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Unit Kegiatan belajar

Mandiri (UKBM)

1. Identitas

a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib

b. Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil
c. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.1 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan May I help you?, What
can I do for you? What if ...?)

4.1 menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

d. Materi Pokok : Menawarkan Jasa

e. Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 2 jam pelajaran
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui kegiatan Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik

menggunakan metode dan model pembelajaran discovery learning
dan Problem based learning peserta didik dapat menyusun teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks , sehingga peserta didik dapat
membangun kesadaran akan kebesaran Tuhan YME,
menumbuhkan prilaku cinta lingkungan, disiplin, jujur, aktif,
responsip, santun, bertanggungjawab, dan kerjasama.

g. Materi Pembelajaran :

Th.M.Sudarwati/Eudia Grace. 2018.Pathway to English For SMA/MA Grade XII.Erlangga.

Otong Setiawan . 2016. Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA- M/SMK Kelas XII, Yrama
Widya 2016
Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM)
2. Peta Konsep

Offering to Help

Accepting an offer

Refusing an offer

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a. Warming Up

Look at thepicture and discuss the questions that follow.

1. What problem do the man in the picture have?

2. What kind of help does the man in the picture need?

3. What do you say to offer help to the man in the picture?

4. What do people usually say in responding to an offer?

5. What expressions are common to appreciate an offer?

To answer the above questions, please continue to the next activity.

Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM) Main activity
1) General instructions about this UKBM
Read the materials on Th.M.Sudarwati/Eudia Grace. 2018.Pathway to English For
SMA/MA Grade XII.Erlangga. Jakarta. Chapter 1 page 7 and Otong Setiawan .
2016. Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA- M/SMK Kelas XII, Yrama Widya
2016. Bandung chapter 1.
a) After you understand the materials, practice them by doing the task with
your partner.
b) Do the task on your own book.
c) You can learn step by step and continue to Let’s Practice.
d) If you have finished practicing, you can have a test and continue to the next

Activity 1

Before we begin the activity 1, observe the following picture…..

What happens with the car?

What should they do if they can’t overcome the problem?

Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM) Now, listen to the conversation on page 5 Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade
XII . Then discuss the questions below in groups of four.

1. Why does the man call the mechanic?

2. Can the mechanic repair the man’s car right away? Why?
3. What does the mechanic offer the man?
4. Does the man accept or refuse the offer? Why?
5. Write the expressions of offering help, accepting help, and refusing help
on the provided table.

Offering Help Accepting Offers Refusing Offers

Let’s Practice !

Fill in the blanks with suitable expression.


Ria : Dad, _____________________________ (offering to wash the car )?
Seto : No. __________________________.(refusing the offer) I don’t mind washing the
Ria : No, really! You are always the one does it. Let me do it for a chance.
Seto : Okay. ______________(appreciating the offer). You’re such a good daughter.

Zaza : ________________________________ ?(offering to operate the slide
Bulan : No, that’s ok. I can operate it myself.
Zaza : Oh, come on! Let _________________ (offering a help again). You shouldn’t have
to operate the slides by yourself while giving a presentation if I am here to help.
Bulan : Really, it’s niceof you to offer, but…..
Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM)Zaza : Look! I insist!
Bulan : Well, OK. But, ________________ (refusing the offer again)
Zaza : No trouble at all! Honestly, I’m happy to lend you a hand.

Activity 2

Pay attention to the following dialogue. Take a role play with your partner.

A Would you like me to put staples on the papers?

I’ll put staples on the papers if you’d like.
I’ll be happy to put staples on the papers if you’d like.

B No. Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind putting them by myself.
That’s okay.
It’s all right.

A No, really! You are always the one who does it. Let me do it for a chance.
Oh, come on!

B Okay. Thanks. It’s very good of you.

It’s very kind of you .
That’s very nice of you.
That would be nice.
I appreciate it.
Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM)

Practice offering to do something by substituting the expressions in italic above with the ones under
the pictures in accordance with their context.

feed the hens mow the lawn fix the trash bin

wash the clothes defrost the refrigerator water the plants

Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM)
Activity 3
Activity 3

Pay attention to the following dialogue. Take a role play with your partner.

A I see you are repainting the house.

B Yes. It hasn’t repainted for quite long time.
A Do you want any help?
need a hand?
B Ye. If you don’t mind.
If it’s no trouble.
A No, no at all. I’d be glad to give you a hand.
happy to lend
to help.
B. Thanks. I appreciate it.

Let’s Practice !

Practice offering to do something by substituting the expressions in italic above with

the ones under the pictures in accordance with their context.

clean the window clean the barn bathe the horse

mop the floor change the oil sweep the yard

Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM)

b. Closing

Bagaimana kalian
After you learn and practice in activity 1, 2,and 3, now please fill in
the table below to measure your understanding of the material.

No Questions Yes No
1. Can you mention the expressions of offering to do
2. Can you mention the expressions of accepting an offer?
3. Can you mention the expressions of refusing an offer?
4. Can you write down a simple conversation involving the
expressions of offering to do something and theiir

If you answer “No for one of the questions above, learn again the mateials and practice
activity 1,2 , and 3. If you answer “Yes” to all the questions above, continue studying the
next UKBM.

In which position are you?

Measure your ability in expressing an offer to do something and its responses in 0-100
scale. Write down the score on the provided box.
Unit Kegiatan belajar
Mandiri (UKBM) Setelah kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi .................. lanjutkan
kegiatan berikut secara mandiri untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan kalian !
Kerjakan di buku kerja masing-masing....

Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box.

1. A : ____________________________________________
B : Sure. The books are too heavy for me.

2. A : _____________________________________________
B : I have lost my watch . I think I put it on the desk.
A : Let me help you find it.

3. A : ______________________________________________
B : Yes, I’m new here. Could you show me the way to the post office, please?
A : Just go down this street and turn left at the first T-junction. Go straight
B : Thanks a lot.

4. A : _____________________________________________
B : Let me repair it. It may need some changed parts.

5. A : _______________________________________________
B : Yes, please. Could you decorate the room, please?

a. Excuse me. Are you looking for something, sir?

b. Would you like any help?
c. Let me help you with the books.
d. The radio is broken. I could hear anything but noise.
e. Excuse me. Can I give you a hand? It seems like you are lost.

Setelah menyelesaikan soal di atas dan mengikuti kegiatan belajar, silahkan kalian
berdiskusi dengan teman lalu tuliskan penyelesaian permasalahan diatas ke buku
kerja masing-masing !
Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKBM materi ..............., mintalah tes formatif kepada
Guru kalian sebelum belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.
Sukses untuk kalian !!!

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