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Date: 24/04/2014Author: KukuhGiaji0 Comments


“Musim dingin akan datang beriringan dengan pecahnya perseteruan antar tujuh
kerajaan dalam perebutan tahta kerajaan dan semua akan bermain didalam sebuah
permainan tahta“
(Game of Thrones-2011)


Game of Thrones merupakan sebuah tv series yang diangkat dari karya novel fantasi
klasik milik George R.R Martin berjudul “A Song on Ice and Fire”. Novel tersebut
diangkat menjadi sebuah TV series oleh Home Box Office (HBO) yang telah terkenal
lewat film-film series lainnya, seperti Six Feet Under, Broadwalk Empire, dll.
Game of Thrones menceritakan tentang perebutan tahta oleh tujuh kerajaan di realm
mereka. Game of Thrones dimulai dari pemberitaan kematian atas Jon Arryn sebagai
tangan kanan Raja yang telah meninggal akibat demam yang tak kunjung sembuh.
Kematian Jon Arryn tersebut telah membawa duka bagi Sang Raja ‘Robert Baratheon’
sehingga akhirnya sang raja pergi menuju Winterfall tempat kediaman teman lamanya,
yaitu ‘Eddard Stark’. Sebagai ksatria yang sudah memegang sumpah kepada raja untuk
seumur hidup maka mau tidak mau Eddark Stark harus menjadi tangan kanan sang raja
walaupun disisi lain ‘Catelyn Stark’, istri dari Eddad Star tidak menginginkan hal

Eddard Stark
Ditengah-tengah permintaan Robert Baratheon kepada Eddard Stark, salah satu anak dari
keluarga Stark, yaitu ‘Bran Stark’ tanpa sengaja melihat isti Sang Raja ‘Cersei Lannister’
tengah bercinta dengan saudara kembarnya sendiri ‘Jaime Lannister’. Akibat hal tersebut,
Jaime dengan sengaja mencelakai Bran Stark agar dia kehilangan nyawa-nya namun
saying usaha hal tersebut gagal karena Bran Stark pada akhirnya tetap hidup walaupun
kehilangan kedua kakinya.

Ditengah-tengah hal tersebut jauh dari wilayah Utara dan Selatan dan dibatasi oleh
Narrow Sea, ‘Viserys Targaryen’ berencana untuk mengambil tahta kerajaan dari Sang
Raja Robert Baratheon dengan cara menikahkan adik perempuan kembarnya ‘Daenerys
Targaryen’ kepada ‘Khal Drogo’ dengan pertukaran atas adik perempuannya dengan
pasukan milik Khal Drago untuk mengantarkan dia menuju tahta kerajaan.

Ditengah-tengah pergulatan untuk kerjaan yang lebih baik timbullah sebuah percakapan
antara pernikahan ‘’ dengan ‘Sansa Stark’ walaupun dari Sansa sendiri sangat menyetujui
tentang pernikahan tersebut dan berharap untuk menjadi Ratu kelak nanti.
Joffrey Baratheon

Konflik semakin terjadi ketika ‘Tyrion Lannister’ kedapatan dituduh telah melakukan
rencana pembunuhan terhadap Bran Stark dengan ditemukannya belati kepunyaan Tyrion
yang menjadi bukti utama dalam percobaan pembunuhan kepada Brian Stark. Lady Stark
(Catelyn Stark)-pun berusaha untuk menangkap Tyrion dan membawanya menuju The
Vale dimana disana terdapat saudari perempuannya, ‘Lysa Arryn’.

Tyrion Lannister

Sementara diwilayah utara dan selatan semakin memanas jauh diseberang lautan sana
Daenerys Targaryen telah menjadi seorang Khalessi atau merupakan sebutan ratu pada
bangsa Dothraki. Daenerys Targaryen yang didaulat telah mengandung anak laki-laki
dari Khal Drago menjadi sebuah sambutan yang sangat besar bagi bangsa Dothraki
karena kelak anak didalam kandungan tersebut akan memimpin mereka untuk menguasai

Berita kehamilan Daenerys Targaryen telah membuat Raja Robert Baratheon ketakutan
sehingga memerintahkan untuk membunuh Daenerys Targaryen dan anak didalam
cabang bayinya, sayangnya usaha tersebut gagal dan berhasil dihentikan oleh tangan
kanan Daenerys Targaryen, yaitu ser ‘Jorah Mormont’ yang sebetulnya telah dikirimi
surat telah diberikan pengampunan dan dapat kembali ke ibu kota atas nama Raja Robert
Baratheon sayangnya ser Jorah Mormont lebih memilih bersama Daenerys Targaryen
dalam perebutan tahta kerajaan. Disaat itu Khal Drago akhirnya bersumpah untuk
meremput tahta kerajaan atas nama dewa dan anak dicabang bayi Daenerys Targaryen.

Konflik didalam Game of Thrones semakin bercampur aduk dan menggila ketika
kedapatan diketahui oleh Eddard Stark bahwa Joffrey Baratheon bukanlah anak dari
Robert Baratheon melainkan anak haram dari Cersei dan Jaime Lannister. Ditengah-
tengah itu, Robert Baratheon yang tengah berburu malah mengalami kecelakaan yang
membuatnya sekarat dan mau tidak mau harus menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada Joffrey
Baratheon yang tidak diketahuinya sebagai anak haram.

Cersei Lanniester

Cersei Lannister kemudian menuduh Eddard Stark sebagai pengkhianat dan

memerintahkan prajurit untuk menawannya di penjara bawah tanah dimana sebelumnya
Eddard Stark telah dikhianati oleh ‘ ‘Petyr Baelish’ (‘Littlefinger’). Eddard Stark
kemudian didakwa atas pengkhianatan kepada kerajaan karena bersekongkol untuk
membuat Joffrey Lannister tidak dapat menjadi Raja.
Perangpun pada akhirnya tumpah antara Winterfall dengan Kerajaan yang telah
diperintah oleh Joffrey Lannister walau dibayang-bayangi oleh ibunya, Cersei Lannister.
Ditengah-tengah perang yang akan berkecamuk itu mereka tidak menyadari bahwa
Dothraki tengah bersiap-siap untuk menyebrang lautan dan ikut dalam peperangan dan
berusaha merebut tahta.

Perjalanan semakin dipenuhi oleh konflik dengan keputusan Joffrey Lannister yang
terburu-buru untuk memenggal kepala Eddard Stark didepan ribuan orang termasuk
didepan Sansa Stark, anak perempuan Eddard Stark. Selain itu pula, kematian Khal
Drogo telah membuat Daenerys Targaryen memutuskan untuk membakar dirinya
bersama dengan Khal Drogo dan ketiga telur naga yang dipunyainya.

Perangpun pada akhirnya pecah. Arya Stark yang sebetulnya tengah berada di Kerajaan
berhasil melarikan diri dari serbuan prajurit dan dia pun menjadi salah satu orang paling
dicari dikerajaan, sementara Sansa Stark tertahan di kerajaan.

Arya Stark

Dibalik semua kisah dibalik layar awal mula pecahnya perang antar kerajaan mereka
melupakan bahwa musim dingin yang panjang akan datang dan mereka tidak menyadari
bahwa mahluk yang telah 300 tahun menghilang dari peradaban terbangun kembali yang
bernama ‘White Walkers’ dan siap untuk menyerbu The Wall yang dihuni oleh para
Night Watch. Di The Wall sendiri terdapat anak haram Eddard Stark yaitu Jon Snow
yang telah memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan Night Watch dan bersumpah untuk
melindungi The Wall atas nama kerajaan.

Jon Snow yang telah mengetahui pecahnya perang tersebut tidak dapat membantu ‘Robb
Stark’ yang tengah bersiap berperang untuk membalaskan dendam ayahnya dan merebut
tahta kerjaan. Sumpah yang telah diucapkan oleh Jon Snow membuatnya harus tetap di
The Wall.

Aliansi-aliansi pun terus bergabung mengikuti peperangan dalam perebutan tahta

kerajaan ini dengan mereka masing-masing tidak menyadari akan kebangkitan White
Walkers sebagai monster yang paling ditakuti dan kelahiran tiga monster yang telah
menghilang dari peradaban, yaitu ‘Dragon ‘(naga) bersama dengan Daenerys Targaryen
yang tidak terbakar sama sekali dan malah telah melahirnya tiga naga.
Daenerys Targaryen with one of three her Dragon

Itulah cerita singkat tentang Game of Thrones yang telah dinyatakan sebagai best
television series ever berkat kekonsistensiannya dalam menyajikan cerita yang
cerdas, cerdik, dan mengejutkan. Banyak hal yang membuat orang-orang jatuh
cinta pada tv Series ini disamping pembuatannya yang sangat cermat dan terbilang
sangat mahal untuk sebuah tv series ini , Game of Thrones telah hadir sebagai
sebuah cerita yang dimana kita tidak bisa memiliki karakter pujaan atau karakter
inti yang akan menang kelak dan mendapatkan tahta kerajaan nantinya.
Semua bergulir dengan cepat di Game of Thrones dimana masing-masing setiap
season yang berjumlah 10 episode dan saat ini telah menginjak musim keempatnya.
Game of Thrones telah menjadi sebuah tv series menyebalkan ketika setiap
karakter dengan sembarangnya dibuat tewas seketika dan didaulatlah buat saya
sebagai best tv series despressed forever karena penantian sangat panjang setiap
tahunnya demi setiap season lanjutannya membuat saya berpikiran setengah
mampus bagaimana kelanjutan cerita perebutan tahta kerajaan ini.
Musim pertama Game of Thrones ini telah berhasil dengan sangat sukses membuat
pastinya setiap penonton akan menantikan episode demi episode lanjutannya untuk
mengetahui bagaimana nasib karakter di dalam Game of Thrones ini.

41 of the most memorable 'Game of Thrones'

one-liners so far





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You tell them, Jon.

Image: hbo/mashable composite

By Sam Haysom2017-07-08 08:30:00 UTC

There's so much action, death, sex and violence in Game of Thrones that it's sometime easy to
forget just how damn good the writing is too.

To get you in the mood for the final season, we've rounded up some of the most memorable lines
from the first six seasons.

From the honour of Ned Stark to the cold brutality of Cersei, here are some of quotes that'll be
around long after the characters who spoke them are gone...

Where to Watch: Game of Thrones

1. "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." — Ned Stark
Ned Stark may be long dead, but during his all-too-short time on the show he came out with
some great lines. This one pretty much summed up his character: rigidly principled, honourable,
and ultimately doomed in the dog-eat-dog (or lion-eat-wolf) world of Westeros.

2. "The things I do for love." — Jaime Lannister

Jaime Lannister is a transformed man these days, but back in Season 1 he was pretty damn
unpleasant. The way he smiled tenderly at Cersei while pushing Bran out of the window was
what made this line so disturbingly memorable.

3. "I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things." — Tyrion

Tyrion said this back to Bran back in the show's early days. The lines serves as an early
indication of just how different he is from his family.

4. "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." — Cersei

This one pretty much speaks for itself. It shows exactly how brutal Cersei's character (and the
game to which she's referring) can be.

5. "I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago." — Ned Stark

There's something chillingly poignant about this Ned Stark line, which he says to Varys while
locked up in the dungeons shortly before his death.

6. "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it
can never be used to hurt you." — Tyrion

Tyrion here, giving some sage advice to Jon Snow and showing his impressive capacity for
wisdom and psychological insight.

7. "Everyone is mine to torment." — Joffrey

Is there a line that better summed up Joffrey's character than this one? The nasty little tyrant was
basically like a spoiled toddler with a very large toy box — he thought he could get away with
doing anything, to anyone — and for awhile, he did.

8. "The day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to
ashes in your mouth." — Tyrion

Tyrion may be amusing, but he can also be just as harsh as his sister when he wants to be.

9. "The night is dark and full of terrors." — Melisandre

A classic line that pretty well sums up Melisandre's unpleasantness — she can be okay when she
wants to be, but she's not averse to birthing shadow assassins and casually burning a person or

10. "You know nothing, Jon Snow." — Ygritte

This one's basically now reached meme status, but it also has a poignant edge to it (it's the last
thing Ygritte says to Jon before she dies, after all).

11. "Night gathers, and now my watch begins" — Various members of the Night's Watch

The whole speech they give when taking the oath of the Night's Watch is pretty good, to be fair
— but this line is a particularly ominous. You've got to hand it to Jon Snow and the gang —
being in the Night's Watch is a lot of hard, cold, and scary work for very little reward.

12. "A Lannister always pays his debts." — Various Lannisters

The motto for House Lannister is impressively flexible — it can be a bribe or a threat (unless it's
Cersei talking, in which case it's definitely a threat).

13. "Burn them all!" — Aerys II Targaryen

Although he's only in the show in flashback form, the Mad King's final words cast a shadow over
many of the series' main characters. For Jaime it's a haunting reminder of his "Kingslayer" title;
for Bran it's an eerie, disconnected vision; and for Cersei it's foreshadowing for her own
murderous wildfire spree at the end of Season 6.

14. "What do we say to the God of death?" — Syrio Forel

Oh, Syrio. His time on the show was painfully short, but he managed to get in a few good jabs
while he was around.

15. "There's no cure for being a c*nt." — Bronn

Bronn may have his faults, but he certainly knows how to tell it like it is. He's referring to Joffrey
here, of course.

16. "I've seen wet shits I like better than Walder Frey." — Brynden Tully

Another spectacular one-liner, this time courtesy of the Blackfish.

17. "Winter is coming" — Pretty much everyone

Ned Stark was banging on about winter back in Season 1, and now — with the White Walkers
plotting an imminent invasion — it's looking like people should have paid him more attention.
18. "That's what I do: I drink and I know things." — Tyrion

Tyrion can be wise, and he can be cutthroat, but above all he's gloriously witty and self-

19. "I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will
die screaming." — Daenerys

Dialogue doesn't come much more badass than this (and when you've just walked out of a
roaring inferno unscathed, it's even cooler).

20. "A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep." — Tywin

This one pretty much sums up Tywin's arrogance. Like other notable Lannisters, he saw himself
as above everyone else. It made him intimidating, but also — ultimately — more vulnerable than
he thought.

21. "Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder." — Littlefinger

It's tricky to pin down exactly what Littlefinger wants in Game of Thrones, but this quote at least
reveals his philosophy — while other factions war and kill each other, he takes advantage.

22. "Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick; a shadow on the wall." —

One of the main running themes in Game of Thrones is power: who has it, who wants it, and who
plays the game to give the illusion of it. Nobody knows this better than Varys.

23. "I understand that if any more words come pouring out your c*nt mouth, I'm gonna
have to eat every f*cking chicken in this room." — The Hound

This one's definitely reached meme status, and we don't want to over-exaggerate but it may well
be one of the greatest lines ever spoken by any character in any TV show, ever.

24. "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." — Ramsay

A classic Ramsay line, and pretty much a metaphor for the show as a whole.

25. "I would let myself be consumed by maggots before mocking the family name and
making you heir to Casterly Rock." — Tywin

If you ever get the impression that Tyrion is bitter, this is probably why: his dad said things like
this to him. Reminders of lines like this make that whole crossbow incident seem a little more

26. "If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep." — Cersei
Cersei said this one to Margaery in the middle of a crowded room, while keeping a very sinister
smile on her face. She definitely inherited her dad's way with words.

27. "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I'm going home." — Arya

After trying not to have a name for an entire Season, Arya finally — finally — made the decision
we all wanted her to make. Let the crossing off of that list commence!

28. "Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true King." — Tywin

Tywin may have been unforgivably unpleasant on occasion, but the way he shut down one of
Joffrey's tirades with this line was incredibly satisfying.

29. "Oh, monster? Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are
dangerous and just now Kings are dying like flies." — Tyrion

Any line that completely shuts up Joffrey is a good line, to be fair.

30. "Jaime... my name's Jaime." — Jaime

Jaime says this line to Brienne in the baths when she calls him "Kingslayer", shortly after he's
opened up to her about why he really killed the Mad King. It's pretty much the first time he
really lets his mask of bravado slip and we see the vulnerability hiding just below the surface (a
huge turning point for his character, in other words).

31. "I am your son. I have always been your son." — Tyrion

A sad, bitter line that marks the end of a truly depressing father-son relationship.

32. "I read it in a book." — Samwell Tarly

It sounds like almost a throwaway line, but we think this one's going to be pretty damn
significant in the coming Season when Sam uses those sweet books to save the Kingdom.

33. "If I fall, don't bring me back." — Jon Snow

They used this one in the trailer before the Battle of the Bastards, and it's resonated ever since.
Absolute peak Jon Snow.

34. "The big fish eat the little fish and I keep on paddling." — Varys

The perfect summary of what Varys does best, straight from the Spider's mouth.

35. "Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell... they're all just spokes on a wheel.
This one's on top, then that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the
ground." — Daenerys
A good analogy of the game of thrones from everyone's favourite warrior Queen.

36. "Hold the door!" — Wylis/Hodor

Not only is this one of the most memorable lines in the show — it's also easily the most
poignant. Oh, Hodor — you were far too pure for this cruel world...

37. "I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me." — Lyanna Mormont

Lyanna Mormont was pretty much everyone's favourite character in Season 7. Lines like this are
the reason why.

38. "When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them
winter came for House Frey." — Arya

This is Arya in peak badass mode, shortly after she casually dispatches the entire Frey family.

39. "He really was a c*nt, wasn't he?" — Lady Olenna

Unsurprisingly, she's talking about Joffrey here. And the fact that Olenna Tyrell can still deliver
a line of this calibre even when she knows she's about to die is testament to just how awesome a
character she was.

40. "Nothing f*cks you harder than time." — Davos Seaworth

Davos doesn't have as many standout quotes as some characters, but this one is a gem.

41. "There is only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here." — Jon Snow

Jon may be a bit surly, but he certainly tells it how it is.

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