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Australian Parliamentary/Australasian Parliamentary ("Australs)

Gaya debat ini digunakan di Australia, namun pengaruhnya menyebar hingga ke kompetisi-kompetisi
yang diselenggarakan di Asia, sehingga akhirnya disebut sebagai format Australasian Parliamentary.
Dalam format ini, dua tim beranggotakan masing-masing tiga orang berhadapan dalam satu debat, satu
tim mewakili Pemerintah (Government) dan satu tim mewakili Oposisi (Opposition), dengan urutan
sebagai berikut:

1. Pembicara pertama pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit

2. Pembicara pertama pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
3. Pembicara kedua pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit
4. Pembicara kedua pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
5. Pembicara ketiga pihak Pemerintah - 7 menit
6. Pembicara ketiga pihak Oposisi - 7 menit
7. Pidato penutup pihak Oposisi - 5 menit
8. Pidato penutup pihak Pemerintah - 5 menit
Pidato penutup (Reply speech) menjadi ciri dari format ini. Pidato penutup dibawakan oleh pembicara
pertama atau kedua dari masing-masing tim (tidak boleh pembicara ketiga). Pidato penutup dimulai oleh
Oposisi terlebih dahulu, baru Pemerintah.

Mosi dalam format ini diberikan dalam bentuk pernyataan yang harus didukung oleh pihak Pemerintah
dan ditentang oleh Pihak Oposisi, contoh:

(This House believes that) Globalization marginalizes the poor.

(Sidang Dewan percaya bahwa) Globalisasi meminggirkan masyarakat miskin.
Mosi tersebut dapat didefinisikan oleh pihak Pemerintah dalam batasan-batasan tertentu dengan
tujuan untuk memperjelas debat yang akan dilakukan. Ada aturan-aturan yang cukup jelas
dalam hal apa yang boleh dilakukan sebagai bagian dari definisi dan apa yang tidak boleh

Tidak ada interupsi dalam format ini.

Juri (adjudicator) dalam format Australs terdiri atas satu orang atau satu panel berjumlah ganjil.
Dalam panel, setiap juri memberikan voting-nya tanpa melalui musyawarah. Dengan demikian,
keputusan panel dapat bersifat unanimous ataupun split decision.

Di Indonesia, format ini termasuk yang pertama kali dikenal sehingga cukup populer terutama di
kalangan universitas. Kompetisi debat di Indonesia yang menggunakan format ini adalah Java
Overland Varsities English Debate (JOVED) dan Indonesian Varsity English Debate (IVED).
Sex is entering too fast

Children would fair better learning about sex from adults than peers and it is not unlikely for children in
grade 1 to already know certain things about sex. Teachers and parents should be the first ones to
explain these things to children. We need to make sure that what we teach them is still age appropriate.

absolutely, we should.
There are different levels of age appropriate sex education, but these should be mandatory in schools.
Comprehensive sex education has been shown by a plethora of studies to be the best way to prevent
STDs and teen pregnancy. In addition, early sex education reduces body image and shame issues, as in
the younger years it is geared towards changes the children are experiencing in their bodies and how to
deal with them- a topic a great majority of parents are too afraid or repressed to talk about or are
misinformed about themselves.

Age Appropriate Sex Ed is very helpful for people in later life.

Today our Sex Education classes are not good enough in the UK to support the speed that sex is entering
our lives and our laptops.
We need to create sex ed classes from an early age similar to the system being taught in The
Netherlands, a country where the teenage pregnancy rates are 5 times lower than they are in the UK.

They should not be being taught about Condoms or how to have sex, but just the basic facts that will
prepare them in later life for what to expect, rather than it being completely not taught about, allowing
children to find out for themselves, with dire consequences.

Let kids be innocent.

Kids are kids. They don't need to know anything about sex until they are pre-teenagers. You are a lot
more likely to be abstinent if you haven't been told about sex. Teaching children about sex is to rob them
of their innocence. Adults and teenagers have loads of worries. We might as well eliminate the pressure
of sex by waiting to start sex education until middle school.
Reading, Writing, and Math Should Come First

Look, we need to teach our young children the basics about reading, writing, and math. Why confuse
them with topics such as sex and 'what to expect later in life'? If the parents feel as though their young
child should know about this topic, they should teach it themselves in a home enviroment. Sex Ed should
be introduced in middle-school; we have to supply young students with the essentials - reading, writing,
and math - first.

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