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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Negeri 1 Kandeman

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X / Ganjil
Program : Semua Program
Materi Pokok : Announcement
Alokasi Waktu :

Kompetensi Keahlian : Semua bidang keahlian

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
Kelas : X
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.5 dan 4.5
Materi Pokok : Announcement
Alokasi Waktu : 3 X 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI.3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan

faktual,konseptual, procedural dasar, dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian
BahasaInggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks pengembangan potensi diri
sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional, regional,
KI.4 Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim
dilakukan serta memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris. Menampilkan
kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja. Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif,
kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas
spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung. Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan,
meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di
bawah pengawasan langsung.

B. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.5 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam
bentuk announcement , dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat
kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.5.Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk announcement , lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai
C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)
3.5.1. Menyeleksi bentuk-bentuk teks announcement yang diperoleh.
3.5.2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks announcement sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.5.1. Membuat contoh teks announcement dengan bantuan guru.
4.5.2.Menampilkan bentu-bentuk teks yang sudah dibuat dikelas
3.5.1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk
pemberitahuan (announcement), dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
3.5.2. Menyebutkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan
(announcement), dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah
3.5.3. Membedakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk pemberitahuan
(announcement), dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah melalui proses belajar mengajar diharapkan siswa mampu :
1. Menyeleksi bentuk-bentuk teks announcement yang diperoleh dengan benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks announcement dengan tepat.
4. Membuat contoh teks announcement dengan baik dan benar.
5. Menampilkan bentuk-bentuk teks yang sudah dibuat dengan baik.

E. Materi Pembelajaran
- Fungsi Sosial :
Memberi informasi pada khalayak

- Struktur Teks
The structures of announcement:
a. The title or type of event.
b. For whom
c. Date and time
d. Place.
e. Contact person.

- Unsur Kebahasaan
Grammar: Simple present tense ( verb 1 )
Vocabulary: 1 December 2018
7-9 pm

F. Media Pembelajaran
- Power point presentation
- LCD, Laptop

G. Sumber Belajar
- Widiawati, Utami.,Rohma, Zuliati., danFuraidah. 2017. Bahasa Inggris SMA /MA, SMK / MK
kelas X semester 1. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembukuan Balitbang, Kemendikbud.

H. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Sintak Model Deskripsi Kegiatan Nilai PPK, Alokasi
Pembelajaran literasi, 4C, Waktu
Pendahuluan Apersepsi 10’
 Guru meminta siswa untuk -Religius
berdoa,memberi salam,menyanyikan lagu -Nasionalis
nasional dan mengecek daftar hadir siswa. me
“Students before we start our lesson today,
I want you to pray together”
“Good morning class”
“Ii is good to see you today. Before we
begin, let me check your attendance first“
 Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang -Rasa ingin
pembelajaran yang lalu. tahu
“what did you learn in the previous
meeting ?”

Inti 1. Stimulation 1. Mengamati 10’

 Guru menunjukkan sebuah gambar - literasi
(text) tentang announcement.

2. Problem 2. Menanya
Statement.  Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang - rasa ingin
gambar tersebut. tahu 10’
“from this picture what we will learn
“what the announcement talking
about ?”.

3. Mencoba/Mengumpulkan Informasi
3. Collecting  Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca - literasi
Data dan mencatat materi tentang expressing
announcement yang ada pada layar 15’

4. Verification 4. Mengasosiasi 25’

 Guru meminta siswa untuk - rasa ingin
mempelajari, mengedit dan menjawab tahu
teks anouncement secara partner. - berpikir
“Please study then edit and answer kritis
based on the announcement”
 Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab - kerjasama
soal pilihan ganda (10 butir) melalui
media HP/laptop/worksheet.
“Please do these exercises”
5. Generali 5. Mengkomunikasikan berkomuni 10’
zation  Guru meminta siswa mendiskusikan kasi
bersama soal-soal tersebut khususnya
yang dirasa sulit bagi mereka melalui
layar projector dengan perwakilan
siswa di depan kelas.
“please discuss the materials of the test
and in front of the class ”
Penutup Refleksi: 10’
 Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang
perasaan mereka tentang pembelajaran Rasa ingin
hari ini. tahu
“So, are you happy with our lesson
Membuat Kesimpulan:
 Guru bertanya tentang materi yang
telah mereka pelajari hari ini.
“Well, what have you learnt today?” Rasa ingin
“Good, don’t forget about the tahu
expression of announcement“

Tindak Lanjut
 Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat
text announcement sederhana dan
menampilkan/menempelkan di dinding
“Try to make a simple announcement Kreativitas
at home.”
 Guru membuat penilaian dari hasil
kreasi siswa (diluar jam pelajaran) HOTS
 Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dengan
berdoa bersama. Religius
“We have a great time together today.
Please pray together before we closed
our lesson today. Thank you for your
attention, and goodbye.”


1) Penilaian Pengetahuan (Terlampir)

Teknik penilaian : Tes Tulis

Bentuk tes : pilihan ganda.
Pedoman penskoran : Jumlah jawaban benar x 10 = Nilai

2) Penilaian Keterampilan (terlampir)

Teknik penilaian : Tes tulis
Bentuk tes : Membuat teks announcement sederhana

Malang, 16 Juli 2018


Dra. Rina Widayanti

NIP.19671118 199103 2 009
Materi Pembelajaran

Announcement is somet
hin g said, written, or
printed which is
containing information
about an event that has
happened or is going to
happen. The purpose is
informing something to
public. Announcement
can be spoken (oral) or

Generally, the characteristics of an announcement are :

- Using language that simple, clear, and easy to understand by another people who read, hear or see it.

- In writing an announcement, include the following points :

a. The title of the announcement
b. The type of the announcement
c. The date of the announcement
d. The time of the announcement
e. The place of the announcement
d. Who to contact for the announcement

b) The functions of announcement:

a) To make a meeting
b) News from people died
c) A competition
d) News a born baby
e) Etc.

d) Kinds of announcement
There are two kinds of announcement based on the using of language and the announcement comes
from :
1. Formal announcement
Formal announcement is a kind of announcement that use formal language, usually this
announcement is an announcement from office, and others.
2. Informal announcement
Informal announcement is a kind of announcement that use informal/daily language, usually this
announcement is from personal, and others.
There two types of announcement:
1. Spoken announcement, in spoken announcement you should speak clearly so that the targeted
people can easily understand it, besides the information should be short and simple.
2. Whiten announcement usually begin with title for whom the announcement is written.

We can find the announcement on television, radio, newspaper, billboard, magazine, and you can find
announcement by:
a) Audio
b) Visual
c) Audio visual

Penilaian Hasil Belajar (PHB)
1. Reading (KD 3.5)
Task 1:

The following announcement about regional games is not

written properly. Edit the announcement so that it makes


To All Members of Riza’s Club

Please be informed that Riza Regional Games 2013 will be on May
5 – 12, 2013 at Malang City.
Please pay your 2nd smester contributions on or before April 30,
All checks will be payed to the order of Rizas Club with account #
Thank you for your attention.
Managemen of Riza’s Club

Task 2:

Use the following questions to help you re-write the above

1. Where is the announcement from?
2. Who is the announcement for?
3. What is the announcement about?
4. When will the games be?
5. Where will the games be?
6. When do the members have to pay the contributions?
7. What is the number of the account to pay checks?

The announcement from The Management of Riza’s Club

informs _____________________________________________________

Task 3
Siswa Mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda melalui media HP atau laptop. (soal berupa

ID Questions Question Image

1 Attention
All students must join the class meeting
from 15th December to 21st Desember 2016


what is the text about ?________________
A. The plan of having a class meeting

B. An invitation to join a class meeting

C. The winner of the class meeting

D. The class meeting in a school.

2 Attention
All students must join the class meeting
from 15th December to 21st Desember 2016


How long will class meeting be held?
A. six days

B. seven days

C. eight days

D. nine days

3 To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books
(brand new novels and non-fiction books) are
available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs
Head of library

What are the things offered in the new library to

A. New DVDs and non-fiction books

B. New books and novels.

C. Old and new books

D. Books and DVDs.

4 To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books
(brand new novels and non-fiction books) are
available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs
Head of library

Why does the writer make the announcement ?

A. To help the reader know where to find the

B. To let the reader know about the head of


C. To invite the reader to visit the library

D. To resume a new novel

5 To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books
(brand new novels and non-fiction books) are
available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs
Head of library

Who is Ramadhan?________________
A. The owner of the library

B. The writer

C. The student

D. the teacher

6 Announcement
English Conversation Club (SCC)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school
For registration, please contact
Wayan (XIA)
Anissa (XIB)
When do the members have meeting ?
A. In the afternoon at three o’clock.

B. On Thursday morning.

C. On Thursday afternoon.

D. In the morning.
7 Announcement
This is a new school year and there are many new
students around.
Please be friendly and help them understand the
rules of our school.

Why does the principal make the announcement ?
A. To inform about the new school year.

B. To ask the students to contact their parents

C. To let the students know that they have their


D. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the

new comers.

8 This is a new school year and there are many new

students around.
Please be friendly and help them understand the
rules of our school.

Who do you think reads the announcement ?
A. Teachers

B. Parents.

C. Senior students.

D. New students.

9 This is a new school year and there are many new

students around.
Please be friendly and help them understand the
rules of our school.

” Please be friendly….” . What is the meaning of
the underlined word ?________________
A. Attracting

B. Welcoming

C. Interesting

D. Disturbing

10 There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout

must join this camp. The activity will take place at
Bangunharjo camping sie and last for three days.
for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Banyumas, May 12th,2016

The Chief of Scout organization

If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?

A. May 25th.

B. May 12th.

C. June 7th

D. June 6th.

2. Writing

Penilaian keterampilan (KD 4.5)

Teknik penilaian : Tes tulis
Bentuk tes : Membuat teks announcement sederhana

Skor Deskripsi

>90 Isi sangat bagus, informasi lengkap dan menarik

Tata bahasa sangat bagus/ sedikit sekali kesalahan, sangat mudah dipahami.
Kosa kata sangat bagus/ sedikit sekali kesalahan penulisan dan pemilihan kata.
86- 90 Isi bagus, informasi lengkap dan menarik.
Tata bahasa bagus/ ada beberapa kesalahan, namun masih mudah dipahami.
Kosa kata bagus/ ada beberapa kesalahan penulisan dan pemilihan kata.

75 – 85 Isi cukup, informasi kurang lengkap tetapi menarik.

Tata bahasa cukup/ kesalahan tata bahasanya cukup banyak, dan sedikit
mengganggu pemahaman.
Kosa kata cukup/ kesalahan penulisan dan pemilihan kata cukup banyak.

60- 74 Isi kurang, informasi kurang lengkap dan kurang menarik.

Tata bahasa kurang/ kesalahan tata bahasa banyak, dan mengganggu
Kosa kata kurang/ kesalahan penulisan dan pemilihan kata banyak.

< 60 Isi sangat kurang dan sangat tidak menarik.

Tata bahasa sangat kurang/ kesalahan tata bahasa banyak, dan sangat
mengganggu pemahaman.
Kosa kata sangat kurang/ kesalahan penulisan dan pemilihan kata sangat

Kreteria Penilaian
Nilai = Jumlah skor yang diperoleh 100
Skor Maksimum

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