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Komposisi Nutrisi dari Kultivar Buah


BAB 13

Jambu Biji (Psidium guajava L.) Kultivar: Sumber

Nutrisi Penting untuk Kesehatan Manusia
Narciso Nerdo Rodríguez Medina, Juliette Valdés-Infante Herrero Departemen Sumber Daya Genetika dan Peningkatan, Lemb
Buah-buahan Tropis, IIFT, Habana, Kuba

Pendahuluan 288 Aspek Botani 289 Komposisi Kultivar Tradisional 290 Komposisi Kultivar Modern 298 India 302 Brasil 302 Am
México 303 Kuba 304 Mesir 304 Pakistan 304 Thailand 305 Atribut Nutrisi dari Jambu Biji Penting untuk Kesehatan Manusia 30

ABBREVIASI ABTS 2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) AEAC Asam askorbat setara dengan kapasitas
antioksidan AFLP Diperkuat fragmen panjang polimorfisme DNA asam Deoksiribonukleat DPPH 2,2-diphenyl-1
pikrylhydrazyl FAO Organisasi Makanan dan Pertanian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa FIC Besi-ferrozine kompleks FRAP
Ferric yang mengurangi daya antioksidan GC Gas chromatography GC-FID Gas chromato grafik dengan deteksi ionisasi
nyala GC-MS Kromatografi gas-spektrometri massa HDL Lipoprotein densitas tinggi HS-SPME headspace fase padat
Komposisi Nutrisi dari Kultivar Buah Kultivar Buah 288

IC50 Didefinisikan sebagai konsentrasi antioksidan yang diperlukan untuk mencari 50% dari DPPH radikal IIFT Institute untuk Penelitian Buah-buah
Tropis IU UnitInternasional LEAC Kapasitas antioksidan setara LycopeneKapasitas ORAC penyerapan radikal oksigen QTL Lokasi kuantitatif sifat
ROS Spesies oksigen reaktif SSR Pengulangan urutan sederhana TDF Total serat makanan TE Trolox setara UV Ultraviolet

Guava (Psidium guajava L.), juga disebut apel daerah tropis, adalah tanaman asli dari Amerika Tengah tropis, dari Meksiko
Selatan bagian utara, sementara itu telah diperkenalkan ke daerah tropis dan subtropis lainnya di seluruh dunia (Padilla da
2010). Pohon buah ini milik keluarga Myrtaceae, yang terdiri dari sejumlah besar spesies yang menghasilkan buah. Ini ada
yang populer karena ketersediaan sepanjang tahun, harga terjangkau, daya tahan selama transportasi dan penanganan, da
konsumen secara keseluruhan (Thaipong dan Boonprakob, 2005).
Buah-buahan tropis kecil seperti jambu biji telah mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dalam produksi dan nilai dala
tahun terakhir (Quijano dan Pino, 2007). Namun, dalam skala dunia, jambu biji diproduksi dalam jumlah yang jauh
dibandingkan dengan buah-buahan tropis utama. Namun demikian, secara ekonomi penting dengan tingkat produksi yang
Australia, Brasil, Kolombia, Bangladesh, Kuba, Mesir, India, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaika, Kenya, Malaysia, Meksiko, Paki
Selatan, Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand, Amerika Serikat (Florida dan Hawaii), Venezuela, dan Vietnam (Singh dan Jain, 2007; P
Murakami, 2009).
Buah jambu biji penting baik untuk konsumsi segar maupun untuk pengolahan industri. Perdagangan internasional saat
pada produk olahan yang diimpor terutama oleh Amerika Serikat, Jepang, dan Eropa (Singh dan Jain, 2007).
Banyak genotipe diperoleh melalui seleksi alam dan program pemuliaan, dengan tujuan utama untuk meningkatkan k
komersial buah. Proses ini menghasilkan variabilitas besar atribut internal buah dan eksternal kultivar di hampir setiap neg
jambu biji merupakan tanaman komersial. Variasi-variasi ini meliputi karakter agronomi serta komposisi senyawa antioksid
dan mineral, yang semuanya penting untuk diet dan kesehatan manusia. Juga, minyak atsiri dan beberapa konstitue
menghadirkan variasi yang luar biasa dan bertanggung jawab atas citarasa dan aromanya yang(khasPomer et al., 2013).
memungkinkan untuk mempertimbangkan buah jambu biji sebagai salah satu yang paling bergizi dari daerah tropis.
Jambu Kultivar: Sumber Nutrisi 289

Mengingat tren saat ini mengidentifikasi produk alami yang berkontribusi terhadap nutrisi dan kesehatan manusi
sebaiknya menggabungkan karakter komersial yang diinginkan dan beberapa komponen aktif penting lainnya untuk men
manusia seperti yang diperlukan untuk sumur nutrisi sesuai dengan asupan harian yang direkomendasikan. Bab ini,
terdiri dari informasi mengenai komposisi dan distribusi beberapa unsur gizi jambu biji baik dalam kultivar tradisional m

Jambu biji (Psidium guajava L.) termasuk dalam genus Psidium dari keluarga Myrtaceae. Psidium termasuk semak ata
daun berlawanan atau sub-alternatif dengan titik-titik kelenjar pellucid (tembus). Saraf lateral sebagian besar naik, arku
tanpa membentuk saraf marginal yang khas. Cymose perbungaan, dari satu sampai tujuh berbunga. Berbagai ke
membelah tidak teratur hingga ke ovarium saat bunga mekar. Calyx-tungkai dengan empat atau lima gigi atau lobus ya
benar-benar tertutup tunas atau dengan pori apikal. Kelopak orbiculate atau obovate dan warna putih. Benang sari
mengerut di kuncup, kepala sari dorsifixed, dehiscing longitudinal. Ovarium 2-7 lokular, banyak berovulasi, plase
lamellate; ovula dalam baris tunggal atau tiga; stigma capitate atau peltate. Berry sering berdaging, sebagian besar berb
dengan banyak biji, yang hippocrepiform atau reniform, tertanam di dalam bubur, testa kusam, keras. Embrio tida
melengkung, radikal memanjang dan kotiledon sangat singkat (Liogier, 1994; Pommer dan Murakami, 2009). Beberapa
menghasilkan buah yang dapat dimakan, yang terpenting adalah Psidium cattleianum Afzel. ex Sabine, P. friedrichsthali
Nied., dan terutama P. guajava L.
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) adalah pohon bercabang kecil atau perdu setinggi 7-10 m. Sistem root bersifat dangkal. Bata
keras, dengan ciri kulit kayu berbintik-bintik halus pucat yang terkelupas dalam serpihan tipis, setelah batang tumbuh d
sekitar 20 cm. Cabang dapat naik, menyebar, atau terkulai, menghasilkan bentukberbeda (kanopi yangLiogier, 199
Murakami, 2009; Rodríguez et al., 2010b).
Ranting muda berwarna hijau, kuning, kemerahan, atau merah, empat persegi panjang dan berbulu halus dengan daun
kecoklatan-kemerahan karena variasi dalam pigmentasi antosianik. Daun dewasa beraroma, hijau sepanjang masa, sub-c
berlawanan, dengan vena lateral yang menonjol di bagian bawah. Bentuk daun bervariasi dari elliptic hingga oblong-la
bundar, panjang 4-10 cm dan lebar 2,5–6 cm, apeks menipis, apiculate, bundar tetapi terutama tumpul atau akut,
pangkalan, dan dengan tangkai pendek 2-7 mm panjang (Liogier, 1994; Morton, 2000; Rodríguez et al., 2010b).
Bunga samar harum, hermafrodit, berwarna putih, besar, soliter atau berkelompok dua hingga tiga. Bunga dengan 4-5
juga sering dengan 10 kelopak ditempatkan dalam dua seri lima. Kelopak obovate, putih, puber, panjang 1-2 cm. Pedicel
1,5-2,5 cm. Benang sari banyak, panjang sekitar 1 cm, dengan banyak serbuk sari dan berujung dengan
Komposisi Nutrisi dari Kultivar Buah 290

kepala sari kuning pucat. Benang sari petaloid juga dapat berkembang (Morton, 2000; Rodríguez et al., 2010b). Ber
berkelanjutan, dengan bunga-bunga ditumbuhkan pada tunas lateral yang baru muncul, terlepas dari waktu tahun.
pembentukan kuncup bunga dan set buah berikutnya bisa sangat tidak menentu selama tahun dan antara tahun, tergantung pa
faktor abiotik (Morton, 2000; Pommer dan Murakami, 2009).
Buah jambu biji memiliki bentuk yang bervariasi. Mereka bisa berbentuk piramida, oblate, bulat, ellipsoidal, oval, atau si
dewasa memiliki bau yang kuat dan manis kadang-kadang dikombinasikan dengan berbagai tingkat bau musk. Beratnya 25
lebih, panjangnya 5–12 cm, lebar 3-6 cm, dengan empat atau lima sisa bunga yang menonjol (sepal) di puncaknya. Diam
kelopak bervariasi. Kulit buah dapat halus, kasar, atau bergelombang dan mengembangkan kuning pucat, kuning pucat-kehija
tua, oranye-hijau, hijau tua, atau warna merah pada saat jatuh tempo (Morton, 2000; Rodríguez et al., 2010b).
Di sebelah kulit adalah lapisan daging agak granular dengan warna bervariasi. Pulpa bisa berwarna putih, krem, merah
merah muda, atau merah muda gelap, oranye-merah muda atau oranye dalam buah dewasa, dengan berbagai tingkat
keasaman, dan kemanisan. Ketebalan daging bagian luar ini sekitar 3-20,3 mm. Pulp sentral berair dan biasanya diisi dengan
yang sangat keras, ukurannya bervariasi, rata-rata panjangnya 3 mm dan lebar 2 mm. Beberapa jenis langka memiliki biji
dan mudah dikunyah. Jumlah biji per buah berkisar dari 16 hingga 632. Berat benih berkisar antara 0,8 hingga 12,6 g (M
Rodríguez et al., 2010b).


Perbanyakan dengan biji selama periode domestikasi yang besar telah menghasilkan keanekaragaman tanaman jambu biji
dalam kondisi alami. Ini, bersama dengan program pemuliaan yang dimulai hampir seabad yang lalu, memungkinkan un
tanaman yang lebih baik dengan karakteristik yang diinginkan, yang merupakan kultivar pertama yang ditujukan untuk
komersial. Beberapa dari mereka, karena karakteristik yang berbeda, baik dieksploitasi saat ini atau telah menjadi su
menghasilkan kultivar modern yang baru. Itulah sebabnya mereka disebut kultivar "tradisional" atau "analitik". Mereka telah
basis untuk program pemuliaan di berbagai negara dengan kultivar lokal dan asing. Beberapa dari mereka adalah seba
'Allahabad Safeda', 'Apple', 'Sardar', dan 'Lucknow-49' di India; 'Paluma' dan 'Rica' di Brasil; 'Patillo', 'Asam merah muda
dan 'Supreme' di Amerika Serikat; 'Beamount' di Hawaii; 'Ben-dov' di Israel; 'Hong Kong pink' dan 'Hong Kong white' di
'Mukundapuri' dan 'Swarupkathi' di Bangladesh; 'Fan Retief' di Afrika Selatan, 'Cotorrera' dan 'Belic L-207' di Kuba; dan 'M
di Meksiko (Pommer dan Murakami, 2009).
Semua bagian tanaman, tetapi terutama buah-buahan dari kultivar tradisional menunjukkan keanekaragaman yang cukup
hanya dalam hal sifat-sifat agronomis tetapi juga berkenaan dengan komposisi unsur-unsur nutrisi (Tabel 1). Berikut
komponen nutrisi serta konstituen yang bertanggung jawab untuk aroma dan rasa dalam buah jambu biji akan dibahas.

Selama pemasakan, transformasi buah mentah menjadi produk matang yang dapat dimakan disertai dengan proses metab
reaksi degradatif sederhana serta reaksi biosintesis yang kompleks. Dalam jambu biji, perubahan dalam epicarp dan warn
divisualisasikan secara bertahap dengan munculnya karotenoid dan anthocyanin, dengan β-karoten, likopen, dan poli-fe
metabolit yang paling melimpah (Espinal et al., 2012). Senyawa lain seperti vitamin C meningkat selama proses kem
mengikuti pemecahan pati menjadi glukosa, yang kemudian digunakan dalam biosintesis asam askorbat (Lim et al., 2006).
luas konstituen yang mudah menguap terjadi untuk menghasilkan rasa untuk buah matang yang sering digambarkan sebag
pisang" - seperti (Quijano dan Pino, 2007).
Buah jambu matang memiliki nilai gizi luar biasa dan direkomendasikan sebagai bagian dari makanan sehari-hari. Merek
tanin, fenol, triterpen, flavonoid, minyak esensial, saponin, karotenoid, lektin, asam lemak, serat, dan vitamin. Buah ini
misalnya, vitamin C dari lemon, dan mengandung jumlah yang cukup dari vitamin A, B1,B2,niasin (B3),dan asam pantotenat
mengandung fosfor, kalsium, zat besi, kalium, dan natrium dalam jumlah yang wajar (Perales et al., 2005; Lim et al., 2006)
Buah jambu biji dicirikan oleh kadar air yang tinggi, tetapi konsentrasi rendah hidrokarbon, lemak, dan protein (Perales
Air, dengan demikian, komponen utama buah jambu biji. Menurut nilai ekstrim yang terdeteksi oleh beberapa penulis (Ta
rata berkisar dari 74% hingga 87% kelembaban dan 13% hingga 26% bahan kering. Variasi dalam kadar air ini memicu ting
dalam buah-buahan matang.
Selain itu, jambu biji adalah buah rendah kalori, dengan total kontribusi energi berkisar antara 36 hingga 67,9 kkal per
matang (Perales et al., 2005;, 2014penghasil), mungkin karena variasi senyawaenergi di kultus yang berbed
67,9 kkal, 53,2 kkal (78,4%) berasal dari hidrokarbon

(, 2014), senyawa energik utama dari konstituen non-air yang berjumlah sekitar 5-14% dari buah (Ta
mereka, gula mewakili konsentrasi tertinggi, bervariasi dari 6% hingga 13% (Tabel 2). Juga serat, yang termasuk dala
ini, direpresentasikan dalam kelimpahan 2,8-5,5% (Tabel 2); Namun, nilai yang lebih rendah dari 2,4% juga ditemuk
2011). Dari serat makanan larut, pektin yang diisolasi dari buah-buahan yang berbeda termasuk jambu biji memiliki efek
pada kesehatan manusia. Perbedaan signifikan dalam kadar gula dan serat telah terdeteksi sesuai dengan variasi dalam
biji (Patel et al., 2011).
Selama proses pematangan, perubahan total padatan terlarut dan keasaman diamati dengan kultivar (Tabel 1). Variasi
indeks pematangan, parameter penting yang biasa digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kematangan buah. Dalam jambu
tinggi dilaporkan dengan koefisien variasi 34%, dihitung berdasarkan 395 aksesi Kuba. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perubah
padatan terlarut (7,40-18,10 ° Brix) dan juga dalam keasaman yang dapat dititrasi (0,10-1,46%) (Rodríguez et al., 2010
progresif dalam monosakarida terlarut ini merupakan hasil dari degradasi hidrolarbon dari polimer hidrokarbon, sedangk
keasaman yang dapat dititrasi disebabkan oleh metabolisme asam organik (Espinal et al., 2012). Kelenturan dalam ja
dari pH sekitar 3-4, yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh asam maleat dan sitrat. Keanekaragaman dalam parameter kim
dilaporkan di kultivar dan daerah lain (Patel et al., 2011; Pommer et al., 2013).
Total lemak dari 0,1% hingga 0,95% dalam buah jambu matang (Tabel 2). Mereka juga senyawa energik, tetapi dengan k
yang lebih rendah (12%) dibandingkan dengan hidrokarbon. Lemak tak jenuh tunggal dan tak jenuh ganda merupakan
dari total lemak, sementara lemak jenuh kurang terwakili (29%) (, 2014). Juga, asam lemak esensial
manusia (Neitzel, 2010) seperti omega-3 dan omega-6 telah terdeteksi (, 2014).
Protein, seperti kebanyakan nutrisi penting lainnya, sangat penting untuk kesehatan yang baik secara keseluruhan. Mereka
yang sangat penting yang terlibat dalam hampir semua fungsi sel. Mereka juga senyawa energik dengan kontribusi ka
sama seperti lemak dan membentuk sekitar 13% dari total energi (, 2014). Bersama-sama dengan prot
bebas dari asal nabati merupakan sumber penting asam amino non-esensial dan esensial. Selain faktor-faktor lain, kul
menjadi kontribusi penting untuk variasi kandungan protein dalam jambu biji. Senyawa-senyawa ini berkisar dari 0,4
dalam buah-buahan matang (Tabel 2). Seiring dengan minyak, biji jambu biji juga merupakan sumber protein dengan
lebih tinggi dibandingkan, misalnya, dengan kedelai. Dari 100 g protein, 2,63 g adalah albumin, 9,47 g adalah globu
adalah glutelin. Profil asam amino esensial dari protein ini, kecuali untuk kandungan lisin, di atas yang diusulkan oleh F
dewasa. Selain itu, biji merupakan sumber penting triptofan (Bernardino et al., 2001).
Buah jambu biji merupakan sumber moderat dari vitamin B-kompleks serta vitamin E dan K. Lebih penting lagi adalah
vitamin A dan C yang tinggi, keduanya dengan
Nutrisi 294 Tinggi
Komposisi Kultivar Buah Tabel 3 Variasi senyawa fungsional yang berbeda ditentukan di beberapa jambu tradisional(Psidiumguajava L.) kul
kultivar Asal
kapasitas antioksidan. Kapasitas ini semakin meningkat dengan adanya polifenol seperti tanin, fenolat, dan flavonoid (Lin
Variasi senyawa fungsional ini dalam beberapa kultivar tradisional dirangkum dalam Tabel 3.
Dengan spesies penghasil buah yang dapat dimakan dari Myrtaceae, terdapat variasi luas dalam kandungan vitamin A den
dari 84 IU dalam Syzygium cumini (L.) Skees hingga 1600 IU di Eugenia uniflora L. (Mitra, 2010). Kultivar jambu biji b
180-717,6 IU (Perales et al., 2005;, 2014). β-karoten adalah prekursor umum vitamin A (Alquezar et al., 200
Brasil, β-karoten berkisar antara 0,13 dan 2,54 mg / per 100 g buah jambu biji. Variabilitas β-karoten ini dicerminkan oleh p
Jambu biji dengan pulp merah muda dan oranye memiliki nilai lebih tinggi daripada jambu biji dengan pulp putih atau krem
2013). Selain β-karoten, buah jambu biji berdaging merah mengandung karotenoid lain seperti γ-karoten, β-cryptoxanth
lutein, cryptoflavin, phytofluene neochrome, dan lyco-pene, karotenoid utama dalam jambu biji (Thaipong et al., 2006; K
et al., 2009). Likopen dalam kisaran 0,04-4,04 mg / 100 g buah dalam plasma nutfah jambu dimaksud, dan nilai-nilai ini
dengan warna pulpa dari merah muda gelap menjadi putih (Pommer et al., 2013).

(Rodríguez et al., 2004), berdasarkan evaluasi masing-masing 395 dan 49 aksesi Kuba. Tergantung pada komposisi
vitamin C dalam 100 g pure mencapai rata-rata 175,9 mg (Rodríguez et al., 2004), 300 mg (Mitra, 2010), 147,8 mg (R
2010b), dan 228,03 mg (, 2014). Selain itu, kisaran 44,6-409,7 mg vitamin C dalam koleksi Brasil (Pom
dan 28,5-687,4 mg dalam koleksi Kuba (Rodríguez et al., 2010b) menggarisbawahi variasi luas konstituen ini. . Fak
adalah bahwa dalam kedua koleksi plasma nutfah, beberapa jambu biji liar menunjukkan nilai tertinggi untuk vitamin
adalah kultivar 'Cotorrera' (Tabel 3) dan 'Microguayaba', yang termasuk dalam koleksi jambu Kuba. Mereka mencap
masing 444,0 dan 508,7 mg (Rodríguez et al., 2004).
Polifenol mencakup konstituen yang berbeda seperti tanin, fenolat, dan flavonoid (Lin dan Yin, 2012). Polifenol hadir
bentuk ester dan glikosida (Lim et al., 2006). Asam dan flavonoid cicicic, coumaric, ellagic, feluric, dan rosmarinic sep
myricetin, naringenin, quercetin, apigenin, dan rutin terdeteksi dalam buah jambu biji (Thaipong et al., 2006; Lin dan
tinggi hadir dalam berbagai kultivar tradisional (Tabel 3).
Karakterisasi kimiawi dari 60 aksesi koleksi jambu Brasil mencatat variasi tinggi dalam total kandungan flavonoid. Ke d
bervariasi dari 10,67-46,82 mg rutin. Juga, senyawa fenolik bervariasi dalam konsentrasi. Total konten dinyatakan da
galat / 100 g pure berkisar antara 158 hingga 447 mg (Pommer et al., 2013). Di India, masing-masing nilai minimal dan
dan 337,45 mg telah dicatat untuk 11 kultivar yang diteliti (Patel et al., 2011). Nilai yang lebih rendah dari 138,3 mg
untuk kultivar 'Vietnam GU8' dari Kampuchea (Lim et al., 2006). Dalam kultivar yang tidak teridentifikasi yang diku
nilai pasar Malaysia berkisar antara 113,1 hingga 143,6 mg bergantung pada pelarut yang digunakan selama proses eks
Hui, 2013). Perubahan konsentrasi konstituen ini bervariasi sesuai dengan spesies famili Myrtaceae yang berbeda (Pomm
Dalam jambu biji tidak hanya variasi berdasarkan kultivar yang diamati, tetapi juga oleh kematangan, distribusi di d
musim. Mirip dengan asam askorbat, zat ini hadir dalam konsentrasi tinggi dalam kulit buah (Lim et al., 2006; Lin dan
Buah-buahan juga merupakan sumber mineral penting. Unsur-unsur ini hadir dalam kombinasi organik dan anorganik
Mereka adalah faktor yang paling penting dalam menjaga semua proses fisiologis untuk mempertahankan kehidupan
kesehatan yang optimal. Dalam abu jambu berkisar dari 0,5% hingga 1,39% (Tabel 2). Ini mencerminkan perbedaan kan
menurut kultivar. Buah segar adalah sumber kalium yang sangat kaya, bervariasi dari 150 hingga 619 mg per 100 g b
mengandung lebih banyak potasium daripada buah-buahan lain seperti pisang berdasarkan berat. Juga kalsium (9–25
30 mg), magnesium (8–18 mg), natrium (3-5,5 mg), dan jumlah tembaga yang rendah (0,2 mg) dan besi (0,2-0,97 mg)
(Perales et al., 2005;, 2014).
Komposisi Nutrisi dari Kultivar Buah 296

Ada beberapa laporan tentang konstituen volatile buah jambu biji, beberapa dari mereka termasuk studi tentang signifika
dari senyawa ini (Joseph dan Priya, 2011). Mirip dengan komponen gizi lainnya, masing-masing kultivar menunjukka
khas, ditandai oleh rasio spesifik antara komponen utama dan kelas zat (Quijano dan Pino, 2007). Ini menghasilkan bua
dengan aroma dan rasa yang berbeda. Analisis awal dari konstituen volatil melaporkan bahwa di antara 40 senyawa
diidentifikasi dalam jambu biji dari Venezuela, campuran 2-metilpropil asetat, heksil asetat, benzaldehida, etil d
caryophyllene, dan α-selinene berkontribusi terhadap aroma spesifik (Joseph dan Priya, 2011). Juga, Pino et al. (1990) m
senyawa volatil dengan menggunakan konsentrat rasa jambu biji alami (60 ° Brix) dari residu buah-buahan yang dik
tangan. Beberapa konstituen spesifik yang penting diidentifikasi dalam esensi berdasarkan kualitas bau seperti metil
benzoat, β-ionon, metil (Z) - sinamat, dan metil (E) -inamat, yang bersama-sama mungkin berkontribusi pad
menyenangkan secara keseluruhan aroma. Meskipun tidak satu pun dari mereka dapat dianggap sebagai karakteristik
jambu biji, konstituen ini dapat dipertahankan dalam produk jambu biji olahan karena mereka tampaknya merupakan sen
penting yang terlibat dalam rasa
Di Kuba, pemeriksaan kultivar 'N-6' memungkinkan identifikasi 45 senyawa, 12 di antaranya dilaporkan untuk pert
dalam buah ini. Konstituen ini terdiri dari 40 alkohol (31,2% dari total yang diidentifikasi), 10 hidrokarbon (22,2%), 9 este
senyawa karbonil (13,3%), 4 sifat kimia berbeda (8,9%), dan 2 asam ( 4,4%). Berbeda dengan artikel sebelumnya, alkohol, h
dan ester adalah konstituen utama. Ester seperti etil asetat, butil asetat, dan 3-fenilpropil asetat memberikan nada buah-ang
((Z) -3-heksenol dan (E, E) -farnesol) memberikan nada kehijauan, dan hidrokarbon berkontribusi pada nada baru yan
berkayu memberikan aroma alami pada aroma (Ortega et al., 1996). Lebih lanjut, konstituen buah yang mudah menguap
untuk empat kultivar jambu biji Kuba dengan menggunakan ekstraksi pelarut destilasi uap secara simultan diikuti dengan
MS. Lebih dari 40 senyawa ditemukan di setiap ekstrak, dan 17 di antaranya diidentifikasi untuk pertama kalinya sebaga
volatile dari jambu biji (Pino dan Ortega, 1999). Volatile utama adalah β-caryophyllene, limonene, 3-phenylpropyl ace
hexenyl acetate, dan (E) -namnamoyl acetate. Paling mungkin, rasa jambu biji khas adalah kombinasi dari beberapa kompon
aldehida C8, alkohol dan ester, senyawa aromatik, dan hidrokarbon terpene.
Di Taiwan, Chen et al. (2008) menganalisis variasi senyawa jambu biji yang mudah menguap dengan menggunakan ek
padat headspace (HS-SPME) ditambah dengan kromatografi gas (GC) dan analisis spektrometri massa (GC-MS). Mereka
bahwa senyawa volatil utama adalah α-pinene, 1,8-cineole, β-caryophyllene, nerolidol, globulin, aldehida C6, alkohol C6, et
dan (Z) -3-heksenil asetat, terpena, dan 1 , 8-cineole dan disimpulkan bahwa ini berkontribusi pada rasa unik buah jambu b
Selain itu, Quijano dan Pino (2007) meneliti konstituen yang mudah menguap dari buah tiga kultivar jambu Kolombia.
ini diisolasi oleh HS-SPME dan
Kultivar Jambu Biji: Sumber Nutrisi 297

dianalisis dengan GC-MS. Sebanyak 97 senyawa diidentifikasi dengan 41 ester, 18 ter, pen, 17 karbonil, 12 asam, 4 al
furan, dan 1 komponen dengan struktur lain-lain. Sembilan belas di antaranya digambarkan untuk pertama kalinya se
jambu biji yang mudah menguap. Meskipun beberapa konstituen utama diidentifikasi oleh penelitian sebelumnya, sekel
lain yang diwakili oleh turunan kayu manis, termasuk cinnamyl aldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol, ethyl (E) -namnamate
cinnamyl alcohol dapat memainkan peran penting dalam rasa manis khas jambu matang. Komposisi khas masing-
ditandai dengan rasio spesifik antara komponen utama (Tabel 4) dan kelas zat, tercermin dengan jelas. Konstituen yang
dari jambu jambu Kolombia berdaging merah muda diperiksa (Joseph dan Priya, 2011). Ini secara hati-hati diisolasi d
pelarut diikuti oleh penguapan rasa yang dibantu pelarut. Area aktif-aroma dari kromatogram gas kemudian disaring
pengenceran ekstrak aroma. Senyawa-senyawa berikut diidentifikasi sebagai kontributor aroma penting: 4-metoksi-2,5-
furanone, 4-hidroksi-2,5-dimetil-3 (2H) -furanone, 3-sulfanylhexyl asetat dan 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol diikuti oleh 3-hydrox
2 (5H) -furanone, (Z) -3-hexanal, trans-4,5-epoxy- (E) -2-decenal , cinnamyl alcohol, ethyl butanoate, hexanal, methion

acetate. Enantio-selective GC mengungkapkan distribusi enansiomer yang dekat dengan ras dalam 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate
3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol. Juga, dua buah metil 2-hidroksi-3-metilpentanoat diastereomer yang berbau harum diidentifikasi seb
dan (S, Sisomer). Selain itu, tujuh aroma baru terdeteksi, di antaranya 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate, 3-sulfanyl-1-hexanol, 3-hy
dimethyl-2 (5H) - furanone, trans-4-5-epoxy- (E) -2-decenal, dan metional sebagai yang paling bau-aktif. Selanjutnya, 17
aroma yang sebelumnya diidentifikasi dengan faktor pengenceran rasa tinggi pada jambu jambu Kolombia merah
dikuantifikasi dengan uji pengenceran isotop stabil. Aroma kubus buah jambu segar, yang menunjukkan profil aroma
seimbang, berhasil ditiru dalam percobaan pemulihan menggunakan 13 aroma dalam konsentrasi alami mereka. Sebuah u
yang mengabaikan bau tunggal dari seluruh aroma pemulihan, mengungkapkan (Z) -3-hexenal (hijau, berumput), 3-sulfany
(seperti jeruk bali), 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl -3 (2H) -furanone (karamel, manis), 3-sulfanylhexyl acetate (mirip kismis hita
(hijau, berumput), etil butanoat (buah), cinnamyl acetate (bunga), dan logam (seperti kentang yang dimasak seperti kenta
senyawa aroma kunci jambu merah muda (Steinhaus et al., 2009).
Baru-baru ini, senyawa volatil dan aktif-bau dari buah jambu biji dari kultivar 'Merah Tertinggi' dianalisis dengan m
ekstraksi mikro fase padat dan ekstraksi penyulingan simultan yang dikombinasikan dengan GC-FID (Kromatografi gas de
ionisasi nyala), GC-MS, dan analisis pengenceran ekstrak aroma. Sebanyak 141 senyawa terdeteksi termasuk 43 ester, 37
aldehida, 16 alkil, 10 asam, 6 keton, 4 furan, dan 7 senyawa lain-lain. Dari ini, 17 aroma dianggap sebagai senyawa aktif-
(E) -bionon (fruity, berry-like), etil heksanoat (fruity), etil butanoat (fruity), hexanal (grassy-fruity), (Z) -3-hexenal (berum
acetate (fruity-winy), (E) -2-hexenal (berumput-fruity), dan limonene (jeruk) berkontribusi terutama pada aroma jambu khas
(Pino dan Bent, 2013).
Secara umum, baik komposisi nutrisi dan konstituen yang mudah berubah dari budaya tradisional bervariasi antara k
lokalitas, tetapi juga sebagai konsekuensi dari pemrosesan sampel. Teknik-teknik modern yang digunakan baru-baru ini mem
untuk mendeteksi sejumlah besar senyawa ini. Variasi yang diamati pada kultivar tradisional ini telah menjadi sumber subs
peningkatan kultivar modern.


Sebagai konsekuensi dari penyerbukan silang 35-40% pada spesies jambu biji, bersama dengan perbanyakan beni
heterozigotnya, variabilitas genotipe yang besar telah dihasilkan dalam kondisi alam. Beberapa jenis liar ini telah dip
dipelihara, yang melekat pada komposisi kultivar tradisional di berbagai negara,
Kultivar Jambu Biji: Sumber Nutrisi 299

telah membentuk pangkalan untuk melepaskan kultivar modern dengan campuran sifat yang diinginkan melalui progra
yang akurat. (Rodríguez et al., 2004).
Dengan perspektif historis, sub-bab ini akan membahas secara singkat program pemuliaan awal untuk melepaskan kultiv
fokus di negara-negara di mana jambu biji merupakan tanaman penting dan lainnya di mana mulai mendapatkan
signifikan karena nilai gizi dan keuntungan komersialnya.
India memulai upaya pemuliaan genetiknya pada tahun 1907, ketika bibit yang berasal dari beragam sumber ditanam di
untuk mengisolasi genotipe unggul. Dengan cara ini, benih yang berasal dari kultivar 'Allahabad Safeda' yang diserbuk
dan dirilis sebagai 'Lucknow 49' karena karakteristiknya yang khas. Sejak itu, 'Allahabad Safeda', 'Lucknow 49', da
dinamai 'L-49', telah menjadi kultivar komersial utama dan membentuk andalan industri jambu biji India karena hasi
buah, dan penerimaan pasar yang luas (Singh, 2008). Dua yang pertama dianggap di antara kultivar terbaik untuk ko
seluruh dunia. Juga, kultivar lain seperti 'Shweta' dan 'Lalit' dipilih. Kemudian, cocok untuk keperluan pemrosesan
mendapatkan popularitas. Kultivar jambu biji yang ditingkatkan, 'Apple Color', 'Chittidar', 'Red Fleshed', dan lainnya d
hibridisasi, seperti 'Arka Amulya', 'Jam Safeda', 'Jam Safeda', 'Kohir Safeda', dan 'Hisar Surkha', telah dirilis di berbag
pada waktu yang berbeda untuk penanaman komersial (Singh dan Jain, 2007; Patel et al., 2011).
Jambu biji juga merupakan tanaman penting di Brasil. Sebagian besar area komersial ditanam melalui bibit ya
heterogenitas yang besar dalam karakteristik buah (Pommer et al., 2013). Dalam hal ini, program pemuliaan selama leb
telah memungkinkan untuk mendapatkan kultivar dengan atribut internal dan eksternal yang diinginkan, seperti 'P
komersial utama saat ini, serta 'Rika', 'Século XXI', 'Pedro Sato ',' Kumagai ',' Sassaoka ',' Ogawa ',' Yamamoto ', dan' C
these cultivars are characterized by diverse composition of fruit constituents. From them, 'Paluma' and 'Rica' have high
fruits with recognized nutritional value (Pommer et al., 2013).
In the United States, Florida is the principal region of guava production. The first cultivar named 'Redland' was de
(Morton, 2000). At the beginnings it was considered a promissory cultivar. However, due to its excessively mild flavor
C content it was abandoned in favor of better selections. Among them, 'Supreme' and other recognized cultivars such
'Ruby', 'Ruby x Supreme hybrid', 'Blitch', and 'Patillo' increased the list of new cultivars. Some of them are commercia
consumption and for industrial processing (Morton, 2000).
Mexico cultivates guava since more than 100 years. Currently, guava cultivars for commercial use are not available, an
planted by seeds extracted from guavas known as 'Media China' and 'China' (Padilla y González, 2010; Pommer et al., 2
selected by farmers using the Mexican germplasm from the central
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 300

semiarid region of Mexico. Today, there are foreign cultivars and new local selections with interesting fruit characteristics
improve new cultivars (Padilla and González, 2010).
In Cuba, guava breeding programs have not been conducted until the 1950s. How- ever, a consolidate industry for proce
was well established by the use of the wild cultivar 'Cotorrera', which is distributed throughout the island and characteri
variability in all plant parts, but mainly in external and internal fruit attributes. Also, these fruits were used for fresh consum
cultivar, together with other introduced foreign cultivars like 'N6', 'Red Supreme', 'Indian Pink', and 'Indonesian white' co
base to establish the first breeding program in this crop after 1960 (Rodríguez et al., 2010a).
Between 1970 and 1972, a preliminary characterization and evaluation of 82 acces- sions assembled in the guava
collection permitted the selection of nine promising cultivars. They are 'EEA 1-23', 'EEA 18-40', 'EEA-27', 'EEA 21-3', 'E
'EEA 28-44', 'Belic L-97', 'Belic L-215', and 'Belic L-207'. Both, 'EEA 18-40', also named 'Enana Roja Cubana', and 'EEA
the cultivars recommended for commercial uses due to their low tree size, reduced canopy diameter, and high yields. Late
'EEA 18-40' began to displace the other cultivars (Rodríguez et al., 2010a). Recently, this cultivar was selected as the fem
three controlled crosses using 'Red Supreme', 'N6', and 'Belic L-207' as the male parents. From them, a total of 354 indiv
obtained and 25 promising genotypes were primarily selected due to its low size as well as diverse internal and external fr
(Rodríguez et al., 2010a). Also, 15 new other plants having fruits with additional impor- tant agronomic and nutritiona
totalling 40 advanced selections, were planted to evaluate their agronomical behavior in commercial orchards. Some of the
better desirable attributes than the commercial 'EEA 18-40' and 'EEA 1-23' cultivars (Table 5).
At the beginnings of the guava breeding program in Hawaii, between 1948 and 1969, a total of 21 cultivars coming
countries were introduced and evaluated. From them 'Beaumont', a local cultivar was selected, constituting the first one f
processing in 1960. It was maintained as the only guava recommended for this purpose until the introduction in 1978 of the '
cultivar, derived from a seedling population of 'Beaumont'. 'Kahua Kula' presents similar characteristics as does 'Beau
contains fewer seeds and lower tritatable acidity (Morton, 2000; Pommer et al., 2013).
In Egypt, guava is a popular widely planted fruit crop. 'Bassateen El Sabahia' has been the commercial cultivar recom
long time. The efforts to improve its quality and yield permitted the introduction, in 1975, the promissory cultivar 'Bassat
Also, recent breeding program has release new cultivars, which differs in fruit composi- tion and possible uses (Wafa and S

In the Punjab region of Pakistan many local and foreign guava cultivars are available in the market, but information reg
nutritive value and quality is scarce. In this sense, the characterization of local guava cultivars 'Sufaida', 'Surahi', 'Surkha', 'W
'Gola' showed variation in fruit characters as a result of the breeding program (Adrees et al., 2010).
In Thailand, a guava breeding program was initiated in 1998 and focused on cultivar development with superior fruit q
the characterization of guava accessions from the germplasm collection, eight cultivars were selected: six white flesh d
('Klom Salee','Yensong', 'Pan Seethong', 'Khao Um-porn', 'Pan Yuk', and 'Nasuan'), one red flesh dessert type ('Philippine
pink flesh processing type ('Pijit 12-102'). All white fleshed constitute commercial cultivars, and three of them, 'Klom Salee
and 'Pan Seethong', are currently produced on a large scale (Thaipong and Boonprakob, 2005).
Successively, some of the modern cultivar mentioned above will be described attend- ing to fruit attributes available.
India (Singh and Jain, 2007; Patel et al., 2011) 'Lalit': Cultivar with a saffron yellow skin color and firm pink f
good blend of sugar and acid suitable for both table and processing purposes. Some other characteristics are the following:
116.50 g, length 5.70 cm, diameter 5.26 cm seeds number 174.60, total soluble solids 9.35 °Brix, acidity 0.61%, vitamin C
179.00 mg/100 g of flesh, total sugar 6.92%, pectin content 1.12%, phenol content 352.40 mg GAE/100 g, and dietary fiber
'Red Fleshed': Cultivar with roundish oval fruit, yellowish peel, and pink color flesh. Some internal characteristics are th
total soluble solids 10.62 °Brix, reducing sugar 4.25%, non-reducing sugars 5.00%, and total sugars 9.25%.
'Hisar Safeda': Cultivar obtained from the 'Allahabad Safeda' x 'Seedless' crosses. Fruit is small in size from about 92 g, r
creamy-white flesh color containing few soft seeds. Other characteristics are the following: total soluble solids 13.4 °Brix
C content 185 mg/100 g of flesh.

Brazil (Pommer et al., 2013) 'Século XXI': Obtained from a cross between 'Supreme 2' x 'Paluma'. Fruit is large in s
about 200–300 g weight, with yellow peel, rough surface, and pink reddish flesh color. Other characteristic like acidity 0.47
vitamin C content 84.9 mg ascor- bic acid/100 g of flesh are also referred.
'Cortibel 1': A seedling cultivar. Fruits pyriform shaped, pink-reddish fleshed with slightly rough surface from about 26
1.12 cm flesh thickness, 265 seeds, 7.21 °Brix of total soluble solids, and 0.59% acidity; total carotenoids from 1.34 to 8.7
fruit mass.
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 303

'Cortibel 2': A seedling cultivar. Fruits oval or pyriform shaped, pink-reddish to red- dish fleshed, with smooth to slight
from about 197 weight, 1.10 cm flesh thickness, 169 seeds, 6.91 °Brix of total soluble solids, and 0.54% acidity.
'Cortibel 3': A seedling cultivar. Fruits obovoid shaped, red fleshed with rough sur- face from about 221 g weight, 1.09 cm
220 seeds, 7.20 °Brix of total soluble solids, and 0.49% acidity.
'Cortibel 4': A seedling cultivar. Fruits ovoid shaped, white fleshed with slightly rough surface from about 221 g weigh
thickness, 191 seeds, 7.78 °Brix of total soluble solids, 0.51% acidity, and total carotenoids from 0.28 to 0.75/100 g fru

United States (Lynch and Wolfe, 1941; Thaipong et al., 2006) 'Supreme': Cultivar obtained from plants pro
seed. Fruit is medium to large in size from about 141.75 to 453.6 g weight and 1.27 cm of exterior thickness flesh, oval
greenish-yellow to light yellow peel color, smooth surface, and white flesh color. Fruit cavity represents 16–21% of the
which containing relatively few and small seeds.
'Ruby': Derived from a cultivar originally cultivated in Peru. Fruit is variable in size (113.4–283.5 g), ovate shape, green
color, slightly rough surface and rose to ruby flesh color, external flesh thickness 1.27 cm. Fruit cavity represents up to
fruit weight containing few seeds.
'Ruby x Supreme': Obtained from a cross between 'Ruby' and 'Supreme' cultivars. Fruit is small in size, roundish shape,
peel color, and dark pink-orange flesh color. Some internal characteristics are the following: total soluble solids 13
1.40%, dry matter 14.93%, protein 1.09%, mineral matter 0.88%, vitamin C con- tent 174.27 mg/100 g of pulp, total sug
phenolics content 170.07 mg gallic acid equivalents/100 g fresh mass, and total carotenoid content 2.937 mg β-carotene
g fresh mass.

México (Padilla and Gonzalez, 2010) 'Selection 78': This cultivar has fruits with rounded shape and pink flesh co
length, 3.6 cm width, 0.37 cm of exterior thickness flesh with rounded shape, pink flesh color, cavity with near 112 see
°Brix total soluble solids.
'Selection 106': This cultivar has fruits with ovoid shape and cream flesh color; 6.6 cm length, 5.9 cm width, 0.99 cm of e
flesh, and cavity with near 314 seeds. Some chemical variables are the following: 10.4 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.6
291.7 mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
'Selection 126': This cultivar has fruits with ovoid shape and cream flesh color; 5.6 cm length, 5.1 cm width, 0.71 cm of e
flesh, and cavity with near 177 seeds. Some chemical variables are the following: 14 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.57%
mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 304

Cuba (Rodríguez et al., 2004) 'EEA 18-40' or 'Enana Roja Cubana': Derived from 'Indian pink' cultivar. Fruit is larg
from about 226.4 g weight, 8.45 cm length, 7.21 cm diameter, 1.49 cm external fruit thickness, 4.26 cm diameter cavity and
seeds, truncate or necked at stalk end with smooth surface, greenish-yellow peel color, and pink flesh. Some internal qualiti
fruit are the following: total soluble solids 11.85 °Brix, acidity 0.15%, and 78.5 mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
'EEA 1-23': It is a seedling derived from 'Indian pink' cultivar. Fruit is large in size from about 174.1 g weight, 7.02 cm
cm diameter, 1.5 cm external fruit thickness, 4.03 cm diameter cavity and 254.2 seeds, rounded at stalk end with smo
greenish-yellow peel color, and dark pink flesh color. Some chemical qualities are the following: total soluble solids 12.4 °B
0.10%, and vitamin C content 66.7–82.5 mg/100 g of flesh.

Egypt (Wafa and Saky, 2013) 'Selected genotype No.1': Fruit is large in size from about 263.93 g weight, 7.80 cm l
7.33 cm diameter. Some chemical qualities are the following: 6.80 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.23% acidity, 24.06% total su
8.82% reducing sugars, 15.24% non reducing sugars, 1.44% pectin, and 79.01 mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
'Selected genotype No.2': Fruit is large in size from about 170.80 g weight, 6.47 cm length, and 6.70 cm diameter.
qualities are the following: 8.40 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.32% acidity, 22.28% total sugars, 9.65% reducing sugars, 1
reducing sugars, 1.64% pectin and 110.49 mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
'Selected genotype No.5': Fruit is large in size from about 282.30 g weight, 8.33 cm length, and 7.97 cm diameter.
qualities are the following: 9.40 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.23% acidity, 23.57% total sugars, 9.39% reducing sugars,
reducing sugars, 1.14% pectin, and 80.25 mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.

Pakistan (Adrees et al., 2010) 'Sufaida': Cultivar with total soluble solids 12.20 °Brix, acidity 0.70%, dry matter 14
protein 1.37%, mineral matter 0.74%, total sugars 6.63%, and vitamin C content 183.46 mg/100 g of flesh.
'Surkha': Cultivar with total soluble solids 8.15 °Brix, acidity 0.99%, dry matter 10.11%, protein 1.00%, mineral matter
sugars 6.70%, and vitamin C content 208.41 mg/100 g of flesh.
'Waikea': Cultivar with total soluble solids 8.50 °Brix, acidity 1.41%, dry matter 13.06%, protein 0.86%, mineral matter
sugars 6.25%, and vitamin C content 203.61 mg/100 g of flesh.
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 305

Thailand (Thaipong and Boonprakob, 2005) 'Klom Salee': Fruit is very large in size from about 655.5 g, 546.6
seed cavity, firmness 30.4 N. Some chemical qualities are the following: 6.5 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.33% acidity, a
mg/100 g of flesh vitamin C.
'Philippines': Derived by seeds introduced from Philippines. Fruit is large in size from about 306.7 g, 243.7 g flesh, 62.
firmness 25.50 N. Some other qualities are the following: 7.8 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.34% acidity, and 78.9 mg
vitamin C.
'Pijit 12-102': Derived from 'Beaumont' cultivar. Fruit is medium in size from about 114.4 g, 92.38 g flesh, 22.0 g seed
24.58 N. Some other qualities are the following: 9.3 °Brix total soluble solids, 0.64% acidity, and 201.9 mg/100 g of fl
All this modern cultivars are selected attending to a group of attributes considered important since the firsts guava bre
started. Nowadays, new trends are focused to obtain cultivars that combine, not only commercial characteristics but also
medicinal components. These new aspects have contributed to the recent interest of many other countries in guava
consumption, due to the referred contribution to human health.
In this sense, the characterization of Brazilian new accessions are registered out- standing values for guava fruit active co
of them are the following: G73RO, G20MA, and G32PE for lycopene content; G21MA, G24MA, and G55SE for
content; G03MA, G10MA, and G01MA for total phenolic content; and G01MA, G02MA, G03MA, G10MA, G16M
G22MA for antioxidant activity.
Particularly on the topic related to the human health benefits, from the 60 Brazilian genotypes analyzed, the most appro
for future breeding programs are G01MA, G02MA, G03MA, G10MA, and G16MA, which associate a high concentra
antioxidant compounds and the highest antioxidant activity (Correa et al., 2011).
Moreover, other Psidium species included also in this Brazilian germplasm bank shows remarkable values for the f
mentioned above. They are A100AM for lycopene content; A08MA for β-carotene content; A100AM, A43PE, and A
phenolic compounds; A43PE, A29PI, and A08MA for total flavonoids content; and A100AM, A43PE, and A80RO
activity. The three last ones are con- sidered outstanding, due to their high phenolic compound concentration, and antio
(Correa et al., 2011).
The significant values reported in different members of this genus in several coun- tries, and specifically in guava, reinforc
that superior genotypes can be selected, not only due to its commercial possibilities but also for its antioxidant
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 306

activity and nutritive value, as an important part of human diet intake (Thaipong et al., 2006).


Fruits and other plant parts can play an important role for human health, having comple- mentary and overlapping mechanism
which include modulation of detoxifi- cation enzymes, stimulation of the immune system, reduction of platelet aggregation,
of cholesterol synthesis and hormone metabolism, control of blood pressure, as well as antiviral, antibacterial, and antiox
(Lampe, 1999).
In traditional medicine, guava is an important medicinal plant. The first report on its medicinal properties comes from t
century, but even today guava is commonly used to treat diverse diseases in several countries, making use of every part
from roots, bark, branches, leaves, to flowers and fruits (Taylor, 2005; Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional Mexi
Infusion or decoction of bark are administered orally and serve to treat diarrhea and dysentery, but also applied topically to tr
ulcers, and skin sores. Moreover, tender leaves are chewed against bleeding gums and bad breath, and it is said that it migh
prevent hangovers. Also washes, rinsing, and cataplasms applied to the skin are assumed to be successful to treat alopec
rash, scarlatina, itch, and ulcer. Oral infusion and decoction of leaves are recommended for vertigo, to treat diarrheas, dysente
upsets, vomits, colic, chill, fevers, head ache, caries, cough, whooping cough, mouth and throats sores, and bleeding gums.
hand, decoction of leaves and branches are used as a douche for vaginal discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls afte
Also, mashed fresh guava flowers are applied to painful eye conditions such as sun strain, conjunctivitis, or eye injuries; as
the flowers are used topically for wounds, ulcers, and skin sores. The fruit is eaten before breakfast against intestinal worms
In addition, medicasters have also used this plant in treatments against shock provoked by diverse origins, and usually m
accompanied by orations and rituals (Taylor, 2005; Biblioteca Digital de la Medicina Tradicional Mexicana, 2013).
Along with other fruits and vegetables, the guava fruit is a good source of antioxi- dants (see above) that may be more e
economical than supplements in protecting the body against oxidative damage under different conditions. These com- po
retard aging processes and to reduce the incidence of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis, cancer, inflamm
disease, and brain dysfunction (Lim et al., 2006). In this sense, epidemiologic data support the association between a high int
and a low risk of chronic diseases (Lampe, 1999; Thaipong et al., 2006).
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 307

In human tissues, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are inevitably generated through- out diverse metabolic pathways.
reactive free radicals like superoxide, hydroxyl, peroxyl, alkoxyl, and non radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and hyp
(Lim et al., 2006). In general, antioxidative defense systems of the cell scav- enge ROS and provide protection against t
and deleterious effects. Both enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of the antioxidant defense system prevent radi
remove radicals before damage can occur, repair oxida- tive damage, eliminate damaged molecules, and prevent muta
cells, oxidative damage can result when the critical balance between free radical generation and the antioxidant defe
ROS over-accumulation provokes oxidative damage and potentially alters the structure and function of different cellula
including hydrocarbons, proteins, lipoproteins, lipid-containing cell mem- branes, and nucleic acids. It has been sugges
increase plays an important role in the onset and development of chronic diseases, and increases the mortality risk in hu
enzymatic antioxidant activity from vegetal origin mainly consists of water-soluble antioxidant compounds like ascorba
nols, most of which are flavonoids, and lipid soluble antioxidants such as carotenoids and tocopherols (Lim et al., 2006
Some of the same factors that contribute to the production of ROS and oxidative damage can also lead to the produc
nitrogen species. The interaction of both reactive oxygen and nitrogen species with DNA bases can result in the for
adducts that contributes to the development of neoplastic cells. Also ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, polyphenols, and fru
extracts inhibit N-nitroso com- pound formation (Lampe, 1999).
The antioxidant activities can be primary or secondary. Antioxidant properties are generally measured to estimate antiox
in fresh fruits and their products, where most common assays include 2,2-azinobis (3-ethyl-benzthiazoline- 6-sulfoni
2,2-diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH: expressed as AEAC: ascorbic acid equivalent antioxidant capacity and IC 50
concentration of antioxidant necessary to scavenge 50% of DPPH radicals), the oxygen radical absorption capacity (OR
reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Also antioxidant activity is determined by the FIC (iron-ferrozine complex)
measures the chelating ability of the extract (Lim et al., 2006; Thaipong et al., 2006; Koguishi de Brito et al., 2009).
In addition to possible variations due to the assay used to measure the antioxidant activity, other abiotic and biotic fact
these variations. It can be affected by natural and processing products from different organs of the guava plant. Extract
various guava cultivars have shown a higher scavenging effect on free radi- cals than commercial guava tea extract
extracts (Chen and Yen, 2007). This behavior is in turn observed in the same organ. Guava fruits have displayed
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 308

distinctive values of antioxidant content not only depending on the cultivars (Espinal et al., 2012) but also depending
storage, and skin peeling (Lim et al., 2006). Inside the Myrtaceae family the antioxidant capacity of fruits is largely div
Psidium species (Fetter et al., 2010; Pommer et al., 2013). In a Brazilian collection, the antioxidant activity (expressed in
of ascorbic acid/100 g of fruit) is in the range of 280–812 mg among guava accessions and 398–575 mg in other Psidium s
activity expressed in terms of reduced DPPH/g sample varies from 23.87 to 70.42 μmol and 33.21 to 47.38 μmol,
(Pommer e
A comparison of two cultivars of Psidium cattleianum Sab. shows that the cultivar with fruits of red peel contains more
anthocyanins, and total phenolic compounds than cultivars with yellow peel. Similarly, the antioxidant capacity is higher
than in yellow ones (Fetter et al., 2010). Besides, the changes in the peel and pulp coloration of guava fruit during maturation i
with the lipophilic antioxidant activity due to an increase of carotenoids, where the highest activity dis- played by ripe fruit
differences in the lipophilic antioxidant activity, deter- mined by the β-carotene bleaching method, is associated with the pul
of different cultivars, where white pulp shows the lowest value. However, the lipophilic antioxidant activity in fruits with
not always associated with the high con- centration of β-carotene in the pulp. Examples are the red pulp Colombian cultiva
roja' and 'Palmira ICA 1'. While the former exhibits positive correlation between β-carotene concentration and the lipoph
during the maturation process, no correlation is detected in the 'Palmira ICA 1' cultivar. This reflects that lipo- philic antioxi
is probably related to other carotenoid compound like lyco- pene (Espinal et al., 2012). In contrast, the highest lipophilic
activity has been detected in white flesh guavas as compared to other pink-fleshed guavas, although the contribution of ca
the total antioxidant activity is considered negligible (Thaipong et al., 2005). However, commercial products derived from
obtained during puree production are high in lycopene, and positively correlated to high lycopene equivalent antioxida
(LEAC). This indicates that an industrial by-product of pink guava puree can be a potential source of lycopene and antioxid
(Kong and Ismail, 2011).
The guava fruit is an excellent source of carotenes including β-carotene with pro- vitamin A activity. Some benefits ar
with vitamin A intervention in the for- mation of bone and soft tissue and mucous membranes, pigment generation neces
functioning of the retina such as retinoic acid, and participation in the processes of reproduction and lactation (Burri, 1
supplemented with β-carotene and lycopene may effectively counteract the risk of many chronic diseases, such as canc
diseases, and together with other carotenoids can act as a free radical scavenger (Yan et al., 2006; Corrêa et al., 2011). Also, th
antioxidant activity of β-carotene is associated with the ability to induce protection against ionizing radiation, a-singlet
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 309

oxygen neutralizing capacity and a peroxyl radicals neutralization capacity (Miller et al., 1996). Lycopene is also co
high resistance potential to diseases such as prostate cancer, arteriosclerosis, and skin damage from UV rays (Yan et al
The most abundant antioxidants in fruits are ascorbic acid and polyphenols, the latter one considered as a more potent
vitamins C and E (Lim et al., 2006). In ripening guava fruit the total phenolic compounds decrease causing the loss o
however, vitamin C content is increased. This suggests that the DPPH scavenging activity of the unripe guava as measur
value is primarily due to its higher total phenolic compounds as compared to the ascorbic acid content; while in m
contribution of ascorbic acid to the antioxidant activity raises to some 66% (Lim et al., 2006).
Among 17 fruit crops cultivated in Ecuador, guava is in the third position in both the content of total phenolic com
antioxidant activity as measured in fruit by FRAP and ABTS assays (Vasco et al., 2008). Also, the FRAP value of the g
to be 2.39 mg ascorbic acid equivalent/g sample and was the highest with respect to mango (Mangifera indica L.) cult
mg). The reduction power of fruits with reference to ascorbic acid was 97% in guava and between 71.4% and 82.4% in
(Ahmed et al., 2013).
Cultivar composition shows different hydrophilic antioxidant activity in guava fruit. The examination of methanol extr
fleshed 'Allahabad Safeda' cultivar and three pink-fleshed cultivars: 'Fan Retief', 'Ruby Supreme', and an advanced selec
DPPH, ORAC, and FRAP, resulted in different antioxidant activities, where white-fleshed cultivar showed the highes
mmol Trolox equivalents/g fresh mass due to its higher ascorbic acid and total phenolic contents. The pink pulp cultivar
18, and 25.1 mmol Trolox equivalents/g fresh mass for 'Fan Retief', 'Ruby Supreme', and the advanced selection, res
Pearson's correlations between antioxidant activity obtained from all assays and both total pheno- lic compounds an
content were positively correlated with coefficient ranging from 0.61 to 0.97 (Thaipong et al., 2006). This is prob
abundance of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds. Both white- and red-fleshed guavas can have large hydrophilic ant
highly correlated to the total phenolic and vitamin C contents (Thaipong et al., 2005).
Also, the total phenolic compounds extracted from fresh guava fruit and processed by drying in convection ovens showed
correlation to the antioxidant capac- ity as measured by AEAC (R2 = 0.92) and FRAP (R2 = 0.87). This indicates that t
contribute to antioxidant activities such as radical scavenging and reducing ability of fresh and processed guavas (Siow
Similarly, the DPPH assay gave comparable results for antioxidant activity measured in methanol extracts of guava jui
The DPPH values showed high correlation to the ascorbic acid con- tent and total phenolics compounds, both consti
contributors to
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 310

antioxidant activity (Koguishi de Brito et al., 2009). In the same way, guava juice con- sumed in the Israel market is known
content of antioxidant components as well as antioxidant activity as compared to other fruit juices. This fact is consistent wit
concentration of phenolic compounds, caroteinoids, and vitamin C detected in the juice (Radam, 2008).
Not only guava pulp and peel but also seeds are an antioxidant source. The extraction of antioxidant compounds from ma
and papaya (Carica papaya L.) seeds with 70% ethanol showed an intermediate position of guava with respect to to
compounds and antioxidant activity as measured by DPPH expressed in IC50. However, the highest percentage of metal i
activity based on FIC assays was for guava seed extracts (Norshazila et al., 2010). In contrast, it has been reported that guava
a potent primary antioxidant property (measured by IC50 and FRAP), but that its function as a secondary or preventive
(measured by FIC) is low (Lim et al., 2006). While primary antioxidants scavenge radicals to inhibit chain initiation and
propagation, secondary antioxidants suppress the formation of radicals and protect against oxidative damage.
Vitamin C and polyphenols are important substances contributing to human health. Among other benefits, the vitamin is
collagen synthesis, the main structural protein in the human body needed for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, s
and bones. The intake of vitamin C prevents scurvy and contributes to resistance against infectious agents (Lim et al., 2006
also helps to prevent DNA damage caused by free radicals, and reduces their harmful effects on plasma lipoproteins. Epide
studies on antioxidant effects suggested that a daily dose of 150 mg of vitamin C, preferably in association with other vita
help to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer (Corrêa et al., 2011).
Besides, polyphenols as supplement to daily diet may improve some features associated with overweight and obes
metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, lipid peroxidation, and inflammation (Hervert-Hernández and Goñi, 20
studies demonstrated that the pro-oxidant activity of essential oil or some of their constituents and also some polyphen
efficient in reducing local tumor volume or tumor cell proliferation by apoptotic, necrotic, or both effects (Joseph and Priya,
but not least, not only contain fruit peels high amounts of phenolics and flavonoids and strong antioxidant activity, but al
prominent antibacterial activity. Guava peel extracts have shown significant inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria (Noriham e
In addition, guava peel and pulp can be used to obtain antioxidant dietary fiber, a new item which combines in a single nat
the properties of dietary fiber and antioxidant compounds (Thaipong et al., 2006). Variations in dietary fiber content and
capacity of some fruits are illustrated in Figure 1. The function of natural antioxidants and dietary fiber in foods and biolog
has received increasing attention. Evidence suggests that adequate intake of dietary fiber avoids constipation,
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 311
coronary heart disease, fluctuation of blood glucose and insulin levels, and cancer (Weisburger et al., 1993). One major comp
fibers among other soluble polysaccharides is pectin, which is metabolized in the small intestine through bacterial enzym
that contribute to maintaining the colonic microflora and thus aids digestion (Weisburger et al., 1993). A high content
together with potassium, the major mineral constituent of this fruit, have the capacity to reduce blood pressure, to decrease
levels and triglycerides, and to increase “good” HDL cholesterol (Taylor, 2005). The fluid balance in the body, vital for a
is maintained largely by sodium, potassium, and chloride. This balance is regulated by charged sodium and chloride ions in
fluid and potassium in the intra- cellular fluid, and by some other electrolytes across cell membranes. Tight control is cri
muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, heart function, and blood pressure control. Potassium also acts as cofac
Besides the fruits also other parts of the guava plant are commonly used against dis- similar diseases, with leaves as the pri
decoctions and infusions. The oil from guava leaves have proven antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus, E
Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Salmonella sps., Staphylococcus aureus, and Yar- rowia lipolytica. F
extracts have antispasmodic activity and a sedative effect, which result in its anti-diarrheic activity. Quercetin has been cons
principle with the antispasmodic and probably also the anti-diarrheic effects (Biblioteca digital de la Medicina tradicional M
Additionally, anticancer activity, including a potential cytotoxic effect on human cervical cancer cell lines, along with an
effects was reported for leaf extracts. Other properties including insecticidal and repellent activities have also been descri
Priya, 2011).
1.34c2.18c2.21c 5.60b
21.3 Strawberry
Orange Apple
ORAC Banana
Grapefruit Banana
Orange Pear
Figure 1 Variation of total dietary fiber (TDF) and antioxidant activity (ORAC: Oxygen radical absorp- tion capacity) in different fruits:
paradisi Macf.), strawberry (Fragaria Xananassa (Duch.) Guédès), orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), apple (Malus domestica Bork
sp.), pear (Pyrus communis L.), and guava (Psidium guajava L.). aUSDA Nutritional Data Base. (2013); bGorins
cWang et al. (1996); dThaipong et al. (2006); eTotal dietary fiber (in g/100 g puree); foxygen radical absorption capacity (in μM TE/g
Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars 312

• Genetics programs have released several guava cultivars in countries where guava constitutes an important fruit crop.
• Traditional guava breeding programs usually promote the search for new cultivars based on traits such as large fruit, thic
white or pink color (depending of destiny and market preferences) and low content of stone cells, few seeds, pleasant arom
avoiding muskiness, sweet pulp with more than 10 °Brix, variable acidity, good postharvest behavior, and tolerance or resist
(Pommer and Murakami, 2009; Pommer et al., 2013).
• Phenotypic and biochemical characterization of the accessions assembled in germ- plasm banks is a potent tool to ide
genotypes with desirable traditional traits and as an important source of functional compounds for nutrition and health (C
• Guava is becoming increasingly popular due to the attractive characteristics of the fruit and the substantial concentrations o
compounds, which must con- stitute additional aims to improve new cultivars (Corrêa et al., 2011).
• Guava is an important complement of the daily diet with considerable amounts of anti- oxidants such as vitamin C, caro
polyphenols. These compounds are known as scavengers of free radicals and beneficial to human health. Together with d
these guava constituents decrease the risk of chronic diseases caused by ROS.
• Seeds, which represent about 6–12% of the total fruit weight, are a source of oil and proteins that can be profitable as addit
and also contain phenolic com- pounds with recognized antioxidant properties (Bernardino et al., 2001; Norshazila et al., 2
• Based on pro-oxidant activity, essential oils, and some of their constituents, respec- tively, are excellent antiseptic, inse
antimicrobial agents. Furthermore, they display antiaggregatory as well as anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities
contribute substantially to the modern medical domain (Joseph and Priya, 2011).
• Biotechnological tools in breeding methods such as the generation of genetic linkage maps will increase the breeding e
guava and have different useful applica- tions for genetic analysis (Rodríguez et al., 2010a).
• Important QTLs for total soluble solids, acidity, and vitamin C content have been already mapped. Mapping of QT
functional compounds (caroteniods, polyphenols, and essential oils with medicinal properties) will furthermore contrib
practical usefulness enrichment of the developed genetic linkage maps in future breeding programs.
• The identification of molecular markers associated to a particular QTL for desirable commercial, nutritional, and medicin
help in marker assisted selection for guava improvement.
Guava Cultivars: A Source of Nutrients 313

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