reflection
1. What have you learned today?
2. Do you find any struggle in learning today's material? If yes, what was about?
3. Do you understand about today's material?
4. What is the thing that you want to know related to today's material?
5. How was your day today? Please describe a little bit about that!

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