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Nim : 187016022

No Absen :2

Desainlah bangunan 1 lantai dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut :

Tebal plat atap (P) = 10 cm Meter
Balok (B1) = 0.7 x 0.4 Meter
Nomor marking :

Balok (B2) = 0.7 x 0.4 Meter

Nomor marking : 5

Balok (B3) = 0.6 x 0.3 Meter

Nomor marking : 14,15

Kolom (K1) = 0.4 x 0.4 Meter

Nomor marking : 1,3,7,9

Kolom (K2) = 0.4 x 0.4 Meter

Nomor marking : 4 & 6

Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30 Mpa

Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400 Mpa
Modulus elastisitas baja (Es) = 200000 Mpa
Modulus elastisitas beton (Ec) = 25742.96 Mpa
Panjang (L) = 6 Meter
Lebar (A) = 6 Meter
Tinggi (H) = 8 Meter
Lokasi Bangunan = Medan
Jenis Tanah = Lunak
Berdasarkan SNI 1727-2013 untuk bangunan kategori resiko = 1
Faktor kepentingan ES- Angin = 1
Faktor kepentingan Seismik = 1
Fungsi bangunan digunakan sebagai garasi maka beban yang bekerja adalah
sebagai berikut :
Beban hidup = 0.96 kN/m2
Beban mati = 2.6 kN/m2
Berat plafond = 11 kg/m2
Berat penggantung = 7 kg/m2
Berat M/E = 2 kg/m2
Berat topping beton = 240 kg/m2
Beban angin = 0.77 kN/m2
Beban Hujan = 0.0098 x (ds + dh) = 0.0098
ds = 0.5 mm
dh = 0.5 mm
Beban Gempa
Jenis Tanah = Lunak
Lokasi = Kampus USU
Lintang = 3.56195680
Bujur = 9.86577183
S1 = 0.34
Ss = 0.542
Luas arsiran = 2 (DL x h )
h = 3
DL = 2.6 kN/m2
LL = 0.96 kN/m2

Beban angin terpusat

W (tengah) = 18.48 kN
W (tepi) = 9.24 kN
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Plat diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 13.9921 kN. m Comb 1
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -10.8273 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 12.15 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = -12.15 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.03 m

Tinggi plat (h) = 0.1 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.01 m 78.50
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m 50.24
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - 0,5 ØD
= 0.1 - 0.03 - 0.5 x
= 0.065 m

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

Menghitung ρmin dan ρmax (As) :

ρb = 0,85 x f'c x β1 600

fy 600 + fy

ρb = 0.85 x 30 x 0.8 600

400 600 + 400

ρb = 0.0306

ρmax = 0,75 x ρb
= 0.75 x 0.031 = 0.0230

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

ρmin = 0.25 x (f'c)^0.5


ρmin = 0.25 x 5.477 = 0.0034

Ambil nilai ρmin yang terbesar : 0,0035

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Mn = Mu = 13.992 = 17.490 kN.m

Ø 0.8

Rn = Mn = 17.4901
b x d 2
1 x 0.065 ^2

= 4139.67 kN/m2
= 4.140 Mpa

m = fy = 400
0,85 x f'c 0.85 x 30

= 15.686

ρ=1/m [1−√(1−(2 . m .

ρ = 1 2 x 15.686 x
1 - 1 -
15.686 400

= 0.0114
Ambil nilai ρ : 0,01137

Karena ρ < ρ max maka cukup dengan tulangan TUNGGAL

Menetukan As perlu

As perlu = ρxbxd

= 0.01136 x 1000 x 65.00 = 738.505997 mm2

Dibutuhkan tulangan Ø 10 - 100 mm

As aktual = b x 0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2


= 1000 x 0.25 x 3.14 x (10)^2


As aktual = 785.000 mm2

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Mn = Mu = 10.827 = 13.534 kN.m
Ø 0.8

Rn = Mn = 13.5341
b x d 2
1 x 0.065 ^2

= 3203.34 kN/m2
= 3.203 Mpa

m = fy = 400
0,85 x f'c 0.85 x 30

= 15.686

ρ=1/m [1−√(1−(2 . m .

ρ = 1 2 x 15.686 x
1 - 1 -
15.686 400

= 0.0086
Ambil nilai ρ : 0,00859

Karena ρ < ρ max maka cukup dengan tulangan TUNGGAL

Menetukan As perlu

As perlu = ρxbxd

= 0.00859 x 1000 x 65.00 = 558.131264 mm2

Dibutuhkan tulangan Ø 10 - 125 mm

As aktual = b x 0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2


= 1000 x 0.25 x 3.14 x (10)^2


As aktual = 628.000 mm2




TABLE: Element Forces - Area Shells
Area AreaElem ShellType Joint OutputCase CaseType M11 M22 M12
Text Text Text Text Text Text KN-m/m KN-m/m KN-m/m
1 1 Plate-Thick 1 COMB1 Combinatio -69.1785 -55.754 57.2194
1 1 Plate-Thick 2 COMB1 Combinatio -13.3803 -66.0697 77.9448
1 1 Plate-Thick 3 COMB1 Combinatio 32.471 35.9575 71.4436
1 1 Plate-Thick 4 COMB1 Combinatio -23.7471 42.5209 44.2091

32.471 42.5209 77.9448

-69.1785 -66.0697 44.2091
MMax MMin MAngle V13 V23 VMax VAngle
KN-m/m KN-m/m Degrees KN/m KN/m KN/m Degrees
-4.8545 -120.078 48.345 4.96 36.19 36.53 82.201
42.5516 -122.0015 35.663 7.1 37.58 38.25 79.297
105.6791 -37.2506 45.699 7.21 38.81 39.48 79.475
64.6345 -45.8608 63.425 5.06 37.35 37.69 82.286

105.6791 -37.2506 63.425 7.21 38.81 39.48 82.286

-4.8545 -122.0015 35.663 4.96 36.19 36.53 79.297
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Plat diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 13.9921 kN. m Comb 1
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -10.8273 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 12.15 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = -12.15 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.03 m

Tinggi plat (h) = 0.1 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.01 m 78.50
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m 50.24
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - 0,5 ØD
= 0.1 - 0.03 - 0.5 x 0.010
= 0.065 m

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

Menghitung ρmin dan ρmax (As) :

ρb = 0,85 x f'c x β1 600

fy 600 + fy

ρb = 0.85 x 30 x 0.8 600

400 600 + 400

ρb = 0.0306

ρmax = 0,75 x ρb
= 0.75 x 0.031 = 0.0230

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

ρmin = 0.25 x (f'c)^0.5


ρmin = 0.25 x 5.477 = 0.0034

Ambil nilai ρmin yang terbesar : 0,0035

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Mn = Mu = 13.992 = 17.490 kN.m

Ø 0.8

Rn = Mn = 17.4901
b x d 2
1 x 0.065 ^2

= 4139.67 kN/m2
= 4.140 Mpa

m = fy = 400
0,85 x f'c 0.85 x 30

= 15.686

ρ=1/m [1−√(1−(2 . m .

ρ = 1 2 x 15.686 x 4.140
1 - 1 -
15.686 400

= 0.0114
Ambil nilai ρ : 0,01137

Karena ρ < ρ max maka cukup dengan tulangan TUNGGAL

Menetukan As perlu

As perlu = ρxbxd

= 0.01136 x 1000 x 65.00 = 738.505997 mm2 100

Dibutuhkan tulangan Ø 10 - 100 mm

As aktual = b x 0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2


= 1000 x 0.25 x 3.14 x (10)^2


As aktual = 785.000 mm2

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Mn = Mu = 10.827 = 13.534 kN.m
Ø 0.8

Rn = Mn = 13.5341
b x d 2
1 x 0.065 ^2

= 3203.34 kN/m2
= 3.203 Mpa

m = fy = 400
0,85 x f'c 0.85 x 30

= 15.686

ρ=1/m [1−√(1−(2 . m .

ρ = 1 2 x 15.686 x 3.203
1 - 1 -
15.686 400

= 0.0086
Ambil nilai ρ : 0,00859

Karena ρ < ρ max maka cukup dengan tulangan TUNGGAL

Menetukan As perlu

As perlu = ρxbxd

= 0.00859 x 1000 x 65.00 = 558.131264 mm2 125

Dibutuhkan tulangan Ø 10 - 125 mm

As aktual = b x 0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2


= 1000 x 0.25 x 3.14 x (10)^2


As aktual = 628.000 mm2

TABLE: Element Forces - Area Shells
Area AreaElem ShellType Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType M11
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text KN-m/m
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB2 Combination -1.0255
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB2 Combination -1.3993
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB2 Combination -5.0319
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB3 Combination -5.0205
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB3 Combination -0.5777
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB3 Combination -1.2428
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB3 Combination -5.1862
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB4 Combination -4.5102
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB4 Combination -0.0543
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB4 Combination -0.9909
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB4 Combination -4.9437
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Max -4.6718
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB5 Combination Max -0.8579
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB5 Combination Max -1.2703
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Max -4.5932
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Min -4.7175
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB5 Combination Min -1.0377
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB5 Combination Min -1.3327
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Min -4.6565
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6497
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB6 Combination Max -0.8987
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB6 Combination Max -1.2916
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6123
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB1 Combination 2.3031
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB1 Combination -3.2698
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB1 Combination -6.4826
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB1 Combination -1.1099
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB2 Combination 2.5679
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB2 Combination -3.5134
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB2 Combination -7.0909
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB2 Combination -1.2004
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB3 Combination 1.6719
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB3 Combination -3.9277
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB3 Combination -7.1144
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB3 Combination -1.6647
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB4 Combination 0.5578
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB4 Combination -4.0807
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB4 Combination -6.5742
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB4 Combination -2.0374
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB5 Combination Max 2.5237
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB5 Combination Max -3.1616
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Max -6.507
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB5 Combination Max -1.0135
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB5 Combination Min 2.1644
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB5 Combination Min -3.3294
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Min -6.518
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB5 Combination Min -1.1996
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB6 Combination Max 2.4448
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB6 Combination Max -3.19
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Max -6.5094
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB6 Combination Max -1.0648
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB6 Combination Min 2.2433
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB6 Combination Min -3.301
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Min -6.5156
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB6 Combination Min -1.1483
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB7 Combination -0.3075
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB7 Combination -2.935
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB7 Combination -4.2242
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB7 Combination -1.6436
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB8 Combination Max 1.6603
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB8 Combination Max -2.0182
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Max -4.1619
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB8 Combination Max -0.6205
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB8 Combination Min 1.3009
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB8 Combination Min -2.1859
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Min -4.1729
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.8066
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB9 Combination Max 1.5813
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB9 Combination Max -2.0465
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Max -4.1643
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB9 Combination Max -0.6718
1 1-1 Plate-Thick 10 COMB9 Combination Min 1.3799
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB9 Combination Min -2.1576
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Min -4.1705
1 1-1 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.7553
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB1 Combination -0.956
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB1 Combination -4.6607
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB1 Combination -4.6108
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB1 Combination -1.3298
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB2 Combination -1.0255
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB2 Combination -5.1181
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB2 Combination -5.0319
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB2 Combination -1.3993
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB3 Combination -1.4723
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB3 Combination -5.2087
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB3 Combination -4.8706
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB3 Combination -1.5544
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB4 Combination -1.8435
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB4 Combination -4.8866
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB4 Combination -4.3126
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB4 Combination -1.614
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB5 Combination Max -0.8579
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Max -4.6718
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Max -4.5932
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB5 Combination Max -1.2703
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB5 Combination Min -1.0377
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Min -4.7175
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Min -4.6565
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB5 Combination Min -1.3327
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB6 Combination Max -0.8987
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6497
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6123
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB6 Combination Max -1.2916
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB6 Combination Min -0.9969
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Min -4.7396
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Min -4.6374
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB6 Combination Min -1.3114
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB7 Combination -1.5096
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB7 Combination -3.1846
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB7 Combination -2.6484
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB7 Combination -1.1665
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB8 Combination Max -0.5246
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9733
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9325
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB8 Combination Max -0.8237
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.7045
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Min -3.0191
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Min -2.9957
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB8 Combination Min -0.886
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB9 Combination Max -0.5654
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9512
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9516
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB9 Combination Max -0.8449
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.6637
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Min -3.0411
1 1-2 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Min -2.9766
1 1-2 Plate-Thick 15 COMB9 Combination Min -0.8648
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB1 Combination -3.2698
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB1 Combination 2.3031
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB1 Combination -1.1099
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB1 Combination -6.4826
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB2 Combination -3.5134
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB2 Combination 2.5679
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB2 Combination -1.2004
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB2 Combination -7.0909
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB3 Combination -3.0956
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB3 Combination 3.4592
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB3 Combination -0.735
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB3 Combination -7.0582
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB4 Combination -2.4167
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB4 Combination 4.1324
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB4 Combination -0.1781
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB4 Combination -6.4616
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB5 Combination Max -3.1616
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB5 Combination Max 2.5237
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB5 Combination Max -1.0135
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Max -6.507
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB5 Combination Min -3.3294
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB5 Combination Min 2.1644
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB5 Combination Min -1.1996
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB5 Combination Min -6.518
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB6 Combination Max -3.19
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB6 Combination Max 2.4448
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB6 Combination Max -1.0648
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Max -6.5094
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB6 Combination Min -3.301
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB6 Combination Min 2.2433
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB6 Combination Min -1.1483
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Min -6.5156
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB7 Combination -1.271
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB7 Combination 3.2671
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB7 Combination 0.2157
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB7 Combination -4.1117
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB8 Combination Max -2.0182
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB8 Combination Max 1.6603
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB8 Combination Max -0.6205
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Max -4.1619
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB8 Combination Min -2.1859
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB8 Combination Min 1.3009
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.8066
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Min -4.1729
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB9 Combination Max -2.0465
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB9 Combination Max 1.5813
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB9 Combination Max -0.6718
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Max -4.1643
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~1 COMB9 Combination Min -2.1576
1 1-3 Plate-Thick 11 COMB9 Combination Min 1.3799
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.7553
1 1-3 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Min -4.1705
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB1 Combination -4.6607
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB1 Combination -0.956
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB1 Combination -1.3298
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB1 Combination -4.6108
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB2 Combination -5.1181
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB6 Combination Min -4.7396
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.9969
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB6 Combination Min -1.3114
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Min -4.6374
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB7 Combination -2.8081
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB7 Combination 0.2796
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB7 Combination -0.5434
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB7 Combination -3.2795
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9733
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB8 Combination Max -0.5246
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB8 Combination Max -0.8237
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9325
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB8 Combination Min -3.0191
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.7045
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB8 Combination Min -0.886
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Min -2.9957
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9512
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB9 Combination Max -0.5654
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB9 Combination Max -0.8449
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9516
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~2 COMB9 Combination Min -3.0411
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.6637
1 1-4 Plate-Thick 16 COMB9 Combination Min -0.8648
1 1-4 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Min -2.9766
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB1 Combination -1.7546
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB1 Combination -5.2185
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB1 Combination -2.9265
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB1 Combination 0.6201
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB2 Combination -1.8519
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB2 Combination -5.685
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB2 Combination -3.2677
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB2 Combination 0.6657
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB3 Combination -2.0007
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB3 Combination -5.5526
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB3 Combination -3.1867
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB3 Combination 0.4606
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB4 Combination -2.0217
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB4 Combination -4.9749
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB4 Combination -2.8267
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB4 Combination 0.2063
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB5 Combination Max -1.6903
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Max -5.202
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Max -2.9637
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB5 Combination Max 0.6569
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB5 Combination Min -1.7512
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Min -5.2542
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Min -2.9993
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB5 Combination Min 0.5732
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB6 Combination Max -1.7009
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Max -5.2122
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Max -2.9528
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB6 Combination Max 0.6434
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB6 Combination Min -1.7405
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Min -5.244
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Min -3.0102
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB6 Combination Min 0.5867
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB7 Combination -1.4278
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB7 Combination -3.0978
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB7 Combination -1.7241
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB7 Combination -0.0106
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB8 Combination Max -1.0975
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Max -3.3286
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Max -1.8635
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB8 Combination Max 0.4405
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB8 Combination Min -1.1584
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Min -3.3809
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Min -1.8991
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB8 Combination Min 0.3568
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB9 Combination Max -1.1082
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Max -3.3389
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Max -1.8526
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB9 Combination Max 0.427
2 2-1 Plate-Thick 15 COMB9 Combination Min -1.1478
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Min -3.3707
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Min -1.91
2 2-1 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB9 Combination Min 0.3703
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB1 Combination -0.5871
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB1 Combination -3.7992
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB1 Combination 1.3291
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB1 Combination 4.38
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB2 Combination -0.6375
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB2 Combination -4.173
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB2 Combination 1.4087
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB2 Combination 4.7523
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB3 Combination -0.85
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB3 Combination -4.0839
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB3 Combination 1.4152
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB3 Combination 4.4513
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB4 Combination -1.0132
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB4 Combination -3.658
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB4 Combination 1.3227
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB4 Combination 3.7837
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB5 Combination Max -0.5439
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Max -3.8102
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Max 1.3228
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB5 Combination Max 4.439
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB5 Combination Min -0.6299
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Min -3.8447
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Min 1.2914
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB5 Combination Min 4.3131
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB6 Combination Max -0.5689
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Max -3.8213
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Max 1.3591
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB6 Combination Max 4.4409
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB6 Combination Min -0.6049
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Min -3.8336
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Min 1.2552
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB6 Combination Min 4.3112
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB7 Combination -0.8033
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB7 Combination -2.2699
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB7 Combination 0.8691
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB7 Combination 2.2202
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB8 Combination Max -0.3344
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Max -2.425
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Max 0.8701
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB8 Combination Max 2.8787
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB8 Combination Min -0.4204
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Min -2.4596
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Min 0.8388
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB8 Combination Min 2.7527
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB9 Combination Max -0.3594
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Max -2.4362
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Max 0.9064
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB9 Combination Max 2.8806
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~7 COMB9 Combination Min -0.3954
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Min -2.4484
2 2-2 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Min 0.8025
2 2-2 Plate-Thick 6 COMB9 Combination Min 2.7508
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB1 Combination -5.2185
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB1 Combination -1.7546
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB1 Combination 0.6201
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB1 Combination -2.9265
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB2 Combination -5.685
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB2 Combination -1.8519
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB2 Combination 0.6657
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB2 Combination -3.2677
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB3 Combination -5.8096
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB3 Combination -1.7009
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB3 Combination 0.8698
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB3 Combination -3.3439
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB4 Combination -5.489
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB4 Combination -1.4222
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB4 Combination 1.0246
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB4 Combination -3.1411
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Max -5.202
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB5 Combination Max -1.6903
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB5 Combination Max 0.6569
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Max -2.9637
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB5 Combination Min -5.2542
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB5 Combination Min -1.7512
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB5 Combination Min 0.5732
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Min -2.9993
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Max -5.2122
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB6 Combination Max -1.7009
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB6 Combination Max 0.6434
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Max -2.9528
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB6 Combination Min -5.244
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB6 Combination Min -1.7405
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB6 Combination Min 0.5867
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Min -3.0102
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB7 Combination -3.6118
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB7 Combination -0.8283
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB7 Combination 0.8077
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB7 Combination -2.0385
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Max -3.3286
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB8 Combination Max -1.0975
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB8 Combination Max 0.4405
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Max -1.8635
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB8 Combination Min -3.3809
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB8 Combination Min -1.1584
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB8 Combination Min 0.3568
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Min -1.8991
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Max -3.3389
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB9 Combination Max -1.1082
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB9 Combination Max 0.427
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Max -1.8526
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~4 COMB9 Combination Min -3.3707
2 2-3 Plate-Thick 16 COMB9 Combination Min -1.1478
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB9 Combination Min 0.3703
2 2-3 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Min -1.91
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB1 Combination -3.7992
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB1 Combination -0.5871
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB1 Combination 4.38
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB1 Combination 1.3291
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB2 Combination -4.173
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB2 Combination -0.6375
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB2 Combination 4.7523
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB2 Combination 1.4087
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB3 Combination -4.2563
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB3 Combination -0.4242
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB3 Combination 5.0468
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB3 Combination 1.4004
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB4 Combination -4.0029
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB4 Combination -0.1616
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB4 Combination 4.9746
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB4 Combination 1.2931
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Max -3.8102
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB5 Combination Max -0.5439
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB5 Combination Max 4.439
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Max 1.3228
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB5 Combination Min -3.8447
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB5 Combination Min -0.6299
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB5 Combination Min 4.3131
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Min 1.2914
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Max -3.8213
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB6 Combination Max -0.5689
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB6 Combination Max 4.4409
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Max 1.3591
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB6 Combination Min -3.8336
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB6 Combination Min -0.6049
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB6 Combination Min 4.3112
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Min 1.2552
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB7 Combination -2.6149
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB7 Combination 0.0484
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB7 Combination 3.4111
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB7 Combination 0.8396
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Max -2.425
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB8 Combination Max -0.3344
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB8 Combination Max 2.8787
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Max 0.8701
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB8 Combination Min -2.4596
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB8 Combination Min -0.4204
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB8 Combination Min 2.7527
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Min 0.8388
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Max -2.4362
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB9 Combination Max -0.3594
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB9 Combination Max 2.8806
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Max 0.9064
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~6 COMB9 Combination Min -2.4484
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~9 COMB9 Combination Min -0.3954
2 2-4 Plate-Thick 7 COMB9 Combination Min 2.7508
2 2-4 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Min 0.8025
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB1 Combination 4.38
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB1 Combination 1.3291
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB1 Combination -3.7992
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB1 Combination -0.5871
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB2 Combination 4.7523
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB2 Combination 1.4087
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB2 Combination -4.173
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB2 Combination -0.6375
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB3 Combination 4.4513
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB3 Combination 1.4152
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB3 Combination -4.0839
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB3 Combination -0.85
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB4 Combination 3.7837
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB4 Combination 1.3227
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB4 Combination -3.658
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB4 Combination -1.0132
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB5 Combination Max 4.439
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Max 1.3228
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Max -3.8102
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB5 Combination Max -0.5439
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB5 Combination Min 4.3131
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Min 1.2914
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Min -3.8447
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB5 Combination Min -0.6299
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB6 Combination Max 4.4409
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Max 1.3591
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Max -3.8213
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB6 Combination Max -0.5689
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB6 Combination Min 4.3112
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Min 1.2552
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Min -3.8336
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB6 Combination Min -0.6049
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB7 Combination 2.2202
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB7 Combination 0.8691
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB7 Combination -2.2699
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB7 Combination -0.8033
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB8 Combination Max 2.8787
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Max 0.8701
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Max -2.425
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB8 Combination Max -0.3344
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB8 Combination Min 2.7527
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Min 0.8388
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Min -2.4596
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB8 Combination Min -0.4204
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB9 Combination Max 2.8806
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Max 0.9064
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Max -2.4362
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB9 Combination Max -0.3594
3 3-1 Plate-Thick 6 COMB9 Combination Min 2.7508
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Min 0.8025
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Min -2.4484
3 3-1 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB9 Combination Min -0.3954
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB1 Combination 0.6201
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB1 Combination -2.9265
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB1 Combination -5.2185
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB1 Combination -1.7546
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB2 Combination 0.6657
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB2 Combination -3.2677
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB2 Combination -5.685
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB2 Combination -1.8519
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB3 Combination 0.4606
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB3 Combination -3.1867
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB3 Combination -5.5526
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB3 Combination -2.0007
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB4 Combination 0.2063
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB4 Combination -2.8267
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB4 Combination -4.9749
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB4 Combination -2.0217
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB5 Combination Max 0.6569
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Max -2.9637
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Max -5.202
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB5 Combination Max -1.6903
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB5 Combination Min 0.5732
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Min -2.9993
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Min -5.2542
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB5 Combination Min -1.7512
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB6 Combination Max 0.6434
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Max -2.9528
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Max -5.2122
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB6 Combination Max -1.7009
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB6 Combination Min 0.5867
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Min -3.0102
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Min -5.244
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB6 Combination Min -1.7405
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB7 Combination -0.0106
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB7 Combination -1.7241
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB7 Combination -3.0978
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB7 Combination -1.4278
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB8 Combination Max 0.4405
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Max -1.8635
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Max -3.3286
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB8 Combination Max -1.0975
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB8 Combination Min 0.3568
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Min -1.8991
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Min -3.3809
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB8 Combination Min -1.1584
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB9 Combination Max 0.427
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Max -1.8526
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Max -3.3389
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB9 Combination Max -1.1082
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~11 COMB9 Combination Min 0.3703
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Min -1.91
3 3-2 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Min -3.3707
3 3-2 Plate-Thick 13 COMB9 Combination Min -1.1478
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB1 Combination 1.3291
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB1 Combination 4.38
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB1 Combination -0.5871
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB1 Combination -3.7992
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB2 Combination 1.4087
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB2 Combination 4.7523
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB2 Combination -0.6375
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB2 Combination -4.173
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB3 Combination 1.4004
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB3 Combination 5.0468
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB3 Combination -0.4242
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB3 Combination -4.2563
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB4 Combination 1.2931
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB4 Combination 4.9746
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB4 Combination -0.1616
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB4 Combination -4.0029
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Max 1.3228
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB5 Combination Max 4.439
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB5 Combination Max -0.5439
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Max -3.8102
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB5 Combination Min 1.2914
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB5 Combination Min 4.3131
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB5 Combination Min -0.6299
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Min -3.8447
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Max 1.3591
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB6 Combination Max 4.4409
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB6 Combination Max -0.5689
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Max -3.8213
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB6 Combination Min 1.2552
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB6 Combination Min 4.3112
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB6 Combination Min -0.6049
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Min -3.8336
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB7 Combination 0.8396
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB7 Combination 3.4111
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB7 Combination 0.0484
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB7 Combination -2.6149
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Max 0.8701
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB8 Combination Max 2.8787
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB8 Combination Max -0.3344
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Max -2.425
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB8 Combination Min 0.8388
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB8 Combination Min 2.7527
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB8 Combination Min -0.4204
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Min -2.4596
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Max 0.9064
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB9 Combination Max 2.8806
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB9 Combination Max -0.3594
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Max -2.4362
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~8 COMB9 Combination Min 0.8025
3 3-3 Plate-Thick 7 COMB9 Combination Min 2.7508
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB9 Combination Min -0.3954
3 3-3 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Min -2.4484
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB1 Combination -2.9265
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB1 Combination 0.6201
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB1 Combination -1.7546
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB1 Combination -5.2185
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB2 Combination -3.2677
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB2 Combination 0.6657
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB2 Combination -1.8519
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB2 Combination -5.685
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB3 Combination -3.3439
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB3 Combination 0.8698
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB3 Combination -1.7009
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB3 Combination -5.8096
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB4 Combination -3.1411
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB4 Combination 1.0246
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB4 Combination -1.4222
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB4 Combination -5.489
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Max -2.9637
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB5 Combination Max 0.6569
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB5 Combination Max -1.6903
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Max -5.202
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB5 Combination Min -2.9993
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB5 Combination Min 0.5732
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB5 Combination Min -1.7512
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Min -5.2542
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Max -2.9528
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB6 Combination Max 0.6434
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB6 Combination Max -1.7009
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Max -5.2122
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB6 Combination Min -3.0102
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB6 Combination Min 0.5867
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB6 Combination Min -1.7405
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Min -5.244
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB7 Combination -2.0385
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB7 Combination 0.8077
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB7 Combination -0.8283
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB7 Combination -3.6118
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Max -1.8635
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB8 Combination Max 0.4405
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB8 Combination Max -1.0975
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Max -3.3286
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB8 Combination Min -1.8991
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB8 Combination Min 0.3568
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB8 Combination Min -1.1584
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Min -3.3809
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Max -1.8526
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB9 Combination Max 0.427
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB9 Combination Max -1.1082
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Max -3.3389
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~10 COMB9 Combination Min -1.91
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~13 COMB9 Combination Min 0.3703
3 3-4 Plate-Thick 14 COMB9 Combination Min -1.1478
3 3-4 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Min -3.3707
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB1 Combination -1.3298
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB1 Combination -4.6108
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB1 Combination -4.6607
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB1 Combination -0.956
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB2 Combination -1.3993
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB2 Combination -5.0319
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB2 Combination -5.1181
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB2 Combination -1.0255
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB3 Combination -1.5544
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB3 Combination -4.8706
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB3 Combination -5.2087
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB3 Combination -1.4723
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB4 Combination -1.614
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB4 Combination -4.3126
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB4 Combination -4.8866
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB4 Combination -1.8435
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB5 Combination Max -1.2703
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Max -4.5932
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Max -4.6718
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB5 Combination Max -0.8579
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB5 Combination Min -1.3327
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Min -4.6565
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Min -4.7175
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB5 Combination Min -1.0377
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB6 Combination Max -1.2916
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6123
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6497
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB6 Combination Max -0.8987
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB6 Combination Min -1.3114
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Min -4.6374
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Min -4.7396
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB6 Combination Min -0.9969
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB7 Combination -1.1665
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB7 Combination -2.6484
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB7 Combination -3.1846
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB7 Combination -1.5096
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB8 Combination Max -0.8237
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9325
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9733
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB8 Combination Max -0.5246
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB8 Combination Min -0.886
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Min -2.9957
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Min -3.0191
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB8 Combination Min -0.7045
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB9 Combination Max -0.8449
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9516
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9512
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB9 Combination Max -0.5654
4 4-1 Plate-Thick 13 COMB9 Combination Min -0.8648
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Min -2.9766
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Min -3.0411
4 4-1 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB9 Combination Min -0.6637
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB1 Combination -1.1099
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB1 Combination -6.4826
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB1 Combination -3.2698
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB1 Combination 2.3031
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB2 Combination -1.2004
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB2 Combination -7.0909
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB2 Combination -3.5134
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB2 Combination 2.5679
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB3 Combination -1.6647
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB3 Combination -7.1144
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB3 Combination -3.9277
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB3 Combination 1.6719
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB4 Combination -2.0374
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB4 Combination -6.5742
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB4 Combination -4.0807
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB4 Combination 0.5578
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB5 Combination Max -1.0135
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Max -6.507
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB5 Combination Max -3.1616
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB5 Combination Max 2.5237
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB5 Combination Min -1.1996
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Min -6.518
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB5 Combination Min -3.3294
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB5 Combination Min 2.1644
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB6 Combination Max -1.0648
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Max -6.5094
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB6 Combination Max -3.19
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB6 Combination Max 2.4448
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB6 Combination Min -1.1483
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Min -6.5156
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB6 Combination Min -3.301
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB6 Combination Min 2.2433
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB7 Combination -1.6436
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB7 Combination -4.2242
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB7 Combination -2.935
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB7 Combination -0.3075
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB8 Combination Max -0.6205
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Max -4.1619
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB8 Combination Max -2.0182
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB8 Combination Max 1.6603
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB8 Combination Min -0.8066
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Min -4.1729
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB8 Combination Min -2.1859
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB8 Combination Min 1.3009
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB9 Combination Max -0.6718
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Max -4.1643
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB9 Combination Max -2.0465
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB9 Combination Max 1.5813
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~15 COMB9 Combination Min -0.7553
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Min -4.1705
4 4-2 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB9 Combination Min -2.1576
4 4-2 Plate-Thick 2 COMB9 Combination Min 1.3799
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB1 Combination -4.6108
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB1 Combination -1.3298
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB1 Combination -0.956
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB1 Combination -4.6607
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB2 Combination -5.0319
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB2 Combination -1.3993
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB2 Combination -1.0255
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB2 Combination -5.1181
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB3 Combination -5.1862
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB3 Combination -1.2428
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB3 Combination -0.5777
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB3 Combination -5.0205
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB4 Combination -4.9437
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB4 Combination -0.9909
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB4 Combination -0.0543
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB4 Combination -4.5102
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Max -4.5932
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB5 Combination Max -1.2703
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB5 Combination Max -0.8579
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Max -4.6718
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB5 Combination Min -4.6565
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB5 Combination Min -1.3327
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB5 Combination Min -1.0377
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Min -4.7175
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6123
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB6 Combination Max -1.2916
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB6 Combination Max -0.8987
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Max -4.6497
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB6 Combination Min -4.6374
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB6 Combination Min -1.3114
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB6 Combination Min -0.9969
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Min -4.7396
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB7 Combination -3.2795
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB7 Combination -0.5434
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB7 Combination 0.2796
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB7 Combination -2.8081
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9325
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB8 Combination Max -0.8237
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB8 Combination Max -0.5246
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Max -2.9733
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB8 Combination Min -2.9957
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB8 Combination Min -0.886
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB8 Combination Min -0.7045
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Min -3.0191
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9516
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB9 Combination Max -0.8449
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB9 Combination Max -0.5654
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Max -2.9512
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~12 COMB9 Combination Min -2.9766
4 4-3 Plate-Thick 14 COMB9 Combination Min -0.8648
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB9 Combination Min -0.6637
4 4-3 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Min -3.0411
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB1 Combination -6.4826
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB1 Combination -1.1099
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB1 Combination 2.3031
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB1 Combination -3.2698
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB2 Combination -7.0909
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB2 Combination -1.2004
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB2 Combination 2.5679
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB2 Combination -3.5134
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB3 Combination -7.0582
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB3 Combination -0.735
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB3 Combination 3.4592
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB3 Combination -3.0956
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB4 Combination -6.4616
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB4 Combination -0.1781
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB4 Combination 4.1324
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB4 Combination -2.4167
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Max -6.507
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB5 Combination Max -1.0135
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB5 Combination Max 2.5237
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB5 Combination Max -3.1616
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB5 Combination Min -6.518
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB5 Combination Min -1.1996
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB5 Combination Min 2.1644
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB5 Combination Min -3.3294
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Max -6.5094
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB6 Combination Max -1.0648
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB6 Combination Max 2.4448
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB6 Combination Max -3.19
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB6 Combination Min -6.5156
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB6 Combination Min -1.1483
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB6 Combination Min 2.2433
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB6 Combination Min -3.301
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB7 Combination -4.1117
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB7 Combination 0.2157
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB7 Combination 3.2671
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB7 Combination -1.271
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Max -4.1619
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB8 Combination Max -0.6205
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB8 Combination Max 1.6603
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB8 Combination Max -2.0182
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB8 Combination Min -4.1729
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB8 Combination Min -0.8066
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB8 Combination Min 1.3009
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB8 Combination Min -2.1859
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Max -4.1643
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB9 Combination Max -0.6718
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB9 Combination Max 1.5813
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB9 Combination Max -2.0465
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~14 COMB9 Combination Min -4.1705
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~17 COMB9 Combination Min -0.7553
4 4-4 Plate-Thick 3 COMB9 Combination Min 1.3799
4 4-4 Plate-Thick ~16 COMB9 Combination Min -2.1576

M22 M12 MMax MMin MAngle V13 V23 VMax VAngle
KN-m/m KN-m/m KN-m/m KN-m/m Degrees KN/m KN/m KN/m Degrees
-4.5747 0.7804 -0.8615 -4.7387 11.869 1.07 -1.17 1.58 -47.67
-6.6109 0.3322 -1.3782 -6.632 3.633 0.91 -1.17 1.48 -52.053
-6.2693 -0.2313 -4.9901 -6.3111 -10.249 0.91 -0.73 1.17 -38.483
-4.8171 0.3868 -4.5188 -5.3188 52.365 1.18 -0.96 1.52 -39.137
-4.4319 0.6053 -0.4849 -4.5247 8.719 1.18 -1.38 1.81 -49.479
-6.6067 0.1494 -1.2386 -6.6109 1.594 1.01 -1.38 1.71 -53.728
-6.3629 -0.0691 -5.1821 -6.367 -3.348 1.01 -0.96 1.39 -43.464
-4.3217 0.5443 -3.8635 -4.9683 49.91 1.19 -1.17 1.67 -44.356
-3.9329 0.3825 -0.0169 -3.9703 5.579 1.19 -1.52 1.93 -51.863
-6.1333 -0.0543 -0.9903 -6.1339 -0.605 1.03 -1.52 1.83 -55.985
-5.9922 0.1075 -4.9328 -6.0031 5.794 1.03 -1.17 1.55 -48.681
-4.4184 0.2379 0 0 0 0.99 -0.65 0 0
-4.1526 0.7666 0 0 0 0.99 -1.05 0 0
-6.1263 0.3473 0 0 0 0.85 -1.05 0 0
-5.7703 -0.1843 0 0 0 0.85 -0.65 0 0
-4.5352 0.1702 0 0 0 0.95 -0.76 0 0
-4.2659 0.6963 0 0 0 0.95 -1.16 0 0
-6.1327 0.2744 0 0 0 0.81 -1.16 0 0
-5.8153 -0.2489 0 0 0 0.81 -0.76 0 0
-4.2896 0.2151 0 0 0 0.98 -0.6 0 0
-4.0448 0.7517 0 0 0 0.98 -1.01 0 0
-6.1189 0.3246 0 0 0 0.84 -1.01 0 0
-5.7554 -0.2059 0 0 0 0.84 -0.6 0 0
5.4176 0.6525 5.5488 2.172 78.632 -2.58 -7.24 7.68 -109.604
0.9654 0.5299 1.0306 -3.3351 82.976 -2.58 -7.23 7.68 -109.617
-9.8221 -0.5503 -6.3943 -9.9105 -9.12 -2.51 -7.23 7.66 -109.146
-5.3773 -0.4276 -1.0675 -5.4197 -5.666 -2.51 -7.24 7.66 -109.134
5.9068 0.8183 6.0966 2.3781 76.944 -2.83 -7.91 8.4 -109.699
0.9931 0.5916 1.0695 -3.5898 82.644 -2.83 -7.93 8.42 -109.646
-10.7912 -0.615 -6.9914 -10.8907 -9.193 -2.77 -7.93 8.4 -109.237
-5.8427 -0.3883 -1.1682 -5.875 -4.749 -2.77 -7.91 8.38 -109.289
5.6144 0.5513 5.69 1.5963 82.188 -2.67 -7.6 8.06 -109.376
0.8155 0.8594 0.9665 -4.0786 80.04 -2.67 -7.6 8.06 -109.372
-10.7405 -0.3498 -7.081 -10.7739 -5.461 -2.62 -7.6 8.04 -109.037
-5.9395 -0.658 -1.5657 -6.0385 -8.556 -2.62 -7.6 8.04 -109.04
4.8578 0.1891 4.8661 0.5495 87.487 -2.29 -6.66 7.05 -108.927
0.5771 1.0768 0.814 -4.3176 77.594 -2.29 -6.63 7.02 -109.008
-9.8182 -0.0321 -6.5739 -9.8185 -0.566 -2.25 -6.63 7.01 -108.746
-5.5831 -0.9197 -1.813 -5.8075 -13.71 -2.25 -6.66 7.03 -108.666
5.5337 0.7743 0 0 0 -2.56 -7.2 0 0
0.9951 0.5934 0 0 0 -2.56 -7.21 0 0
-9.8838 -0.508 0 0 0 -2.51 -7.21 0 0
-5.3342 -0.3265 0 0 0 -2.51 -7.2 0 0
5.3276 0.6671 0 0 0 -2.63 -7.33 0 0
0.8662 0.4862 0 0 0 -2.63 -7.35 0 0
-9.9099 -0.6138 0 0 0 -2.57 -7.35 0 0
-5.4211 -0.4337 0 0 0 -2.57 -7.33 0 0
5.7154 0.754 0 0 0 -2.56 -7.16 0 0
1.1108 0.5635 0 0 0 -2.56 -7.17 0 0
-9.8643 -0.5377 0 0 0 -2.5 -7.17 0 0
-5.2495 -0.3632 0 0 0 -2.5 -7.16 0 0
5.1458 0.6873 0 0 0 -2.63 -7.38 0 0
0.7505 0.5161 0 0 0 -2.63 -7.38 0 0
-9.9295 -0.5842 0 0 0 -2.57 -7.38 0 0
-5.5058 -0.397 0 0 0 -2.57 -7.38 0 0
2.9059 -0.1129 2.9099 -0.3115 -87.99 -1.34 -4.05 4.26 -108.369
0.2665 0.8771 0.4911 -3.1596 75.64 -1.34 -4 4.22 -108.568
-6.228 0.1756 -4.209 -6.2433 4.971 -1.33 -4 4.21 -108.366
-3.6584 -0.8145 -1.3555 -3.9464 -19.478 -1.33 -4.05 4.26 -108.169
3.5858 0.4731 0 0 0 -1.62 -4.58 0 0
0.6851 0.3942 0 0 0 -1.62 -4.58 0 0
-6.3012 -0.3008 0 0 0 -1.58 -4.58 0 0
-3.4134 -0.2213 0 0 0 -1.58 -4.58 0 0
3.3797 0.3659 0 0 0 -1.69 -4.72 0 0
0.5561 0.2871 0 0 0 -1.69 -4.72 0 0
-6.3273 -0.4066 0 0 0 -1.64 -4.72 0 0
-3.5003 -0.3285 0 0 0 -1.64 -4.72 0 0
3.7676 0.4529 0 0 0 -1.62 -4.54 0 0
0.8007 0.3643 0 0 0 -1.62 -4.55 0 0
-6.2816 -0.3305 0 0 0 -1.58 -4.55 0 0
-3.3287 -0.258 0 0 0 -1.58 -4.54 0 0
3.1979 0.3861 0 0 0 -1.69 -4.76 0 0
0.4404 0.317 0 0 0 -1.69 -4.75 0 0
-6.3468 -0.377 0 0 0 -1.65 -4.75 0 0
-3.585 -0.2918 0 0 0 -1.65 -4.76 0 0
-4.2062 -0.759 -0.7875 -4.3747 -12.518 -0.94 -1.16 1.5 -129.051
-4.407 -0.2133 -4.2857 -4.782 -60.372 -0.94 -0.77 1.22 -140.657
-5.8396 0.2243 -4.5712 -5.8793 10.027 -0.8 -0.77 1.11 -136.047
-6.223 -0.3215 -1.3087 -6.244 -3.743 -0.8 -1.16 1.41 -124.598
-4.5747 -0.7804 -0.8615 -4.7387 -11.869 -1.07 -1.17 1.58 -132.33
-4.9 -0.2169 -4.7663 -5.2518 -58.348 -1.07 -0.73 1.29 -145.763
-6.2693 0.2313 -4.9901 -6.3111 10.249 -0.91 -0.73 1.17 -141.517
-6.6109 -0.3322 -1.3782 -6.632 -3.633 -0.91 -1.17 1.48 -127.947
-4.7115 -0.9552 -1.2116 -4.9722 -15.266 -0.95 -0.96 1.35 -134.731
-4.975 -0.0468 -4.966 -5.2178 -79.077 -0.95 -0.49 1.07 -152.682
-6.1668 0.3934 -4.7606 -6.2769 15.63 -0.81 -0.49 0.95 -148.799
-6.6071 -0.515 -1.5024 -6.659 -5.761 -0.81 -0.96 1.26 -130.195
-4.4921 -1.0824 -1.4574 -4.8782 -19.63 -0.74 -0.69 1.01 -137.215
-4.6376 0.1357 -4.5779 -4.9463 66.269 -0.74 -0.24 0.78 -162.437
-5.5999 0.5412 -4.1153 -5.7972 20.029 -0.63 -0.24 0.67 -159.48
-6.1341 -0.6769 -1.5148 -6.2333 -8.337 -0.63 -0.69 0.93 -132.418
-4.1526 -0.6963 0 0 0 -0.95 -1.05 0 0
-4.4184 -0.1702 0 0 0 -0.95 -0.65 0 0
-5.7703 0.2489 0 0 0 -0.81 -0.65 0 0
-6.1263 -0.2744 0 0 0 -0.81 -1.05 0 0
-4.2659 -0.7666 0 0 0 -0.99 -1.16 0 0
-4.5352 -0.2379 0 0 0 -0.99 -0.76 0 0
-5.8153 0.1843 0 0 0 -0.85 -0.76 0 0
-6.1327 -0.3473 0 0 0 -0.85 -1.16 0 0
-4.0448 -0.7113 0 0 0 -0.96 -1.01 0 0
-4.2896 -0.1929 0 0 0 -0.96 -0.6 0 0
-5.7554 0.2273 0 0 0 -0.82 -0.6 0 0
-6.1189 -0.2971 0 0 0 -0.82 -1.01 0 0
-4.3737 -0.7517 0 0 0 -0.98 -1.2 0 0
-4.664 -0.2151 0 0 0 -0.98 -0.8 0 0
-5.8303 0.2059 0 0 0 -0.84 -0.8 0 0
-6.1401 -0.3246 0 0 0 -0.84 -1.2 0 0
-2.9838 -0.8385 -1.1303 -3.3631 -24.341 -0.38 -0.33 0.5 -139.011
-2.9903 0.2027 -2.8626 -3.3122 57.799 -0.38 -0.03078 0.38 -175.381
-3.5571 0.4687 -2.45 -3.7555 22.946 -0.32 -0.03078 0.32 -174.447
-4.001 -0.5725 -1.0553 -4.1123 -10.999 -0.32 -0.33 0.46 -133.723
-2.6473 -0.4528 0 0 0 -0.58 -0.7 0 0
-2.7746 -0.1033 0 0 0 -0.58 -0.44 0 0
-3.7316 0.1765 0 0 0 -0.5 -0.44 0 0
-3.9973 -0.1703 0 0 0 -0.5 -0.7 0 0
-2.7607 -0.5231 0 0 0 -0.63 -0.8 0 0
-2.8915 -0.171 0 0 0 -0.63 -0.55 0 0
-3.7765 0.1119 0 0 0 -0.54 -0.55 0 0
-4.0037 -0.2431 0 0 0 -0.54 -0.8 0 0
-2.5396 -0.4677 0 0 0 -0.6 -0.65 0 0
-2.6459 -0.126 0 0 0 -0.6 -0.4 0 0
-3.7166 0.1549 0 0 0 -0.51 -0.4 0 0
-3.9899 -0.1929 0 0 0 -0.51 -0.65 0 0
-2.8684 -0.5082 0 0 0 -0.62 -0.85 0 0
-3.0202 -0.1482 0 0 0 -0.62 -0.59 0 0
-3.7915 0.1335 0 0 0 -0.53 -0.59 0 0
-4.0111 -0.2204 0 0 0 -0.53 -0.85 0 0
0.9654 -0.5299 1.0306 -3.3351 -82.976 2.58 -7.23 7.68 -70.383
5.4176 -0.6525 5.5488 2.172 -78.632 2.58 -7.24 7.68 -70.396
-5.3773 0.4276 -1.0675 -5.4197 5.666 2.51 -7.24 7.66 -70.866
-9.8221 0.5503 -6.3943 -9.9105 9.12 2.51 -7.23 7.66 -70.854
0.9931 -0.5916 1.0695 -3.5898 -82.644 2.83 -7.93 8.42 -70.354
5.9068 -0.8183 6.0966 2.3781 -76.944 2.83 -7.91 8.4 -70.301
-5.8427 0.3883 -1.1682 -5.875 4.749 2.77 -7.91 8.38 -70.711
-10.7912 0.615 -6.9914 -10.8907 9.193 2.77 -7.93 8.4 -70.763
1.1689 -0.3231 1.1932 -3.12 -85.692 2.99 -8.25 8.77 -70.102
6.1911 -1.0832 6.5684 3.0818 -70.792 2.99 -8.21 8.73 -70.002
-5.7381 0.1191 -0.7322 -5.7409 1.363 2.91 -8.21 8.71 -70.479
-10.8273 0.8793 -6.8631 -11.0224 12.506 2.91 -8.25 8.75 -70.577
1.2838 -0.004 1.2838 -2.4167 -89.939 2.91 -7.93 8.45 -69.838
6.0111 -1.253 6.6378 3.5058 -63.43 2.91 -7.88 8.4 -69.706
-5.1802 -0.1581 -0.1731 -5.1852 -1.809 2.82 -7.88 8.37 -70.274
-9.9918 1.0909 -6.1517 -10.3017 15.859 2.82 -7.93 8.42 -70.403
0.9951 -0.4862 0 0 0 2.63 -7.21 0 0
5.5337 -0.6671 0 0 0 2.63 -7.2 0 0
-5.3342 0.4337 0 0 0 2.57 -7.2 0 0
-9.8838 0.6138 0 0 0 2.57 -7.21 0 0
0.8662 -0.5934 0 0 0 2.56 -7.35 0 0
5.3276 -0.7743 0 0 0 2.56 -7.33 0 0
-5.4211 0.3265 0 0 0 2.51 -7.33 0 0
-9.9099 0.508 0 0 0 2.51 -7.35 0 0
1.1108 -0.5161 0 0 0 2.63 -7.17 0 0
5.7154 -0.6873 0 0 0 2.63 -7.16 0 0
-5.2495 0.397 0 0 0 2.57 -7.16 0 0
-9.8643 0.5842 0 0 0 2.57 -7.17 0 0
0.7505 -0.5635 0 0 0 2.56 -7.38 0 0
5.1458 -0.754 0 0 0 2.56 -7.38 0 0
-5.5058 0.3632 0 0 0 2.5 -7.38 0 0
-9.9295 0.5377 0 0 0 2.5 -7.38 0 0
0.9732 0.1957 0.9901 -1.2879 85.054 1.97 -5.3 5.65 -69.595
4.0592 -0.951 4.6933 2.633 -56.306 1.97 -5.26 5.62 -69.453
-3.2555 -0.2634 0.2356 -3.2753 -4.314 1.9 -5.26 5.59 -70.126
-6.4016 0.8833 -3.8106 -6.7027 18.824 1.9 -5.3 5.63 -70.265
0.6851 -0.2871 0 0 0 1.69 -4.58 0 0
3.5858 -0.3659 0 0 0 1.69 -4.58 0 0
-3.4134 0.3285 0 0 0 1.64 -4.58 0 0
-6.3012 0.4066 0 0 0 1.64 -4.58 0 0
0.5561 -0.3942 0 0 0 1.62 -4.72 0 0
3.3797 -0.4731 0 0 0 1.62 -4.72 0 0
-3.5003 0.2213 0 0 0 1.58 -4.72 0 0
-6.3273 0.3008 0 0 0 1.58 -4.72 0 0
0.8007 -0.317 0 0 0 1.69 -4.55 0 0
3.7676 -0.3861 0 0 0 1.69 -4.54 0 0
-3.3287 0.2918 0 0 0 1.65 -4.54 0 0
-6.2816 0.377 0 0 0 1.65 -4.55 0 0
0.4404 -0.3643 0 0 0 1.62 -4.75 0 0
3.1979 -0.4529 0 0 0 1.62 -4.76 0 0
-3.585 0.258 0 0 0 1.58 -4.76 0 0
-6.3468 0.3305 0 0 0 1.58 -4.75 0 0
-4.407 0.2133 -4.2857 -4.782 60.372 0.94 -0.77 1.22 -39.343
-4.2062 0.759 -0.7875 -4.3747 12.518 0.94 -1.16 1.5 -50.949
-6.223 0.3215 -1.3087 -6.244 3.743 0.8 -1.16 1.41 -55.402
-5.8396 -0.2243 -4.5712 -5.8793 -10.027 0.8 -0.77 1.11 -43.953
-4.9 0.2169 -4.7663 -5.2518 58.348 1.07 -0.73 1.29 -34.237
-4.664 0.1929 0 0 0 0.96 -0.8 0 0
-4.3737 0.7113 0 0 0 0.96 -1.2 0 0
-6.1401 0.2971 0 0 0 0.82 -1.2 0 0
-5.8303 -0.2273 0 0 0 0.82 -0.8 0 0
-2.6744 0.4773 -2.2593 -3.2232 48.986 0.83 -0.96 1.27 -49.201
-2.4246 0.1386 0.2867 -2.4317 2.926 0.83 -1.16 1.43 -54.458
-4.0002 -0.1586 -0.5361 -4.0075 -2.622 0.71 -1.16 1.36 -58.465
-3.9494 0.18 -3.2342 -3.9947 14.129 0.71 -0.96 1.2 -53.446
-2.7746 0.171 0 0 0 0.63 -0.44 0 0
-2.6473 0.5231 0 0 0 0.63 -0.7 0 0
-3.9973 0.2431 0 0 0 0.54 -0.7 0 0
-3.7316 -0.1119 0 0 0 0.54 -0.44 0 0
-2.8915 0.1033 0 0 0 0.58 -0.55 0 0
-2.7607 0.4528 0 0 0 0.58 -0.8 0 0
-4.0037 0.1703 0 0 0 0.5 -0.8 0 0
-3.7765 -0.1765 0 0 0 0.5 -0.55 0 0
-2.6459 0.1482 0 0 0 0.62 -0.4 0 0
-2.5396 0.5082 0 0 0 0.62 -0.65 0 0
-3.9899 0.2204 0 0 0 0.53 -0.65 0 0
-3.7166 -0.1335 0 0 0 0.53 -0.4 0 0
-3.0202 0.126 0 0 0 0.6 -0.59 0 0
-2.8684 0.4677 0 0 0 0.6 -0.85 0 0
-4.0111 0.1929 0 0 0 0.51 -0.85 0 0
-3.7915 -0.1549 0 0 0 0.51 -0.59 0 0
-7.2497 -0.1492 -1.7506 -7.2537 -1.554 -1.21 5.18 5.32 103.194
-8.2547 0.0293 -5.2182 -8.255 0.553 -1.21 4.81 4.96 104.164
-1.1299 -0.0594 -1.128 -2.9284 -88.109 -1.24 4.81 4.97 104.472
0.4268 -0.2379 0.7802 0.2666 -33.944 -1.24 5.18 5.32 103.483
-7.708 -0.1633 -1.8473 -7.7126 -1.596 -1.36 5.47 5.64 103.909
-8.8574 0.0412 -5.6844 -8.858 0.743 -1.36 5.05 5.23 105.028
-1.3847 -0.076 -1.3816 -3.2708 -87.692 -1.39 5.05 5.24 105.382
0.4022 -0.2805 0.8438 0.2241 -32.423 -1.39 5.47 5.65 104.238
-7.7272 -0.1341 -1.9975 -7.7304 -1.341 -1.26 5.43 5.57 103.122
-8.8077 0.0038 -5.5526 -8.8077 0.067 -1.26 5.01 5.16 104.177
-1.3652 -0.1177 -1.3576 -3.1943 -86.318 -1.3 5.01 5.17 104.519
0.3433 -0.2556 0.6642 0.1397 -38.535 -1.3 5.43 5.58 103.441
-7.1975 -0.0918 -2.02 -7.1991 -1.016 -1.06 5 5.11 101.958
-8.1031 -0.0395 -4.9744 -8.1036 -0.723 -1.06 4.62 4.74 102.889
-1.1927 -0.1501 -1.1791 -2.8404 -84.793 -1.08 4.62 4.75 103.202
0.2709 -0.2025 0.4437 0.0335 -49.531 -1.08 5 5.11 102.25
-7.1258 -0.1438 0 0 0 -1.22 5.12 0 0
-8.1673 0.0426 0 0 0 -1.22 4.73 0 0
-1.1974 -0.0581 0 0 0 -1.25 4.73 0 0
0.4196 -0.2462 0 0 0 -1.25 5.12 0 0
-7.1638 -0.1561 0 0 0 -1.25 5.05 0 0
-8.2041 0.0276 0 0 0 -1.25 4.67 0 0
-1.2582 -0.075 0 0 0 -1.28 4.67 0 0
0.3574 -0.2571 0 0 0 -1.28 5.05 0 0
-7.0837 -0.1448 0 0 0 -1.23 5.19 0 0
-8.1321 0.0376 0 0 0 -1.23 4.8 0 0
-1.1275 -0.0638 0 0 0 -1.26 4.8 0 0
0.484 -0.2446 0 0 0 -1.26 5.19 0 0
-7.2059 -0.1552 0 0 0 -1.24 4.98 0 0
-8.2392 0.0326 0 0 0 -1.24 4.6 0 0
-1.3281 -0.0693 0 0 0 -1.27 4.6 0 0
0.293 -0.2587 0 0 0 -1.27 4.98 0 0
-4.7085 -0.0377 -1.4274 -4.7089 -0.658 -0.6 3.24 3.29 100.51
-5.2184 -0.0558 -3.0963 -5.2198 -1.506 -0.6 3.01 3.07 101.274
-0.69 -0.1217 -0.6759 -1.7382 -83.378 -0.62 3.01 3.08 101.539
0.1567 -0.1036 0.2062 -0.0601 -64.453 -0.62 3.24 3.3 100.758
-4.6415 -0.0898 0 0 0 -0.76 3.36 0 0
-5.2882 0.0264 0 0 0 -0.76 3.12 0 0
-0.696 -0.0297 0 0 0 -0.78 3.12 0 0
0.3054 -0.1475 0 0 0 -0.78 3.36 0 0
-4.6795 -0.1021 0 0 0 -0.8 3.3 0 0
-5.325 0.0113 0 0 0 -0.8 3.06 0 0
-0.7568 -0.0466 0 0 0 -0.82 3.06 0 0
0.2433 -0.1584 0 0 0 -0.82 3.3 0 0
-4.5994 -0.0907 0 0 0 -0.77 3.43 0 0
-5.253 0.0213 0 0 0 -0.77 3.19 0 0
-0.6261 -0.0355 0 0 0 -0.79 3.19 0 0
0.3699 -0.1459 0 0 0 -0.79 3.43 0 0
-4.7216 -0.1011 0 0 0 -0.79 3.23 0 0
-5.3601 0.0164 0 0 0 -0.79 2.99 0 0
-0.8267 -0.0409 0 0 0 -0.8 2.99 0 0
0.1788 -0.16 0 0 0 -0.8 3.23 0 0
-3.4874 -0.2373 -0.5678 -3.5067 -4.647 -0.96 10.95 10.99 95.027
-4.1486 -0.0711 -3.7853 -4.1625 -11.068 -0.96 11.14 11.18 94.942
12.4794 0.0899 12.4802 1.3284 89.538 -0.91 11.14 11.18 94.668
12.8576 -0.0764 12.8583 4.3793 -89.484 -0.91 10.95 10.99 94.748
-3.8167 -0.285 -0.6122 -3.8421 -5.083 -1.05 11.86 11.91 95.06
-4.5272 -0.0845 -4.1538 -4.5464 -12.756 -1.05 12.1 12.15 94.961
13.5262 0.1074 13.5271 1.4077 89.492 -0.99 12.1 12.14 94.66
13.8783 -0.0931 13.8793 4.7513 -89.416 -0.99 11.86 11.9 94.754
-3.89 -0.24 -0.8312 -3.9088 -4.487 -0.94 11.79 11.83 94.579
-4.4914 -0.1461 -4.0369 -4.5384 -17.825 -0.94 12.03 12.07 94.486
13.5125 0.0544 13.5127 1.4149 89.742 -0.88 12.03 12.07 94.174
13.7464 -0.0394 13.7466 4.4512 -89.757 -0.88 11.79 11.82 94.261
-3.6592 -0.165 -1.0029 -3.6694 -3.555 -0.76 10.8 10.83 93.999
-4.0987 -0.1991 -3.5814 -4.1753 -21.049 -0.76 11.03 11.05 93.919
12.4591 -0.0097 12.4591 1.3226 -89.95 -0.69 11.03 11.05 93.602
12.5645 0.0243 12.5646 3.7836 89.841 -0.69 10.8 10.83 93.676
-3.4833 -0.2451 0 0 0 -0.94 10.96 0 0
-4.1524 -0.063 0 0 0 -0.94 11.17 0 0
12.5113 0.1069 0 0 0 -0.89 11.17 0 0
12.8686 -0.0714 0 0 0 -0.89 10.96 0 0
-3.5262 -0.2634 0 0 0 -0.99 10.9 0 0
-4.1697 -0.0882 0 0 0 -0.99 11.11 0 0
12.4077 0.0851 0 0 0 -0.93 11.11 0 0
12.7336 -0.0939 0 0 0 -0.93 10.9 0 0
-3.454 -0.2508 0 0 0 -0.95 11.04 0 0
-4.1424 -0.0686 0 0 0 -0.95 11.24 0 0
12.6317 0.1029 0 0 0 -0.9 11.24 0 0
13.0099 -0.0721 0 0 0 -0.9 11.04 0 0
-3.5555 -0.2577 0 0 0 -0.98 10.82 0 0
-4.1797 -0.0827 0 0 0 -0.98 11.04 0 0
12.2873 0.0891 0 0 0 -0.92 11.04 0 0
12.5923 -0.0932 0 0 0 -0.92 10.82 0 0
-2.3937 -0.0631 -0.8008 -2.3962 -2.267 -0.41 6.91 6.92 93.382
-2.6015 -0.1691 -2.1989 -2.6725 -22.783 -0.41 7.04 7.05 93.318
8.0131 -0.048 8.0134 0.8688 -89.615 -0.37 7.04 7.05 93.005
8.0199 0.058 8.0205 2.2196 89.427 -0.37 6.91 6.92 93.063
-2.2204 -0.1434 0 0 0 -0.6 7.08 0 0
-2.6583 -0.0331 0 0 0 -0.6 7.2 0 0
8.0743 0.0687 0 0 0 -0.56 7.2 0 0
8.3331 -0.0378 0 0 0 -0.56 7.08 0 0
-2.2634 -0.1617 0 0 0 -0.64 7.01 0 0
-2.6756 -0.0583 0 0 0 -0.64 7.13 0 0
7.9707 0.0469 0 0 0 -0.61 7.13 0 0
8.1981 -0.0604 0 0 0 -0.61 7.01 0 0
-2.1911 -0.1491 0 0 0 -0.61 7.15 0 0
-2.6483 -0.0387 0 0 0 -0.61 7.27 0 0
8.1947 0.0647 0 0 0 -0.57 7.27 0 0
8.4744 -0.0386 0 0 0 -0.57 7.15 0 0
-2.2926 -0.156 0 0 0 -0.63 6.93 0 0
-2.6856 -0.0527 0 0 0 -0.63 7.06 0 0
7.8503 0.0509 0 0 0 -0.6 7.06 0 0
8.0568 -0.0596 0 0 0 -0.6 6.93 0 0
-8.2547 -0.0293 -5.2182 -8.255 -0.553 1.21 4.81 4.96 75.836
-7.2497 0.1492 -1.7506 -7.2537 1.554 1.21 5.18 5.32 76.806
0.4268 0.2379 0.7802 0.2666 33.944 1.24 5.18 5.32 76.517
-1.1299 0.0594 -1.128 -2.9284 88.109 1.24 4.81 4.97 75.528
-8.8574 -0.0412 -5.6844 -8.858 -0.743 1.36 5.05 5.23 74.972
-7.708 0.1633 -1.8473 -7.7126 1.596 1.36 5.47 5.64 76.091
0.4022 0.2805 0.8438 0.2241 32.423 1.39 5.47 5.65 75.762
-1.3847 0.076 -1.3816 -3.2708 87.692 1.39 5.05 5.24 74.618
-8.8957 -0.0784 -5.8077 -8.8977 -1.454 1.44 5.09 5.29 74.145
-7.6793 0.1924 -1.6948 -7.6855 1.842 1.44 5.52 5.7 75.327
0.4609 0.3049 1.0325 0.2982 28.082 1.48 5.52 5.71 74.988
-1.4014 0.0342 -1.4008 -3.3445 88.993 1.48 5.09 5.3 73.781
-8.2792 -0.1097 -5.4847 -8.2835 -2.248 1.42 4.78 4.99 73.49
-7.1017 0.2085 -1.4145 -7.1093 2.099 1.42 5.18 5.37 74.691
0.5063 0.3012 1.1628 0.368 24.647 1.45 5.18 5.38 74.352
-1.2652 -0.0169 -1.265 -3.1413 -89.483 1.45 4.78 5 73.128
-8.1673 -0.0276 0 0 0 1.25 4.73 0 0
-7.1258 0.1561 0 0 0 1.25 5.12 0 0
0.4196 0.2571 0 0 0 1.28 5.12 0 0
-1.1974 0.075 0 0 0 1.28 4.73 0 0
-8.2041 -0.0426 0 0 0 1.22 4.67 0 0
-7.1638 0.1438 0 0 0 1.22 5.05 0 0
0.3574 0.2462 0 0 0 1.25 5.05 0 0
-1.2582 0.0581 0 0 0 1.25 4.67 0 0
-8.1321 -0.0326 0 0 0 1.24 4.8 0 0
-7.0837 0.1552 0 0 0 1.24 5.19 0 0
0.484 0.2587 0 0 0 1.27 5.19 0 0
-1.1275 0.0693 0 0 0 1.27 4.8 0 0
-8.2392 -0.0376 0 0 0 1.23 4.6 0 0
-7.2059 0.1448 0 0 0 1.23 4.98 0 0
0.293 0.2446 0 0 0 1.26 4.98 0 0
-1.3281 0.0638 0 0 0 1.26 4.6 0 0
-5.3945 -0.0934 -3.607 -5.3994 -2.99 0.96 3.17 3.31 73.158
-4.6126 0.1543 -0.822 -4.6189 2.331 0.96 3.42 3.55 74.319
0.392 0.2023 0.8899 0.3098 22.112 0.98 3.42 3.56 73.995
-0.7624 -0.0454 -0.7608 -2.0401 -87.965 0.98 3.17 3.32 72.812
-5.2882 -0.0113 0 0 0 0.8 3.12 0 0
-4.6415 0.1021 0 0 0 0.8 3.36 0 0
0.3054 0.1584 0 0 0 0.82 3.36 0 0
-0.696 0.0466 0 0 0 0.82 3.12 0 0
-5.325 -0.0264 0 0 0 0.76 3.06 0 0
-4.6795 0.0898 0 0 0 0.76 3.3 0 0
0.2433 0.1475 0 0 0 0.78 3.3 0 0
-0.7568 0.0297 0 0 0 0.78 3.06 0 0
-5.253 -0.0164 0 0 0 0.79 3.19 0 0
-4.5994 0.1011 0 0 0 0.79 3.43 0 0
0.3699 0.16 0 0 0 0.8 3.43 0 0
-0.6261 0.0409 0 0 0 0.8 3.19 0 0
-5.3601 -0.0213 0 0 0 0.77 2.99 0 0
-4.7216 0.0907 0 0 0 0.77 3.23 0 0
0.1788 0.1459 0 0 0 0.79 3.23 0 0
-0.8267 0.0355 0 0 0 0.79 2.99 0 0
-4.1486 0.0711 -3.7853 -4.1625 11.068 0.96 11.14 11.18 85.058
-3.4874 0.2373 -0.5678 -3.5067 4.647 0.96 10.95 10.99 84.973
12.8576 0.0764 12.8583 4.3793 89.484 0.91 10.95 10.99 85.252
12.4794 -0.0899 12.4802 1.3284 -89.538 0.91 11.14 11.18 85.332
-4.5272 0.0845 -4.1538 -4.5464 12.756 1.05 12.1 12.15 85.039
-3.8167 0.285 -0.6122 -3.8421 5.083 1.05 11.86 11.91 84.94
13.8783 0.0931 13.8793 4.7513 89.416 0.99 11.86 11.9 85.246
13.5262 -0.1074 13.5271 1.4077 -89.492 0.99 12.1 12.14 85.34
-4.5569 0.0228 -4.2546 -4.5586 4.304 1.16 12.15 12.21 84.57
-3.7382 0.3295 -0.3918 -3.7707 5.624 1.16 11.92 11.98 84.465
13.9921 0.1465 13.9945 5.0444 89.062 1.09 11.92 11.97 84.76
13.5218 -0.1602 13.524 1.3983 -89.243 1.09 12.15 12.2 84.859
-4.2297 -0.0477 -3.9933 -4.2393 -11.405 1.18 11.27 11.33 84.034
-3.3556 0.344 -0.1249 -3.3923 6.078 1.18 11.07 11.13 83.928
13.0559 0.1898 13.0603 4.9702 88.655 1.12 11.07 11.13 84.201
12.4778 -0.2019 12.4815 1.2895 -88.966 1.12 11.27 11.32 84.302
-4.1524 0.0882 0 0 0 0.99 11.17 0 0
-3.4833 0.2634 0 0 0 0.99 10.96 0 0
12.8686 0.0939 0 0 0 0.93 10.96 0 0
12.5113 -0.0851 0 0 0 0.93 11.17 0 0
-4.1697 0.063 0 0 0 0.94 11.11 0 0
-3.5262 0.2451 0 0 0 0.94 10.9 0 0
12.7336 0.0714 0 0 0 0.89 10.9 0 0
12.4077 -0.1069 0 0 0 0.89 11.11 0 0
-4.1424 0.0827 0 0 0 0.98 11.24 0 0
-3.454 0.2577 0 0 0 0.98 11.04 0 0
13.0099 0.0932 0 0 0 0.92 11.04 0 0
12.6317 -0.0891 0 0 0 0.92 11.24 0 0
-4.1797 0.0686 0 0 0 0.95 11.04 0 0
-3.5555 0.2508 0 0 0 0.95 10.82 0 0
12.5923 0.0721 0 0 0 0.9 10.82 0 0
12.2873 -0.1029 0 0 0 0.9 11.04 0 0
-2.7325 -0.0777 -2.5762 -2.7712 -26.435 0.83 7.28 7.33 83.494
-2.0901 0.242 0.0754 -2.1172 6.377 0.83 7.17 7.22 83.397
8.5113 0.1562 8.5161 3.4064 88.248 0.8 7.17 7.22 83.638
8.0318 -0.1636 8.0355 0.8359 -88.698 0.8 7.28 7.33 83.732
-2.6583 0.0583 0 0 0 0.64 7.2 0 0
-2.2204 0.1617 0 0 0 0.64 7.08 0 0
8.3331 0.0604 0 0 0 0.61 7.08 0 0
8.0743 -0.0469 0 0 0 0.61 7.2 0 0
-2.6756 0.0331 0 0 0 0.6 7.13 0 0
-2.2634 0.1434 0 0 0 0.6 7.01 0 0
8.1981 0.0378 0 0 0 0.56 7.01 0 0
7.9707 -0.0687 0 0 0 0.56 7.13 0 0
-2.6483 0.0527 0 0 0 0.63 7.27 0 0
-2.1911 0.156 0 0 0 0.63 7.15 0 0
8.4744 0.0596 0 0 0 0.6 7.15 0 0
8.1947 -0.0509 0 0 0 0.6 7.27 0 0
-2.6856 0.0387 0 0 0 0.61 7.06 0 0
-2.2926 0.1491 0 0 0 0.61 6.93 0 0
8.0568 0.0386 0 0 0 0.57 6.93 0 0
7.8503 -0.0647 0 0 0 0.57 7.06 0 0
12.8576 0.0764 12.8583 4.3793 89.484 -0.91 -10.95 10.99 -94.748
12.4794 -0.0899 12.4802 1.3284 -89.538 -0.91 -11.14 11.18 -94.668
-4.1486 0.0711 -3.7853 -4.1625 11.068 -0.96 -11.14 11.18 -94.942
-3.4874 0.2373 -0.5678 -3.5067 4.647 -0.96 -10.95 10.99 -95.027
13.8783 0.0931 13.8793 4.7513 89.416 -0.99 -11.86 11.9 -94.754
13.5262 -0.1074 13.5271 1.4077 -89.492 -0.99 -12.1 12.14 -94.66
-4.5272 0.0845 -4.1538 -4.5464 12.756 -1.05 -12.1 12.15 -94.961
-3.8167 0.285 -0.6122 -3.8421 5.083 -1.05 -11.86 11.91 -95.06
13.7464 0.0394 13.7466 4.4512 89.757 -0.88 -11.79 11.82 -94.261
13.5125 -0.0544 13.5127 1.4149 -89.742 -0.88 -12.03 12.07 -94.174
-4.4914 0.1461 -4.0369 -4.5384 17.825 -0.94 -12.03 12.07 -94.486
-3.89 0.24 -0.8312 -3.9088 4.487 -0.94 -11.79 11.83 -94.579
12.5645 -0.0243 12.5646 3.7836 -89.841 -0.69 -10.8 10.83 -93.676
12.4591 0.0097 12.4591 1.3226 89.95 -0.69 -11.03 11.05 -93.602
-4.0987 0.1991 -3.5814 -4.1753 21.049 -0.76 -11.03 11.05 -93.919
-3.6592 0.165 -1.0029 -3.6694 3.555 -0.76 -10.8 10.83 -93.999
12.8686 0.0939 0 0 0 -0.89 -10.9 0 0
12.5113 -0.0851 0 0 0 -0.89 -11.11 0 0
-4.1524 0.0882 0 0 0 -0.94 -11.11 0 0
-3.4833 0.2634 0 0 0 -0.94 -10.9 0 0
12.7336 0.0714 0 0 0 -0.93 -10.96 0 0
12.4077 -0.1069 0 0 0 -0.93 -11.17 0 0
-4.1697 0.063 0 0 0 -0.99 -11.17 0 0
-3.5262 0.2451 0 0 0 -0.99 -10.96 0 0
13.0099 0.0932 0 0 0 -0.9 -10.82 0 0
12.6317 -0.0891 0 0 0 -0.9 -11.04 0 0
-4.1424 0.0827 0 0 0 -0.95 -11.04 0 0
-3.454 0.2577 0 0 0 -0.95 -10.82 0 0
12.5923 0.0721 0 0 0 -0.92 -11.04 0 0
12.2873 -0.1029 0 0 0 -0.92 -11.24 0 0
-4.1797 0.0686 0 0 0 -0.98 -11.24 0 0
-3.5555 0.2508 0 0 0 -0.98 -11.04 0 0
8.0199 -0.058 8.0205 2.2196 -89.427 -0.37 -6.91 6.92 -93.063
8.0131 0.048 8.0134 0.8688 89.615 -0.37 -7.04 7.05 -93.005
-2.6015 0.1691 -2.1989 -2.6725 22.783 -0.41 -7.04 7.05 -93.318
-2.3937 0.0631 -0.8008 -2.3962 2.267 -0.41 -6.91 6.92 -93.382
8.3331 0.0604 0 0 0 -0.56 -7.01 0 0
8.0743 -0.0469 0 0 0 -0.56 -7.13 0 0
-2.6583 0.0583 0 0 0 -0.6 -7.13 0 0
-2.2204 0.1617 0 0 0 -0.6 -7.01 0 0
8.1981 0.0378 0 0 0 -0.61 -7.08 0 0
7.9707 -0.0687 0 0 0 -0.61 -7.2 0 0
-2.6756 0.0331 0 0 0 -0.64 -7.2 0 0
-2.2634 0.1434 0 0 0 -0.64 -7.08 0 0
8.4744 0.0596 0 0 0 -0.57 -6.93 0 0
8.1947 -0.0509 0 0 0 -0.57 -7.06 0 0
-2.6483 0.0527 0 0 0 -0.61 -7.06 0 0
-2.1911 0.156 0 0 0 -0.61 -6.93 0 0
8.0568 0.0386 0 0 0 -0.6 -7.15 0 0
7.8503 -0.0647 0 0 0 -0.6 -7.27 0 0
-2.6856 0.0387 0 0 0 -0.63 -7.27 0 0
-2.2926 0.1491 0 0 0 -0.63 -7.15 0 0
0.4268 0.2379 0.7802 0.2666 33.944 -1.24 -5.18 5.32 -103.483
-1.1299 0.0594 -1.128 -2.9284 88.109 -1.24 -4.81 4.97 -104.472
-8.2547 -0.0293 -5.2182 -8.255 -0.553 -1.21 -4.81 4.96 -104.164
-7.2497 0.1492 -1.7506 -7.2537 1.554 -1.21 -5.18 5.32 -103.194
0.4022 0.2805 0.8438 0.2241 32.423 -1.39 -5.47 5.65 -104.238
-1.3847 0.076 -1.3816 -3.2708 87.692 -1.39 -5.05 5.24 -105.382
-8.8574 -0.0412 -5.6844 -8.858 -0.743 -1.36 -5.05 5.23 -105.028
-7.708 0.1633 -1.8473 -7.7126 1.596 -1.36 -5.47 5.64 -103.909
0.3433 0.2556 0.6642 0.1397 38.535 -1.3 -5.43 5.58 -103.441
-1.3652 0.1177 -1.3576 -3.1943 86.318 -1.3 -5.01 5.17 -104.519
-8.8077 -0.0038 -5.5526 -8.8077 -0.067 -1.26 -5.01 5.16 -104.177
-7.7272 0.1341 -1.9975 -7.7304 1.341 -1.26 -5.43 5.57 -103.122
0.2709 0.2025 0.4437 0.0335 49.531 -1.08 -5 5.11 -102.25
-1.1927 0.1501 -1.1791 -2.8404 84.793 -1.08 -4.62 4.75 -103.202
-8.1031 0.0395 -4.9744 -8.1036 0.723 -1.06 -4.62 4.74 -102.889
-7.1975 0.0918 -2.02 -7.1991 1.016 -1.06 -5 5.11 -101.958
0.4196 0.2571 0 0 0 -1.25 -5.05 0 0
-1.1974 0.075 0 0 0 -1.25 -4.67 0 0
-8.1673 -0.0276 0 0 0 -1.22 -4.67 0 0
-7.1258 0.1561 0 0 0 -1.22 -5.05 0 0
0.3574 0.2462 0 0 0 -1.28 -5.12 0 0
-1.2582 0.0581 0 0 0 -1.28 -4.73 0 0
-8.2041 -0.0426 0 0 0 -1.25 -4.73 0 0
-7.1638 0.1438 0 0 0 -1.25 -5.12 0 0
0.484 0.2587 0 0 0 -1.26 -4.98 0 0
-1.1275 0.0693 0 0 0 -1.26 -4.6 0 0
-8.1321 -0.0326 0 0 0 -1.23 -4.6 0 0
-7.0837 0.1552 0 0 0 -1.23 -4.98 0 0
0.293 0.2446 0 0 0 -1.27 -5.19 0 0
-1.3281 0.0638 0 0 0 -1.27 -4.8 0 0
-8.2392 -0.0376 0 0 0 -1.24 -4.8 0 0
-7.2059 0.1448 0 0 0 -1.24 -5.19 0 0
0.1567 0.1036 0.2062 -0.0601 64.453 -0.62 -3.24 3.3 -100.758
-0.69 0.1217 -0.6759 -1.7382 83.378 -0.62 -3.01 3.08 -101.539
-5.2184 0.0558 -3.0963 -5.2198 1.506 -0.6 -3.01 3.07 -101.274
-4.7085 0.0377 -1.4274 -4.7089 0.658 -0.6 -3.24 3.29 -100.51
0.3054 0.1584 0 0 0 -0.78 -3.3 0 0
-0.696 0.0466 0 0 0 -0.78 -3.06 0 0
-5.2882 -0.0113 0 0 0 -0.76 -3.06 0 0
-4.6415 0.1021 0 0 0 -0.76 -3.3 0 0
0.2433 0.1475 0 0 0 -0.82 -3.36 0 0
-0.7568 0.0297 0 0 0 -0.82 -3.12 0 0
-5.325 -0.0264 0 0 0 -0.8 -3.12 0 0
-4.6795 0.0898 0 0 0 -0.8 -3.36 0 0
0.3699 0.16 0 0 0 -0.79 -3.23 0 0
-0.6261 0.0409 0 0 0 -0.79 -2.99 0 0
-5.253 -0.0164 0 0 0 -0.77 -2.99 0 0
-4.5994 0.1011 0 0 0 -0.77 -3.23 0 0
0.1788 0.1459 0 0 0 -0.8 -3.43 0 0
-0.8267 0.0355 0 0 0 -0.8 -3.19 0 0
-5.3601 -0.0213 0 0 0 -0.79 -3.19 0 0
-4.7216 0.0907 0 0 0 -0.79 -3.43 0 0
12.4794 0.0899 12.4802 1.3284 89.538 0.91 -11.14 11.18 -85.332
12.8576 -0.0764 12.8583 4.3793 -89.484 0.91 -10.95 10.99 -85.252
-3.4874 -0.2373 -0.5678 -3.5067 -4.647 0.96 -10.95 10.99 -84.973
-4.1486 -0.0711 -3.7853 -4.1625 -11.068 0.96 -11.14 11.18 -85.058
13.5262 0.1074 13.5271 1.4077 89.492 0.99 -12.1 12.14 -85.34
13.8783 -0.0931 13.8793 4.7513 -89.416 0.99 -11.86 11.9 -85.246
-3.8167 -0.285 -0.6122 -3.8421 -5.083 1.05 -11.86 11.91 -84.94
-4.5272 -0.0845 -4.1538 -4.5464 -12.756 1.05 -12.1 12.15 -85.039
13.5218 0.1602 13.524 1.3983 89.243 1.09 -12.15 12.2 -84.859
13.9921 -0.1465 13.9945 5.0444 -89.062 1.09 -11.92 11.97 -84.76
-3.7382 -0.3295 -0.3918 -3.7707 -5.624 1.16 -11.92 11.98 -84.465
-4.5569 -0.0228 -4.2546 -4.5586 -4.304 1.16 -12.15 12.21 -84.57
12.4778 0.2019 12.4815 1.2895 88.966 1.12 -11.27 11.32 -84.302
13.0559 -0.1898 13.0603 4.9702 -88.655 1.12 -11.07 11.13 -84.201
-3.3556 -0.344 -0.1249 -3.3923 -6.078 1.18 -11.07 11.13 -83.928
-4.2297 0.0477 -3.9933 -4.2393 11.405 1.18 -11.27 11.33 -84.034
12.5113 0.1069 0 0 0 0.93 -11.11 0 0
12.8686 -0.0714 0 0 0 0.93 -10.9 0 0
-3.4833 -0.2451 0 0 0 0.99 -10.9 0 0
-4.1524 -0.063 0 0 0 0.99 -11.11 0 0
12.4077 0.0851 0 0 0 0.89 -11.17 0 0
12.7336 -0.0939 0 0 0 0.89 -10.96 0 0
-3.5262 -0.2634 0 0 0 0.94 -10.96 0 0
-4.1697 -0.0882 0 0 0 0.94 -11.17 0 0
12.6317 0.1029 0 0 0 0.92 -11.04 0 0
13.0099 -0.0721 0 0 0 0.92 -10.82 0 0
-3.454 -0.2508 0 0 0 0.98 -10.82 0 0
-4.1424 -0.0686 0 0 0 0.98 -11.04 0 0
12.2873 0.0891 0 0 0 0.9 -11.24 0 0
12.5923 -0.0932 0 0 0 0.9 -11.04 0 0
-3.5555 -0.2577 0 0 0 0.95 -11.04 0 0
-4.1797 -0.0827 0 0 0 0.95 -11.24 0 0
8.0318 0.1636 8.0355 0.8359 88.698 0.8 -7.28 7.33 -83.732
8.5113 -0.1562 8.5161 3.4064 -88.248 0.8 -7.17 7.22 -83.638
-2.0901 -0.242 0.0754 -2.1172 -6.377 0.83 -7.17 7.22 -83.397
-2.7325 0.0777 -2.5762 -2.7712 26.435 0.83 -7.28 7.33 -83.494
8.0743 0.0687 0 0 0 0.61 -7.13 0 0
8.3331 -0.0378 0 0 0 0.61 -7.01 0 0
-2.2204 -0.1434 0 0 0 0.64 -7.01 0 0
-2.6583 -0.0331 0 0 0 0.64 -7.13 0 0
7.9707 0.0469 0 0 0 0.56 -7.2 0 0
8.1981 -0.0604 0 0 0 0.56 -7.08 0 0
-2.2634 -0.1617 0 0 0 0.6 -7.08 0 0
-2.6756 -0.0583 0 0 0 0.6 -7.2 0 0
8.1947 0.0647 0 0 0 0.6 -7.06 0 0
8.4744 -0.0386 0 0 0 0.6 -6.93 0 0
-2.1911 -0.1491 0 0 0 0.63 -6.93 0 0
-2.6483 -0.0387 0 0 0 0.63 -7.06 0 0
7.8503 0.0509 0 0 0 0.57 -7.27 0 0
8.0568 -0.0596 0 0 0 0.57 -7.15 0 0
-2.2926 -0.156 0 0 0 0.61 -7.15 0 0
-2.6856 -0.0527 0 0 0 0.61 -7.27 0 0
-1.1299 -0.0594 -1.128 -2.9284 -88.109 1.24 -4.81 4.97 -75.528
0.4268 -0.2379 0.7802 0.2666 -33.944 1.24 -5.18 5.32 -76.517
-7.2497 -0.1492 -1.7506 -7.2537 -1.554 1.21 -5.18 5.32 -76.806
-8.2547 0.0293 -5.2182 -8.255 0.553 1.21 -4.81 4.96 -75.836
-1.3847 -0.076 -1.3816 -3.2708 -87.692 1.39 -5.05 5.24 -74.618
0.4022 -0.2805 0.8438 0.2241 -32.423 1.39 -5.47 5.65 -75.762
-7.708 -0.1633 -1.8473 -7.7126 -1.596 1.36 -5.47 5.64 -76.091
-8.8574 0.0412 -5.6844 -8.858 0.743 1.36 -5.05 5.23 -74.972
-1.4014 -0.0342 -1.4008 -3.3445 -88.993 1.48 -5.09 5.3 -73.781
0.4609 -0.3049 1.0325 0.2982 -28.082 1.48 -5.52 5.71 -74.988
-7.6793 -0.1924 -1.6948 -7.6855 -1.842 1.44 -5.52 5.7 -75.327
-8.8957 0.0784 -5.8077 -8.8977 1.454 1.44 -5.09 5.29 -74.145
-1.2652 0.0169 -1.265 -3.1413 89.483 1.45 -4.78 5 -73.128
0.5063 -0.3012 1.1628 0.368 -24.647 1.45 -5.18 5.38 -74.352
-7.1017 -0.2085 -1.4145 -7.1093 -2.099 1.42 -5.18 5.37 -74.691
-8.2792 0.1097 -5.4847 -8.2835 2.248 1.42 -4.78 4.99 -73.49
-1.1974 -0.0581 0 0 0 1.28 -4.67 0 0
0.4196 -0.2462 0 0 0 1.28 -5.05 0 0
-7.1258 -0.1438 0 0 0 1.25 -5.05 0 0
-8.1673 0.0426 0 0 0 1.25 -4.67 0 0
-1.2582 -0.075 0 0 0 1.25 -4.73 0 0
0.3574 -0.2571 0 0 0 1.25 -5.12 0 0
-7.1638 -0.1561 0 0 0 1.22 -5.12 0 0
-8.2041 0.0276 0 0 0 1.22 -4.73 0 0
-1.1275 -0.0638 0 0 0 1.27 -4.6 0 0
0.484 -0.2446 0 0 0 1.27 -4.98 0 0
-7.0837 -0.1448 0 0 0 1.24 -4.98 0 0
-8.1321 0.0376 0 0 0 1.24 -4.6 0 0
-1.3281 -0.0693 0 0 0 1.26 -4.8 0 0
0.293 -0.2587 0 0 0 1.26 -5.19 0 0
-7.2059 -0.1552 0 0 0 1.23 -5.19 0 0
-8.2392 0.0326 0 0 0 1.23 -4.8 0 0
-0.7624 0.0454 -0.7608 -2.0401 87.965 0.98 -3.17 3.32 -72.812
0.392 -0.2023 0.8899 0.3098 -22.112 0.98 -3.42 3.56 -73.995
-4.6126 -0.1543 -0.822 -4.6189 -2.331 0.96 -3.42 3.55 -74.319
-5.3945 0.0934 -3.607 -5.3994 2.99 0.96 -3.17 3.31 -73.158
-0.696 -0.0297 0 0 0 0.82 -3.06 0 0
0.3054 -0.1475 0 0 0 0.82 -3.3 0 0
-4.6415 -0.0898 0 0 0 0.8 -3.3 0 0
-5.2882 0.0264 0 0 0 0.8 -3.06 0 0
-0.7568 -0.0466 0 0 0 0.78 -3.12 0 0
0.2433 -0.1584 0 0 0 0.78 -3.36 0 0
-4.6795 -0.1021 0 0 0 0.76 -3.36 0 0
-5.325 0.0113 0 0 0 0.76 -3.12 0 0
-0.6261 -0.0355 0 0 0 0.8 -2.99 0 0
0.3699 -0.1459 0 0 0 0.8 -3.23 0 0
-4.5994 -0.0907 0 0 0 0.79 -3.23 0 0
-5.253 0.0213 0 0 0 0.79 -2.99 0 0
-0.8267 -0.0409 0 0 0 0.79 -3.19 0 0
0.1788 -0.16 0 0 0 0.79 -3.43 0 0
-4.7216 -0.1011 0 0 0 0.77 -3.43 0 0
-5.3601 0.0164 0 0 0 0.77 -3.19 0 0
-6.223 0.3215 -1.3087 -6.244 3.743 -0.8 1.16 1.41 124.598
-5.8396 -0.2243 -4.5712 -5.8793 -10.027 -0.8 0.77 1.11 136.047
-4.407 0.2133 -4.2857 -4.782 60.372 -0.94 0.77 1.22 140.657
-4.2062 0.759 -0.7875 -4.3747 12.518 -0.94 1.16 1.5 129.051
-6.6109 0.3322 -1.3782 -6.632 3.633 -0.91 1.17 1.48 127.947
-6.2693 -0.2313 -4.9901 -6.3111 -10.249 -0.91 0.73 1.17 141.517
-4.9 0.2169 -4.7663 -5.2518 58.348 -1.07 0.73 1.29 145.763
-4.5747 0.7804 -0.8615 -4.7387 11.869 -1.07 1.17 1.58 132.33
-6.6071 0.515 -1.5024 -6.659 5.761 -0.81 0.96 1.26 130.195
-6.1668 -0.3934 -4.7606 -6.2769 -15.63 -0.81 0.49 0.95 148.799
-4.975 0.0468 -4.966 -5.2178 79.077 -0.95 0.49 1.07 152.682
-4.7115 0.9552 -1.2116 -4.9722 15.266 -0.95 0.96 1.35 134.731
-6.1341 0.6769 -1.5148 -6.2333 8.337 -0.63 0.69 0.93 132.418
-5.5999 -0.5412 -4.1153 -5.7972 -20.029 -0.63 0.24 0.67 159.48
-4.6376 -0.1357 -4.5779 -4.9463 -66.269 -0.74 0.24 0.78 162.437
-4.4921 1.0824 -1.4574 -4.8782 19.63 -0.74 0.69 1.01 137.215
-6.1263 0.3473 0 0 0 -0.81 1.16 0 0
-5.7703 -0.1843 0 0 0 -0.81 0.76 0 0
-4.4184 0.2379 0 0 0 -0.95 0.76 0 0
-4.1526 0.7666 0 0 0 -0.95 1.16 0 0
-6.1327 0.2744 0 0 0 -0.85 1.05 0 0
-5.8153 -0.2489 0 0 0 -0.85 0.65 0 0
-4.5352 0.1702 0 0 0 -0.99 0.65 0 0
-4.2659 0.6963 0 0 0 -0.99 1.05 0 0
-6.1189 0.3246 0 0 0 -0.82 1.2 0 0
-5.7554 -0.2059 0 0 0 -0.82 0.8 0 0
-4.2896 0.2151 0 0 0 -0.96 0.8 0 0
-4.0448 0.7517 0 0 0 -0.96 1.2 0 0
-6.1401 0.2971 0 0 0 -0.84 1.01 0 0
-5.8303 -0.2273 0 0 0 -0.84 0.6 0 0
-4.664 0.1929 0 0 0 -0.98 0.6 0 0
-4.3737 0.7113 0 0 0 -0.98 1.01 0 0
-4.001 0.5725 -1.0553 -4.1123 10.999 -0.32 0.33 0.46 133.723
-3.5571 -0.4687 -2.45 -3.7555 -22.946 -0.32 0.03078 0.32 174.447
-2.9903 -0.2027 -2.8626 -3.3122 -57.799 -0.38 0.03078 0.38 175.381
-2.9838 0.8385 -1.1303 -3.3631 24.341 -0.38 0.33 0.5 139.011
-3.9973 0.2431 0 0 0 -0.5 0.8 0 0
-3.7316 -0.1119 0 0 0 -0.5 0.55 0 0
-2.7746 0.171 0 0 0 -0.58 0.55 0 0
-2.6473 0.5231 0 0 0 -0.58 0.8 0 0
-4.0037 0.1703 0 0 0 -0.54 0.7 0 0
-3.7765 -0.1765 0 0 0 -0.54 0.44 0 0
-2.8915 0.1033 0 0 0 -0.63 0.44 0 0
-2.7607 0.4528 0 0 0 -0.63 0.7 0 0
-3.9899 0.2204 0 0 0 -0.51 0.85 0 0
-3.7166 -0.1335 0 0 0 -0.51 0.59 0 0
-2.6459 0.1482 0 0 0 -0.6 0.59 0 0
-2.5396 0.5082 0 0 0 -0.6 0.85 0 0
-4.0111 0.1929 0 0 0 -0.53 0.65 0 0
-3.7915 -0.1549 0 0 0 -0.53 0.4 0 0
-3.0202 0.126 0 0 0 -0.62 0.4 0 0
-2.8684 0.4677 0 0 0 -0.62 0.65 0 0
-5.3773 0.4276 -1.0675 -5.4197 5.666 -2.51 7.24 7.66 109.134
-9.8221 0.5503 -6.3943 -9.9105 9.12 -2.51 7.23 7.66 109.146
0.9654 -0.5299 1.0306 -3.3351 -82.976 -2.58 7.23 7.68 109.617
5.4176 -0.6525 5.5488 2.172 -78.632 -2.58 7.24 7.68 109.604
-5.8427 0.3883 -1.1682 -5.875 4.749 -2.77 7.91 8.38 109.289
-10.7912 0.615 -6.9914 -10.8907 9.193 -2.77 7.93 8.4 109.237
0.9931 -0.5916 1.0695 -3.5898 -82.644 -2.83 7.93 8.42 109.646
5.9068 -0.8183 6.0966 2.3781 -76.944 -2.83 7.91 8.4 109.699
-5.9395 0.658 -1.5657 -6.0385 8.556 -2.62 7.6 8.04 109.04
-10.7405 0.3498 -7.081 -10.7739 5.461 -2.62 7.6 8.04 109.037
0.8155 -0.8594 0.9665 -4.0786 -80.04 -2.67 7.6 8.06 109.372
5.6144 -0.5513 5.69 1.5963 -82.188 -2.67 7.6 8.06 109.376
-5.5831 0.9197 -1.813 -5.8075 13.71 -2.25 6.66 7.03 108.666
-9.8182 0.0321 -6.5739 -9.8185 0.566 -2.25 6.63 7.01 108.746
0.5771 -1.0768 0.814 -4.3176 -77.594 -2.29 6.63 7.02 109.008
4.8578 -0.1891 4.8661 0.5495 -87.487 -2.29 6.66 7.05 108.927
-5.3342 0.4337 0 0 0 -2.51 7.33 0 0
-9.8838 0.6138 0 0 0 -2.51 7.35 0 0
0.9951 -0.4862 0 0 0 -2.56 7.35 0 0
5.5337 -0.6671 0 0 0 -2.56 7.33 0 0
-5.4211 0.3265 0 0 0 -2.57 7.2 0 0
-9.9099 0.508 0 0 0 -2.57 7.21 0 0
0.8662 -0.5934 0 0 0 -2.63 7.21 0 0
5.3276 -0.7743 0 0 0 -2.63 7.2 0 0
-5.2495 0.397 0 0 0 -2.5 7.38 0 0
-9.8643 0.5842 0 0 0 -2.5 7.38 0 0
1.1108 -0.5161 0 0 0 -2.56 7.38 0 0
5.7154 -0.6873 0 0 0 -2.56 7.38 0 0
-5.5058 0.3632 0 0 0 -2.57 7.16 0 0
-9.9295 0.5377 0 0 0 -2.57 7.17 0 0
0.7505 -0.5635 0 0 0 -2.63 7.17 0 0
5.1458 -0.754 0 0 0 -2.63 7.16 0 0
-3.6584 0.8145 -1.3555 -3.9464 19.478 -1.33 4.05 4.26 108.169
-6.228 -0.1756 -4.209 -6.2433 -4.971 -1.33 4 4.21 108.366
0.2665 -0.8771 0.4911 -3.1596 -75.64 -1.34 4 4.22 108.568
2.9059 0.1129 2.9099 -0.3115 87.99 -1.34 4.05 4.26 108.369
-3.4134 0.3285 0 0 0 -1.58 4.72 0 0
-6.3012 0.4066 0 0 0 -1.58 4.72 0 0
0.6851 -0.2871 0 0 0 -1.62 4.72 0 0
3.5858 -0.3659 0 0 0 -1.62 4.72 0 0
-3.5003 0.2213 0 0 0 -1.64 4.58 0 0
-6.3273 0.3008 0 0 0 -1.64 4.58 0 0
0.5561 -0.3942 0 0 0 -1.69 4.58 0 0
3.3797 -0.4731 0 0 0 -1.69 4.58 0 0
-3.3287 0.2918 0 0 0 -1.58 4.76 0 0
-6.2816 0.377 0 0 0 -1.58 4.75 0 0
0.8007 -0.317 0 0 0 -1.62 4.75 0 0
3.7676 -0.3861 0 0 0 -1.62 4.76 0 0
-3.585 0.258 0 0 0 -1.65 4.54 0 0
-6.3468 0.3305 0 0 0 -1.65 4.55 0 0
0.4404 -0.3643 0 0 0 -1.69 4.55 0 0
3.1979 -0.4529 0 0 0 -1.69 4.54 0 0
-5.8396 0.2243 -4.5712 -5.8793 10.027 0.8 0.77 1.11 43.953
-6.223 -0.3215 -1.3087 -6.244 -3.743 0.8 1.16 1.41 55.402
-4.2062 -0.759 -0.7875 -4.3747 -12.518 0.94 1.16 1.5 50.949
-4.407 -0.2133 -4.2857 -4.782 -60.372 0.94 0.77 1.22 39.343
-6.2693 0.2313 -4.9901 -6.3111 10.249 0.91 0.73 1.17 38.483
-6.6109 -0.3322 -1.3782 -6.632 -3.633 0.91 1.17 1.48 52.053
-4.5747 -0.7804 -0.8615 -4.7387 -11.869 1.07 1.17 1.58 47.67
-4.9 -0.2169 -4.7663 -5.2518 -58.348 1.07 0.73 1.29 34.237
-6.3629 0.0691 -5.1821 -6.367 3.348 1.01 0.96 1.39 43.464
-6.6067 -0.1494 -1.2386 -6.6109 -1.594 1.01 1.38 1.71 53.728
-4.4319 -0.6053 -0.4849 -4.5247 -8.719 1.18 1.38 1.81 49.479
-4.8171 -0.3868 -4.5188 -5.3188 -52.365 1.18 0.96 1.52 39.137
-5.9922 -0.1075 -4.9328 -6.0031 -5.794 1.03 1.17 1.55 48.681
-6.1333 0.0543 -0.9903 -6.1339 0.605 1.03 1.52 1.83 55.985
-3.9329 -0.3825 -0.0169 -3.9703 -5.579 1.19 1.52 1.93 51.863
-4.3217 -0.5443 -3.8635 -4.9683 -49.91 1.19 1.17 1.67 44.356
-5.7703 0.2489 0 0 0 0.85 0.76 0 0
-6.1263 -0.2744 0 0 0 0.85 1.16 0 0
-4.1526 -0.6963 0 0 0 0.99 1.16 0 0
-4.4184 -0.1702 0 0 0 0.99 0.76 0 0
-5.8153 0.1843 0 0 0 0.81 0.65 0 0
-6.1327 -0.3473 0 0 0 0.81 1.05 0 0
-4.2659 -0.7666 0 0 0 0.95 1.05 0 0
-4.5352 -0.2379 0 0 0 0.95 0.65 0 0
-5.7554 0.2273 0 0 0 0.84 0.8 0 0
-6.1189 -0.2971 0 0 0 0.84 1.2 0 0
-4.0448 -0.7113 0 0 0 0.98 1.2 0 0
-4.2896 -0.1929 0 0 0 0.98 0.8 0 0
-5.8303 0.2059 0 0 0 0.82 0.6 0 0
-6.1401 -0.3246 0 0 0 0.82 1.01 0 0
-4.3737 -0.7517 0 0 0 0.96 1.01 0 0
-4.664 -0.2151 0 0 0 0.96 0.6 0 0
-3.9494 -0.18 -3.2342 -3.9947 -14.129 0.71 0.96 1.2 53.446
-4.0002 0.1586 -0.5361 -4.0075 2.622 0.71 1.16 1.36 58.465
-2.4246 -0.1386 0.2867 -2.4317 -2.926 0.83 1.16 1.43 54.458
-2.6744 -0.4773 -2.2593 -3.2232 -48.986 0.83 0.96 1.27 49.201
-3.7316 0.1765 0 0 0 0.54 0.55 0 0
-3.9973 -0.1703 0 0 0 0.54 0.8 0 0
-2.6473 -0.4528 0 0 0 0.63 0.8 0 0
-2.7746 -0.1033 0 0 0 0.63 0.55 0 0
-3.7765 0.1119 0 0 0 0.5 0.44 0 0
-4.0037 -0.2431 0 0 0 0.5 0.7 0 0
-2.7607 -0.5231 0 0 0 0.58 0.7 0 0
-2.8915 -0.171 0 0 0 0.58 0.44 0 0
-3.7166 0.1549 0 0 0 0.53 0.59 0 0
-3.9899 -0.1929 0 0 0 0.53 0.85 0 0
-2.5396 -0.4677 0 0 0 0.62 0.85 0 0
-2.6459 -0.126 0 0 0 0.62 0.59 0 0
-3.7915 0.1335 0 0 0 0.51 0.4 0 0
-4.0111 -0.2204 0 0 0 0.51 0.65 0 0
-2.8684 -0.5082 0 0 0 0.6 0.65 0 0
-3.0202 -0.1482 0 0 0 0.6 0.4 0 0
-9.8221 -0.5503 -6.3943 -9.9105 -9.12 2.51 7.23 7.66 70.854
-5.3773 -0.4276 -1.0675 -5.4197 -5.666 2.51 7.24 7.66 70.866
5.4176 0.6525 5.5488 2.172 78.632 2.58 7.24 7.68 70.396
0.9654 0.5299 1.0306 -3.3351 82.976 2.58 7.23 7.68 70.383
-10.7912 -0.615 -6.9914 -10.8907 -9.193 2.77 7.93 8.4 70.763
-5.8427 -0.3883 -1.1682 -5.875 -4.749 2.77 7.91 8.38 70.711
5.9068 0.8183 6.0966 2.3781 76.944 2.83 7.91 8.4 70.301
0.9931 0.5916 1.0695 -3.5898 82.644 2.83 7.93 8.42 70.354
-10.8273 -0.8793 -6.8631 -11.0224 -12.506 2.91 8.25 8.75 70.577
-5.7381 -0.1191 -0.7322 -5.7409 -1.363 2.91 8.21 8.71 70.479
6.1911 1.0832 6.5684 3.0818 70.792 2.99 8.21 8.73 70.002
1.1689 0.3231 1.1932 -3.12 85.692 2.99 8.25 8.77 70.102
-9.9918 -1.0909 -6.1517 -10.3017 -15.859 2.82 7.93 8.42 70.403
-5.1802 0.1581 -0.1731 -5.1852 1.809 2.82 7.88 8.37 70.274
6.0111 1.253 6.6378 3.5058 63.43 2.91 7.88 8.4 69.706
1.2838 0.004 1.2838 -2.4167 89.939 2.91 7.93 8.45 69.838
-9.8838 -0.508 0 0 0 2.57 7.35 0 0
-5.3342 -0.3265 0 0 0 2.57 7.33 0 0
5.5337 0.7743 0 0 0 2.63 7.33 0 0
0.9951 0.5934 0 0 0 2.63 7.35 0 0
-9.9099 -0.6138 0 0 0 2.51 7.21 0 0
-5.4211 -0.4337 0 0 0 2.51 7.2 0 0
5.3276 0.6671 0 0 0 2.56 7.2 0 0
0.8662 0.4862 0 0 0 2.56 7.21 0 0
-9.8643 -0.5377 0 0 0 2.57 7.38 0 0
-5.2495 -0.3632 0 0 0 2.57 7.38 0 0
5.7154 0.754 0 0 0 2.63 7.38 0 0
1.1108 0.5635 0 0 0 2.63 7.38 0 0
-9.9295 -0.5842 0 0 0 2.5 7.17 0 0
-5.5058 -0.397 0 0 0 2.5 7.16 0 0
5.1458 0.6873 0 0 0 2.56 7.16 0 0
0.7505 0.5161 0 0 0 2.56 7.17 0 0
-6.4016 -0.8833 -3.8106 -6.7027 -18.824 1.9 5.3 5.63 70.265
-3.2555 0.2634 0.2356 -3.2753 4.314 1.9 5.26 5.59 70.126
4.0592 0.951 4.6933 2.633 56.306 1.97 5.26 5.62 69.453
0.9732 -0.1957 0.9901 -1.2879 -85.054 1.97 5.3 5.65 69.595
-6.3012 -0.3008 0 0 0 1.64 4.72 0 0
-3.4134 -0.2213 0 0 0 1.64 4.72 0 0
3.5858 0.4731 0 0 0 1.69 4.72 0 0
0.6851 0.3942 0 0 0 1.69 4.72 0 0
-6.3273 -0.4066 0 0 0 1.58 4.58 0 0
-3.5003 -0.3285 0 0 0 1.58 4.58 0 0
3.3797 0.3659 0 0 0 1.62 4.58 0 0
0.5561 0.2871 0 0 0 1.62 4.58 0 0
-6.2816 -0.3305 0 0 0 1.65 4.75 0 0
-3.3287 -0.258 0 0 0 1.65 4.76 0 0
3.7676 0.4529 0 0 0 1.69 4.76 0 0
0.8007 0.3643 0 0 0 1.69 4.75 0 0
-6.3468 -0.377 0 0 0 1.58 4.55 0 0
-3.585 -0.2918 0 0 0 1.58 4.54 0 0
3.1979 0.3861 0 0 0 1.62 4.54 0 0
0.4404 0.317 0 0 0 1.62 4.55 0 0

13.9921 1.253 13.9945 5.0444 89.95 2.99 12.15 12.21 175.381

-10.8273 -1.253 -7.081 -11.0224 -89.95 -2.83 -12.15 0 -175.381
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Balok B1 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 97.9868 kN. m Comb 1
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -149.8077 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 109.244 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = 97.792 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi balok (h) = 0.6 m
Lebar balok (bw) = 0.4 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.016 m
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 -
= 0.544 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.6 - 0.544
= 0.056 m
Cb = 0.003

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . =
= 1034.713
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

1034.713 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x
1034.713 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 1034.713

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1248584922

ρ2 = 0.0026415078

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . be . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 761.6000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 761.6000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.02 ^2

Jt = 3.7898089172

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 4

Dengan nilai As = 803.840 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρakt As
= perlu

bw x dakt

= 761.6000 = 0.0035522388
0.4000 x 0.5360
ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600
fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.0270000000

0.0035 < 0.0035522388 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 4 x 0.016

4 - 1

= 0.093

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.093 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 400 x a = 803.840 x 400

a = 31.523 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 400 x 31.523 x 544

= 169847672.27
Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 169847672.27

= 135.88 > 97.99 ………....OK

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Lapangan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 97.987 = 122.484 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003 x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 x 544.0 = 326.40 mm

0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.400 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.850 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.800 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0.000

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.500 a

= 1997568 x 544.0 - 0.500 x 195.840 = 891075133.

= 891.075 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 122.484

A.3 Menghitung Tulangan Sengkang Lapangan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 803.840 = 0.003694118
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

97.792 x 0.544 = 0.5429 < 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 0.24067 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 177744.9485 < 357553.28554

Vc = 177.745 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.71419


Vc = 198.64071419 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 177.7449485 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 177.7449

= 53.323 kN
1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
53.323 < 97.792
Karna 1/2 Ø Vc < Vu, maka PERLU TULANGAN GESER

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 97.792
- Vc = - 177.744948497
Ø 0.6

= -14.758 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.48 x 400 x 544 = 397281.42838 N


= 397.281 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.0 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x

Vs 14758.282

= 1481.50 mm

Karna Smax > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.20 meter

A.4 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . 149.8077
= = 1581.927
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

1581.927 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x
1581.927 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 1581.927

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1234142553

ρ2 = 0.0040857447

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0040857447

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . bw . d

As perlu = 0.0040857447 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 889.0580 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 889.0580
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 4.4240547611

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 5

Dengan nilai As = 1004.800 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

ρakt = As perlu

bw x dakt
= 889.0580 = 0.004146726
400 x 536

ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.02700

0.004085745 < 0.004146726 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 5 x 0.016

5 - 1

= 0.066

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.066 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 400 x a = 1004.800 x 400

a = 39.404 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 400 x 39.404 x 544

= 210725867.92

Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 210725867.92

= 168.58 > 149.81 ………....OK

A.5 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Tumpuan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 149.808 = 187.260 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003
x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 = 326.40 mm
x 544.0
0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.40 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.85 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.80 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400
ΣM = 0

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.50 a

= 1997568.00 x 544.0 - 0.50 x 195.840 = 891075133

= 891.08 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 187.260

A.6 Menghitung Tulangan Geser Tumpuan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1004.800 = 0.004617647
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

109.244 x 0.544 = 0.3967 < 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 0.21982 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 177096.68594 < 357553.28554

Vc = 177.097 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.71419 N


Vc = 198.64071419 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 177.09668594 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 177.0967
= 53.129 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
53.129 > 0


Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 109.244
- Vc = - 177.097
Ø 0.6

= 4.977 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.48 x 400 x 544 = 397281.42838 N


= 397.281 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.0 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

S = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x
Vs 4976.647

= 4393.41 mm

Karna S > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 4.30 m


0.5 0.016


3137254.9 x 1034.713 ) ^0.5


- 31.523
1997568 N


x 400 x 544

engkang :
2 potongan)



3137254.9 x 1581.927 ) ^0.5


- 39.404

1997568 N


x 400 x 544

engkang :

2 potongan)

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 40 mm
Lebar balok (bw) = 400 mm
Lebar Kolom (bw) = 400 mm
Diameter tulangan lentur (ØDL) = 16 mm
Jumlah tulangan lentur (JDL) = 5
Diameter tulangan tekan (ØDT) = 16 mm
Jumlah tulangan tekan (JDT) = 2
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 8 mm
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400 Mpa
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30 Mpa
Faktor lokasi tulangan (Ѱt) = 1.0
Faktor lapisan tulangan (Ѱe) = 1.0

A.1 Menghitung Penyaluran Tulangan Tarik

Menghitung jarak tulangan bersih :

S = bw - ts - (2 x Øs) - (JDL x ØDL)

JDL - 1

= 400 - 40 - 16 - 16 x 5

= 66 mm

Jarak bersih tulangan lebih BESAR dari 2ØDL dan Selimut beton BESAR dari ØDL

Kontrol faktor kelebihan tulangan :

Rs = As perlu
As terpasang

= 889.058 = 0.885

Maka :
ld = fy x Ѱt x Ѱe x ØDL x Rs

2,1 x f'c

= 400 x 1.0 x 1.0 x 16 x 0.885

2.1 x 30

= 492.32 mm

Karena Panjang penyaluran lebih BESAR dari panjang penyaluran minimum, Maka :
ld = 492.323 mm

Karena panjang penyaluran lebih BESAR dari lebar kolom, Maka :

ldh = 0,24 x fy x Ѱe x ØDL


= 0.24 x 400 x 1.0 x 16


= 280.43 mm

A.2 Menghitung Penyaluran Tulangan Tekan

Menghitung jarak tulangan bersih :

S = bw - ts - (2 x Øs) - (JDT x ØDT)

JDT - 1

= 400 - 40 - 16 - 2 x 16

= 312 mm

Jarak bersih tulangan lebih BESAR dari 2ØDL dan Selimut beton BESAR dari ØDL

Kontrol faktor kelebihan tulangan :

Rs = As perlu
As terpasang

= 0.000 = #DIV/0!
Maka ldc harus lebih besar dari nilai berikut, tetapi tidak boleh kurang dari 200 mm :
ldc = 0,24 x fy x ØDT


= 0.24 x 400 x 16

= 51.20 mm


ldc = 0,043 x fy x ØDT

= 0.043 x 400 x 16

= 275.20 mm

Maka ldc : 276 mm

eh kurang dari 200 mm :
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m

2 1.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -20.166 -3.458E-15 -4.1945

2 2 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -15.713 -3.458E-15 -4.1945
2 2.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -11.26 -3.458E-15 -4.1945
2 3 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -6.806 -3.458E-15 -4.1945
2 3 COMB1 Combination -5.144 6.806 -3.458E-15 4.1945
2 3.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 11.26 -3.458E-15 4.1945
2 4 COMB1 Combination -5.144 15.713 -3.458E-15 4.1945
2 4.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 20.166 -3.458E-15 4.1945
2 1.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -21.852 -3.844E-15 -5.0295
2 2 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -18.034 -3.844E-15 -5.0295
2 2.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -14.217 -3.844E-15 -5.0295
2 3 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -10.4 -3.844E-15 -5.0295
2 3 COMB2 Combination -5.383 10.4 -3.878E-15 5.0295
2 3.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 14.217 -3.878E-15 5.0295
2 4 COMB2 Combination -5.383 18.034 -3.878E-15 5.0295
2 4.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 21.852 -3.878E-15 5.0295
2 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -19.655 -0.197 -5.0774
2 2 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -15.838 -0.197 -5.0774
2 2.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -12.02 -0.197 -5.0774
2 3 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -8.203 -0.197 -5.0774
2 3 COMB3 Combination -7.676 12.568 -0.197 4.9711
2 3.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 16.385 -0.197 4.9711
2 4 COMB3 Combination -7.676 20.202 -0.197 4.9711
2 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 24.019 -0.197 4.9711
2 1.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -15.78 -0.394 -4.5983
2 2 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -11.963 -0.394 -4.5983
2 2.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -8.146 -0.394 -4.5983
2 3 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -4.328 -0.394 -4.5983
2 3 COMB4 Combination -9.611 13.058 -0.394 4.3858
2 3.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 16.875 -0.394 4.3858
2 4 COMB4 Combination -9.611 20.692 -0.394 4.3858
2 4.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 24.509 -0.394 4.3858
2 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -19.695 0.146 -4.4355
2 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -15.878 0.146 -4.4355
2 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -12.061 0.146 -4.4355
2 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -8.243 0.146 -4.4355
2 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 9.114 0.146 4.5422
2 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 12.931 0.146 4.5422
2 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 16.748 0.146 4.5422
2 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 20.565 0.146 4.5422
2 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -20.565 -0.146 -4.5422
2 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -16.748 -0.146 -4.5422
2 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -12.931 -0.146 -4.5422
2 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -9.114 -0.146 -4.5422
2 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 8.243 -0.146 4.4355
2 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 12.061 -0.146 4.4355
2 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 15.878 -0.146 4.4355
2 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 19.695 -0.146 4.4355
2 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -19.997 0.091 -4.315
2 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -16.18 0.091 -4.315
2 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -12.363 0.091 -4.315
2 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -8.545 0.091 -4.315
2 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 8.812 0.091 4.6626
2 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 12.629 0.091 4.6626
2 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 16.446 0.091 4.6626
2 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 20.263 0.091 4.6626
2 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -20.263 -0.091 -4.6626
2 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -16.446 -0.091 -4.6626
2 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -12.629 -0.091 -4.6626
2 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -8.812 -0.091 -4.6626
2 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 8.545 -0.091 4.315
2 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 12.363 -0.091 4.315
2 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 16.18 -0.091 4.315
2 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 19.997 -0.091 4.315
2 1.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -8.599 -0.394 -2.8013
2 2 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -5.736 -0.394 -2.8013
2 2.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -2.874 -0.394 -2.8013
2 3 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -0.011 -0.394 -2.8013
2 3 COMB7 Combination -7.898 8.74 -0.394 2.5888
2 3.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 11.603 -0.394 2.5888
2 4 COMB7 Combination -7.898 14.466 -0.394 2.5888
2 4.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 17.329 -0.394 2.5888
2 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -12.529 0.146 -2.6431
2 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -9.666 0.146 -2.6431
2 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -6.803 0.146 -2.6431
2 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -3.94 0.146 -2.6431
2 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 4.811 0.146 2.7498
2 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 7.673 0.146 2.7498
2 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 10.536 0.146 2.7498
2 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 13.399 0.146 2.7498
2 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -13.399 -0.146 -2.7498
2 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -10.536 -0.146 -2.7498
2 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -7.673 -0.146 -2.7498
2 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -4.811 -0.146 -2.7498
2 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 3.94 -0.146 2.6431
2 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 6.803 -0.146 2.6431
2 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 9.666 -0.146 2.6431
2 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 12.529 -0.146 2.6431
2 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -12.831 0.091 -2.5226
2 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -9.968 0.091 -2.5226
2 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -7.105 0.091 -2.5226
2 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -4.242 0.091 -2.5226
2 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 4.509 0.091 2.8703
2 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 7.371 0.091 2.8703
2 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 10.234 0.091 2.8703
2 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 13.097 0.091 2.8703
2 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -13.097 -0.091 -2.8703
2 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -10.234 -0.091 -2.8703
2 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -7.371 -0.091 -2.8703
2 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -4.509 -0.091 -2.8703
2 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 4.242 -0.091 2.5226
2 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 7.105 -0.091 2.5226
2 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 9.968 -0.091 2.5226
2 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 12.831 -0.091 2.5226
8 1.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -20.166 -5.44E-16 4.1945
8 2 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -15.713 -5.44E-16 4.1945
8 2.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -11.26 -5.44E-16 4.1945
8 3 COMB1 Combination -5.144 -6.806 -5.44E-16 4.1945
8 3 COMB1 Combination -5.144 6.806 -4.274E-16 -4.1945
8 3.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 11.26 -4.274E-16 -4.1945
8 4 COMB1 Combination -5.144 15.713 -4.274E-16 -4.1945
8 4.5 COMB1 Combination -5.144 20.166 -4.274E-16 -4.1945
8 1.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -21.852 -3.201E-17 5.0295
8 2 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -18.034 -3.201E-17 5.0295
8 2.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -14.217 -3.201E-17 5.0295
8 3 COMB2 Combination -5.383 -10.4 -3.201E-17 5.0295
8 3 COMB2 Combination -5.383 10.4 9.02E-17 -5.0295
8 3.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 14.217 9.02E-17 -5.0295
8 4 COMB2 Combination -5.383 18.034 9.02E-17 -5.0295
8 4.5 COMB2 Combination -5.383 21.852 9.02E-17 -5.0295
8 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -19.655 0.197 5.0774
8 2 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -15.838 0.197 5.0774
8 2.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -12.02 0.197 5.0774
8 3 COMB3 Combination -7.676 -8.203 0.197 5.0774
8 3 COMB3 Combination -7.676 12.568 0.197 -4.9711
8 3.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 16.385 0.197 -4.9711
8 4 COMB3 Combination -7.676 20.202 0.197 -4.9711
8 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.676 24.019 0.197 -4.9711
8 1.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -15.78 0.394 4.5983
8 2 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -11.963 0.394 4.5983
8 2.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -8.146 0.394 4.5983
8 3 COMB4 Combination -9.611 -4.328 0.394 4.5983
8 3 COMB4 Combination -9.611 13.058 0.394 -4.3858
8 3.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 16.875 0.394 -4.3858
8 4 COMB4 Combination -9.611 20.692 0.394 -4.3858
8 4.5 COMB4 Combination -9.611 24.509 0.394 -4.3858
8 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -19.695 0.146 4.5422
8 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -15.878 0.146 4.5422
8 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -12.061 0.146 4.5422
8 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 -8.243 0.146 4.5422
8 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 9.114 0.146 -4.4355
8 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 12.931 0.146 -4.4355
8 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 16.748 0.146 -4.4355
8 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -4.94 20.565 0.146 -4.4355
8 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -20.565 -0.146 4.4355
8 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -16.748 -0.146 4.4355
8 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -12.931 -0.146 4.4355
8 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 -9.114 -0.146 4.4355
8 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 8.243 -0.146 -4.5422
8 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 12.061 -0.146 -4.5422
8 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 15.878 -0.146 -4.5422
8 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -5.092 19.695 -0.146 -4.5422
8 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -19.997 0.091 4.6626
8 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -16.18 0.091 4.6626
8 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -12.363 0.091 4.6626
8 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 -8.545 0.091 4.6626
8 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 8.812 0.091 -4.315
8 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 12.629 0.091 -4.315
8 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 16.446 0.091 -4.315
8 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -4.953 20.263 0.091 -4.315
8 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -20.263 -0.091 4.315
8 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -16.446 -0.091 4.315
8 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -12.629 -0.091 4.315
8 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 -8.812 -0.091 4.315
8 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 8.545 -0.091 -4.6626
8 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 12.363 -0.091 -4.6626
8 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 16.18 -0.091 -4.6626
8 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -5.079 19.997 -0.091 -4.6626
8 1.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -8.599 0.394 2.8013
8 2 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -5.736 0.394 2.8013
8 2.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -2.874 0.394 2.8013
8 3 COMB7 Combination -7.898 -0.011 0.394 2.8013
8 3 COMB7 Combination -7.898 8.74 0.394 -2.5888
8 3.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 11.603 0.394 -2.5888
8 4 COMB7 Combination -7.898 14.466 0.394 -2.5888
8 4.5 COMB7 Combination -7.898 17.329 0.394 -2.5888
8 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -12.529 0.146 2.7498
8 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -9.666 0.146 2.7498
8 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -6.803 0.146 2.7498
8 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 -3.94 0.146 2.7498
8 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 4.811 0.146 -2.6431
8 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 7.673 0.146 -2.6431
8 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 10.536 0.146 -2.6431
8 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -3.231 13.399 0.146 -2.6431
8 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -13.399 -0.146 2.6431
8 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -10.536 -0.146 2.6431
8 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -7.673 -0.146 2.6431
8 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 -4.811 -0.146 2.6431
8 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 3.94 -0.146 -2.7498
8 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 6.803 -0.146 -2.7498
8 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 9.666 -0.146 -2.7498
8 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -3.383 12.529 -0.146 -2.7498
8 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -12.831 0.091 2.8703
8 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -9.968 0.091 2.8703
8 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -7.105 0.091 2.8703
8 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 -4.242 0.091 2.8703
8 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 4.509 0.091 -2.5226
8 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 7.371 0.091 -2.5226
8 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 10.234 0.091 -2.5226
8 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -3.244 13.097 0.091 -2.5226
8 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -13.097 -0.091 2.5226
8 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -10.234 -0.091 2.5226
8 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -7.371 -0.091 2.5226
8 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 -4.509 -0.091 2.5226
8 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 4.242 -0.091 -2.8703
8 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 7.105 -0.091 -2.8703
8 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 9.968 -0.091 -2.8703
8 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -3.37 12.831 -0.091 -2.8703
10 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -61.24 -0.027 0.8584
10 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -25.932 -0.027 -4.0376
10 2 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -21.478 -0.027 -4.0376
10 2.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -17.025 -0.027 -4.0376
10 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -12.572 -0.027 -4.0376
10 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 40.412 0.02 -1.2859
10 3.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 44.866 0.02 -1.2859
10 4 COMB1 Combination -7.449 49.319 0.02 -1.2859
10 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 53.773 0.02 -1.2859
10 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 89.042 0.02 -1.1554
10 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -67.673 -0.028 1.6223
10 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -25.659 -0.028 -4.1688
10 2 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -21.842 -0.028 -4.1688
10 2.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -18.024 -0.028 -4.1688
10 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -14.207 -0.028 -4.1688
10 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 44.194 0.021 -1.476
10 3.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 48.011 0.021 -1.476
10 4 COMB2 Combination -8.001 51.828 0.021 -1.476
10 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 55.645 0.021 -1.476
10 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 97.622 0.021 -1.4025
10 1.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 -66.526 0.396 -0.3789
10 1.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 -24.618 0.396 -5.5095
10 2 COMB3 Combination -8.159 -20.8 0.396 -5.5095
10 2.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 -16.983 0.396 -5.5095
10 3 COMB3 Combination -8.159 -13.166 0.396 -5.5095
10 3 COMB3 Combination -8.571 43.966 0.472 -1.2774
10 3.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 47.783 0.472 -1.2774
10 4 COMB3 Combination -8.571 51.6 0.472 -1.2774
10 4.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 55.418 0.472 -1.2774
10 4.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 97.316 0.472 -1.0393
10 1.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 -59.801 0.822 -2.7059
10 1.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 -22.315 0.822 -6.5901
10 2 COMB4 Combination -7.723 -18.498 0.822 -6.5901
10 2.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 -14.681 0.822 -6.5901
10 3 COMB4 Combination -7.723 -10.864 0.822 -6.5901
10 3 COMB4 Combination -8.548 40.227 0.921 -0.9414
10 3.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 44.045 0.921 -0.9414
10 4 COMB4 Combination -8.548 47.862 0.921 -0.9414
10 4.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 51.679 0.921 -0.9414
10 4.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 89.184 0.921 -0.5247
10 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.211 -61.589 0.372 1.6856
10 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -24.01 0.22 -3.6339
10 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -20.193 0.22 -3.6339
10 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -16.376 0.22 -3.6339
10 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -12.559 0.22 -3.6339
10 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 40.885 0.089 -1.2924
10 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 44.702 0.089 -1.2924
10 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 48.519 0.089 -1.2924
10 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 52.336 0.089 -1.2924
10 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.133 89.886 0.244 -1.1729
10 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.573 -62.31 -0.425 0.8905
10 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -24.72 -0.272 -4.1699
10 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -20.903 -0.272 -4.1699
10 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -17.086 -0.272 -4.1699
10 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -13.268 -0.272 -4.1699
10 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 40.299 -0.05 -1.3777
10 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 44.116 -0.05 -1.3777
10 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 47.933 -0.05 -1.3777
10 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 51.751 -0.05 -1.3777
10 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.651 89.298 -0.205 -1.3214
10 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -6.996 -60.994 0.111 1.436
10 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -23.4 0.073 -3.7773
10 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -19.583 0.073 -3.7773
10 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -15.766 0.073 -3.7773
10 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -11.948 0.073 -3.7773
10 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 41.556 0.078 -1.2892
10 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 45.373 0.078 -1.2892
10 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 49.19 0.078 -1.2892
10 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 53.007 0.078 -1.2892
10 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.141 90.555 0.106 -1.2114
10 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.788 -62.905 -0.163 1.1402
10 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -25.33 -0.126 -4.0265
10 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -21.513 -0.126 -4.0265
10 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -17.696 -0.126 -4.0265
10 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -13.879 -0.126 -4.0265
10 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 39.628 -0.039 -1.3809
10 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 43.445 -0.039 -1.3809
10 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 47.262 -0.039 -1.3809
10 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 51.079 -0.039 -1.3809
10 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.643 88.629 -0.067 -1.2829
10 1.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 -37.172 0.831 -3.445
10 1.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 -14.61 0.831 -5.2816
10 2 COMB7 Combination -5.114 -11.747 0.831 -5.2816
10 2.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 -8.884 0.831 -5.2816
10 3 COMB7 Combination -5.114 -6.021 0.831 -5.2816
10 3 COMB7 Combination -5.939 25.585 0.915 -0.4318
10 3.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 28.448 0.915 -0.4318
10 4 COMB7 Combination -5.939 31.31 0.915 -0.4318
10 4.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 34.173 0.915 -0.4318
10 4.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 56.765 0.915 -0.019
10 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.608 -39.008 0.381 0.9494
10 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -16.316 0.229 -2.3276
10 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -13.453 0.229 -2.3276
10 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -10.59 0.229 -2.3276
10 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -7.727 0.229 -2.3276
10 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 26.272 0.083 -0.784
10 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 29.135 0.083 -0.784
10 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 31.998 0.083 -0.784
10 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 34.861 0.083 -0.784
10 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.53 57.535 0.238 -0.6685
10 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.97 -39.729 -0.416 0.1543
10 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -17.025 -0.263 -2.8636
10 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -14.162 -0.263 -2.8636
10 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -11.3 -0.263 -2.8636
10 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -8.437 -0.263 -2.8636
10 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 25.686 -0.057 -0.8693
10 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 28.549 -0.057 -0.8693
10 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 31.412 -0.057 -0.8693
10 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 34.275 -0.057 -0.8693
10 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.048 56.947 -0.212 -0.817
10 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.393 -38.413 0.12 0.6997
10 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -15.705 0.082 -2.4711
10 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -12.842 0.082 -2.4711
10 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -9.98 0.082 -2.4711
10 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -7.117 0.082 -2.4711
10 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 26.943 0.071 -0.7808
10 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 29.806 0.071 -0.7808
10 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 32.669 0.071 -0.7808
10 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 35.532 0.071 -0.7808
10 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.538 58.204 0.1 -0.707
10 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.185 -40.324 -0.154 0.4039
10 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -17.636 -0.117 -2.7202
10 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -14.773 -0.117 -2.7202
10 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -11.91 -0.117 -2.7202
10 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -9.047 -0.117 -2.7202
10 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 25.015 -0.046 -0.8725
10 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 27.878 -0.046 -0.8725
10 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 30.741 -0.046 -0.8725
10 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 33.604 -0.046 -0.8725
10 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.04 56.278 -0.074 -0.7785
11 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -89.042 -0.02 1.1554
11 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -53.773 -0.02 1.2859
11 2 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -49.319 -0.02 1.2859
11 2.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -44.866 -0.02 1.2859
11 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -40.412 -0.02 1.2859
11 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 12.572 0.027 4.0376
11 3.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 17.025 0.027 4.0376
11 4 COMB1 Combination -7.449 21.478 0.027 4.0376
11 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 25.932 0.027 4.0376
11 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 61.24 0.027 -0.8584
11 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -97.622 -0.021 1.4025
11 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -55.645 -0.021 1.476
11 2 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -51.828 -0.021 1.476
11 2.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -48.011 -0.021 1.476
11 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -44.194 -0.021 1.476
11 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 14.207 0.028 4.1688
11 3.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 18.024 0.028 4.1688
11 4 COMB2 Combination -8.001 21.842 0.028 4.1688
11 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 25.659 0.028 4.1688
11 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 67.673 0.028 -1.6223
11 1.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 -97.316 -0.472 1.0393
11 1.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 -55.418 -0.472 1.2774
11 2 COMB3 Combination -8.571 -51.6 -0.472 1.2774
11 2.5 COMB3 Combination -8.571 -47.783 -0.472 1.2774
11 3 COMB3 Combination -8.571 -43.966 -0.472 1.2774
11 3 COMB3 Combination -8.159 13.166 -0.396 5.5095
11 3.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 16.983 -0.396 5.5095
11 4 COMB3 Combination -8.159 20.8 -0.396 5.5095
11 4.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 24.618 -0.396 5.5095
11 4.5 COMB3 Combination -8.159 66.526 -0.396 0.3789
11 1.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 -89.184 -0.921 0.5247
11 1.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 -51.679 -0.921 0.9414
11 2 COMB4 Combination -8.548 -47.862 -0.921 0.9414
11 2.5 COMB4 Combination -8.548 -44.045 -0.921 0.9414
11 3 COMB4 Combination -8.548 -40.227 -0.921 0.9414
11 3 COMB4 Combination -7.723 10.864 -0.822 6.5901
11 3.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 14.681 -0.822 6.5901
11 4 COMB4 Combination -7.723 18.498 -0.822 6.5901
11 4.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 22.315 -0.822 6.5901
11 4.5 COMB4 Combination -7.723 59.801 -0.822 2.7059
11 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.133 -89.298 0.205 1.3214
11 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -51.751 0.05 1.3777
11 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -47.933 0.05 1.3777
11 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -44.116 0.05 1.3777
11 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -40.299 0.05 1.3777
11 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 13.268 0.272 4.1699
11 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 17.086 0.272 4.1699
11 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 20.903 0.272 4.1699
11 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 24.72 0.272 4.1699
11 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.211 62.31 0.425 -0.8905
11 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.651 -89.886 -0.244 1.1729
11 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -52.336 -0.089 1.2924
11 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -48.519 -0.089 1.2924
11 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -44.702 -0.089 1.2924
11 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -40.885 -0.089 1.2924
11 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 12.559 -0.22 3.6339
11 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 16.376 -0.22 3.6339
11 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 20.193 -0.22 3.6339
11 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 24.01 -0.22 3.6339
11 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.573 61.589 -0.372 -1.6856
11 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.141 -88.629 0.067 1.2829
11 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -51.079 0.039 1.3809
11 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -47.262 0.039 1.3809
11 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -43.445 0.039 1.3809
11 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -39.628 0.039 1.3809
11 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 13.879 0.126 4.0265
11 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 17.696 0.126 4.0265
11 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 21.513 0.126 4.0265
11 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 25.33 0.126 4.0265
11 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -6.996 62.905 0.163 -1.1402
11 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.643 -90.555 -0.106 1.2114
11 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -53.007 -0.078 1.2892
11 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -49.19 -0.078 1.2892
11 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -45.373 -0.078 1.2892
11 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -41.556 -0.078 1.2892
11 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 11.948 -0.073 3.7773
11 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 15.766 -0.073 3.7773
11 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 19.583 -0.073 3.7773
11 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 23.4 -0.073 3.7773
11 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.788 60.994 -0.111 -1.436
11 1.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 -56.765 -0.915 0.019
11 1.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 -34.173 -0.915 0.4318
11 2 COMB7 Combination -5.939 -31.31 -0.915 0.4318
11 2.5 COMB7 Combination -5.939 -28.448 -0.915 0.4318
11 3 COMB7 Combination -5.939 -25.585 -0.915 0.4318
11 3 COMB7 Combination -5.114 6.021 -0.831 5.2816
11 3.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 8.884 -0.831 5.2816
11 4 COMB7 Combination -5.114 11.747 -0.831 5.2816
11 4.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 14.61 -0.831 5.2816
11 4.5 COMB7 Combination -5.114 37.172 -0.831 3.445
11 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.53 -56.947 0.212 0.817
11 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -34.275 0.057 0.8693
11 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -31.412 0.057 0.8693
11 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -28.549 0.057 0.8693
11 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -25.686 0.057 0.8693
11 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 8.437 0.263 2.8636
11 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 11.3 0.263 2.8636
11 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 14.162 0.263 2.8636
11 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 17.025 0.263 2.8636
11 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.608 39.729 0.416 -0.1543
11 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.048 -57.535 -0.238 0.6685
11 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -34.861 -0.083 0.784
11 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -31.998 -0.083 0.784
11 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -29.135 -0.083 0.784
11 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -26.272 -0.083 0.784
11 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 7.727 -0.229 2.3276
11 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 10.59 -0.229 2.3276
11 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 13.453 -0.229 2.3276
11 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 16.316 -0.229 2.3276
11 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.97 39.008 -0.381 -0.9494
11 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.538 -56.278 0.074 0.7785
11 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -33.604 0.046 0.8725
11 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -30.741 0.046 0.8725
11 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -27.878 0.046 0.8725
11 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -25.015 0.046 0.8725
11 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 9.047 0.117 2.7202
11 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 11.91 0.117 2.7202
11 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 14.773 0.117 2.7202
11 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 17.636 0.117 2.7202
11 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.393 40.324 0.154 -0.4039
11 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.04 -58.204 -0.1 0.707
11 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -35.532 -0.071 0.7808
11 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -32.669 -0.071 0.7808
11 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -29.806 -0.071 0.7808
11 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -26.943 -0.071 0.7808
11 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 7.117 -0.082 2.4711
11 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 9.98 -0.082 2.4711
11 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 12.842 -0.082 2.4711
11 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 15.705 -0.082 2.4711
11 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.185 38.413 -0.12 -0.6997
12 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -61.24 0.027 -0.8584
12 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -25.932 0.027 4.0376
12 2 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -21.478 0.027 4.0376
12 2.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -17.025 0.027 4.0376
12 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -12.572 0.027 4.0376
12 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 40.412 -0.02 1.2859
12 3.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 44.866 -0.02 1.2859
12 4 COMB1 Combination -7.449 49.319 -0.02 1.2859
12 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 53.773 -0.02 1.2859
12 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 89.042 -0.02 1.1554
12 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -67.673 0.028 -1.6223
12 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -25.659 0.028 4.1688
12 2 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -21.842 0.028 4.1688
12 2.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -18.024 0.028 4.1688
12 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -14.207 0.028 4.1688
12 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 44.194 -0.021 1.476
12 3.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 48.011 -0.021 1.476
12 4 COMB2 Combination -8.001 51.828 -0.021 1.476
12 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 55.645 -0.021 1.476
12 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 97.622 -0.021 1.4025
12 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 -68.723 0.478 -3.6137
12 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 -26.679 0.478 2.8268
12 2 COMB3 Combination -7.833 -22.861 0.478 2.8268
12 2.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 -19.044 0.478 2.8268
12 3 COMB3 Combination -7.833 -15.227 0.478 2.8268
12 3 COMB3 Combination -7.421 44.361 0.403 1.6725
12 3.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 48.178 0.403 1.6725
12 4 COMB3 Combination -7.421 51.995 0.403 1.6725
12 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 55.812 0.403 1.6725
12 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 97.792 0.403 1.7629
12 1.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 -64.195 0.927 -5.2794
12 1.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 -26.437 0.927 1.2246
12 2 COMB4 Combination -7.071 -22.62 0.927 1.2246
12 2.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 -18.803 0.927 1.2246
12 3 COMB4 Combination -7.071 -14.986 0.927 1.2246
12 3 COMB4 Combination -6.247 41.017 0.828 1.7317
12 3.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 44.834 0.828 1.7317
12 4 COMB4 Combination -6.247 48.651 0.828 1.7317
12 4.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 52.469 0.828 1.7317
12 4.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 90.136 0.828 1.972
12 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.211 -61.589 0.425 -0.8905
12 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -24.01 0.272 4.1699
12 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -20.193 0.272 4.1699
12 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -16.376 0.272 4.1699
12 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 -12.559 0.272 4.1699
12 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 40.885 0.05 1.3777
12 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 44.702 0.05 1.3777
12 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 48.519 0.05 1.3777
12 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 52.336 0.05 1.3777
12 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.133 89.886 0.205 1.3214
12 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.573 -62.31 -0.372 -1.6856
12 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -24.72 -0.22 3.6339
12 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -20.903 -0.22 3.6339
12 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -17.086 -0.22 3.6339
12 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 -13.268 -0.22 3.6339
12 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 40.299 -0.089 1.2924
12 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 44.116 -0.089 1.2924
12 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 47.933 -0.089 1.2924
12 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 51.751 -0.089 1.2924
12 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.651 89.298 -0.244 1.1729
12 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -6.996 -60.994 0.163 -1.1402
12 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -23.4 0.126 4.0265
12 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -19.583 0.126 4.0265
12 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -15.766 0.126 4.0265
12 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 -11.948 0.126 4.0265
12 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 41.556 0.039 1.3809
12 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 45.373 0.039 1.3809
12 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 49.19 0.039 1.3809
12 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 53.007 0.039 1.3809
12 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.141 90.555 0.067 1.2829
12 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.788 -62.905 -0.111 -1.436
12 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -25.33 -0.073 3.7773
12 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -21.513 -0.073 3.7773
12 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -17.696 -0.073 3.7773
12 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 -13.879 -0.073 3.7773
12 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 39.628 -0.078 1.2892
12 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 43.445 -0.078 1.2892
12 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 47.262 -0.078 1.2892
12 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 51.079 -0.078 1.2892
12 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.643 88.629 -0.106 1.2114
12 1.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 -41.566 0.918 -4.5403
12 1.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 -18.732 0.918 -0.0839
12 2 COMB7 Combination -4.463 -15.869 0.918 -0.0839
12 2.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 -13.006 0.918 -0.0839
12 3 COMB7 Combination -4.463 -10.143 0.918 -0.0839
12 3 COMB7 Combination -3.638 26.374 0.835 1.2221
12 3.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 29.237 0.835 1.2221
12 4 COMB7 Combination -3.638 32.1 0.835 1.2221
12 4.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 34.963 0.835 1.2221
12 4.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 57.717 0.835 1.4663
12 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.608 -39.008 0.416 -0.1543
12 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -16.316 0.263 2.8636
12 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -13.453 0.263 2.8636
12 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -10.59 0.263 2.8636
12 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 -7.727 0.263 2.8636
12 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 26.272 0.057 0.8693
12 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 29.135 0.057 0.8693
12 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 31.998 0.057 0.8693
12 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 34.861 0.057 0.8693
12 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.53 57.535 0.212 0.817
12 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.97 -39.729 -0.381 -0.9494
12 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -17.025 -0.229 2.3276
12 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -14.162 -0.229 2.3276
12 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -11.3 -0.229 2.3276
12 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 -8.437 -0.229 2.3276
12 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 25.686 -0.083 0.784
12 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 28.549 -0.083 0.784
12 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 31.412 -0.083 0.784
12 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 34.275 -0.083 0.784
12 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.048 56.947 -0.238 0.6685
12 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.393 -38.413 0.154 -0.4039
12 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -15.705 0.117 2.7202
12 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -12.842 0.117 2.7202
12 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -9.98 0.117 2.7202
12 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 -7.117 0.117 2.7202
12 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 26.943 0.046 0.8725
12 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 29.806 0.046 0.8725
12 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 32.669 0.046 0.8725
12 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 35.532 0.046 0.8725
12 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.538 58.204 0.074 0.7785
12 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.185 -40.324 -0.12 -0.6997
12 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -17.636 -0.082 2.4711
12 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -14.773 -0.082 2.4711
12 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -11.91 -0.082 2.4711
12 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 -9.047 -0.082 2.4711
12 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 25.015 -0.071 0.7808
12 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 27.878 -0.071 0.7808
12 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 30.741 -0.071 0.7808
12 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 33.604 -0.071 0.7808
12 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.04 56.278 -0.1 0.707
13 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -89.042 0.02 -1.1554
13 1.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -53.773 0.02 -1.2859
13 2 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -49.319 0.02 -1.2859
13 2.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -44.866 0.02 -1.2859
13 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 -40.412 0.02 -1.2859
13 3 COMB1 Combination -7.449 12.572 -0.027 -4.0376
13 3.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 17.025 -0.027 -4.0376
13 4 COMB1 Combination -7.449 21.478 -0.027 -4.0376
13 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 25.932 -0.027 -4.0376
13 4.5 COMB1 Combination -7.449 61.24 -0.027 0.8584
13 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -97.622 0.021 -1.4025
13 1.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -55.645 0.021 -1.476
13 2 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -51.828 0.021 -1.476
13 2.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -48.011 0.021 -1.476
13 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 -44.194 0.021 -1.476
13 3 COMB2 Combination -8.001 14.207 -0.028 -4.1688
13 3.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 18.024 -0.028 -4.1688
13 4 COMB2 Combination -8.001 21.842 -0.028 -4.1688
13 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 25.659 -0.028 -4.1688
13 4.5 COMB2 Combination -8.001 67.673 -0.028 1.6223
13 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 -97.792 -0.403 -1.7629
13 1.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 -55.812 -0.403 -1.6725
13 2 COMB3 Combination -7.421 -51.995 -0.403 -1.6725
13 2.5 COMB3 Combination -7.421 -48.178 -0.403 -1.6725
13 3 COMB3 Combination -7.421 -44.361 -0.403 -1.6725
13 3 COMB3 Combination -7.833 15.227 -0.478 -2.8268
13 3.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 19.044 -0.478 -2.8268
13 4 COMB3 Combination -7.833 22.861 -0.478 -2.8268
13 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 26.679 -0.478 -2.8268
13 4.5 COMB3 Combination -7.833 68.723 -0.478 3.6137
13 1.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 -90.136 -0.828 -1.972
13 1.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 -52.469 -0.828 -1.7317
13 2 COMB4 Combination -6.247 -48.651 -0.828 -1.7317
13 2.5 COMB4 Combination -6.247 -44.834 -0.828 -1.7317
13 3 COMB4 Combination -6.247 -41.017 -0.828 -1.7317
13 3 COMB4 Combination -7.071 14.986 -0.927 -1.2246
13 3.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 18.803 -0.927 -1.2246
13 4 COMB4 Combination -7.071 22.62 -0.927 -1.2246
13 4.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 26.437 -0.927 -1.2246
13 4.5 COMB4 Combination -7.071 64.195 -0.927 5.2794
13 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.133 -89.298 0.244 -1.1729
13 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -51.751 0.089 -1.2924
13 2 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -47.933 0.089 -1.2924
13 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -44.116 0.089 -1.2924
13 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.142 -40.299 0.089 -1.2924
13 3 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 13.268 0.22 -3.6339
13 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 17.086 0.22 -3.6339
13 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 20.903 0.22 -3.6339
13 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.238 24.72 0.22 -3.6339
13 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Max -7.211 62.31 0.372 1.6856
13 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.651 -89.886 -0.205 -1.3214
13 1.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -52.336 -0.05 -1.3777
13 2 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -48.519 -0.05 -1.3777
13 2.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -44.702 -0.05 -1.3777
13 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.642 -40.885 -0.05 -1.3777
13 3 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 12.559 -0.272 -4.1699
13 3.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 16.376 -0.272 -4.1699
13 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 20.193 -0.272 -4.1699
13 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.546 24.01 -0.272 -4.1699
13 4.5 COMB5 Combinatio Min -7.573 61.589 -0.425 0.8905
13 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.141 -88.629 0.106 -1.2114
13 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -51.079 0.078 -1.2892
13 2 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -47.262 0.078 -1.2892
13 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -43.445 0.078 -1.2892
13 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.282 -39.628 0.078 -1.2892
13 3 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 13.879 0.073 -3.7773
13 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 17.696 0.073 -3.7773
13 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 21.513 0.073 -3.7773
13 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -7.153 25.33 0.073 -3.7773
13 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Max -6.996 62.905 0.111 1.436
13 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.643 -90.555 -0.067 -1.2829
13 1.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -53.007 -0.039 -1.3809
13 2 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -49.19 -0.039 -1.3809
13 2.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -45.373 -0.039 -1.3809
13 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.502 -41.556 -0.039 -1.3809
13 3 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 11.948 -0.126 -4.0265
13 3.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 15.766 -0.126 -4.0265
13 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 19.583 -0.126 -4.0265
13 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.631 23.4 -0.126 -4.0265
13 4.5 COMB6 Combinatio Min -7.788 60.994 -0.163 1.1402
13 1.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 -57.717 -0.835 -1.4663
13 1.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 -34.963 -0.835 -1.2221
13 2 COMB7 Combination -3.638 -32.1 -0.835 -1.2221
13 2.5 COMB7 Combination -3.638 -29.237 -0.835 -1.2221
13 3 COMB7 Combination -3.638 -26.374 -0.835 -1.2221
13 3 COMB7 Combination -4.463 10.143 -0.918 0.0839
13 3.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 13.006 -0.918 0.0839
13 4 COMB7 Combination -4.463 15.869 -0.918 0.0839
13 4.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 18.732 -0.918 0.0839
13 4.5 COMB7 Combination -4.463 41.566 -0.918 4.5403
13 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.53 -56.947 0.238 -0.6685
13 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -34.275 0.083 -0.784
13 2 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -31.412 0.083 -0.784
13 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -28.549 0.083 -0.784
13 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.539 -25.686 0.083 -0.784
13 3 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 8.437 0.229 -2.3276
13 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 11.3 0.229 -2.3276
13 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 14.162 0.229 -2.3276
13 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.635 17.025 0.229 -2.3276
13 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Max -4.608 39.729 0.381 0.9494
13 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.048 -57.535 -0.212 -0.817
13 1.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -34.861 -0.057 -0.8693
13 2 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -31.998 -0.057 -0.8693
13 2.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -29.135 -0.057 -0.8693
13 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -5.039 -26.272 -0.057 -0.8693
13 3 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 7.727 -0.263 -2.8636
13 3.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 10.59 -0.263 -2.8636
13 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 13.453 -0.263 -2.8636
13 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.943 16.316 -0.263 -2.8636
13 4.5 COMB8 Combinatio Min -4.97 39.008 -0.416 0.1543
13 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.538 -56.278 0.1 -0.707
13 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -33.604 0.071 -0.7808
13 2 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -30.741 0.071 -0.7808
13 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -27.878 0.071 -0.7808
13 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.678 -25.015 0.071 -0.7808
13 3 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 9.047 0.082 -2.4711
13 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 11.91 0.082 -2.4711
13 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 14.773 0.082 -2.4711
13 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.55 17.636 0.082 -2.4711
13 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Max -4.393 40.324 0.12 0.6997
13 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.04 -58.204 -0.074 -0.7785
13 1.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -35.532 -0.046 -0.8725
13 2 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -32.669 -0.046 -0.8725
13 2.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -29.806 -0.046 -0.8725
13 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -4.899 -26.943 -0.046 -0.8725
13 3 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 7.117 -0.117 -2.7202
13 3.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 9.98 -0.117 -2.7202
13 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 12.842 -0.117 -2.7202
13 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.028 15.705 -0.117 -2.7202
13 4.5 COMB9 Combinatio Min -5.185 38.413 -0.154 0.4039

Minimum : -9.611 -109.244 -0.927 -6.5901

maksimum : -3.231 109.244 0.927 6.5901
1/4 Bentang : 97.792
M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m KN-m Text m

0.0235 26.3281 2-1 1.5

0.0235 35.2979 2-1 2
0.0235 42.041 2-1 2.5
0.0235 46.5574 2-1 3
0.0235 46.5574 2-2 0
0.0235 42.041 2-2 0.5
0.0235 35.2979 2-2 1
0.0235 26.3281 2-2 1.5
0.0246 26.9195 2-1 1.5
0.0246 36.891 2-1 2
0.0246 44.9539 2-1 2.5
0.0246 51.1082 2-1 3
0.0246 51.1082 2-2 0
0.0246 44.9539 2-2 0.5
0.0246 36.891 2-2 1
0.0246 26.9195 2-2 1.5
-0.2604 36.2465 2-1 1.5
-0.1618 45.1196 2-1 2
-0.0632 52.084 2-1 2.5
0.0354 57.1399 2-1 3
0.0354 45.0169 2-2 0
0.134 37.7788 2-2 0.5
0.2326 28.632 2-2 1
0.3312 17.5766 2-2 1.5
-0.5471 43.9742 2-1 1.5
-0.3499 50.9099 2-1 2
-0.1526 55.937 2-1 2.5
0.0446 59.0555 2-1 3
0.0446 34.8095 2-2 0
0.2418 27.3264 2-2 0.5
0.439 17.9347 2-2 1
0.6362 6.6344 2-2 1.5
0.2383 27.1344 2-1 1.5
0.1675 36.0277 2-1 2
0.1005 43.0124 2-1 2.5
0.0644 48.0885 2-1 3
0.0644 48.0885 2-2 0
0.1005 43.0124 2-2 0.5
0.1675 36.0277 2-2 1
0.2383 27.1344 2-2 1.5
-0.1925 23.4228 2-1 1.5
-0.1217 32.7512 2-1 2
-0.0547 40.1709 2-1 2.5
-0.0186 45.6819 2-1 3
-0.0186 45.6819 2-2 0
-0.0547 40.1709 2-2 0.5
-0.1217 32.7512 2-2 1
-0.1925 23.4228 2-2 1.5
0.0902 25.8379 2-1 1.5
0.0954 34.8844 2-1 2
0.1233 42.023 2-1 2.5
0.1608 47.254 2-1 3
0.1608 47.254 2-2 0
0.1233 42.023 2-2 0.5
0.0954 34.8844 2-2 1
0.0902 25.8379 2-2 1.5
-0.0445 24.7194 2-1 1.5
-0.0496 33.8945 2-1 2
-0.0775 41.1603 2-1 2.5
-0.115 46.5164 2-1 3
-0.115 46.5164 2-2 0
-0.0775 41.1603 2-2 0.5
-0.0496 33.8945 2-2 1
-0.0445 24.7194 2-2 1.5
-0.5549 35.6069 2-1 1.5
-0.3577 39.1908 2-1 2
-0.1605 41.3433 2-1 2.5
0.0368 42.0644 2-1 3
0.0368 17.8184 2-2 0
0.234 12.7328 2-2 0.5
0.4312 6.2157 2-2 1
0.6284 -1.7329 2-2 1.5
0.2305 18.781 2-1 1.5
0.1597 24.3298 2-1 2
0.0927 28.4471 2-1 2.5
0.0566 31.1331 2-1 3
0.0566 31.1331 2-2 0
0.0927 28.4471 2-2 0.5
0.1597 24.3298 2-2 1
0.2305 18.781 2-2 1.5
-0.2003 15.0694 2-1 1.5
-0.1295 21.0532 2-1 2
-0.0625 25.6056 2-1 2.5
-0.0264 28.7264 2-1 3
-0.0264 28.7264 2-2 0
-0.0625 25.6056 2-2 0.5
-0.1295 21.0532 2-2 1
-0.2003 15.0694 2-2 1.5
0.0824 17.4845 2-1 1.5
0.0876 23.1865 2-1 2
0.1155 27.4577 2-1 2.5
0.153 30.2986 2-1 3
0.153 30.2986 2-2 0
0.1155 27.4577 2-2 0.5
0.0876 23.1865 2-2 1
0.0824 17.4845 2-2 1.5
-0.0523 16.3659 2-1 1.5
-0.0574 22.1965 2-1 2
-0.0853 26.595 2-1 2.5
-0.1228 29.5609 2-1 3
-0.1228 29.5609 2-2 0
-0.0853 26.595 2-2 0.5
-0.0574 22.1965 2-2 1
-0.0523 16.3659 2-2 1.5
-0.0235 26.3281 8-1 1.5
-0.0235 35.2979 8-1 2
-0.0235 42.041 8-1 2.5
-0.0235 46.5574 8-1 3
-0.0235 46.5574 8-2 0
-0.0235 42.041 8-2 0.5
-0.0235 35.2979 8-2 1
-0.0235 26.3281 8-2 1.5
-0.0246 26.9195 8-1 1.5
-0.0246 36.891 8-1 2
-0.0246 44.9539 8-1 2.5
-0.0246 51.1082 8-1 3
-0.0246 51.1082 8-2 0
-0.0246 44.9539 8-2 0.5
-0.0246 36.891 8-2 1
-0.0246 26.9195 8-2 1.5
0.2604 36.2465 8-1 1.5
0.1618 45.1196 8-1 2
0.0632 52.084 8-1 2.5
-0.0354 57.1399 8-1 3
-0.0354 45.0169 8-2 0
-0.134 37.7788 8-2 0.5
-0.2326 28.632 8-2 1
-0.3312 17.5766 8-2 1.5
0.5471 43.9742 8-1 1.5
0.3499 50.9099 8-1 2
0.1526 55.937 8-1 2.5
-0.0446 59.0555 8-1 3
-0.0446 34.8095 8-2 0
-0.2418 27.3264 8-2 0.5
-0.439 17.9347 8-2 1
-0.6362 6.6344 8-2 1.5
0.1925 27.1344 8-1 1.5
0.1217 36.0277 8-1 2
0.0547 43.0124 8-1 2.5
0.0186 48.0885 8-1 3
0.0186 48.0885 8-2 0
0.0547 43.0124 8-2 0.5
0.1217 36.0277 8-2 1
0.1925 27.1344 8-2 1.5
-0.2383 23.4228 8-1 1.5
-0.1675 32.7512 8-1 2
-0.1005 40.1709 8-1 2.5
-0.0644 45.6819 8-1 3
-0.0644 45.6819 8-2 0
-0.1005 40.1709 8-2 0.5
-0.1675 32.7512 8-2 1
-0.2383 23.4228 8-2 1.5
0.0445 25.8379 8-1 1.5
0.0496 34.8844 8-1 2
0.0775 42.023 8-1 2.5
0.115 47.254 8-1 3
0.115 47.254 8-2 0
0.0775 42.023 8-2 0.5
0.0496 34.8844 8-2 1
0.0445 25.8379 8-2 1.5
-0.0902 24.7194 8-1 1.5
-0.0954 33.8945 8-1 2
-0.1233 41.1603 8-1 2.5
-0.1608 46.5164 8-1 3
-0.1608 46.5164 8-2 0
-0.1233 41.1603 8-2 0.5
-0.0954 33.8945 8-2 1
-0.0902 24.7194 8-2 1.5
0.5549 35.6069 8-1 1.5
0.3577 39.1908 8-1 2
0.1605 41.3433 8-1 2.5
-0.0368 42.0644 8-1 3
-0.0368 17.8184 8-2 0
-0.234 12.7328 8-2 0.5
-0.4312 6.2157 8-2 1
-0.6284 -1.7329 8-2 1.5
0.2003 18.781 8-1 1.5
0.1295 24.3298 8-1 2
0.0625 28.4471 8-1 2.5
0.0264 31.1331 8-1 3
0.0264 31.1331 8-2 0
0.0625 28.4471 8-2 0.5
0.1295 24.3298 8-2 1
0.2003 18.781 8-2 1.5
-0.2305 15.0694 8-1 1.5
-0.1597 21.0532 8-1 2
-0.0927 25.6056 8-1 2.5
-0.0566 28.7264 8-1 3
-0.0566 28.7264 8-2 0
-0.0927 25.6056 8-2 0.5
-0.1597 21.0532 8-2 1
-0.2305 15.0694 8-2 1.5
0.0523 17.4845 8-1 1.5
0.0574 23.1865 8-1 2
0.0853 27.4577 8-1 2.5
0.1228 30.2986 8-1 3
0.1228 30.2986 8-2 0
0.0853 27.4577 8-2 0.5
0.0574 23.1865 8-2 1
0.0523 17.4845 8-2 1.5
-0.0824 16.3659 8-1 1.5
-0.0876 22.1965 8-1 2
-0.1155 26.595 8-1 2.5
-0.153 29.5609 8-1 3
-0.153 29.5609 8-2 0
-0.1155 26.595 8-2 0.5
-0.0876 22.1965 8-2 1
-0.0824 16.3659 8-2 1.5
0.0167 51.8044 10-1 1.5
0.0167 61.6203 10-2 0
0.0301 73.4729 10-2 0.5
0.0435 83.0987 10-2 1
0.0569 90.4979 10-2 1.5
0.0365 85.3641 10-3 0
0.0266 64.0446 10-3 0.5
0.0166 40.4984 10-3 1
0.0067 14.7255 10-3 1.5
0.0067 4.4476 10-4 0
0.0176 56.3786 10-1 1.5
0.0176 67.049 10-2 0
0.0316 78.9241 10-2 0.5
0.0457 88.8906 10-2 1
0.0597 96.9485 10-2 1.5
0.0385 91.4515 10-3 0
0.028 68.4004 10-3 0.5
0.0175 43.4406 10-3 1
0.007 16.5722 10-3 1.5
0.007 5.6603 10-4 0
-0.0379 55.3688 10-1 1.5
-0.0379 67.4505 10-2 0
-0.2359 78.8049 10-2 0.5
-0.4339 88.2507 10-2 1
-0.632 95.788 10-2 1.5
0.5781 91.0576 10-3 0
0.3421 68.1203 10-3 0.5
0.1062 43.2744 10-3 1
-0.1298 16.5199 10-3 1.5
-0.1298 5.8391 10-4 0
-0.0945 49.959 10-1 1.5
-0.0945 62.6226 10-2 0
-0.5055 72.8259 10-2 0.5
-0.9166 81.1206 10-2 1
-1.3277 87.5067 10-2 1.5
1.115 83.946 10-3 0
0.6544 62.8779 10-3 0.5
0.1937 39.9013 10-3 1
-0.2669 15.016 10-3 1.5
-0.2669 5.3388 10-4 0
0.1829 52.581 10-1 1.5
0.1829 62.2951 10-2 0
0.3186 73.3724 10-2 0.5
0.4546 82.5679 10-2 1
0.5905 89.9204 10-2 1.5
0.236 84.7158 10-3 0
0.1916 63.3576 10-3 0.5
0.1473 40.3023 10-3 1
0.1032 15.3774 10-3 1.5
0.1032 5.3164 10-4 0
-0.1501 51.1474 10-1 1.5
-0.1501 61.0725 10-2 0
-0.2597 72.4519 10-2 0.5
-0.3695 81.8958 10-2 1
-0.4793 89.3654 10-2 1.5
-0.1645 84.4029 10-3 0
-0.1396 63.2607 10-3 0.5
-0.1147 39.9984 10-3 1
-0.0902 14.7885 10-3 1.5
-0.0902 4.6108 10-4 0
0.0665 54.1605 10-1 1.5
0.0665 63.6948 10-2 0
0.1221 74.4414 10-2 0.5
0.1825 83.2801 10-2 1
0.2442 90.2129 10-2 1.5
0.1417 85.0271 10-3 0
0.104 63.3298 10-3 0.5
0.0675 40.647 10-3 1
0.0361 16.0615 10-3 1.5
0.0361 6.1306 10-4 0
-0.0337 49.5679 10-1 1.5
-0.0337 59.6728 10-2 0
-0.0632 71.3829 10-2 0.5
-0.0975 81.1835 10-2 1
-0.1329 89.0729 10-2 1.5
-0.0702 84.0916 10-3 0
-0.052 63.2885 10-3 0.5
-0.035 39.6537 10-3 1
-0.0231 14.1044 10-3 1.5
-0.0231 3.7966 10-4 0
-0.1001 31.3595 10-1 1.5
-0.1001 40.5065 10-2 0
-0.5156 47.0956 10-2 0.5
-0.9312 52.2532 10-2 1
-1.3467 55.9794 10-2 1.5
1.1027 54.2054 10-3 0
0.6454 40.6974 10-3 0.5
0.1881 25.7579 10-3 1
-0.2691 9.3869 10-3 1.5
-0.2691 3.2285 10-4 0
0.1773 34.0197 10-1 1.5
0.1773 40.2243 10-2 0
0.3086 47.6928 10-2 0.5
0.44 53.7567 10-2 1
0.5715 58.4547 10-2 1.5
0.2237 55.0334 10-3 0
0.1827 41.22 10-3 0.5
0.1417 26.1866 10-3 1
0.101 9.7609 10-3 1.5
0.101 3.212 10-4 0
-0.1557 32.586 10-1 1.5
-0.1557 39.0017 10-2 0
-0.2698 46.7723 10-2 0.5
-0.384 53.0846 10-2 1
-0.4983 57.8998 10-2 1.5
-0.1768 54.7205 10-3 0
-0.1485 41.1231 10-3 0.5
-0.1203 25.8828 10-3 1
-0.0924 9.172 10-3 1.5
-0.0924 2.5064 10-4 0
0.0609 35.5992 10-1 1.5
0.0609 41.624 10-2 0
0.112 48.7618 10-2 0.5
0.168 54.4689 10-2 1
0.2251 58.7472 10-2 1.5
0.1294 55.3446 10-3 0
0.095 41.1922 10-3 0.5
0.062 26.5314 10-3 1
0.0339 10.445 10-3 1.5
0.0339 4.0262 10-4 0
-0.0393 31.0065 10-1 1.5
-0.0393 37.602 10-2 0
-0.0733 45.7033 10-2 0.5
-0.112 52.3723 10-2 1
-0.1519 57.6073 10-2 1.5
-0.0825 54.4092 10-3 0
-0.0609 41.1509 10-3 0.5
-0.0406 25.538 10-3 1
-0.0253 8.4879 10-3 1.5
-0.0253 1.6922 10-4 0
0.0067 4.4476 11-1 1.5
0.0067 14.7255 11-2 0
0.0166 40.4984 11-2 0.5
0.0266 64.0446 11-2 1
0.0365 85.3641 11-2 1.5
0.0569 90.4979 11-3 0
0.0435 83.0987 11-3 0.5
0.0301 73.4729 11-3 1
0.0167 61.6203 11-3 1.5
0.0167 51.8044 11-4 0
0.007 5.6603 11-1 1.5
0.007 16.5722 11-2 0
0.0175 43.4406 11-2 0.5
0.028 68.4004 11-2 1
0.0385 91.4515 11-2 1.5
0.0597 96.9485 11-3 0
0.0457 88.8906 11-3 0.5
0.0316 78.9241 11-3 1
0.0176 67.049 11-3 1.5
0.0176 56.3786 11-4 0
-0.1298 5.8391 11-1 1.5
-0.1298 16.5199 11-2 0
0.1062 43.2744 11-2 0.5
0.3421 68.1203 11-2 1
0.5781 91.0576 11-2 1.5
-0.632 95.788 11-3 0
-0.4339 88.2507 11-3 0.5
-0.2359 78.8049 11-3 1
-0.0379 67.4505 11-3 1.5
-0.0379 55.3688 11-4 0
-0.2669 5.3388 11-1 1.5
-0.2669 15.016 11-2 0
0.1937 39.9013 11-2 0.5
0.6544 62.8779 11-2 1
1.115 83.946 11-2 1.5
-1.3277 87.5067 11-3 0
-0.9166 81.1206 11-3 0.5
-0.5055 72.8259 11-3 1
-0.0945 62.6226 11-3 1.5
-0.0945 49.959 11-4 0
0.1032 5.3164 11-1 1.5
0.1032 15.3774 11-2 0
0.1473 40.3023 11-2 0.5
0.1916 63.3576 11-2 1
0.236 84.7158 11-2 1.5
0.5905 89.9204 11-3 0
0.4546 82.5679 11-3 0.5
0.3186 73.3724 11-3 1
0.1829 62.2951 11-3 1.5
0.1829 52.581 11-4 0
-0.0902 4.6108 11-1 1.5
-0.0902 14.7885 11-2 0
-0.1147 39.9984 11-2 0.5
-0.1396 63.2607 11-2 1
-0.1645 84.4029 11-2 1.5
-0.4793 89.3654 11-3 0
-0.3695 81.8958 11-3 0.5
-0.2597 72.4519 11-3 1
-0.1501 61.0725 11-3 1.5
-0.1501 51.1474 11-4 0
0.0361 6.1306 11-1 1.5
0.0361 16.0615 11-2 0
0.0675 40.647 11-2 0.5
0.104 63.3298 11-2 1
0.1417 85.0271 11-2 1.5
0.2442 90.2129 11-3 0
0.1825 83.2801 11-3 0.5
0.1221 74.4414 11-3 1
0.0665 63.6948 11-3 1.5
0.0665 54.1605 11-4 0
-0.0231 3.7966 11-1 1.5
-0.0231 14.1044 11-2 0
-0.035 39.6537 11-2 0.5
-0.052 63.2885 11-2 1
-0.0702 84.0916 11-2 1.5
-0.1329 89.0729 11-3 0
-0.0975 81.1835 11-3 0.5
-0.0632 71.3829 11-3 1
-0.0337 59.6728 11-3 1.5
-0.0337 49.5679 11-4 0
-0.2691 3.2285 11-1 1.5
-0.2691 9.3869 11-2 0
0.1881 25.7579 11-2 0.5
0.6454 40.6974 11-2 1
1.1027 54.2054 11-2 1.5
-1.3467 55.9794 11-3 0
-0.9312 52.2532 11-3 0.5
-0.5156 47.0956 11-3 1
-0.1001 40.5065 11-3 1.5
-0.1001 31.3595 11-4 0
0.101 3.212 11-1 1.5
0.101 9.7609 11-2 0
0.1417 26.1866 11-2 0.5
0.1827 41.22 11-2 1
0.2237 55.0334 11-2 1.5
0.5715 58.4547 11-3 0
0.44 53.7567 11-3 0.5
0.3086 47.6928 11-3 1
0.1773 40.2243 11-3 1.5
0.1773 34.0197 11-4 0
-0.0924 2.5064 11-1 1.5
-0.0924 9.172 11-2 0
-0.1203 25.8828 11-2 0.5
-0.1485 41.1231 11-2 1
-0.1768 54.7205 11-2 1.5
-0.4983 57.8998 11-3 0
-0.384 53.0846 11-3 0.5
-0.2698 46.7723 11-3 1
-0.1557 39.0017 11-3 1.5
-0.1557 32.586 11-4 0
0.0339 4.0262 11-1 1.5
0.0339 10.445 11-2 0
0.062 26.5314 11-2 0.5
0.095 41.1922 11-2 1
0.1294 55.3446 11-2 1.5
0.2251 58.7472 11-3 0
0.168 54.4689 11-3 0.5
0.112 48.7618 11-3 1
0.0609 41.624 11-3 1.5
0.0609 35.5992 11-4 0
-0.0253 1.6922 11-1 1.5
-0.0253 8.4879 11-2 0
-0.0406 25.538 11-2 0.5
-0.0609 41.1509 11-2 1
-0.0825 54.4092 11-2 1.5
-0.1519 57.6073 11-3 0
-0.112 52.3723 11-3 0.5
-0.0733 45.7033 11-3 1
-0.0393 37.602 11-3 1.5
-0.0393 31.0065 11-4 0
-0.0167 51.8044 12-1 1.5
-0.0167 61.6203 12-2 0
-0.0301 73.4729 12-2 0.5
-0.0435 83.0987 12-2 1
-0.0569 90.4979 12-2 1.5
-0.0365 85.3641 12-3 0
-0.0266 64.0446 12-3 0.5
-0.0166 40.4984 12-3 1
-0.0067 14.7255 12-3 1.5
-0.0067 4.4476 12-4 0
-0.0176 56.3786 12-1 1.5
-0.0176 67.049 12-2 0
-0.0316 78.9241 12-2 0.5
-0.0457 88.8906 12-2 1
-0.0597 96.9485 12-2 1.5
-0.0385 91.4515 12-3 0
-0.028 68.4004 12-3 0.5
-0.0175 43.4406 12-3 1
-0.007 16.5722 12-3 1.5
-0.007 5.6603 12-4 0
-0.0907 57.3113 12-1 1.5
-0.0907 66.5578 12-2 0
-0.3299 78.9428 12-2 0.5
-0.5692 89.4191 12-2 1
-0.8084 97.9868 12-2 1.5
0.4563 91.7293 12-3 0
0.255 68.5946 12-3 0.5
0.0536 43.5513 12-3 1
-0.1477 16.5994 12-3 1.5
-0.1477 5.4695 12-4 0
-0.1626 53.8439 12-1 1.5
-0.1626 60.8373 12-2 0
-0.6261 73.1016 12-2 0.5
-1.0896 83.4573 12-2 1
-1.5531 91.9044 12-2 1.5
0.9538 85.2892 12-3 0
0.5399 63.8265 12-3 0.5
0.1259 40.4551 12-3 1
-0.288 15.1751 12-3 1.5
-0.288 4.5996 12-4 0
0.1501 52.581 12-1 1.5
0.1501 62.2951 12-2 0
0.2597 73.3724 12-2 0.5
0.3695 82.5679 12-2 1
0.4793 89.9204 12-2 1.5
0.1645 84.7158 12-3 0
0.1396 63.3576 12-3 0.5
0.1147 40.3023 12-3 1
0.0902 15.3774 12-3 1.5
0.0902 5.3164 12-4 0
-0.1829 51.1474 12-1 1.5
-0.1829 61.0725 12-2 0
-0.3186 72.4519 12-2 0.5
-0.4546 81.8958 12-2 1
-0.5905 89.3654 12-2 1.5
-0.236 84.4029 12-3 0
-0.1916 63.2607 12-3 0.5
-0.1473 39.9984 12-3 1
-0.1032 14.7885 12-3 1.5
-0.1032 4.6108 12-4 0
0.0337 54.1605 12-1 1.5
0.0337 63.6948 12-2 0
0.0632 74.4414 12-2 0.5
0.0975 83.2801 12-2 1
0.1329 90.2129 12-2 1.5
0.0702 85.0271 12-3 0
0.052 63.3298 12-3 0.5
0.035 40.647 12-3 1
0.0231 16.0615 12-3 1.5
0.0231 6.1306 12-4 0
-0.0665 49.5679 12-1 1.5
-0.0665 59.6728 12-2 0
-0.1221 71.3829 12-2 0.5
-0.1825 81.1835 12-2 1
-0.2442 89.0729 12-2 1.5
-0.1417 84.0916 12-3 0
-0.104 63.2885 12-3 0.5
-0.0675 39.6537 12-3 1
-0.0361 14.1044 12-3 1.5
-0.0361 3.7966 12-4 0
-0.157 35.2444 12-1 1.5
-0.157 38.7212 12-2 0
-0.616 47.3713 12-2 0.5
-1.075 54.5899 12-2 1
-1.5341 60.3771 12-2 1.5
0.9661 55.5487 12-3 0
0.5488 41.6459 12-3 0.5
0.1315 26.3117 12-3 1
-0.2858 9.546 12-3 1.5
-0.2858 2.4893 12-4 0
0.1557 34.0197 12-1 1.5
0.1557 40.2243 12-2 0
0.2698 47.6928 12-2 0.5
0.384 53.7567 12-2 1
0.4983 58.4547 12-2 1.5
0.1768 55.0334 12-3 0
0.1485 41.22 12-3 0.5
0.1203 26.1866 12-3 1
0.0924 9.7609 12-3 1.5
0.0924 3.212 12-4 0
-0.1773 32.586 12-1 1.5
-0.1773 39.0017 12-2 0
-0.3086 46.7723 12-2 0.5
-0.44 53.0846 12-2 1
-0.5715 57.8998 12-2 1.5
-0.2237 54.7205 12-3 0
-0.1827 41.1231 12-3 0.5
-0.1417 25.8828 12-3 1
-0.101 9.172 12-3 1.5
-0.101 2.5064 12-4 0
0.0393 35.5992 12-1 1.5
0.0393 41.624 12-2 0
0.0733 48.7618 12-2 0.5
0.112 54.4689 12-2 1
0.1519 58.7472 12-2 1.5
0.0825 55.3446 12-3 0
0.0609 41.1922 12-3 0.5
0.0406 26.5314 12-3 1
0.0253 10.445 12-3 1.5
0.0253 4.0262 12-4 0
-0.0609 31.0065 12-1 1.5
-0.0609 37.602 12-2 0
-0.112 45.7033 12-2 0.5
-0.168 52.3723 12-2 1
-0.2251 57.6073 12-2 1.5
-0.1294 54.4092 12-3 0
-0.095 41.1509 12-3 0.5
-0.062 25.538 12-3 1
-0.0339 8.4879 12-3 1.5
-0.0339 1.6922 12-4 0
-0.0067 4.4476 13-1 1.5
-0.0067 14.7255 13-2 0
-0.0166 40.4984 13-2 0.5
-0.0266 64.0446 13-2 1
-0.0365 85.3641 13-2 1.5
-0.0569 90.4979 13-3 0
-0.0435 83.0987 13-3 0.5
-0.0301 73.4729 13-3 1
-0.0167 61.6203 13-3 1.5
-0.0167 51.8044 13-4 0
-0.007 5.6603 13-1 1.5
-0.007 16.5722 13-2 0
-0.0175 43.4406 13-2 0.5
-0.028 68.4004 13-2 1
-0.0385 91.4515 13-2 1.5
-0.0597 96.9485 13-3 0
-0.0457 88.8906 13-3 0.5
-0.0316 78.9241 13-3 1
-0.0176 67.049 13-3 1.5
-0.0176 56.3786 13-4 0
-0.1477 5.4695 13-1 1.5
-0.1477 16.5994 13-2 0
0.0536 43.5513 13-2 0.5
0.255 68.5946 13-2 1
0.4563 91.7293 13-2 1.5
-0.8084 97.9868 13-3 0
-0.5692 89.4191 13-3 0.5
-0.3299 78.9428 13-3 1
-0.0907 66.5578 13-3 1.5
-0.0907 57.3113 13-4 0
-0.288 4.5996 13-1 1.5
-0.288 15.1751 13-2 0
0.1259 40.4551 13-2 0.5
0.5399 63.8265 13-2 1
0.9538 85.2892 13-2 1.5
-1.5531 91.9044 13-3 0
-1.0896 83.4573 13-3 0.5
-0.6261 73.1016 13-3 1
-0.1626 60.8373 13-3 1.5
-0.1626 53.8439 13-4 0
0.0902 5.3164 13-1 1.5
0.0902 15.3774 13-2 0
0.1147 40.3023 13-2 0.5
0.1396 63.3576 13-2 1
0.1645 84.7158 13-2 1.5
0.4793 89.9204 13-3 0
0.3695 82.5679 13-3 0.5
0.2597 73.3724 13-3 1
0.1501 62.2951 13-3 1.5
0.1501 52.581 13-4 0
-0.1032 4.6108 13-1 1.5
-0.1032 14.7885 13-2 0
-0.1473 39.9984 13-2 0.5
-0.1916 63.2607 13-2 1
-0.236 84.4029 13-2 1.5
-0.5905 89.3654 13-3 0
-0.4546 81.8958 13-3 0.5
-0.3186 72.4519 13-3 1
-0.1829 61.0725 13-3 1.5
-0.1829 51.1474 13-4 0
0.0231 6.1306 13-1 1.5
0.0231 16.0615 13-2 0
0.035 40.647 13-2 0.5
0.052 63.3298 13-2 1
0.0702 85.0271 13-2 1.5
0.1329 90.2129 13-3 0
0.0975 83.2801 13-3 0.5
0.0632 74.4414 13-3 1
0.0337 63.6948 13-3 1.5
0.0337 54.1605 13-4 0
-0.0361 3.7966 13-1 1.5
-0.0361 14.1044 13-2 0
-0.0675 39.6537 13-2 0.5
-0.104 63.2885 13-2 1
-0.1417 84.0916 13-2 1.5
-0.2442 89.0729 13-3 0
-0.1825 81.1835 13-3 0.5
-0.1221 71.3829 13-3 1
-0.0665 59.6728 13-3 1.5
-0.0665 49.5679 13-4 0
-0.2858 2.4893 13-1 1.5
-0.2858 9.546 13-2 0
0.1315 26.3117 13-2 0.5
0.5488 41.6459 13-2 1
0.9661 55.5487 13-2 1.5
-1.5341 60.3771 13-3 0
-1.075 54.5899 13-3 0.5
-0.616 47.3713 13-3 1
-0.157 38.7212 13-3 1.5
-0.157 35.2444 13-4 0
0.0924 3.212 13-1 1.5
0.0924 9.7609 13-2 0
0.1203 26.1866 13-2 0.5
0.1485 41.22 13-2 1
0.1768 55.0334 13-2 1.5
0.4983 58.4547 13-3 0
0.384 53.7567 13-3 0.5
0.2698 47.6928 13-3 1
0.1557 40.2243 13-3 1.5
0.1557 34.0197 13-4 0
-0.101 2.5064 13-1 1.5
-0.101 9.172 13-2 0
-0.1417 25.8828 13-2 0.5
-0.1827 41.1231 13-2 1
-0.2237 54.7205 13-2 1.5
-0.5715 57.8998 13-3 0
-0.44 53.0846 13-3 0.5
-0.3086 46.7723 13-3 1
-0.1773 39.0017 13-3 1.5
-0.1773 32.586 13-4 0
0.0253 4.0262 13-1 1.5
0.0253 10.445 13-2 0
0.0406 26.5314 13-2 0.5
0.0609 41.1922 13-2 1
0.0825 55.3446 13-2 1.5
0.1519 58.7472 13-3 0
0.112 54.4689 13-3 0.5
0.0733 48.7618 13-3 1
0.0393 41.624 13-3 1.5
0.0393 35.5992 13-4 0
-0.0339 1.6922 13-1 1.5
-0.0339 8.4879 13-2 0
-0.062 25.538 13-2 0.5
-0.095 41.1509 13-2 1
-0.1294 54.4092 13-2 1.5
-0.2251 57.6073 13-3 0
-0.168 52.3723 13-3 0.5
-0.112 45.7033 13-3 1
-0.0609 37.602 13-3 1.5
-0.0609 31.0065 13-4 0

-1.6489 -149.8077
1.2279 97.9868
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Balok B1 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 0.0000 kN. m
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -10.0202 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 13.36 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = 13.36 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi balok (h) = 0.6 m
Lebar balok (bw) = 0.4 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.013 m
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 -
= 0.546 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.6 - 0.546
= 0.055 m
Cb = 0.003

B. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Erection

B.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . =
= 0.000
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.546 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

0.000 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x
0.000 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 0.000

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1275

ρ2 = 0

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . be . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.4 x 0.546

= 763.7000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 763.7000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.013 ^2

Jt = 5.7566049825

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 13 - 6

Dengan nilai As = 795.990 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.013

= 0.5390 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρakt As
= perlu

bw x dakt

= 763.7000 = 0.0035422078
0.4000 x 0.5390
ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600
fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.0270000000

0.0035 < 0.0035422078 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 539.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7761.60 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 6 x 0.013

6 - 1

= 0.053

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.053 > 0.025 …..OK

B.2 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Lapangan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 0.000 = 0.000 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020
Xb = 0.003 x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 x 545.5 = 327.30 mm

0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 327.300 = 245.475 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 245.475 = 196.380 mm

Cmax = 0.850 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.800 x 245.475 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 2003076 = 5007.690 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0.000

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.500 a

= 2003076 x 545.5 - 0.500 x 196.380 = 895995925

= 895.996 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
895.996 > 0.000

B.3 Menghitung Tulangan Sengkang Lapangan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 795.990 = 0.003647984
bw x d 400 x 545.5

Vu x d < 1

13.36 x 0.546 = 5.86314E+15 > 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 2.566635E+15 x 400 x 545.5 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 8.000569E+19 > 358539.18614

Vc = 8.000569E+16 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 545.5 = 199188.43675


Vc = 199.18843675 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 199.18843675 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 199.1884

= 59.757 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
59.757 > 13.36

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 13.36
- Vc = - 199.18843675
Ø 0.6

= -176.922 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.48 x 400 x 546 = 398376.87349 N


= 398.377 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.0 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x

Vs 176921.770

= 123.92 mm

Karna Smax > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.20 meter

B.4 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . 10.0202
�^2 ) = = 105.229
0.8 x 0.4 x 0.546 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

105.229 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x

105.229 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 105.229

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1272363816

ρ2 = 0.0002636184

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . bw . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.4 x 0.546

= 763.7000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 763.7000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.013 ^2

Jt = 5.7566049825

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 13 - 6

Dengan nilai As = 795.990 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.013

= 0.5390 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350
fy 400

ρakt = As perlu

bw x dakt

= 763.7000 = 0.0035422078
400 x 539

ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.02700

0.0035 < 0.0035422078 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 539.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7761.60 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 6 x 0.013

6 - 1

= 0.053

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.053 > 0.025 …..OK

B.5 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Tumpuan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 10.020 = 12.525 kN.m

Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003
x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 = 327.30 mm
x 545.5
0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 327.30 = 245.475 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 245.475 = 196.380 mm

Cmax = 0.85 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.80 x 245.475 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 2003076 = 5007.690 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.50 a

= 2003076.00 x 545.5 - 0.50 x 196.380 = 895995925

= 896.00 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
895.996 > 12.525

B.6 Menghitung Tulangan Geser Tumpuan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 795.990 = 0.003647984
bw x d 400 x 545.5

Vu x d < 1

13.36 x 0.546 = 0.7273 < 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 0.31839 x 400 x 545.5 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 180657.60586 < 358539.18614

Vc = 180.658 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 545.5 = 199188.43675 N


Vc = 199.18843675 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 180.65760586 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 180.6576

= 54.197 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
54.197 > 0


Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 13.36
- Vc = - 180.658
Ø 0.6

= -158.391 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.48 x 400 x 546 = 398376.87349 N


= 398.377 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.0 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

S = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x
Vs 158390.939

= 138.42 mm

Karna Smax < 1/2 d, maka Smax = S

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.10 m


0.5 0.013


3137254.9 x 0.000 ) ^0.5

2003076 N


x 400 x 545.5

ngkang :





3137254.9 x 105.229 ) ^0.5


2003076 N


x 400 x 545.5

ngkang :


TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2
Text m Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m
4 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -3.73E-15 0 0 0
4 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 4.453 0 0 0
4 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 8.907 0 0 0
4 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 13.36 0 0 0
5 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -13.36 0 0 0
5 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -8.907 0 0 0
5 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -4.453 0 0 0
5 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 1.243E-15 0 0 0
5 2 COMB1 Combinatio 0 4.453 0 0 0
5 2.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 8.907 0 0 0
5 3 COMB1 Combinatio 0 13.36 0 0 0
6 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -13.36 0 0 0
6 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -8.907 0 0 0
6 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -4.453 0 0 0
6 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -1.243E-15 0 0 0

M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m Text m
-9.326E-16 4-1 0
-1.1134 4-1 0.5
-4.4534 4-1 1
-10.0202 4-1 1.5
-10.0202 5-1 0
-4.4534 5-1 0.5
-1.1134 5-1 1
-2.487E-15 5-1 1.5
-1.1134 5-1 2
-4.4534 5-1 2.5
-10.0202 5-1 3
-10.0202 6-1 0
-4.4534 6-1 0.5
-1.1134 6-1 1
1.243E-15 6-1 1.5

Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Balok B2 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 176.907 kN. m
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -226.424 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 87.882 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = 76.867 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi balok (h) = 0.6 m
Lebar balok (bw) = 0.4 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.016 m
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 -
= 0.544 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.6 - 0.544
= 0.056 m
Cb = 0.003

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . =
= 1868.090
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

1868.090 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x
1868.090 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 1868.090

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1226448971

ρ2 = 0.0048551029

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0048551029

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . be . d
As perlu = 0.0048551029 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 1056.4704 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 1056.4704
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 5.2571178205

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 6

Dengan nilai As = 1205.760 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρakt As
= perlu

bw x dakt

= 1056.4704 = 0.0049275672
0.4000 x 0.5360

ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.0270000000

0.004855103 < 0.0049275672 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +
= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 6 x 0.016

6 - 1

= 0.050

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.050 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 400 x a = 1205.760 x 400

a = 47.285 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 400 x 47.285 x 544

= 250970574.61

Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 250970574.61

= 200.78 > 176.91 ………....OK

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Lapangan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 176.907 = 221.134 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy
= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003 x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 x 544.0 = 326.40 mm

0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.400 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.850 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.800 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0.000

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.500 a

= 1997568 x 544.0 - 0.500 x 195.840 = 891075133

= 891.075 kN.m
Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 221.134

A.3 Menghitung Tulangan Sengkang Lapangan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1205.760 = 0.005541176
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

76.867 x 0.544 = 0.2364 < 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 0.15717 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 175149.28861 < 357553.28554

Vc = 175.149 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = ( f'c ) ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.71419


Vc = 198.64071419 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 175.14928861 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 175.1493

= 52.545 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
52.545 < 76.867
Karna 1/2 Ø Vc < Vu, maka PERLU TULANGAN GESER

Kebutuhan sengkang :
Vs = Vu 76.867
- Vc = - 175.14928861
Ø 0.6

= -47.038 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.477 x 400 x 544 = 397281.42838 N


= 397.281 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.00 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x

Vs 47037.622

= 464.83 mm

Karna Smax > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.20 meter

A.4 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . 226.4242
= = 2390.975
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

2390.975 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x

2390.975 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.902 ρ2

0 = 3137254.902 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 2390.975

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x
2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1212125023

ρ2 = 0.0062874977

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0062874977

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . bw . d

As perlu = 0.0062874977 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 1368.1595 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 1368.1595
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 6.8081185558

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 7

Dengan nilai As = 1406.720 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m
Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

ρakt = As perlu

bw x dakt

= 1368.1595 = 0.006381341
400 x 536

ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.02700

0.006287498 < 0.006381341 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 7 x 0.016

7 - 1

= 0.039

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.039 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 400 x a = 1406.720 x 400

a = 55.165 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 400 x 55.165 x 544

= 290581792.33

Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 290581792.33

= 232.47 > 226.42 ………....OK

A.5 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Tumpuan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 226.424 = 283.030 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003
x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 = 326.40 mm
x 544.0
0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.40 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.85 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.80 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.50 a

= 1997568.00 x 544.0 - 0.50 x 195.840 = 891075133

= 891.08 kN.m

Check :
Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan
Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 283.030

A.6 Menghitung Tulangan Geser Tumpuan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1406.720 = 0.006464706
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

87.882 x 0.544 = 0.2111 < 1


𝑉�=(√(�^′ �)+120�� (��. �)/�� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(�^′ �) . 𝑏𝑤.�)

Vc = 5.477 + 0.16380 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 175355.21679 < 357553.28554

Vc = 175.355 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.71419 N


Vc = 198.64071419 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 175.35521679 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 175.3552

= 52.607 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
52.607 > 0


0.5 0.016


3137254.9 x 1868.090 ) ^0.5

- 47.285
1997568 N


x 400 x 544

ngkang :



3137254.9 x 2390.975 ) ^0.5

- 55.165
1997568 N


x 400 x 544

ngkang :

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 40 mm
Lebar balok (bw) = 400 mm
Lebar Kolom (bw) = 400 mm
Diameter tulangan lentur (ØDL) = 16 mm
Jumlah tulangan lentur (JDL) = 5
Diameter tulangan tekan (ØDT) = 16 mm
Jumlah tulangan tekan (JDT) = 2
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 8 mm
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400 Mpa
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30 Mpa
Faktor lokasi tulangan (Ѱt) = 1.0
Faktor lapisan tulangan (Ѱe) = 1.0

A.1 Menghitung Penyaluran Tulangan Tarik

Menghitung jarak tulangan bersih :

S = bw - ts - (2 x Øs) -(JDL x ØDL)

JDL - 1

= 400 - 40 - 16 - 16 x 5

= 66 mm

Jarak bersih tulangan lebih BESAR dari 2ØDL dan Selimut beton BESAR dari ØDL

Kontrol faktor kelebihan tulangan :

Rs = As perlu
As terpasang

= 889.058 = 0.885

Maka :
ld = fy x Ѱt x Ѱe x ØDL x Rs

2,1 x f'c

= 400 x 1.0 x 1.0 x 16 x 0.885

2.1 x 30

= 492.32 mm

Karena Panjang penyaluran lebih BESAR dari panjang penyaluran minimum, Maka :
ld = 492.323 mm

Karena panjang penyaluran lebih BESAR dari lebar kolom, Maka :

ldh = 0,24 x fy x Ѱe x ØDL


= 0.24 x 400 x 1.0 x 16


= 280.43 mm

A.2 Menghitung Penyaluran Tulangan Tekan

Menghitung jarak tulangan bersih :

S = bw - ts - (2 x Øs) - (JDT x ØDT)

JDT - 1

= 400 - 40 - 16 - 2 x 16

= 312 mm

Jarak bersih tulangan lebih BESAR dari 2ØDL dan Selimut beton BESAR dari ØDL

Kontrol faktor kelebihan tulangan :

Rs = As perlu
As terpasang

= 0.000 = #DIV/0!
Maka ldc harus lebih besar dari nilai berikut, tetapi tidak boleh kurang dari 200 mm :
ldc = 0,24 x fy x ØDT


= 0.24 x 400 x 16

= 51.20 mm


ldc = 0,043 x fy x ØDT

= 0.043 x 400 x 16

= 275.20 mm

Maka ldc : 276 mm

eh kurang dari 200 mm :
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType StepNum P V2
Text m Text Text Text Unitless KN KN
5 1.5 COMB1 Combination 0.399 -12.851
5 2 COMB1 Combination 0.399 -8.567
5 2.5 COMB1 Combination 0.399 -4.284
5 3 COMB1 Combination 0.399 2.18E-12
5 3.5 COMB1 Combination 0.399 4.284
5 4 COMB1 Combination 0.399 8.567
5 4.5 COMB1 Combination 0.399 12.851
5 1.5 COMB2 Combination 0.476 -11.015
5 2 COMB2 Combination 0.476 -7.343
5 2.5 COMB2 Combination 0.476 -3.672
5 3 COMB2 Combination 0.476 2.553E-12
5 3.5 COMB2 Combination 0.476 3.672
5 4 COMB2 Combination 0.476 7.343
5 4.5 COMB2 Combination 0.476 11.015
5 1.5 COMB3 Combination -4.114 -10.903
5 2 COMB3 Combination -4.114 -7.232
5 2.5 COMB3 Combination -4.114 -3.56
5 3 COMB3 Combination -4.114 0.111
5 3.5 COMB3 Combination -4.114 3.783
5 4 COMB3 Combination -4.114 7.455
5 4.5 COMB3 Combination -4.114 11.126
5 1.5 COMB4 Combination -8.752 -10.792
5 2 COMB4 Combination -8.752 -7.12
5 2.5 COMB4 Combination -8.752 -3.449
5 3 COMB4 Combination -8.752 0.223
5 3.5 COMB4 Combination -8.752 3.894
5 4 COMB4 Combination -8.752 7.566
5 4.5 COMB4 Combination -8.752 11.238
5 1.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 -10.796
5 2 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 -7.124
5 2.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 -3.453
5 3 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 0.219
5 3.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 3.891
5 4 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 7.562
5 4.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.425 11.234
5 1.5 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 -11.234
5 2 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 -7.562
5 2.5 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 -3.891
5 3 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 -0.219
5 3.5 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 3.453
5 4 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 7.124
5 4.5 COMB5 Combination Min 0.425 10.796
5 1.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 54.837
5 2 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 58.509
5 2.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 62.181
5 3 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 65.852
5 3.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 69.524
5 4 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 73.195
5 4.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.426 76.867
5 1.5 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -76.867
5 2 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -73.195
5 2.5 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -69.524
5 3 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -65.852
5 3.5 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -62.181
5 4 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -58.509
5 4.5 COMB6 Combination Min 0.425 -54.837
5 1.5 COMB7 Combination -8.921 -8.038
5 2 COMB7 Combination -8.921 -5.285
5 2.5 COMB7 Combination -8.921 -2.531
5 3 COMB7 Combination -8.921 0.223
5 3.5 COMB7 Combination -8.921 2.976
5 4 COMB7 Combination -8.921 5.73
5 4.5 COMB7 Combination -8.921 8.484
5 1.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 -8.042
5 2 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 -5.289
5 2.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 -2.535
5 3 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 0.219
5 3.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 2.973
5 4 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 5.726
5 4.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.257 8.48
5 1.5 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 -8.48
5 2 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 -5.726
5 2.5 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 -2.973
5 3 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 -0.219
5 3.5 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 2.535
5 4 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 5.289
5 4.5 COMB8 Combination Min 0.257 8.042
5 1.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 57.591
5 2 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 60.345
5 2.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 63.098
5 3 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 65.852
5 3.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 68.606
5 4 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 71.36
5 4.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.257 74.113
5 1.5 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -74.113
5 2 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -71.36
5 2.5 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -68.606
5 3 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -65.852
5 3.5 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -63.098
5 4 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -60.345
5 4.5 COMB9 Combination Min 0.256 -57.591

Minimum : -8.921 -87.882

maksimum : 0.476 87.882
1/4 Bentang : 76.867
V3 T M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN KN-m KN-m KN-m Text m
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 -9.182E-14 -3.2072 5-1 1.5
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 -6.098E-14 2.1473 5-1 2
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 -3.014E-14 5.3599 5-1 2.5
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 7.046E-16 6.4308 5-1 3
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 3.155E-14 5.3599 5-1 3.5
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 6.239E-14 2.1473 5-1 4
-6.168E-14 -7.342E-13 9.323E-14 -3.2072 5-1 4.5
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 -1.059E-13 -4.8923 5-1 1.5
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 -7.03E-14 -0.3028 5-1 2
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 -3.474E-14 2.4509 5-1 2.5
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 8.306E-16 3.3688 5-1 3
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 3.64E-14 2.4509 5-1 3.5
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 7.196E-14 -0.3028 5-1 4
-7.113E-14 -8.464E-13 1.075E-13 -4.8923 5-1 4.5
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 -1.083E-13 -4.718 5-1 1.5
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 -7.232E-14 -0.1842 5-1 2
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 -3.632E-14 2.5138 5-1 2.5
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 -3.113E-16 3.376 5-1 3
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 3.57E-14 2.4024 5-1 3.5
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 7.17E-14 -0.407 5-1 4
-7.201E-14 -8.506E-13 1.077E-13 -5.0522 5-1 4.5
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 -1.008E-13 -3.7562 5-1 1.5
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 -6.772E-14 0.7219 5-1 2
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 -3.463E-14 3.3643 5-1 2.5
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 -1.537E-15 4.1708 5-1 3
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 3.155E-14 3.1415 5-1 3.5
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 6.465E-14 0.2764 5-1 4
-6.618E-14 -7.749E-13 9.774E-14 -4.4245 5-1 4.5
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 -3.7559 5-1 1.5
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 0.7241 5-1 2
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 3.3684 5-1 2.5
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 4.1768 5-1 3
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 3.3684 5-1 3.5
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 0.7241 5-1 4
3.351E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 -3.7559 5-1 4.5
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 -4.4127 5-1 1.5
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 0.2863 5-1 2
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 3.1495 5-1 2.5
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 4.1768 5-1 3
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 3.1495 5-1 3.5
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 0.2863 5-1 4
-3.363E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 -4.4127 5-1 4.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 94.6939 5-1 1.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 66.3574 5-1 2
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 36.185 5-1 2.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 4.1768 5-1 3
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 36.185 5-1 3.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 66.3574 5-1 4
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 94.6939 5-1 4.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -102.8625 5-1 1.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -65.347 5-1 2
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -29.6672 5-1 2.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 4.1768 5-1 3
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -29.6672 5-1 3.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -65.347 5-1 4
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -102.8625 5-1 4.5
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 -6.412E-14 -1.7268 5-1 1.5
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 -4.336E-14 1.6039 5-1 2
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 -2.259E-14 3.5578 5-1 2.5
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 -1.829E-15 4.1349 5-1 3
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 1.894E-14 3.3351 5-1 3.5
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 3.97E-14 1.1584 5-1 4
-4.153E-14 -4.817E-13 6.046E-14 -2.3951 5-1 4.5
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 -1.7334 5-1 1.5
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 1.5993 5-1 2
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 3.5551 5-1 2.5
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 4.1341 5-1 3
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 3.5551 5-1 3.5
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 1.5993 5-1 4
3.353E-11 1.259E-09 0.000007944 -1.7334 5-1 4.5
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 -2.3901 5-1 1.5
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 1.1615 5-1 2
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 3.3362 5-1 2.5
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 4.1341 5-1 3
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 3.3362 5-1 3.5
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 1.1615 5-1 4
-3.361E-11 -1.26E-09 -0.000007944 -2.3901 5-1 4.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 96.7165 5-1 1.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 67.2326 5-1 2
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 36.3718 5-1 2.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 4.1341 5-1 3
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 36.3718 5-1 3.5
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 67.2326 5-1 4
1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 96.7165 5-1 4.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -100.84 5-1 1.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -64.4718 5-1 2
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -29.4804 5-1 2.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 4.1341 5-1 3
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -29.4804 5-1 3.5
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -64.4718 5-1 4
-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -100.84 5-1 4.5

-1.01E-08 -3.818E-07 -0.0026 -226.4242

1.01E-08 3.818E-07 0.0026 176.9072
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Balok B2 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 0.000 kN. m
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -9.638 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 12.851 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = 12.851 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi balok (h) = 0.6 m
Lebar balok (bw) = 0.4 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.016 m
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 -
= 0.544 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.6 - 0.544
= 0.056 m
Cb = 0.003

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . =
= 0.000
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

0.000 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x
0.000 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.9 ρ2

0 = 3137254.9 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 0.000

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.1275

ρ2 = 0

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . be . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 761.6000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 761.6000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 3.78980892

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 4

Dengan nilai As = 803.840 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρakt As perlu
bw x dakt

= 761.6000 = 0.00355224
0.4000 x 0.5360
ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600
fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.0270000000

0.0035 < 0.00355224 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 4 x 0.016

4 - 1

= 0.093

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.093 > 0.025 …..OK

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Lapangan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 0.000 = 0.000 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020
Xb = 0.003 x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 x 544.0 = 326.40 mm

0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.400 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.850 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.800 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0.000

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.500 a

= 1997568 x 544.0 - 0.500 x 195.840 = 891075133.440

= 891.075 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 0.000

A.3 Menghitung Tulangan Sengkang Lapangan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 803.840 = 0.00369412
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

12.851 x 0.544 = 1.606E+15 > 1


𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .

Vc = 5.477 + 7.121E+14 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477
Vc = 2.2136E+19 > 357553.286

Vc = 2.214E+16 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = ( f'c ) ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.714


Vc = 198.640714 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 198.640714 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 198.6407

= 59.592 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
59.592 > 12.851

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 12.851
- Vc = - 198.640714
Ø 0.6

= -177.222 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.477 x 400 x 544 = 397281.428 N


= 397.281 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.00 x 2

= 100.48 mm2
Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x
Vs 177222.381

= 123.37 mm

Karna Smax > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.20 meter

A.4 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . 9.6380
�^2 ) = = 101.775
0.8 x 0.4 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

101.775 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000

0.85 x

101.775 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.9 ρ2

0 = 3137254.9 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 101.775

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.12724505

ρ2 = 0.00025495

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . bw . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.4 x 0.544

= 761.6000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 761.6000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 3.78980892

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 4

Dengan nilai As = 803.840 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

ρakt = As perlu

bw x dakt

= 761.6000 = 0.00355224
400 x 536
ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600
fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.02700

0.0035 < 0.00355224 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 400 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 +

= 7718.40 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.40 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 4 x 0.016

4 - 1

= 0.093

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.093 > 0.025 …..OK

A.5 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Tumpuan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 9.638 = 12.048 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003
x d
0.003 + Ɛsb
= 0.003 = 326.40 mm
x 544.0
0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.40 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.85 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 400 x 0.80 x 244.800 =

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1997568 = 4993.920 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.50 a

= 1997568.00 x 544.0 - 0.50 x 195.840 = 891075133.44

= 891.08 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
891.075 > 12.048

A.6 Menghitung Tulangan Geser Tumpuan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 803.840 = 0.00369412
bw x d 400 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

12.851 x 0.544 = 0.7254 < 1


𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .

𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .

Vc = 5.477 + 0.32154 x 400 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477

Vc = 180258.905 < 357553.286

Vc = 180.259 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 544.0 = 198640.714 N


Vc = 198.640714 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 180.258905 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 180.2589

= 54.078 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
54.078 > 0

yang terbesar

0.5 0.016


3137254.9 x 0.000 ) ^0.5

1997568 N

x 400 x 544


3137254.9 x 101.775 ) ^0.5


1997568 N

x 400 x 544
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2
Text m Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m
4 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 4.284 0 0 0
4 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 8.567 0 0 0
4 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 12.851 0 0 0
5 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -12.851 0 0 0
5 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -8.567 0 0 0
5 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -4.284 0 0 0
5 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -6.217E-15 0 0 0
5 2 COMB1 Combinatio 0 4.284 0 0 0
5 2.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 8.567 0 0 0
5 3 COMB1 Combinatio 0 12.851 0 0 0
6 0 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -12.851 0 0 0
6 0.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -8.567 0 0 0
6 1 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -4.284 0 0 0
6 1.5 COMB1 Combinatio 0 -3.73E-15 0 0 0

M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m Text m
-6.217E-16 4-1 0
-1.0709 4-1 0.5
-4.2835 4-1 1
-9.638 4-1 1.5
-9.638 5-1 0
-4.2835 5-1 0.5
-1.0709 5-1 1
-6.217E-16 5-1 1.5
-1.0709 5-1 2
-4.2835 5-1 2.5
-9.638 5-1 3
-9.638 6-1 0
-4.2835 6-1 0.5
-1.0709 6-1 1
4.352E-15 6-1 1.5

Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Balok B3 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Normal yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Lapangan (Mu) = 185.499 kN. m
- Momen Tumpuan (Mu) = -35.645 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Gesr Tumpuan (Vu) = 79.011 kN
- Gaya Gesr Lapangan (Vu) = 71.385 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi balok (h) = 0.6 m
Lebar balok (bw) = 0.3 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.016 m
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.5 0.016
= 0.544 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.6 - 0.544
= 0.056 m
Cb = 0.003

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Lapangan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . =
= 2611.754
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.3 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

2611.754 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000 ^2

0.85 x 30000
2611.754 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.9 ρ2

0 = 3137254.9 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 2611.754

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x 3137254.9

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.12059686

ρ2 = 0.00690314

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.0035

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.00690314

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . be . d

As perlu = 0.00690314 x 0.3 x 0.544

= 1126.5919 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 1126.5919
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 5.60605058

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 6

Dengan nilai As = 1205.760 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρakt As perlu
bw x dakt

= 1126.5919 = 0.00700617
0.3000 x 0.5360
ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600
fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.0270000000

0.00690314 < 0.00700617 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 300 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 + 400

= 5788.80 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.30 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 6 x 0.016

6 - 1

= 0.030

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.030 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 300 x a = 1205.760 x 400

a = 63.046 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 300 x 63.046 x 544 - 63.046


= 247169640.81
Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 247169640.81

= 197.74 > 185.50 ………....OK

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Lapangan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 185.499 = 231.874 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003 x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 x 544.0 = 326.40 mm

0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.400 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.850 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 300 x 0.800 x 244.800 = 1498176

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1498176 = 3745.440 mm2

fy 400

ΣM = 0.000

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.500 a

= 1498176 x 544.0 - 0.500 x 195.840 = 668306350.080

= 668.306 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
668.306 > 231.874

A.3 Menghitung Tulangan Sengkang Lapangan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1205.760 = 0.00738824
bw x d 300 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

71.385 x 0.544 = 0.2093 < 1


𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .


Vc = 5.477 + 0.18560 x 300 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477 x 300

Vc = 132024.818 < 268164.964

Vc = 132.025 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = ( f'c ) ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 300 x 544.0 = 148980.536


Vc = 148.980536 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 132.024818 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 132.0248

= 39.607 kN
1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
39.607 < 71.385
Karna 1/2 Ø Vc < Vu, maka PERLU TULANGAN GESER

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 71.385
- Vc = - 132.024818
Ø 0.6

= -13.050 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.477 x 300 x 544 = 297961.071 N


= 297.961 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.00 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x 544

Vs 13049.818

= 1675.46 mm

Karna Smax > 1/2 d, maka Smax =1/2 d

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak 0.20 meter

A.4 Menghitung Tulangan Lentur Tumpuan

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

𝑅�=𝑀�/(Ø𝑏𝑤 . 35.6454
= = 501.874
�^2 ) 0.8 x 0.3 x 0.544 ^2

=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 −0,5𝜌^2 〖𝑓𝑦〗 ^2/

𝑅�=𝜌. 𝑓𝑦 (1−0,5. 𝜌 𝑓𝑦/(0,85 𝑓^′ �)) (0,85 𝑓^′ �)

501.874 = ρ x 400000 - 0.5 ρ2 x 400000 ^2

0.85 x 30000

501.874 = 400000 ρ - 3137254.9 ρ2

0 = 3137254.9 ρ2 - 400000 ρ + 501.874

ρ1.2 = 400000 + ( 400000 ^2 - 4 x 3137254.9

2 x 3137254.90196078

ρ1 = 0.12623272

ρ2 = 0.00126728

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

Sehingga nilai rasio 'ρ' yang digunakan adalah :

ρ = 0.0035

Menghitung As Perlu = ρ . bw . d

As perlu = 0.0035 x 0.3 x 0.544

= 571.2000 mm2

Menghitung Jumlah tulangan :

Jt = As perlu
0.25 x 3.14 x ØD^2

= 571.2000
0.25 x 3.14 x 0.016 ^2

Jt = 2.84235669

Maka digunakan tulangan (Jt) : Ø 16 - 3

Dengan nilai As = 602.880 mm2

Memeriksa d aktual :
dakt = h - ts - Øs - ØD

= 0.6 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.016

= 0.5360 m

Memeriksa 'ρ' aktual :

ρmin = 1.4 = 1.4 = 0.00350

fy 400

ρakt = As perlu
bw x dakt

= 571.2000 = 0.00355224
300 x 536

ρmaks = 0.75 x β1 x f'c x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.75 x 0.80 x 30 x 600

400 600 + 400

ρmaks = 0.02700

0.0035 < 0.00355224 < 0.02700 …….OK ρmin < ρakt < ρmaks

Memeriksa persyaratan daktilitas, As maks

> As Aktual

As (maks) = β1 x f'c x bw x dakt x 600

fy 600 + fy

= 0.80 x 30 x 300 x 536.00 x 600

400 600 + 400

= 5788.80 mm2 ………OK

Memeriksa persyaratan lebar minimum spasi tulangan :

Lebar spasi = bw - ts - 2 . Øs - Jt . Ød
Jt - 1

= 0.30 - 0.04 - 0.016 - 3 x 0.016

3 - 1

= 0.098

Persyaratan > 0,025 m : 0.098 > 0.025 …..OK

Tahap analisis : Diasumsikan tulangan baja tarik sudah leleh

Cc = Ts

0,85 x f'c x bw x a = As x fy

0.85 x 30 x 300 x a = 602.880 x 400

a = 31.523 mm

Mn = Cc x Z

= 0,85 x f'c x bw x a x (d - a/2)

= 0.85 x 30 x 300 x 31.523 x 544 - 31.523

= 127385754.20

Mr = Ø Mn > Mu

= 0.80 x 127385754.20

= 101.91 > 35.65 ………....OK

A.5 Menghitung Tulangan Tekan Tumpuan

Memeriksa kebutuhan tulangan tekan

Mn = Mu

= 35.645 = 44.557 kN.m


Ɛsb = fy

= 400 = 0.0020

Xb = 0.003
x d
0.003 + Ɛsb

= 0.003 = 326.40 mm
x 544.0
0.003 + 0.002

χa = 0.750 x Xb

= 0.750 x 326.40 = 244.800 mm

a = β1 x χa

= 0.80 x 244.800 = 195.840 mm

Cmax = 0.85 x f'c x bw x β1 x χa

= 0.850 x 30 x 300 x 0.80 x 244.800 = 1498176

ΣH = 0

As' x fy = Cmax

As' = Cmax = 1498176 = 3745.440 mm2

fy 400
ΣM = 0

Mn1 = Cmax x d - 0.50 a

= 1498176.00 x 544.0 - 0.50 x 195.840 = 668306350.08

= 668.31 kN.m

Check :

Jika Mn1 kecil dari Mn, maka perlu tulangan tekan

Mn1 < Mn
668.306 > 44.557

A.6 Menghitung Tulangan Geser Tumpuan

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 602.880 = 0.00369412
bw x d 300 x 544.0

Vu x d < 1

79.011 x 0.544 = 1.2058 > 1


𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .


Vc = 5.477 + 0.53453 x 300 x 544.0 < 0.3 5.477 x 300

Vc = 140159.869 < 268164.964

Vc = 140.160 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = f'c ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 300 x 544.0 = 148980.536 N


Vc = 148.980536 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 140.159869 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 140.1599
= 42.048 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
42.048 > 0

x 2611.754 ) ^0.5


x 544

a sengkang :
x 501.874 ) ^0.5



x 544

a sengkang :
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m

14 1.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -60.384 -6.684E-15 1.6298

14 2 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -57.419 -6.684E-15 1.6298
14 2.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -54.453 -6.684E-15 1.6298
14 3 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -51.488 -6.684E-15 1.6298
14 3 COMB1 Combination -0.047 51.488 -6.839E-15 -1.6298
14 3.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 54.453 -6.839E-15 -1.6298
14 4 COMB1 Combination -0.047 57.419 -6.839E-15 -1.6298
14 4.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 60.384 -6.839E-15 -1.6298
14 1.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -66.514 -7.321E-15 1.6885
14 2 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -63.972 -7.321E-15 1.6885
14 2.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -61.43 -7.321E-15 1.6885
14 3 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -58.888 -7.321E-15 1.6885
14 3 COMB2 Combination -0.049 58.888 -7.499E-15 -1.6885
14 3.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 61.43 -7.499E-15 -1.6885
14 4 COMB2 Combination -0.049 63.972 -7.499E-15 -1.6885
14 4.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 66.514 -7.499E-15 -1.6885
14 1.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -61.548 -0.412 1.7823
14 2 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -59.007 -0.412 1.7823
14 2.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -56.465 -0.412 1.7823
14 3 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -53.923 -0.412 1.7823
14 3 COMB3 Combination -0.076 63.76 -0.412 -1.5941
14 3.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 66.302 -0.412 -1.5941
14 4 COMB3 Combination -0.076 68.844 -0.412 -1.5941
14 4.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 71.385 -0.412 -1.5941
14 1.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -51.161 -0.825 1.7689
14 2 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -48.619 -0.825 1.7689
14 2.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -46.077 -0.825 1.7689
14 3 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -43.535 -0.825 1.7689
14 3 COMB4 Combination -0.099 63.21 -0.825 -1.3926
14 3.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 65.751 -0.825 -1.3926
14 4 COMB4 Combination -0.099 68.293 -0.825 -1.3926
14 4.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 70.835 -0.825 -1.3926
14 1.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -59.967 0.122 1.601
14 2 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -57.425 0.122 1.601
14 2.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -54.883 0.122 1.601
14 3 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -52.341 0.122 1.601
14 3 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 54.31 0.122 -1.5562
14 3.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 56.851 0.122 -1.5562
14 4 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 59.393 0.122 -1.5562
14 4.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 61.935 0.122 -1.5562
14 1.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -61.935 -0.122 1.5562
14 2 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -59.393 -0.122 1.5562
14 2.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -56.851 -0.122 1.5562
14 3 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -54.31 -0.122 1.5562
14 3 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 52.341 -0.122 -1.601
14 3.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 54.883 -0.122 -1.601
14 4 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 57.425 -0.122 -1.601
14 4.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 59.967 -0.122 -1.601
14 1.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -60.652 0.163 1.6217
14 2 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -58.111 0.163 1.6217
14 2.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -55.569 0.163 1.6217
14 3 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -53.027 0.163 1.6217
14 3 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 53.624 0.163 -1.5354
14 3.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 56.166 0.163 -1.5354
14 4 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 58.708 0.163 -1.5354
14 4.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 61.25 0.163 -1.5354
14 1.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -61.25 -0.163 1.5354
14 2 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -58.708 -0.163 1.5354
14 2.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -56.166 -0.163 1.5354
14 3 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -53.624 -0.163 1.5354
14 3 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 53.027 -0.163 -1.6217
14 3.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 55.569 -0.163 -1.6217
14 4 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 58.111 -0.163 -1.6217
14 4.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 60.652 -0.163 -1.6217
14 1.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -28.982 -0.825 1.2371
14 2 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -27.075 -0.825 1.2371
14 2.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -25.169 -0.825 1.2371
14 3 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -23.262 -0.825 1.2371
14 3 COMB7 Combination -0.083 42.936 -0.825 -0.8608
14 3.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 44.843 -0.825 -0.8608
14 4 COMB7 Combination -0.083 46.749 -0.825 -0.8608
14 4.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 48.656 -0.825 -0.8608
14 1.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -37.834 0.122 1.0701
14 2 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -35.928 0.122 1.0701
14 2.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -34.022 0.122 1.0701
14 3 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -32.115 0.122 1.0701
14 3 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 34.083 0.122 -1.0253
14 3.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 35.99 0.122 -1.0253
14 4 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 37.896 0.122 -1.0253
14 4.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 39.803 0.122 -1.0253
14 1.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -39.803 -0.122 1.0253
14 2 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -37.896 -0.122 1.0253
14 2.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -35.99 -0.122 1.0253
14 3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -34.083 -0.122 1.0253
14 3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 32.115 -0.122 -1.0701
14 3.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 34.022 -0.122 -1.0701
14 4 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 35.928 -0.122 -1.0701
14 4.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 37.834 -0.122 -1.0701
14 1.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -38.52 0.163 1.0908
14 2 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -36.613 0.163 1.0908
14 2.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -34.707 0.163 1.0908
14 3 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -32.801 0.163 1.0908
14 3 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 33.398 0.163 -1.0046
14 3.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 35.304 0.163 -1.0046
14 4 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 37.211 0.163 -1.0046
14 4.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 39.117 0.163 -1.0046
14 1.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -39.117 -0.163 1.0046
14 2 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -37.211 -0.163 1.0046
14 2.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -35.304 -0.163 1.0046
14 3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -33.398 -0.163 1.0046
14 3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 32.801 -0.163 -1.0908
14 3.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 34.707 -0.163 -1.0908
14 4 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 36.613 -0.163 -1.0908
14 4.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 38.52 -0.163 -1.0908
15 1.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -60.384 -2.021E-15 -1.6298
15 2 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -57.419 -2.021E-15 -1.6298
15 2.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -54.453 -2.021E-15 -1.6298
15 3 COMB1 Combination -0.047 -51.488 -2.021E-15 -1.6298
15 3 COMB1 Combination -0.047 51.488 -2.098E-15 1.6298
15 3.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 54.453 -2.098E-15 1.6298
15 4 COMB1 Combination -0.047 57.419 -2.098E-15 1.6298
15 4.5 COMB1 Combination -0.047 60.384 -2.098E-15 1.6298
15 1.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -66.514 -1.053E-15 -1.6885
15 2 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -63.972 -1.053E-15 -1.6885
15 2.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -61.43 -1.053E-15 -1.6885
15 3 COMB2 Combination -0.049 -58.888 -1.053E-15 -1.6885
15 3 COMB2 Combination -0.049 58.888 -1.075E-15 1.6885
15 3.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 61.43 -1.075E-15 1.6885
15 4 COMB2 Combination -0.049 63.972 -1.075E-15 1.6885
15 4.5 COMB2 Combination -0.049 66.514 -1.075E-15 1.6885
15 1.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -61.548 0.412 -1.7823
15 2 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -59.007 0.412 -1.7823
15 2.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -56.465 0.412 -1.7823
15 3 COMB3 Combination -0.076 -53.923 0.412 -1.7823
15 3 COMB3 Combination -0.076 63.76 0.412 1.5941
15 3.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 66.302 0.412 1.5941
15 4 COMB3 Combination -0.076 68.844 0.412 1.5941
15 4.5 COMB3 Combination -0.076 71.385 0.412 1.5941
15 1.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -51.161 0.825 -1.7689
15 2 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -48.619 0.825 -1.7689
15 2.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -46.077 0.825 -1.7689
15 3 COMB4 Combination -0.099 -43.535 0.825 -1.7689
15 3 COMB4 Combination -0.099 63.21 0.825 1.3926
15 3.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 65.751 0.825 1.3926
15 4 COMB4 Combination -0.099 68.293 0.825 1.3926
15 4.5 COMB4 Combination -0.099 70.835 0.825 1.3926
15 1.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -59.967 0.122 -1.5562
15 2 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -57.425 0.122 -1.5562
15 2.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -54.883 0.122 -1.5562
15 3 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 -52.341 0.122 -1.5562
15 3 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 54.31 0.122 1.601
15 3.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 56.851 0.122 1.601
15 4 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 59.393 0.122 1.601
15 4.5 COMB5 Combination Max 0.111 61.935 0.122 1.601
15 1.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -61.935 -0.122 -1.601
15 2 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -59.393 -0.122 -1.601
15 2.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -56.851 -0.122 -1.601
15 3 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 -54.31 -0.122 -1.601
15 3 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 52.341 -0.122 1.5562
15 3.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 54.883 -0.122 1.5562
15 4 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 57.425 -0.122 1.5562
15 4.5 COMB5 Combination Min -0.202 59.967 -0.122 1.5562
15 1.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -60.652 0.163 -1.5354
15 2 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -58.111 0.163 -1.5354
15 2.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -55.569 0.163 -1.5354
15 3 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 -53.027 0.163 -1.5354
15 3 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 53.624 0.163 1.6217
15 3.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 56.166 0.163 1.6217
15 4 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 58.708 0.163 1.6217
15 4.5 COMB6 Combination Max 0.002925 61.25 0.163 1.6217
15 1.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -61.25 -0.163 -1.6217
15 2 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -58.708 -0.163 -1.6217
15 2.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -56.166 -0.163 -1.6217
15 3 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 -53.624 -0.163 -1.6217
15 3 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 53.027 -0.163 1.5354
15 3.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 55.569 -0.163 1.5354
15 4 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 58.111 -0.163 1.5354
15 4.5 COMB6 Combination Min -0.094 60.652 -0.163 1.5354
15 1.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -28.982 0.825 -1.2371
15 2 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -27.075 0.825 -1.2371
15 2.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -25.169 0.825 -1.2371
15 3 COMB7 Combination -0.083 -23.262 0.825 -1.2371
15 3 COMB7 Combination -0.083 42.936 0.825 0.8608
15 3.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 44.843 0.825 0.8608
15 4 COMB7 Combination -0.083 46.749 0.825 0.8608
15 4.5 COMB7 Combination -0.083 48.656 0.825 0.8608
15 1.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -37.834 0.122 -1.0253
15 2 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -35.928 0.122 -1.0253
15 2.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -34.022 0.122 -1.0253
15 3 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 -32.115 0.122 -1.0253
15 3 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 34.083 0.122 1.0701
15 3.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 35.99 0.122 1.0701
15 4 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 37.896 0.122 1.0701
15 4.5 COMB8 Combination Max 0.127 39.803 0.122 1.0701
15 1.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -39.803 -0.122 -1.0701
15 2 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -37.896 -0.122 -1.0701
15 2.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -35.99 -0.122 -1.0701
15 3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 -34.083 -0.122 -1.0701
15 3 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 32.115 -0.122 1.0253
15 3.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 34.022 -0.122 1.0253
15 4 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 35.928 -0.122 1.0253
15 4.5 COMB8 Combination Min -0.187 37.834 -0.122 1.0253
15 1.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -38.52 0.163 -1.0046
15 2 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -36.613 0.163 -1.0046
15 2.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -34.707 0.163 -1.0046
15 3 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 -32.801 0.163 -1.0046
15 3 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 33.398 0.163 1.0908
15 3.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 35.304 0.163 1.0908
15 4 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 37.211 0.163 1.0908
15 4.5 COMB9 Combination Max 0.019 39.117 0.163 1.0908
15 1.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -39.117 -0.163 -1.0908
15 2 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -37.211 -0.163 -1.0908
15 2.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -35.304 -0.163 -1.0908
15 3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 -33.398 -0.163 -1.0908
15 3 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 32.801 -0.163 1.0046
15 3.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 34.707 -0.163 1.0046
15 4 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 36.613 -0.163 1.0046
15 4.5 COMB9 Combination Min -0.079 38.52 -0.163 1.0046

Minimum : -0.202 -74.139 -0.825 -1.7823

maksimum : 0.127 79.011 0.825 1.7823
1/4 Bentang : 71.385
M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m KN-m Text m

0.0205 77.4512 14-1 1.5

0.0205 106.902 14-1 2
0.0205 134.87 14-1 2.5
0.0205 161.3553 14-1 3
0.0205 161.3553 14-2 0
0.0205 134.87 14-2 0.5
0.0205 106.902 14-2 1
0.0205 77.4512 14-2 1.5
0.0213 85.0833 14-1 1.5
0.0213 117.7048 14-1 2
0.0213 149.0553 14-1 2.5
0.0213 179.1348 14-1 3
0.0213 179.1348 14-2 0
0.0213 149.0553 14-2 0.5
0.0213 117.7048 14-2 1
0.0213 85.0833 14-2 1.5
-0.5913 85.9136 14-1 1.5
-0.3851 116.0524 14-1 2
-0.1789 144.9202 14-1 2.5
0.0274 172.517 14-1 3
0.0274 185.4989 14-2 0
0.2336 152.9836 14-2 0.5
0.4398 119.1972 14-2 1
0.6461 84.14 14-2 1.5
-1.2053 79.8739 14-1 1.5
-0.7928 104.819 14-1 2
-0.3804 128.4931 14-1 2.5
0.0321 150.8963 14-1 3
0.0321 176.8601 14-2 0
0.4446 144.6199 14-2 0.5
0.857 111.1087 14-2 1
1.2695 76.3266 14-2 1.5
0.1884 78.214 14-1 1.5
0.1386 108.1919 14-1 2
0.1046 137.2522 14-1 2.5
0.1074 165.0422 14-1 3
0.1074 165.0422 14-2 0
0.1046 137.2522 14-2 0.5
0.1386 108.1919 14-2 1
0.1884 78.214 14-2 1.5
-0.1486 77.8559 14-1 1.5
-0.0988 107.5581 14-1 2
-0.0648 135.636 14-1 2.5
-0.0676 162.4423 14-1 3
-0.0676 162.4423 14-2 0
-0.0648 135.636 14-2 0.5
-0.0988 107.5581 14-2 1
-0.1486 77.8559 14-2 1.5
0.0926 78.1414 14-1 1.5
0.156 108.0217 14-1 2
0.232 136.7203 14-1 2.5
0.3108 164.1614 14-1 3
0.3108 164.1614 14-2 0
0.232 136.7203 14-2 0.5
0.156 108.0217 14-2 1
0.0926 78.1414 14-2 1.5
-0.0529 77.9285 14-1 1.5
-0.1163 107.7283 14-1 2
-0.1922 136.1679 14-1 2.5
-0.2711 163.3232 14-1 3
-0.2711 163.3232 14-2 0
-0.1922 136.1679 14-2 0.5
-0.1163 107.7283 14-2 1
-0.0529 77.9285 14-2 1.5
-1.212 51.5696 14-1 1.5
-0.7996 65.5838 14-1 2
-0.3871 78.6447 14-1 2.5
0.0254 90.7525 14-1 3
0.0254 116.7164 14-2 0
0.4378 94.7715 14-2 0.5
0.8503 71.8735 14-2 1
1.2628 48.0222 14-2 1.5
0.1817 49.9691 14-1 1.5
0.1318 69.0396 14-1 2
0.0979 87.5102 14-1 2.5
0.1007 105.0283 14-1 3
0.1007 105.0283 14-2 0
0.0979 87.5102 14-2 0.5
0.1318 69.0396 14-2 1
0.1817 49.9691 14-2 1.5
-0.1553 49.611 14-1 1.5
-0.1055 68.4058 14-1 2
-0.0715 85.894 14-1 2.5
-0.0744 102.4284 14-1 3
-0.0744 102.4284 14-2 0
-0.0715 85.894 14-2 0.5
-0.1055 68.4058 14-2 1
-0.1553 49.611 14-2 1.5
0.0859 49.8965 14-1 1.5
0.1493 68.8694 14-1 2
0.2253 86.9784 14-1 2.5
0.3041 104.1475 14-1 3
0.3041 104.1475 14-2 0
0.2253 86.9784 14-2 0.5
0.1493 68.8694 14-2 1
0.0859 49.8965 14-2 1.5
-0.0596 49.6836 14-1 1.5
-0.123 68.576 14-1 2
-0.1989 86.4259 14-1 2.5
-0.2778 103.3093 14-1 3
-0.2778 103.3093 14-2 0
-0.1989 86.4259 14-2 0.5
-0.123 68.576 14-2 1
-0.0596 49.6836 14-2 1.5
-0.0205 77.4512 15-1 1.5
-0.0205 106.902 15-1 2
-0.0205 134.87 15-1 2.5
-0.0205 161.3553 15-1 3
-0.0205 161.3553 15-2 0
-0.0205 134.87 15-2 0.5
-0.0205 106.902 15-2 1
-0.0205 77.4512 15-2 1.5
-0.0213 85.0833 15-1 1.5
-0.0213 117.7048 15-1 2
-0.0213 149.0553 15-1 2.5
-0.0213 179.1348 15-1 3
-0.0213 179.1348 15-2 0
-0.0213 149.0553 15-2 0.5
-0.0213 117.7048 15-2 1
-0.0213 85.0833 15-2 1.5
0.5913 85.9136 15-1 1.5
0.3851 116.0524 15-1 2
0.1789 144.9202 15-1 2.5
-0.0274 172.517 15-1 3
-0.0274 185.4989 15-2 0
-0.2336 152.9836 15-2 0.5
-0.4398 119.1972 15-2 1
-0.6461 84.14 15-2 1.5
1.2053 79.8739 15-1 1.5
0.7928 104.819 15-1 2
0.3804 128.4931 15-1 2.5
-0.0321 150.8963 15-1 3
-0.0321 176.8601 15-2 0
-0.4446 144.6199 15-2 0.5
-0.857 111.1087 15-2 1
-1.2695 76.3266 15-2 1.5
0.1486 78.214 15-1 1.5
0.0988 108.1919 15-1 2
0.0648 137.2522 15-1 2.5
0.0676 165.0422 15-1 3
0.0676 165.0422 15-2 0
0.0648 137.2522 15-2 0.5
0.0988 108.1919 15-2 1
0.1486 78.214 15-2 1.5
-0.1884 77.8559 15-1 1.5
-0.1386 107.5581 15-1 2
-0.1046 135.636 15-1 2.5
-0.1074 162.4423 15-1 3
-0.1074 162.4423 15-2 0
-0.1046 135.636 15-2 0.5
-0.1386 107.5581 15-2 1
-0.1884 77.8559 15-2 1.5
0.0529 78.1414 15-1 1.5
0.1163 108.0217 15-1 2
0.1922 136.7203 15-1 2.5
0.2711 164.1614 15-1 3
0.2711 164.1614 15-2 0
0.1922 136.7203 15-2 0.5
0.1163 108.0217 15-2 1
0.0529 78.1414 15-2 1.5
-0.0926 77.9285 15-1 1.5
-0.156 107.7283 15-1 2
-0.232 136.1679 15-1 2.5
-0.3108 163.3232 15-1 3
-0.3108 163.3232 15-2 0
-0.232 136.1679 15-2 0.5
-0.156 107.7283 15-2 1
-0.0926 77.9285 15-2 1.5
1.212 51.5696 15-1 1.5
0.7996 65.5838 15-1 2
0.3871 78.6447 15-1 2.5
-0.0254 90.7525 15-1 3
-0.0254 116.7164 15-2 0
-0.4378 94.7715 15-2 0.5
-0.8503 71.8735 15-2 1
-1.2628 48.0222 15-2 1.5
0.1553 49.9691 15-1 1.5
0.1055 69.0396 15-1 2
0.0715 87.5102 15-1 2.5
0.0744 105.0283 15-1 3
0.0744 105.0283 15-2 0
0.0715 87.5102 15-2 0.5
0.1055 69.0396 15-2 1
0.1553 49.9691 15-2 1.5
-0.1817 49.611 15-1 1.5
-0.1318 68.4058 15-1 2
-0.0979 85.894 15-1 2.5
-0.1007 102.4284 15-1 3
-0.1007 102.4284 15-2 0
-0.0979 85.894 15-2 0.5
-0.1318 68.4058 15-2 1
-0.1817 49.611 15-2 1.5
0.0596 49.8965 15-1 1.5
0.123 68.8694 15-1 2
0.1989 86.9784 15-1 2.5
0.2778 104.1475 15-1 3
0.2778 104.1475 15-2 0
0.1989 86.9784 15-2 0.5
0.123 68.8694 15-2 1
0.0596 49.8965 15-2 1.5
-0.0859 49.6836 15-1 1.5
-0.1493 68.576 15-1 2
-0.2253 86.4259 15-1 2.5
-0.3041 103.3093 15-1 3
-0.3041 103.3093 15-2 0
-0.2253 86.4259 15-2 0.5
-0.1493 68.576 15-2 1
-0.0859 49.6836 15-2 1.5

-2.5069 -35.6454
2.5069 185.4989
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Kolom K2 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Aksial yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Maks (Mu) = 87.170 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Geser Tumpuan (Vu) = -10.896 kN
- Gaya Geser Lapangan (Vu) = 5.307 kN

Aksial Maks
- Gaya Aksial Maks (Pu) = 420.073 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi Kolom (h) = 0.4 m
Lebar Kolom (bw) = 0.4 m
Panjang Kolom (L) = 8 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.013 m 0.000133
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m 5.02E-05
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.65
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.4 - 0.04 - 0.008 - 0.5 x
= 0.346 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.4 - 0.346
= 0.055 m

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Longitudinal

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

e = Mu = 8.717 = 0.207 M -> 207 mm

Pu 42.01

Coba gunakan ρ = 1 %
As = ρbd = 0,01 x 400 x 345,5 = 1382 n = 10.41 12
0 13651
Dicoba menggunakan 12 D 13 pada masing masing sisi kolom
ρ = As = 1593.4286 = 0.012
bd 400 x 345,5

Pemeriksaan Pu terhadap beban seimbang Pb :

Cb = 600 x d = 600 x 345,5 = 207.3

600 + fy 600 + 400

ab = β1 C b = 0,8 x 207,3 = 165.8

εs = (Cb - d' ) 0.003 = (207,3 - 54,5) x 0.003 = 0.002

Cb 207.3

fs = εs fy = 200000 x 0,00222 = 444

ϕPb = 0.65 [ 0.85 f'c ab b + As fs - As fy]

1691568.00 = 0,65 [ (0.85 x 30 x 165,84 x 400) + (1593,4286 x 444) - (1593,4286 x 400)]
707482.2984 = 1145091.258 N
637371.44 = 114.5 Ton

Cek Kekuatan Penampang Terhadap Tarik Menentukan :

x1 = e = 207 = 0.712
d-d' 345,5 - 54,5

x2 = 3he = 3 x 400 x 207 = 2.081

d2 119370.25

Pn = As' fy + b h fc
x1 + 0.5 x2 + 1.18

= 1593,4286 x 400 + 400 x 400 x 30

0,712 + 0.5 2,081 + 1.18
6E+05 1.212 5E+05 5E+06 3.261 1E+06
= 1997825.149 N
= 199.7826 Ton

ϕPn = 0.65 x 199,7826

= 129.85869 Ton
= 12.985869 kN Penampang Kolom Mampu menerima beban axial 420,073 kN dan Mo

Cek Kekuatan Penampang Terhadap Tekan Menentukan :

m = fy = 400 = 15.69
0.85 fc b 0.85 x 30
h - 2e = 400 - 2 x 207 = -0.02
2d 2 x 345,5

1 - d' = 0.843

Pn = 0.85 fc b d h - 2e + √( h - 2e 2
+ 2mρ 1 - d'
0.307 0.554
) 2d


= 0,85 x 30 x 400 x 345,5 -0.02 + 0 + 0.364 0.843

= 1881753.912 N
= 188.176 Ton

ϕPn = 0.65 x 188,176

= 122.3144 Ton
= 12.23144 kN Penampang Kolom Mampu menerima beban axial 420,073 kN dan Mo

A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Geser

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1593.429 = 0.012
bw x d 400 x 345.5

Vu x d < 1
5.307 x 0.346 = 0.0210 < 1

𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .


Vc = 5.477 + 0.02910 x 400 x 345.5 < 0.3 x 5.477 x

Vc = 108710.659 < 227085.772

Vc = 108.711 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = ( f'c ) ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 345.5 = 126158.762


Vc = 126.158762 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 108.710659 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 108.7107

= 32.613 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
32.613 > 5.307

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 5.307
- Vc = - 108.710659
Ø 0.6

= -99.866 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.477 x 400 x 346 = 252317.525 N


= 252.318 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.00 x 2

= 100.48 mm2

Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400 x 345.5

Vs -99865.659

= -139.05 mm

Karna S > 1/2 d, maka Smax = Smax

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak -139 meter

A.3 Menghitung Konsol

Nuc1 = 5.307 kN

Nuc2 = 0.2 x Vu
Nuc2 = 0.2 x 420.07 = 84.015 kN

Ambil nilai gaya tarik terbesar antara Ncu1 dan Ncu2

Nuc = 84.015 kN

Vn = Vu = 420.1 = 560.097 kN
Ø 0.75

Menentukan dimensi konsol :

Pelat a
tumpu As (tulangan
Nuc utama)
angkur d


Rangka untuk
a/d < 1 maka ;

a = 0.1 m
h = 0.4 m
d = 0.36 m
bw = 0.4 m
µ = 1.4 untuk beton monolit

Kontrol dimensi konsol :

Vn < 0,2 x f'c x bw x d
Vn < 0.2 x 30 x 400 x 360
Vn < 864 kN OK…..

Vn < 5,5 x bw x d
Vn < 5.5 x 400 x 360
Vn < 792 kN OK…..

Hitung Mu :

Mu = Vu . a + Nuc . (h-d)
= 420.1 x 0.1 + 84.01 x 0.4 - 0.36
= 45.368 kN

Menentukan tulangan tarik utama (As) :

As = 420.1 x 0.1 + 84.01 x 0.4 - 0.36 84.01

0.75 x 400000 x 0.36 - 0.1 0.75 x 400000
= 45.368 84.01
93000 300000

= 0.00076788 m2

= 767.875 mm2

As = 2 420.073 84.015
x +
3 0.75 x 400000 x 1.4 0.75 x 400000

= 0.000947 m2

= 946.831 mm2

Nilai As harus lebih besar dari :

As > 0.04 x 30 x 400 x 360 = 432.00 mm2 OK…..

Ambil Nilai As yang terbesar 946,831206349206 mm2

Dipasang 5 D 16 200.96

Jarak antar tulangan = 56 mm OK…….< 25 mm

Menentukan tulangan geser (Ah) :

Ah = 0.5 x As - An

= 0.5 x 1004.8 - 280.049

= 362.376 mm2

Dipasang 8 D 8

Jarak antar tulangan = 37 mm OK…….< 25 mm


om Mampu menerima beban axial 420,073 kN dan Momen 87,1696 kN M
om Mampu menerima beban axial 420,073 kN dan Momen 87,1696 kN M
400 x 345.5

a sengkang :

TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m
4 0 COMB1 Combination -391.784 -3.398 3.58E-14 0
4 4 COMB1 Combination -370.696 -3.398 3.58E-14 0
4 8 COMB1 Combination -349.608 -3.398 3.58E-14 0
4 0 COMB2 Combination -409.657 -3.701 3.823E-14 0
4 4 COMB2 Combination -391.581 -3.701 3.823E-14 0
4 8 COMB2 Combination -373.506 -3.701 3.823E-14 0
4 0 COMB3 Combination -398.772 0.048 -1.247E-13 0
4 4 COMB3 Combination -380.696 0.048 -1.247E-13 0
4 8 COMB3 Combination -362.621 0.048 -1.247E-13 0
4 0 COMB4 Combination -360.753 4.086 -2.903E-13 0
4 4 COMB4 Combination -342.678 4.086 -2.903E-13 0
4 8 COMB4 Combination -324.602 4.086 -2.903E-13 0
4 0 COMB5 Combinatio Max -379.661 -2.644 0.239 0
4 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -361.586 -2.644 0.239 0
4 8 COMB5 Combinatio Max -343.51 -2.644 0.239 0
4 0 COMB5 Combinatio Min -383.978 -4.164 -0.239 0
4 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -365.902 -4.164 -0.239 0
4 8 COMB5 Combinatio Min -347.827 -4.164 -0.239 0
4 0 COMB6 Combinatio Max -381.17 -3.175 0.795 0
4 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -363.095 -3.175 0.795 0
4 8 COMB6 Combinatio Max -345.019 -3.175 0.795 0
4 0 COMB6 Combinatio Min -382.469 -3.632 -0.795 0
4 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -364.393 -3.632 -0.795 0
4 8 COMB6 Combinatio Min -346.318 -3.632 -0.795 0
4 0 COMB7 Combination -230.56 5.307 -3.027E-13 0
4 4 COMB7 Combination -217.004 5.307 -3.027E-13 0
4 8 COMB7 Combination -203.447 5.307 -3.027E-13 0
4 0 COMB8 Combinatio Max -249.703 -1.425 0.239 0
4 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -236.146 -1.425 0.239 0
4 8 COMB8 Combinatio Max -222.589 -1.425 0.239 0
4 0 COMB8 Combinatio Min -254.02 -2.944 -0.239 0
4 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -240.463 -2.944 -0.239 0
4 8 COMB8 Combinatio Min -226.906 -2.944 -0.239 0
4 0 COMB9 Combinatio Max -251.212 -1.956 0.795 0
4 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -237.655 -1.956 0.795 0
4 8 COMB9 Combinatio Max -224.099 -1.956 0.795 0
4 0 COMB9 Combinatio Min -252.511 -2.413 -0.795 0
4 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -238.954 -2.413 -0.795 0
4 8 COMB9 Combinatio Min -225.397 -2.413 -0.795 0
6 0 COMB1 Combination -349.608 -3.398 -4.21E-14 0
6 4 COMB1 Combination -370.696 -3.398 -4.21E-14 0
6 8 COMB1 Combination -391.784 -3.398 -4.21E-14 0
6 0 COMB2 Combination -373.506 -3.701 -4.652E-14 0
6 4 COMB2 Combination -391.581 -3.701 -4.652E-14 0
6 8 COMB2 Combination -409.657 -3.701 -4.652E-14 0
6 0 COMB3 Combination -383.922 -7.443 9.593E-14 0
6 4 COMB3 Combination -401.997 -7.443 9.593E-14 0
6 8 COMB3 Combination -420.073 -7.443 9.593E-14 0
6 0 COMB4 Combination -367.205 -10.896 2.422E-13 0
6 4 COMB4 Combination -385.28 -10.896 2.422E-13 0
6 8 COMB4 Combination -403.356 -10.896 2.422E-13 0
6 0 COMB5 Combinatio Max -343.51 -2.644 0.239 0
6 4 COMB5 Combinatio Max -361.586 -2.644 0.239 0
6 8 COMB5 Combinatio Max -379.661 -2.644 0.239 0
6 0 COMB5 Combinatio Min -347.827 -4.164 -0.239 0
6 4 COMB5 Combinatio Min -365.902 -4.164 -0.239 0
6 8 COMB5 Combinatio Min -383.978 -4.164 -0.239 0
6 0 COMB6 Combinatio Max -345.019 -3.175 0.795 0
6 4 COMB6 Combinatio Max -363.095 -3.175 0.795 0
6 8 COMB6 Combinatio Max -381.17 -3.175 0.795 0
6 0 COMB6 Combinatio Min -346.318 -3.632 -0.795 0
6 4 COMB6 Combinatio Min -364.393 -3.632 -0.795 0
6 8 COMB6 Combinatio Min -382.469 -3.632 -0.795 0
6 0 COMB7 Combination -246.049 -9.675 2.578E-13 0
6 4 COMB7 Combination -259.606 -9.675 2.578E-13 0
6 8 COMB7 Combination -273.163 -9.675 2.578E-13 0
6 0 COMB8 Combinatio Max -222.589 -1.425 0.239 0
6 4 COMB8 Combinatio Max -236.146 -1.425 0.239 0
6 8 COMB8 Combinatio Max -249.703 -1.425 0.239 0
6 0 COMB8 Combinatio Min -226.906 -2.944 -0.239 0
6 4 COMB8 Combinatio Min -240.463 -2.944 -0.239 0
6 8 COMB8 Combinatio Min -254.02 -2.944 -0.239 0
6 0 COMB9 Combinatio Max -224.099 -1.956 0.795 0
6 4 COMB9 Combinatio Max -237.655 -1.956 0.795 0
6 8 COMB9 Combinatio Max -251.212 -1.956 0.795 0
6 0 COMB9 Combinatio Min -225.397 -2.413 -0.795 0
6 4 COMB9 Combinatio Min -238.954 -2.413 -0.795 0
6 8 COMB9 Combinatio Min -252.511 -2.413 -0.795 0

203.447 5.307 0.795 0

420.073 -10.896 -0.795 0
M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m KN-m Text m
0 -2.487E-15 4-1 0
-1.432E-13 13.5938 4-1 4
-2.864E-13 27.1876 4-1 8
0 -2.133E-15 4-1 0
-1.529E-13 14.8038 4-1 4
-3.058E-13 29.6077 4-1 8
0 -9.237E-15 4-1 0
4.986E-13 -0.19 4-1 4
9.972E-13 -0.3801 4-1 8
0 -1.634E-14 4-1 0
1.161E-12 -16.3421 4-1 4
2.322E-12 -32.6842 4-1 8
2.07E-15 9.073E-16 4-1 0
0.957 16.6546 4-1 4
1.914 33.3092 4-1 8
-2.07E-15 -5.171E-15 4-1 0
-0.957 10.5765 4-1 4
-1.914 21.1531 4-1 8
6.882E-15 -1.217E-15 4-1 0
3.1813 14.5298 4-1 4
6.3626 29.0596 4-1 8
-6.882E-15 -3.046E-15 4-1 0
-3.1813 12.7014 4-1 4
-6.3626 25.4027 4-1 8
0 -1.581E-14 4-1 0
1.211E-12 -21.2288 4-1 4
2.422E-12 -42.4577 4-1 8
2.07E-15 1.44E-15 4-1 0
0.957 11.7779 4-1 4
1.914 23.5558 4-1 8
-2.07E-15 -4.638E-15 4-1 0
-0.957 5.6998 4-1 4
-1.914 11.3997 4-1 8
6.882E-15 -6.846E-16 4-1 0
3.1813 9.6531 4-1 4
6.3626 19.3062 4-1 8
-6.882E-15 -2.513E-15 4-1 0
-3.1813 7.8247 4-1 4
-6.3626 15.6493 4-1 8
-3.368E-13 -27.1876 6-1 0
-1.684E-13 -13.5938 6-1 4
0 -4.974E-15 6-1 8
-3.722E-13 -29.6077 6-1 0
-1.861E-13 -14.8038 6-1 4
0 -3.553E-15 6-1 8
7.674E-13 -59.5468 6-1 0
3.837E-13 -29.7734 6-1 4
0 -7.105E-15 6-1 8
1.938E-12 -87.1696 6-1 0
9.688E-13 -43.5848 6-1 4
0 -1.092E-14 6-1 8
1.914 -21.1531 6-1 0
0.957 -10.5765 6-1 4
1.035E-15 -3.059E-15 6-1 8
-1.914 -33.3092 6-1 0
-0.957 -16.6546 6-1 4
-1.035E-15 -4.579E-15 6-1 8
6.3626 -25.4027 6-1 0
3.1813 -12.7014 6-1 4
3.441E-15 -3.591E-15 6-1 8
-6.3626 -29.0596 6-1 0
-3.1813 -14.5298 6-1 4
-3.441E-15 -4.048E-15 6-1 8
2.062E-12 -77.3961 6-1 0
1.031E-12 -38.6981 6-1 4
0 -1.03E-14 6-1 8
1.914 -11.3997 6-1 0
0.957 -5.6998 6-1 4
1.035E-15 -2.438E-15 6-1 8
-1.914 -23.5558 6-1 0
-0.957 -11.7779 6-1 4
-1.035E-15 -3.957E-15 6-1 8
6.3626 -15.6493 6-1 0
3.1813 -7.8247 6-1 4
3.441E-15 -2.969E-15 6-1 8
-6.3626 -19.3062 6-1 0
-3.1813 -9.6531 6-1 4
-3.441E-15 -3.426E-15 6-1 8

6.3626 33.3092
-6.3626 -87.1696
Dari perhitungan SAP untuk Kolom K1 diambil nilai Gaya Momen, Lintang & Aksial yang terbesar
Momen Maks
- Momen Maks (Mu) = 84.302 kN. m

Lintang Maks
- Gaya Geser Tumpuan (Vu) = -10.538 kN
- Gaya Geser Lapangan (Vu) = 2.173 kN

Aksial Maks
- Gaya Aksial Maks (Pu) = 199.574 kN

Tebal selimut beton (ts) = 0.04 m

Tinggi Kolom (h) = 0.4 m
Lebar Kolom (bw) = 0.4 m
Panjang Kolom (L) = 8 m
Diameter tulangan (ØD) = 0.013 m 0.000133
Diameter sengkang (Øs) = 0.008 m 5.02E-05
Faktor reduksi (β1) = 0.8
Faktor reduksi tulangan lentur (Ø) = 0.65
Faktor reduksi tulangan geser (Ø) = 0.6
Kuat tarik baja (fy) = 400000 kN/ m2
Kuat tekan beton (f'c) = 30000 kN/ m2
Modulus Young (Es) = 200000 N/mm2
Tinggi efektif (d) = h - ts - Øs - 0,5 ØD
= 0.4 - 0.04 - 0.008
= 0.346 m
Tinggi efektif (d') = h-d
= 0.4 - 0.346
= 0.055 m

A. Gaya Yang Bekerja Pada Saat Masa Layan

A.1 Menghitung Tulangan Longitudinal

Menghitung rasio tulangan :

e = Mu = 8.43 = 0.422 M -> 422 mm

Pu 19.96

Coba gunakan ρ = 1 %
As = ρbd = 0,01 x 400 x 345,5 = 1382 n =
0 13651
Dicoba menggunakan 12 D 13 pada masing masing sisi kolom
ρ = As = 1593.4286 = 0.0116
bd 400 x 345,5

Pemeriksaan Pu terhadap beban seimbang Pb :

Cb = 600 x d = 600 x 345,5 = 207.3

600 + fy 600 + 400

ab = β1 C b = 0,8 x 207,3 = 165.84

εs = (Cb - d' ) 0.003 = (207,3 - 54,5) x 0.003 = 0.0022

Cb 207.3

fs = εs fy = 200000 x 0,00222 = 444

ϕPb = 0.65 [ 0.85 f'c ab b + As fs - As fy]
1691568.00 = 0,65 [ (0.85 x 30 x 165,84 x 400) + (1593,4286 x 444) - (1593,4286 x 400)]
707482.2984 = 1145091.258 N
637371.44 = 114.5 Ton

Cek Kekuatan Penampang Terhadap Tarik Menentukan :

x1 = e = 422 = 1.451
d-d' 345,5 - 54,5

x2 = 3he = 3 x 400 x 422 = 4.243

d2 119370.25

Pn = As' fy + b h fc
x1 + 0.5 x2 + 1.18

= 1593,4286 x 400 + 400 x 400 x 30

1,451 + 0.5 4,243 + 1.18
6E+05 1.951 3E+05 5E+06 5.423 885119
= 1211808.5534 N
= 121.1809 Ton

ϕPn = 0.65 x 121,1809

= 78.767585 Ton
= 7.8767585 kN Penampang Kolom Mampu menerima beban axial 199,574 kN

Cek Kekuatan Penampang Terhadap Tekan Menentukan :

m = fy = 400 = 15.687
0.85 fc b 0.85 x 30

h - 2e = 400 - 2 x 422 = -0.643

2d 2 x 345,5

1 - d' = 0.843

Pn = 0.85 fc b d h - 2e + √( h - 2e 2
+ 2mρ 1 - d'
) 2d


= 0,85 x 30 x 400 x 345,5 -0.643 + 0.413 + 0.364 0.843

= 725160.64996 N
= 72.517 Ton

ϕPn = 0.65 x 72,517

= 47.13605 Ton
= 4.713605 kN Penampang Kolom Mampu menerima beban axial 199,574 kN
A.2 Menghitung Tulangan Geser

Menghitung Ø Vc dengan memasukkan pengaruh momen :

ρw = As = 1593.429 = 0.012
bw x d 400 x 345.5

Vu x d < 1

2.173 x 0.346 = 0.0089 < 1


𝑉�=(√(𝑓^′ �)+120𝜌𝑤 (𝑉�. �)/𝑀� ) (𝑏𝑤 . �)/7≤0,3(√(𝑓^′ �) .

Vc = 5.477 + 0.01232 x 400 x 345.5 < 0.3
Vc = 108379.351 < 227085.7723

Vc = 108.379 kN

Menghitung Ø Vc tanpa memasukkan pengaruh momen :

Vc = ( f'c ) ^0,5 x bw x d

Vc = 5.477 x 400 x 345.5 = 126158.7624


Vc = 126.158762 kN

Maka diambil nilai Vc yang terkecil = 108.3793511 kN

Gaya geser maksimum yang dapat ditahan penampang tanpa sengkang :

0.5 x Ø x Vc = 0.5 x 0.6 x 108.3794

= 32.514 kN

1/2 Ø Vc < Vu
32.514 > 2.173

Kebutuhan sengkang :

Vs = Vu 2.173
- Vc = - 108.3793511
Ø 0.6

= -104.758 kN

Vc = 1 (f'c)^0.5 x bw x d

= 1 x 5.477 x 400 x 346 = 252317.5248 N


= 252.318 kN

Vs < Vc
Karna Vs < Vc, maka Smax<0,5 d<600

Gunakan sengkang D 8 untuk satu spasi S (2 potongan)

Av = 0.25 π 2 d2

Av = 0.25 x 3.14 x 64.00 x 2

= 100.48 mm2
Smax = Av x fy x d = 100.48 x 400
Vs -104757.684

= -132.56 mm

Karna S > 1/2 d, maka Smax = Smax

Gunakan Sengkang D 8 Jarak ### meter

A.3 Menghitung Konsol

Nuc1 = 2.173 kN

Nuc2 = 0.2 x Vu
Nuc2 = 0.2 x 199.57 = 39.915 kN

Ambil nilai gaya tarik terbesar antara Ncu1 dan Ncu2

Nuc = 39.915 kN
Vn = Vu = 199.6 = 266.099 kN
Ø 0.75

Menentukan dimensi konsol :

Pelat a
tumpu As (tulangan
Nuc utama)
angkur d


Rangka untuk
a/d < 1 maka ;

a = 0.1 m
h = 0.4 m
d = 0.36 m
bw = 0.4 m
µ = 1.4 untuk beton monolit

Kontrol dimensi konsol :

Vn < 0,2 x f'c x bw x d

Vn < 0.2 x 30 x 400 x 360
Vn < 864 kN OK…..

Vn < 5,5 x bw x d
Vn < 5.5 x 400 x 360
Vn < 792 kN OK…..

Hitung Mu :

Mu = Vu . a + Nuc . (h-d)
= 199.6 x 0.1 + 39.91 x 0.4 - 0.36
= 21.554 kN

Menentukan tulangan tarik utama (As) :

As = 199.6 x 0.1 + 39.91 x 0.4 - 0.36 39.91

0.75 x 400000 x 0.36 - 0.1 0.75
= 21.554 39.91
93000 300000

= 0.00036481 m2

= 364.813 mm2

As = 2 199.574 39.915
x +
3 0.75 x 400000 x 1.4 0.75 x

= 0.000450 m2

= 449.833 mm2
Nilai As harus lebih besar dari :

As > 0.04 x 30 x 400 x 360 = 432.00


Ambil Nilai As yang terbesar 449,83346031746 mm2

Dipasang 3 D 16 200.96

Jarak antar tulangan = 128 mm OK…….< 25 mm

Menentukan tulangan geser (Ah) :

Ah = 0.5 x As - An

= 0.5 x 602.88 - 133.049

= 234.915 mm2

Dipasang 5 D 8

Jarak antar tulangan = 64 mm OK…….< 25 mm

ial yang terbesar

- 0.5 x 0.013

10.41 12
rima beban axial 199,574 kN dan Momen 84,3018 kN M


rima beban axial 199,574 kN dan Momen 84,3018 kN M

x 5.477 x 400 x 345.5
x 345.5
x 400000
mm2 ERROR…..Perbesar dimensi -h
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m
1 0 COMB1 Combination -191.696 -5.171 -7.449 0
1 4 COMB1 Combination -170.608 -5.171 -7.449 0
1 8 COMB1 Combination -149.52 -5.171 -7.449 0
1 0 COMB2 Combination -192.67 -5.412 -8.001 0
1 4 COMB2 Combination -174.594 -5.412 -8.001 0
1 8 COMB2 Combination -156.519 -5.412 -8.001 0
1 0 COMB3 Combination -185.585 -2.66 -7.962 0
1 4 COMB3 Combination -167.509 -2.66 -7.962 0
1 8 COMB3 Combination -149.434 -2.66 -7.962 0
1 0 COMB4 Combination -168.08 0.451 -7.328 0
1 4 COMB4 Combination -150.004 0.451 -7.328 0
1 8 COMB4 Combination -131.929 0.451 -7.328 0
1 0 COMB5 Combination Max -180.537 -4.496 -7.226 0
1 4 COMB5 Combination Max -162.461 -4.496 -7.226 0
1 8 COMB5 Combination Max -144.385 -4.496 -7.226 0
1 0 COMB5 Combination Min -183.421 -5.589 -7.558 0
1 4 COMB5 Combination Min -165.346 -5.589 -7.558 0
1 8 COMB5 Combination Min -147.27 -5.589 -7.558 0
1 0 COMB6 Combination Max -180.655 -4.878 -6.839 0
1 4 COMB6 Combination Max -162.579 -4.878 -6.839 0
1 8 COMB6 Combination Max -144.504 -4.878 -6.839 0
1 0 COMB6 Combination Min -183.303 -5.207 -7.945 0
1 4 COMB6 Combination Min -165.227 -5.207 -7.945 0
1 8 COMB6 Combination Min -147.152 -5.207 -7.945 0
1 0 COMB7 Combination -109.244 2.173 -4.72 0
1 4 COMB7 Combination -95.687 2.173 -4.72 0
1 8 COMB7 Combination -82.13 2.173 -4.72 0
1 0 COMB8 Combination Max -121.791 -2.778 -4.623 0
1 4 COMB8 Combination Max -108.234 -2.778 -4.623 0
1 8 COMB8 Combination Max -94.678 -2.778 -4.623 0
1 0 COMB8 Combination Min -124.676 -3.87 -4.955 0
1 4 COMB8 Combination Min -111.119 -3.87 -4.955 0
1 8 COMB8 Combination Min -97.562 -3.87 -4.955 0
1 0 COMB9 Combination Max -121.909 -3.16 -4.236 0
1 4 COMB9 Combination Max -108.353 -3.16 -4.236 0
1 8 COMB9 Combination Max -94.796 -3.16 -4.236 0
1 0 COMB9 Combination Min -124.557 -3.489 -5.341 0
1 4 COMB9 Combination Min -111.001 -3.489 -5.341 0
1 8 COMB9 Combination Min -97.444 -3.489 -5.341 0
3 0 COMB1 Combination -149.52 -5.171 -7.449 0
3 4 COMB1 Combination -170.608 -5.171 -7.449 0
3 8 COMB1 Combination -191.696 -5.171 -7.449 0
3 0 COMB2 Combination -156.519 -5.412 -8.001 0
3 4 COMB2 Combination -174.594 -5.412 -8.001 0
3 8 COMB2 Combination -192.67 -5.412 -8.001 0
3 0 COMB3 Combination -163.423 -8.155 -8.03 0
3 4 COMB3 Combination -181.499 -8.155 -8.03 0
3 8 COMB3 Combination -199.574 -8.155 -8.03 0
3 0 COMB4 Combination -159.907 -10.538 -7.466 0
3 4 COMB4 Combination -177.983 -10.538 -7.466 0
3 8 COMB4 Combination -196.058 -10.538 -7.466 0
3 0 COMB5 Combination Max -144.385 -4.496 -7.226 0
3 4 COMB5 Combination Max -162.461 -4.496 -7.226 0
3 8 COMB5 Combination Max -180.537 -4.496 -7.226 0
3 0 COMB5 Combination Min -147.27 -5.589 -7.558 0
3 4 COMB5 Combination Min -165.346 -5.589 -7.558 0
3 8 COMB5 Combination Min -183.421 -5.589 -7.558 0
3 0 COMB6 Combination Max -144.504 -4.878 -6.839 0
3 4 COMB6 Combination Max -162.579 -4.878 -6.839 0
3 8 COMB6 Combination Max -180.655 -4.878 -6.839 0
3 0 COMB6 Combination Min -147.152 -5.207 -7.945 0
3 4 COMB6 Combination Min -165.227 -5.207 -7.945 0
3 8 COMB6 Combination Min -183.303 -5.207 -7.945 0
3 0 COMB7 Combination -110.109 -8.817 -4.858 0
3 4 COMB7 Combination -123.666 -8.817 -4.858 0
3 8 COMB7 Combination -137.223 -8.817 -4.858 0
3 0 COMB8 Combination Max -94.678 -2.778 -4.623 0
3 4 COMB8 Combination Max -108.234 -2.778 -4.623 0
3 8 COMB8 Combination Max -121.791 -2.778 -4.623 0
3 0 COMB8 Combination Min -97.562 -3.87 -4.955 0
3 4 COMB8 Combination Min -111.119 -3.87 -4.955 0
3 8 COMB8 Combination Min -124.676 -3.87 -4.955 0
3 0 COMB9 Combination Max -94.796 -3.16 -4.236 0
3 4 COMB9 Combination Max -108.353 -3.16 -4.236 0
3 8 COMB9 Combination Max -121.909 -3.16 -4.236 0
3 0 COMB9 Combination Min -97.444 -3.489 -5.341 0
3 4 COMB9 Combination Min -111.001 -3.489 -5.341 0
3 8 COMB9 Combination Min -124.557 -3.489 -5.341 0
7 0 COMB1 Combination -191.696 -5.171 7.449 0
7 4 COMB1 Combination -170.608 -5.171 7.449 0
7 8 COMB1 Combination -149.52 -5.171 7.449 0
7 0 COMB2 Combination -192.67 -5.412 8.001 0
7 4 COMB2 Combination -174.594 -5.412 8.001 0
7 8 COMB2 Combination -156.519 -5.412 8.001 0
7 0 COMB3 Combination -185.585 -2.66 7.962 0
7 4 COMB3 Combination -167.509 -2.66 7.962 0
7 8 COMB3 Combination -149.434 -2.66 7.962 0
7 0 COMB4 Combination -168.08 0.451 7.328 0
7 4 COMB4 Combination -150.004 0.451 7.328 0
7 8 COMB4 Combination -131.929 0.451 7.328 0
7 0 COMB5 Combination Max -180.537 -4.496 7.558 0
7 4 COMB5 Combination Max -162.461 -4.496 7.558 0
7 8 COMB5 Combination Max -144.385 -4.496 7.558 0
7 0 COMB5 Combination Min -183.421 -5.589 7.226 0
7 4 COMB5 Combination Min -165.346 -5.589 7.226 0
7 8 COMB5 Combination Min -147.27 -5.589 7.226 0
7 0 COMB6 Combination Max -180.655 -4.878 7.945 0
7 4 COMB6 Combination Max -162.579 -4.878 7.945 0
7 8 COMB6 Combination Max -144.504 -4.878 7.945 0
7 0 COMB6 Combination Min -183.303 -5.207 6.839 0
7 4 COMB6 Combination Min -165.227 -5.207 6.839 0
7 8 COMB6 Combination Min -147.152 -5.207 6.839 0
7 0 COMB7 Combination -109.244 2.173 4.72 0
7 4 COMB7 Combination -95.687 2.173 4.72 0
7 8 COMB7 Combination -82.13 2.173 4.72 0
7 0 COMB8 Combination Max -121.791 -2.778 4.955 0
7 4 COMB8 Combination Max -108.234 -2.778 4.955 0
7 8 COMB8 Combination Max -94.678 -2.778 4.955 0
7 0 COMB8 Combination Min -124.676 -3.87 4.623 0
7 4 COMB8 Combination Min -111.119 -3.87 4.623 0
7 8 COMB8 Combination Min -97.562 -3.87 4.623 0
7 0 COMB9 Combination Max -121.909 -3.16 5.341 0
7 4 COMB9 Combination Max -108.353 -3.16 5.341 0
7 8 COMB9 Combination Max -94.796 -3.16 5.341 0
7 0 COMB9 Combination Min -124.557 -3.489 4.236 0
7 4 COMB9 Combination Min -111.001 -3.489 4.236 0
7 8 COMB9 Combination Min -97.444 -3.489 4.236 0
9 0 COMB1 Combination -149.52 -5.171 7.449 0
9 4 COMB1 Combination -170.608 -5.171 7.449 0
9 8 COMB1 Combination -191.696 -5.171 7.449 0
9 0 COMB2 Combination -156.519 -5.412 8.001 0
9 4 COMB2 Combination -174.594 -5.412 8.001 0
9 8 COMB2 Combination -192.67 -5.412 8.001 0
9 0 COMB3 Combination -163.423 -8.155 8.03 0
9 4 COMB3 Combination -181.499 -8.155 8.03 0
9 8 COMB3 Combination -199.574 -8.155 8.03 0
9 0 COMB4 Combination -159.907 -10.538 7.466 0
9 4 COMB4 Combination -177.983 -10.538 7.466 0
9 8 COMB4 Combination -196.058 -10.538 7.466 0
9 0 COMB5 Combination Max -144.385 -4.496 7.558 0
9 4 COMB5 Combination Max -162.461 -4.496 7.558 0
9 8 COMB5 Combination Max -180.537 -4.496 7.558 0
9 0 COMB5 Combination Min -147.27 -5.589 7.226 0
9 4 COMB5 Combination Min -165.346 -5.589 7.226 0
9 8 COMB5 Combination Min -183.421 -5.589 7.226 0
9 0 COMB6 Combination Max -144.504 -4.878 7.945 0
9 4 COMB6 Combination Max -162.579 -4.878 7.945 0
9 8 COMB6 Combination Max -180.655 -4.878 7.945 0
9 0 COMB6 Combination Min -147.152 -5.207 6.839 0
9 4 COMB6 Combination Min -165.227 -5.207 6.839 0
9 8 COMB6 Combination Min -183.303 -5.207 6.839 0
9 0 COMB7 Combination -110.109 -8.817 4.858 0
9 4 COMB7 Combination -123.666 -8.817 4.858 0
9 8 COMB7 Combination -137.223 -8.817 4.858 0
9 0 COMB8 Combination Max -94.678 -2.778 4.955 0
9 4 COMB8 Combination Max -108.234 -2.778 4.955 0
9 8 COMB8 Combination Max -121.791 -2.778 4.955 0
9 0 COMB8 Combination Min -97.562 -3.87 4.623 0
9 4 COMB8 Combination Min -111.119 -3.87 4.623 0
9 8 COMB8 Combination Min -124.676 -3.87 4.623 0
9 0 COMB9 Combination Max -94.796 -3.16 5.341 0
9 4 COMB9 Combination Max -108.353 -3.16 5.341 0
9 8 COMB9 Combination Max -121.909 -3.16 5.341 0
9 0 COMB9 Combination Min -97.444 -3.489 4.236 0
9 4 COMB9 Combination Min -111.001 -3.489 4.236 0
9 8 COMB9 Combination Min -124.557 -3.489 4.236 0

82.13 2.173 8.03 0

199.574 -10.538 -8.03 0
M2 M3 FrameElem ElemStation
KN-m KN-m Text m
4.974E-15 0 1-1 0
29.7977 20.6846 1-1 4
59.5953 41.3691 1-1 8
4.267E-15 7.105E-16 1-1 0
32.0046 21.6461 1-1 4
64.0093 43.2922 1-1 8
4.291E-15 -6.395E-15 1-1 0
31.8463 10.6398 1-1 4
63.6927 21.2795 1-1 8
4.322E-15 -1.377E-14 1-1 0
29.3129 -1.8056 1-1 4
58.6259 -3.6113 1-1 8
6.334E-15 5.002E-15 1-1 0
30.2334 22.3542 1-1 4
60.4668 44.7084 1-1 8
2.193E-15 -4.114E-15 1-1 0
28.9023 17.9851 1-1 4
57.8047 35.9701 1-1 8
1.115E-14 1.815E-15 1-1 0
31.7782 20.8275 1-1 4
63.5564 41.655 1-1 8
-2.619E-15 -9.272E-16 1-1 0
27.3575 19.5117 1-1 4
54.715 39.0235 1-1 8
3.253E-15 -1.421E-14 1-1 0
18.8802 -8.6905 1-1 4
37.7603 -17.381 1-1 8
5.268E-15 4.558E-15 1-1 0
19.8212 15.4818 1-1 4
39.6423 30.9636 1-1 8
1.127E-15 -4.558E-15 1-1 0
18.4901 11.1126 1-1 4
36.9802 22.2253 1-1 8
1.008E-14 1.371E-15 1-1 0
21.366 13.9551 1-1 4
42.7319 27.9102 1-1 8
-3.684E-15 -1.371E-15 1-1 0
16.9453 12.6393 1-1 4
33.8906 25.2787 1-1 8
-59.5953 -41.3691 3-1 0
-29.7977 -20.6846 3-1 4
-9.948E-15 4.974E-15 3-1 8
-64.0093 -43.2922 3-1 0
-32.0046 -21.6461 3-1 4
-1.137E-14 5.688E-15 3-1 8
-64.2434 -65.2361 3-1 0
-32.1217 -32.618 3-1 4
-1.142E-14 1.99E-14 3-1 8
-59.7273 -84.3018 3-1 0
-29.8636 -42.1509 3-1 4
-1.041E-14 3.358E-14 3-1 8
-57.8047 -35.9701 3-1 0
-28.9023 -17.9851 3-1 4
-9.268E-15 1.047E-14 3-1 8
-60.4668 -44.7084 3-1 0
-30.2334 -22.3542 3-1 4
-1.134E-14 -1.666E-16 3-1 8
-54.715 -39.0235 3-1 0
-27.3575 -19.5117 3-1 4
-6.862E-15 6.751E-15 3-1 8
-63.5564 -41.655 3-1 0
-31.7782 -20.8275 3-1 4
-1.374E-14 3.551E-15 3-1 8
-38.8617 -70.5321 3-1 0
-19.4309 -35.266 3-1 4
-6.506E-15 3.162E-14 3-1 8
-36.9802 -22.2253 3-1 0
-18.4901 -11.1126 3-1 4
-5.36E-15 8.515E-15 3-1 8
-39.6423 -30.9636 3-1 0
-19.8212 -15.4818 3-1 4
-7.43E-15 -2.121E-15 3-1 8
-33.8906 -25.2787 3-1 0
-16.9453 -12.6393 3-1 4
-2.954E-15 4.797E-15 3-1 8
-42.7319 -27.9102 3-1 0
-21.366 -13.9551 3-1 4
-9.836E-15 1.597E-15 3-1 8
0 0 7-1 0
-29.7977 20.6846 7-1 4
-59.5953 41.3691 7-1 8
0 0 7-1 0
-32.0046 21.6461 7-1 4
-64.0093 43.2922 7-1 8
-2.776E-17 0 7-1 0
-31.8463 10.6398 7-1 4
-63.6927 21.2795 7-1 8
-5.551E-17 0 7-1 0
-29.3129 -1.8056 7-1 4
-58.6259 -3.6113 7-1 8
5.177E-16 1.519E-15 7-1 0
-28.9023 22.3542 7-1 4
-57.8047 44.7084 7-1 8
-5.177E-16 -1.519E-15 7-1 0
-30.2334 17.9851 7-1 4
-60.4668 35.9701 7-1 8
1.72E-15 4.575E-16 7-1 0
-27.3575 20.8275 7-1 4
-54.715 41.655 7-1 8
-1.72E-15 -4.575E-16 7-1 0
-31.7782 19.5117 7-1 4
-63.5564 39.0235 7-1 8
-5.551E-17 0 7-1 0
-18.8802 -8.6905 7-1 4
-37.7603 -17.381 7-1 8
5.177E-16 1.519E-15 7-1 0
-18.4901 15.4818 7-1 4
-36.9802 30.9636 7-1 8
-5.177E-16 -1.519E-15 7-1 0
-19.8212 11.1126 7-1 4
-39.6423 22.2253 7-1 8
1.72E-15 4.575E-16 7-1 0
-16.9453 13.9551 7-1 4
-33.8906 27.9102 7-1 8
-1.72E-15 -4.575E-16 7-1 0
-21.366 12.6393 7-1 4
-42.7319 25.2787 7-1 8
59.5953 -41.3691 9-1 0
29.7977 -20.6846 9-1 4
0 -9.948E-15 9-1 8
64.0093 -43.2922 9-1 0
32.0046 -21.6461 9-1 4
6.939E-18 -7.105E-15 9-1 8
64.2434 -65.2361 9-1 0
32.1217 -32.618 9-1 4
-5.551E-17 -1.421E-14 9-1 8
59.7273 -84.3018 9-1 0
29.8636 -42.1509 9-1 4
-1.041E-16 -2.185E-14 9-1 8
60.4668 -35.9701 9-1 0
30.2334 -17.9851 9-1 4
1.035E-15 -4.599E-15 9-1 8
57.8047 -44.7084 9-1 0
28.9023 -22.3542 9-1 4
-1.035E-15 -1.068E-14 9-1 8
63.5564 -39.0235 9-1 0
31.7782 -19.5117 9-1 4
3.441E-15 -6.724E-15 9-1 8
54.715 -41.655 9-1 0
27.3575 -20.8275 9-1 4
-3.441E-15 -8.553E-15 9-1 8
38.8617 -70.5321 9-1 0
19.4309 -35.266 9-1 4
-1.11E-16 -2.061E-14 9-1 8
39.6423 -22.2253 9-1 0
19.8212 -11.1126 9-1 4
1.035E-15 -3.356E-15 9-1 8
36.9802 -30.9636 9-1 0
18.4901 -15.4818 9-1 4
-1.035E-15 -9.434E-15 9-1 8
42.7319 -25.2787 9-1 0
21.366 -12.6393 9-1 4
3.441E-15 -5.481E-15 9-1 8
33.8906 -27.9102 9-1 0
16.9453 -13.9551 9-1 4
-3.441E-15 -7.309E-15 9-1 8

64.2434 44.7084
-64.2434 -84.3018

1.1 Standard Material

- Concrete Class f'c = 30 Mpa
- Steel Rebar : BJTD-37 fy = 400 Mpa

1.2 Safety Factor

1). Compression stability = 3
2). Uplift Stability = 2
3). Overturning Stability = 2
4). Sliding Stability = 1.5


2.1 Load Result From Statical Calculation Design Tower

Max. Compression:
Fc = 420.073 kN = 42.8355159 ton
Xc = 10.896 kN = 1.1110826 ton
Yc = 10.896 kN = 1.1110826 ton

2.2 Layout Pad & Chimney Foundation

Dimensi data:

B = 1.60 m Wide of pad

B2 = 2.47 m
C = 0.4 m Top wide of chimney
C1 = 0.4 m Bottom wide of chimney
D2 = 1.2 m High of chimney
D4 = 0.3 m Thickness of pad 2
t1 = 0.15 m Lean concrete & Sand fill
Ø = 20 deg 0.3491 rad frustum angle
H = 1.2 m Total high of chimney
H' = 1.65 m High of soil cut
b = 0.4 m Wide of Chimney

2.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity

Foundation Class-1 , qall = 2.5 kg/cm2 (5 - 2.5 kg/cm2)

Weight of foundation (Wf)

Wf = ((B2 x D4) + (B'2 x D3) + (b2 x H)) γ concrete
= 2304 kg

Weight of soil (Ws)

Ws = (B2(D2+D3+D4)) - ((B2 x D4) + (B'2 x D3) + (b2 x H)) x γ soil
= 4608 kg

Weight of lean concrete (Wlc)

Wlc = B2 x 0.05 γ concrete
= 281.6 kg

Weight of sand fill (Wps)

Wps = B2 x 0.1 γ sand
= 512 kg

Total weight (Wt)

Wt = Wf + Ws + Wlc + Wps
= 7705.6 kg
Moment from lateral reaction
Mx = H * Fx = 1333.2991 kg.m
My = H * Fy = 1333.2991 kg.m

q = V / B2 ( 1 + 6 ex/B + 6 ey/B )

ex = Mx/ V = 0.026 m < 1/6 B = 0.2666667 m
ey = My/ V = 0.026 m < 1/6 B = 0.2666667 m

V = Wt + Fc
= 7705.6 + 42835.516
= 50541.1 kg

q = 19742.6 ( 1 + 0.099 + 0.099

q1 = 23648.773 kg/m2 < 25000 kg/m2 Ok

q2 = 19742.623 kg/m2 < 25000 kg/m2 Ok
q3 = 19742.623 kg/m2 < 25000 kg/m2 Ok
q4 = 15836.474 kg/m2 < 25000 kg/m2 Ok

2.4 Overturning Stability

Overturning moment
Mx = 1333.30 kg.m Hresult = 1885.5696 kg.m
My = 1333.30 kg.m

Moment Resistant (MR)

MR = (Wf + Ws) x B/2

= 5529.6 kg.m

SF ≤ MR / My
2 ≤ 2.933 Ok

2.5 Sliding Stability

Lateral force
Xh = 1111.0826 kg Hresult = 1571.308 kg
Yh = 1111.0826 kg

Lateral Resistence, Lr = τo. A +( (Wt + Fc ) tan(2/3 x φ))

τo = c + σ tan φ = 0
Lr = 2820.1999 kg

SF ≤ LR / Yh
1.5 ≤ 1.795 Ok

2.6 Settlement Foundation

Hard soil = 4.00 m Eu =

Df = 1.65 m =
γ's = 1600 kg/m3 =
B= 1.60 m
H= 2.35 m

elv. 1.65 m

elv. 4m

Immediete Settlement
According Janbu, Bjerrum, and Kjaernsli (1956), Immediete settlement formulated as follows:

Si = μi μo (qB/Eu)
= 0.0001805 m
= 0.181 mm

qmax = 23648.773 kg/m2

Eu = 18280 ton/m2
H/B = 1.469
L/B = 1.000
μi = 0.098
Df/B = 1.031
μo = 0.890

Consolidation Settlement
1.65 m

hard solil elv. 4m

L=B= 1.60 m (pad dimension)

Settlement Calculation
Used Sanglerat Method :

D H = ∑( H1 D p' ) ao
2.3 qc

where :
DH : setlement
H : compressible layer thickness
Dp' : Pressure
qc : cone penetration
ao : coeff.

A=LxB= 2.56 m2

L/2 L/2

A B/2


Pressure distribution used Boussinesq Method


m = L/2 x Z
n n = B/2 x Z

V= 50541.1 kg
4 Dp' = 23648.773 kg/m2
= 2.3648773 kg/cm2
Depth Z m=n Iz 4Dp' qc ao DH
(m) (cm ) (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) (cm )
3.20 10.00 8.00 0.25 0.591 77 1.44125 0.0962275
3.40 30.00 2.67 0.25 0.591 81 1.48625 0.0943317
3.60 50.00 1.60 0.25 0.591 90 1.5875 0.0906822
3.80 70.00 1.14 0.25 0.591 99 1.68875 0.0876962
4.00 90.00 0.89 0.25 0.591 110 1.8125 0.0847103

Total DH = 0.4536479
Total Settlement
S = Si + Sc
S= 4.717 mm < 25 mm Ok


3.1 Pad Reinforcement Calculation
Ultimate load, qmax = 23,648.77 kg/m
wide of pad, B = 1.60 m
thickness of pad, D3 + D4 = 0.30 m B'
wide chimney, b = 0.40 m
Concrete Compression strength, fc' = 30.00 Mpa
Yield Stress of Reinforcment, fy = 400 Mpa
Heigh efective, d = 225 mm
Cricical length, B' = 0.6 m B

Moment maximum
Mmax = 1/2 qmax B'^2
= 4256.7791 kg.m
= 43.169575 kN.m

Taken from SNI-03-2847-2002 (12.5)

ρ min = 1.4/fy = 0.0035
As min = ρ * B * d = 1260 mm2
ρ max = 0.75 *ρb = 0.75*((0.85*β1*f'c)/fy)*[600/(600+fy)]
= 0.02438438
As max = ρ max * B * d = 8778.375 mm2
Mn = Mu/Ø => Ø = 0.85
= 50.788 kN.m

Mn = As fy (d-1/2a)=> assumptions (d-1/2a) = 0.875 d

As = Mn/(fy 0.875 d)
= 644.924 mm2
Inner force balance equation:
a = (As fy) / 0.85 fc' B
= 6.32 mm

As = Mn / fy (d-1/2a)
= 572.350 mm2 As < As min

D = 16 mm distance 255
n rebar = 6.27 pcs
n rebar used = 7 pcs

Choosed , As Lower Rebars D- 16 mm distance 250

Choosed , As Upper Rebars D- 16 mm distance 250

3.2 Punching Shear on Pad

Checking for One Way Shear
σ = Fc/A
= 16.733 ton/m2

G' = B-(B/2+b/2+d)
= 0.375 m
d = 225 mm b

shear on pile cap, Vu = σ.B.G' G'

= 10.039574 ton B

Shear nominal on pile cap, ØVc = 0.75 . 1/6 . Sqrt(fc').B.d

= 246.47515 kN
= 25.133 ton
Checking for Two Way Shear
high effective pad, d' = 225 mm
B' = b + 2(d/2)
= 0.625 m

shear on pile cap, Vu = σ . (B2-B'2)

= 36.299 ton

Vc from SNI-03-2847-2002 b
Lowest Vc from formula:
d/2 B'
 2  fc' b 0 d ... (1)
Vc   1   B
 β c  6

a d  fc'b0d ... (2)

Vc   s  2 
 b0  12

Vc 
fc 'b 0 d ... (3)
βc = C/C1
= 1
b0 = 4.B'
= 2.50 m
= 2500 mm

equation (1), Vc = 1540.470 kN

= 157.084 ton

equation (2), Vc = 975.631 kN

99.487 ton
equation (3), Vc = 1026.980 kN
104.723 ton

Vc = 99.487 ton
Shear nominal on pile cap, ØVc = 74.615 ton

Vu < ØVc Ok
36.30 ton < 74.61 ton
3.3 Column Reinforcement
SNI standard
Check ratio Chimney:
H/b = 3.000 < 3 ... Ok SNI-03-2847-2002 (24.8)
Ø Pn = Ø ( 0.85 f'c) Ag SNI-03-2847-2002 (24.5)
= 2856 kN > 420.07 kN

Used Ratio Rebars min = ρ min = 0.01 SNI-03-2847-2002 (12.9)

As3 : = ρmin x Ag
Wide of Chimney (bc) = 0.40 m
As3 : = 1600 mm2 minimum
Choosed shear reabar Ø : 13 X 13 pcs
1732.665 mm2 > 1600.000 ……OK

Used shear reabar Ø : 13 X 16 pcs

Check For Uplif
T = As.fy
= 640000 N
= 640 kN > -420.073 kN

3.4 Shear Reinforcement For Chimney

Hx,y max = 10.90 kN = 1.11 ton
Vc = 1/6.SQRT(fc').b.d SNI-03-2847-2002 (13.3)
= 127.80193 kN = 13.03 ton
Ø. Vc = 108.631641 kN = 11.08 ton
0.5*Ø*Vc < Hx,y < Ø.Vc
5.54 < 1.11 < 11.08 OK
need minimal rebar for shear force.
( S ) Spacing max no 1 : d/2 ≤ 175.00 mm SNI-03-2847-2002 (13.5)
( S ) Spacing max no 2 : ≤ 305 mm ( =12 inch)
( S ) Critical area for shear force : = 3.Av.fy/b 678.24 mm <
Av ( 1 side) = area rebars Ø12= 113.04 mm2
b=d = 400 mm
Choosed shear reabar Ø : = 12 @ 200 mm

1. TOWER NO. : PP.055; PP.063
WIDE OF PAD : 1.6 m x 1.6 m
LENGTH : 1,800 mm (embeded in concrete)
CLEAT : -1.00 pcs
BOLT : 2 pcs @ M24 class 8.8
PAD : D 16 mm distance 250
CHIMNEY : D 13 X 16 pcs
D 12 mm distance 200
7. CONCRETE CLASS : f'c 30
8. Volume
Soil fillin : 2.88 m3
Excavation : 3.84 m3
Cocrete K -225 : 0.96 m3
Compacted sand t =10 cm : 0.256 m3
Lean concrete t=5cm : 0.128 m3
a. Pad
Reinforcement D-16 : 84.851351 kg
b. Chimney
Reinforcement D-13 : 25.101247 kg
Reinforcement D-12 : 7.4576383 kg
c. Tulangan Pengaku
Reinforcement D-16 : 4.9496622 kg
Total : 122.3599 kg



b B

305 mm


TABLE: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2
Text Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m
1 COMB1 Combination 5.171 7.449 191.696 0 0
1 COMB2 Combination 5.412 8.001 192.67 0 0
1 COMB3 Combination 2.66 7.962 185.585 0 0
1 COMB4 Combination -0.451 7.328 168.08 0 0
1 COMB5 Combination Max 5.589 7.558 183.421 0 0
1 COMB5 Combination Min 4.496 7.226 180.537 0 0
1 COMB6 Combination Max 5.207 7.945 183.303 0 0
1 COMB6 Combination Min 4.878 6.839 180.655 0 0
1 COMB7 Combination -2.173 4.72 109.244 0 0
1 COMB8 Combination Max 3.87 4.955 124.676 0 0
1 COMB8 Combination Min 2.778 4.623 121.791 0 0
1 COMB9 Combination Max 3.489 5.341 124.557 0 0
1 COMB9 Combination Min 3.16 4.236 121.909 0 0
4 COMB1 Combination -5.171 7.449 191.696 0 0
4 COMB2 Combination -5.412 8.001 192.67 0 0
4 COMB3 Combination -8.155 8.03 199.574 0 0
4 COMB4 Combination -10.538 7.466 196.058 0 0
4 COMB5 Combination Max -4.496 7.558 183.421 0 0
4 COMB5 Combination Min -5.589 7.226 180.537 0 0
4 COMB6 Combination Max -4.878 7.945 183.303 0 0
4 COMB6 Combination Min -5.207 6.839 180.655 0 0
4 COMB7 Combination -8.817 4.858 137.223 0 0
4 COMB8 Combination Max -2.778 4.955 124.676 0 0
4 COMB8 Combination Min -3.87 4.623 121.791 0 0
4 COMB9 Combination Max -3.16 5.341 124.557 0 0
4 COMB9 Combination Min -3.489 4.236 121.909 0 0
5 COMB1 Combination 3.398 -3.58E-14 391.784 0 0
5 COMB2 Combination 3.701 -3.823E-14 409.657 0 0
5 COMB3 Combination -0.048 1.247E-13 398.772 0 0
5 COMB4 Combination -4.086 2.903E-13 360.753 0 0
5 COMB5 Combination Max 4.164 0.239 383.978 0 0
5 COMB5 Combination Min 2.644 -0.239 379.661 0 0
5 COMB6 Combination Max 3.632 0.795 382.469 0 0
5 COMB6 Combination Min 3.175 -0.795 381.17 0 0
5 COMB7 Combination -5.307 3.027E-13 230.56 0 0
5 COMB8 Combination Max 2.944 0.239 254.02 0 0
5 COMB8 Combination Min 1.425 -0.239 249.703 0 0
5 COMB9 Combination Max 2.413 0.795 252.511 0 0
5 COMB9 Combination Min 1.956 -0.795 251.212 0 0
8 COMB1 Combination -3.398 4.21E-14 391.784 0 0
8 COMB2 Combination -3.701 4.652E-14 409.657 0 0
8 COMB3 Combination -7.443 -9.593E-14 420.073 0 0
8 COMB4 Combination -10.896 -2.422E-13 403.356 0 0
8 COMB5 Combination Max -2.644 0.239 383.978 0 0
8 COMB5 Combination Min -4.164 -0.239 379.661 0 0
8 COMB6 Combination Max -3.175 0.795 382.469 0 0
8 COMB6 Combination Min -3.632 -0.795 381.17 0 0
8 COMB7 Combination -9.675 -2.578E-13 273.163 0 0
8 COMB8 Combination Max -1.425 0.239 254.02 0 0
8 COMB8 Combination Min -2.944 -0.239 249.703 0 0
8 COMB9 Combination Max -1.956 0.795 252.511 0 0
8 COMB9 Combination Min -2.413 -0.795 251.212 0 0
9 COMB1 Combination 5.171 -7.449 191.696 0 0
9 COMB2 Combination 5.412 -8.001 192.67 0 0
9 COMB3 Combination 2.66 -7.962 185.585 0 0
9 COMB4 Combination -0.451 -7.328 168.08 0 0
9 COMB5 Combination Max 5.589 -7.226 183.421 0 0
9 COMB5 Combination Min 4.496 -7.558 180.537 0 0
9 COMB6 Combination Max 5.207 -6.839 183.303 0 0
9 COMB6 Combination Min 4.878 -7.945 180.655 0 0
9 COMB7 Combination -2.173 -4.72 109.244 0 0
9 COMB8 Combination Max 3.87 -4.623 124.676 0 0
9 COMB8 Combination Min 2.778 -4.955 121.791 0 0
9 COMB9 Combination Max 3.489 -4.236 124.557 0 0
9 COMB9 Combination Min 3.16 -5.341 121.909 0 0
12 COMB1 Combination -5.171 -7.449 191.696 0 0
12 COMB2 Combination -5.412 -8.001 192.67 0 0
12 COMB3 Combination -8.155 -8.03 199.574 0 0
12 COMB4 Combination -10.538 -7.466 196.058 0 0
12 COMB5 Combination Max -4.496 -7.226 183.421 0 0
12 COMB5 Combination Min -5.589 -7.558 180.537 0 0
12 COMB6 Combination Max -4.878 -6.839 183.303 0 0
12 COMB6 Combination Min -5.207 -7.945 180.655 0 0
12 COMB7 Combination -8.817 -4.858 137.223 0 0
12 COMB8 Combination Max -2.778 -4.623 124.676 0 0
12 COMB8 Combination Min -3.87 -4.955 121.791 0 0
12 COMB9 Combination Max -3.16 -4.236 124.557 0 0
12 COMB9 Combination Min -3.489 -5.341 121.909 0 0

5.589 8.03 420.073

-10.896 -8.03 109.244

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