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Asal mula mula batuan sedimen klastik adalah akibat dari proses-proses yang menyangkut
siklus sedimentasi (pelapukan - erosi - transport - sedimentasi - diagenesa).
Dalam batuan sedimen kelompok mineral penyusunnya adalah :
a. Mineral autigenic
 Terbentuk di daerah sedimentasi dan langsung diendapkan
 Contoh : gipsum, kalsit, anhidrit, halit
b. Mineral allogenic
 Tidak terbentuk pada daerah sedimentasi/pada scat sedimentasi.
 Telah mengalami transportasi dan kemudian diendapkan di daerah sedimentasi
 Syarat :
o Tahan pelapukan
o Tahan pengikisan selama transportasi sampai pengendapan

Stabilitas mineral dalam batuan sedimen :

1. Mineral tak stabil
Merupakan mineral yang berada pada transportasi, tetapi jarang sampai pada
a. Mineral yang umumnya allogenic (jarang sekali/tidak pernah authigenic)

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b. Mineral yang umumnya authigenic

2. Mineral stabil
Mineral yang tetap ada mulai dari transportasi sampai dengan pengendapan.
Lempung (clay mineral)


Dalam pembentukan batuan sedimen klastik ada 2 fase proses yaitu :
1. Fase pembentukan endapan
2. Fase pembentukan batuan sedimen klastik
1. Fase pembentukan endapan Fase
ini meliputi :
 Proses pelapukan
 Proses erosi
 Proses transportasi
 Proses pengendapan
2. Fase pembentukan batuan sedimen klastik
Fase ini sedimen yang telah terendapkan akan mengalami beberapa proses yaitu:
 Sementasi, endapan tersemenkan oleh larutan kimia (karbonat, silika, oksida
 Pemadatan (compaction), memadatnya massa endapan karena pengisian
 Pemampatan (desication), keluarnya air dari rongga-rongga batuan
 Pembatuan (litification), membatunya endapan yang telah kompak

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Berdasarkan proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan batuan sedimen maka dapat dibagi
menjadi 3 yaitu:
1. Batuan sedimen basil proses mekanis, dengan media air, angin dan es. Dicirikan
oleh banyaknya mineral allogenik, mineralnya detritus, bertekstur klastik,
dibedakan :
 berbutir kasar, misalnya: breksi, konglomerat
 berbutir sedang, misalnya batupasir
 berbutir halus, misalnya batulempung, batulanau
2. Batuan sedimen hasil proses kimia, banyak mengandung mineral autogenik,
komposisi material non detritus, teksturnya non klastik, dibedakan :
 sedimen evaporasi, misalnya gipsum, anhidrit, garam
 sedimen karbonat, misalnya batugamping, dolomit
3. Batuan sedimen yang dihasilkan akibat aktifitas jasad kehidupan (proses organis),
misal batubara, diatome, batugamping terumbu.

Cara pengendapan :
 Secara mekanis, ini menghasilkan sedimen detritus (sedimen klastik)
Secara kimia, dengan reaksi anorganik (langsung) ataupun dengan reaksi organik
(dibantu oleh organisme)
Lingkungan pengendapan adalah direfleksikan oleh mineral - mineral dalam batuan.
Untuk menghasilkan batuan sedimen, tergantung pada:
1. Litologi batuan asal
2. Stabilitas dari mineral -mineral yang ada
3. Kecepatan erosi : merupakan banyaknya materal sedimen yang dapat
diangkut / ditransport, sehingga turut menentukan banyaknya material yang
dapat/akan diendapkan.
Transport akan menghasilkan :
 Sorting/ pemilahan
 Roundness/kebundaran, yaitu ukuran butiran menjadi kecil/lebih kecil
Proses diagenesa :
 Dapat mengubah tekstur batuan sedimen
 Dapat mengakibatkan rekristalisasi

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Komponen komposisi pada batuan sedimen terbagi atas:
1. Komposisi kimia
2. Komposisi mineral
Faktor yang mempengaruhi susunan komposisi batuan sedimen :
a. Besar butir
Serpih/ lempung (Al2O3, K3O, FeO)
Pasir halus > SiO2
b. Tingkat maturity/kedewasaan
Keadaan batuan sedimen dibandingkan dengan batuan induknya
Tingkatan :
 Super mature
 Mature
 Sub mature
 Immature
Tingkatan tersebut dilihat berdasarkan :
 Tekstur
 Mineral
 komposisi
Makin tinggi tingkat maturitynya maka makin banyak mineral stabil yang
Mineral-mineral yang umum adalah sebagai berikut
1. Mineral Utama
Mineral yang terbentuk sebagai penyusun batuan sedimen
 Kuarsa
 Feldspar
 Mika
 Lempung
 Karbonat
2. Mineral ikutan/tambahan
Jumlahnya sedikit
 Zirkon
 Garnet
 Magnetit
 Tourmalin
 Piroksen Manfaat dari

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komposisi mineral:
 Menunjukkan komposisi batuan induk
 Memberi nama batuan
 Mengetahui proses pembentukannya
 Mengetahui lingkungan sedimentasinya (environment)
 Kepentingan ekonomi


a. Tekstur batuan klastik
Batuan sedimen yang terbentuknya berasal dari hancuran batuan lain, kemudian
tertranportasi dan terdeposisi, selanjutnya mengalami diagenesa, sehingga terbentuk
batuan tersebut, misalnya : batupasir.
Khusus batuan sedimen klastik untuk penelitian hares diperhatikan mengenai ukurannya,
bentuk (shape), kebundaran (roundness), tekstur permukaan, orientasi dan komposisi
Shape adalah bentuk daripada butiran tersebut, dapat dibedakan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
 Golongan I  oblate/ tabular
 Golongan H  equent/equiaxial
 Golongan III  bladed/triaxial
 Golongan IV  prolate/rod shape
Sphericity, pengukurannya dengan cara membandingkan luas permukaan bola yang
berisi obyek yang volumenya sama dengan volume bola tersebut.
Roundness yaitu derajat kebulatan dari butiran tersebut atau bisa juga disebut dengan
keruncingan dari bola tersebut.
Bentuk dari pada sedimen sangat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk semula, struktur, Jaya tahan,
media transportasi, jarak transportasi dan lama tertransport.
Orientasi butir adalah susunan dari pada butiran tersebut, yang mencerminkan proses
Tekstur permukaan yaitu morfologi dan butiran akibat pengaruh media transportasi dan
proses setelah transportasi.
Maturity yaitu derajat kedewasaan diketahui dengan membandingkan komposisi mineral
pada suatu tempat dengan mineral yang terdapat pada batuan asalnya.

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Gambar IV. 1. Derajat kebundaran

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b. Struktur batuan sedimen
Struktur batuan sedimen klastik terbagi atas :
1. Struktur Syngenetik (terjadi bersamaan dengan terjadinya sedimentasi) a.
Proses fisik
 Eksternal struktur yaitu kelihatan dari luar Misal ukuran dan bentuk dari
tubuh sedimen. Contoh : bentuk lembaran (sheet), lensa, lidah, delta dan
Ada juga yang hubungannya berupa konkresi, interfingering dan intertongue.
 Internal struktur yang tercermin pada batuan sedimen itu tersendiri
 Perlapisan dan laminasi (bedding dan lamination)
o Normal current bedding yaitu perlapisan karena arus normal, misal:
perlapisan sejajar. Berdasarkan ukurannya dibedakan menjadi :
- laminasi, bila tebal lapisan < 1 cm
- stratum, bila tebal lapisan lebih dari 1 cm
- bed, kumpulan dari beberapa laminer dan straith
o cross bedding (perlapisan silang siur) yang terjadi akibat adanya
perubahan arah arus.
o Graded bedding (perlapisan tersusun), yang terjadi karena adanya
pemilahan ukuran butir halus ke kesar atau sebaliknya
 Freature of bedding planes yaitu bentuk dari permukaan lapisan selama
proses sedimentasi.
 Ripplemark yaitu bentuk permukaan bergelombang karena adanya proses
arcs satu arah
 Mud crack yaitu bentuk retak-retak pada lapisan lumpur, biasanya
berbentuk segi lima.
 Rain drops prints yaitu bekas titik-titik air hujan pada permukaan batuan
 Swash and riil marks yaitu jejak binatang pada permukaan lapisan
 Flute cast yaitu bentuk gerusan pada permukaan lapisan yang bentuknya
seperti seruling
 - Load cast yaitu lekukan pada baths perlapisan yang diakibatkan oleh
gaya tekan dari muatan yang ada diatasnya.
 Deformational structure
Yaitu terjadinya perubahan struktur batuan pada saat sedimen terendapkan
karena adanya tekanan.
 Post deposisional slump feature
Yaitu struktur luncuran yang terjadi akibat adanya desakan yang tinggi
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 Intraformationalkonglomerat
Yaitu struktur hancuran yang menyerupai konglomerat karena adanya
pergerakan pada sedimen sebelum mengalami litifikasi
b. Struktur sedimen yang terbentuk akibat proses biologi
 External structure
 Biostromes
 Bioherm
Keterangan menurut Cuming (1932) Bioherm adalah merupakan panggul
bukit, lensa atau yang serupa yang mempunyai penyebaran terbatas, terdiri
atas kerangka organisme yang belum tertransportasi dan dikelilingi oleh litologi
yang berbeda.
Biostromes menurut Cuming (1932) berupa struktur batugamping yang
berlapis sebagaimana shellbed , cronoid, coral bed, yang berupa akumulasi
sisa organisme yang belum tertransport dan tidak menunjukkan pembengkaan
seperti tanggul bukit atau lensa.
Biostromes menurut Lingk (1950) merupakan batugamping yang berlapis dan
terdiri dari organisme yang merambat dan membentuk lapisan keras.
 Internal structure
Misal fosil dalam batuan
2. Struktur epigenetik terjadi setelah batuan tersebut terbentuk) a.
Karena proses fisik (mekanis)
 External structure
 Batas antara tiap lapisan
o Batas tegas atau gradual
o Baths selaras atau tak selaras
 Lipatan dan sesar
 Internal structure
Clastic dike yaitu terjadi karena adanya tekanan hidrostatika yang kuat sehingga
material seperti diinjeksikan
b. Karena proses kimia atau organisme
 Corroion zone
 Concretions
 Stilolites
 Cone in cone
 Cristal mold and cast
 Seins and dike

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Gambar IV. 3. Recent Sands as Seen in Thin Section

A. Firm beach sand, Point Reyes, California. Impregnated with plastic before collection
in order to preserve texture. Diam. 3 mm. Uncompacted sub-rounded grains very
well sorted; porosity very high—about 30%. This is a lithic sand with high feldspar
content; it contains abundant chert grains (heavily stippled), quartz (lightly stippled),
feldspar (shown with deavage lines), and various rock fragments.
B. Sand from channel of jacalibps Creek, Coalinga, California. Impregnated with plastic
before collection in order to preserve texture. Diam. 3 mm. Uncompacted subangular
grains fairly well sorted; porosity very high; finer-grained layer at bottom. This is a
lithic sand derived from a mixed sedimentary terrane including volcanic sandstones;
it contains about 40% chips of andesite, argillite, shale, chert, and serpentine, 35%
quartz, and 25% feldspar.

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Gambar IV. 4. Uncemented Sandstones as Seen in Thin Section

A. St. Peter Sandstone (Ordovician), Beloit, Wisconsin. Diam. 2.5 mm. Very well-sorted
sandstone consisting of subrounded quartz grains, a quartz arenite. The texture is
very porous, but grains have been compacted until they are in close contact.
Compare texture in Figure 11-4A.
B. Temblor arkosic sandstone (Miocene), 2500 m below surface, Kettlernan Hills,
California. Diam. 2.5 mm. Moderately sorted sandstone consisting of abundant
subangular grains of quartz and feldspar (with deavage), together with fewer biotite
flakes (lined) and rock particles (heavily stippled). Texture very porous, but deep
burial has caused rearrangement and compaction of grains. Compare the texture in
Figure 11-4B. Note deformed biotite pinched between compacted grains.

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A. Lithic arenite (Miocene, Temblor Formation), 2500 m below surface, Kettle-man Hills,
California. Diam. 1 mm. Lithic grains, quartz, and plagioclase enclosed in and
cemented by a single barite crystal. Note uniformly oriented right-angle cleavages in
B. Volcanic arenite (Miocene, Temblor formation), 1000 m below surface, Jacal-itos
Field, California. Diam. 1 mm. Cement is chlorite. A micronbrous fringe rims each
grain, but in the centers of pores the chlorite appears microgranular.
C. Arkose (Miocene, Topanga Formation), Santa Monica Mountains, California. Diam. 1
mm. Calcite replacing plagioclase, irregular patches of uniformly oriented feldspar
being enclosed within a single calcite crystal. An adjacent quartz-feldspar grain
(upper left) is not replaced.

Gambar IV. 6. Cements in Sandstones

A. Pennsylvanian sandstone, Zuni Mountains, New Mexico. Diam. 1.5 mm. Quartz and
turbid rock particles coated with ferric oxide (black), locally covered in turn by clear
euhedral overgrowths of quartz, and the whole cemented by calcite (stippled). Note
trains of globular opaque inclusions in quartz grains.
B. Cretaceous arkosic arenite, Gualala, California. Diam. 0.5 mm. Local clear euhedral
overgrowths of authigenic quartz on detrital quartz (center, lower right, and left).
Quartz overgrowths covered and remaining pores filled by the zeolite laumontite
(cleavage lines but no stippling).
C. Lithic sandstone (Miocene, Temblor Formation), Reef Ridge, California. Diam. 0.75
mm. An incomplete cement of uniformly oriented calcite (stippled, with cleavage
lines); voids fringed with microfibrous chlorite covering both calcite and detrital grains
alike; chloritic fringe covered with opal (blank).

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Gambar IV. 7. Graywacke

A. Ordovician lithic graywacke (Fortune Formation), Lawrence Harbor, Newfoundland.

Diam. 1.5 mm. An unsorted aggregate of angular grains of sand and coarse silt set in
an abundant argillaceous matrix. Grains are quartz (clear or lightly stippled), feldspar
(chiefly plagioclase, shown with cleavage), a few shreds of mica, and particles of
phyllite, argillite, chert, and andesite or basalt. Long dimensions of most grains lie
roughly parallel to bedding plane which is nearly normal to the section.
B. Franciscan graywacke, Mendocino County, California. Diam. 1.5 mm. Generally
similar to A, but shows less orientation of grains, slightly less matrix, and more grains
of feldspar and basalt. This specimen is typical of many Franciscan sandstones thai
fall near the boundary between lithic and feldspathic types.
C. Precambrian feldspathic graywacke, Hurley, Wisconsin. Diam. 1.3 mm. Texturally like
B, except that the margins of the grains are corroded. Quartz grains are very
abundant, feldspar is common, and rock chips are sparse. This is a well-known
chemically analyzed graywacke (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, vol. 150 (1898): pp.

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A. Arkose (Tertiary), Lake Manapouri, New Zealand. Diam. 2.5 mm. Unsorted angular
grains of orthoclase and oligoclase (with cleavage) and of quartz (dear),
accompanied by large and small unoriented flakes of biotite and a grain of sphene
(upper left), all bound together by a mortar of silty clay slightly stained with limonite.
Essentially residual, resting on granitic rock from which it was derived.
B. Arkose (Pennsylvanian, Fountain Formation), Boulder, Colorado. Diam. 2.5 mm.
Poorly sorted angular grains of quartz, turbid oligoclase, and microdine (both
feldspars stippled and showing deavage), and accessory flakes of muscovite, all
bound together by a matrix of silty clay stained red by ferric oxides. The deposit has
been transported but suggests a nearby granitic source.
C. Torridonian arkose (Precambrian), Loch Assynt, Scotland. Diam. 2.5 mm. Poorly
sorted subangular grains of quartz (dear and very slightly stippled) and of microcline,
orthoclase, and oligodase, firmly bonded in a matrix of micaceous clay. Feldspars
are in part fresh (shown with cleavage) and in part very turbid (stippled). A few rock
fragments (schist) are not shown.

Gambar IV. 9.Arkosic Sandstones

A. Miocene arkosic arenite, or arkose, 3000 m below surface, near Simmler, California.
Diam. 2 mm. Very tightly packed angular and subangular grains: not well sorted, but
free from clay. Consolidated by compaction without cement. Plagioclase, orthoclase,
and microcline (all lightly stippled) and quartz (blank) are about equally abundant;
grains ofcalcite (heavily, stippled) and biotite are accessory. Note pinched and
contorted mica.
B. Micaceous arkosic arenite, or arkose (Triassic), Portland, Connecticut. Diam. 2 mm.
Fairly well-sorted angular to subangular grains of feldspar (lightly stippled) and
quartz (blank); abundant parallel oriented flakes of muscovite and chloritized biotite,
larger than other grains, lie parallel to the bedding. The rock is lightly cemented by
scattered grains of calcite (heavily stippled and showing cleavage) and secondary

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quartz overgrowths (separated from detrital quartz by dotted lines). Porosity high. A
few schist particles, not shown in this field.
C. Red arkosic wacke, or arkose (Triassic), Mt. Tom, Massachusetts. Diam. 3 mm.
Unsorted angular-to-subangular grains of quartz and turbid feldspar, in a very
abundant matrix of ferruginous clay.

Gambar IV. 10. Lithic Arenite and Lithic Graywacke

A. Calcareous lithic arenite (Miocene Modelo Formation), Santa Monica Mountains,

California. Diam. 2.5 mm. Fairly well-sorted sandstone consisting of subangular and
subrounded slate and schist fragments and smaller angular grains of quartz and
feldspar (trace only) cemented with fine-grained calcite.
B. Bragdon lithic graywacke (Mississippian), Trinity County, California. Diam. 2.5 mm. An
unsorted aggregate of angular grains set in a dark argillaceous matrix. Less matrix
than in graywackes of Figure 13-5. Grains are largely chert and devitrified rhyolites
(stippled), andesile, and slate; there are fewer angular quartz grains (clear) and a
trace of plagioclase (with cleavage). No preferred orientation of grains is visible.
C. Volcanic graywacke (Triassic), southern New Zealand. Diam. 2.5 mm. An unsorted
aggregate of angular and subangular grains in a matrix containing much
microcrystalline chlorite. Grains are chiefly fragments of andesilic or basaltic rocks;
plagioclase grains (with cleavage) are common; and quartz (clear) is subordinate.

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Gambar IV. 11. Miscellaneous Lithic Sandstones

A. Andesite arenite (Upper Miocene, Neroly Formation), Mount Diablo, California. Diam.
2.5 mm. Well-sorted, loosely packed, subangular grains of andesite rock, andesine
(clear, with cleavage), hypersthene (center and top), and hornblende (lower left and
right). Each grain enclosed in a thin fibrous rim of smectite. Hypersthene and
hornblende are euhedral, but hypersthene has been etched by intrastratal solutions
after development of smectite rims. This is an epiclastic arenite, not a tuff or a
tuffaceous arenite.
B. Calcareous tuffaceous sandstone (Oligocene, Tunnel Point Formation), Coos Bay,
Oregon. Diam. 3 mm. A mixture of pyrodastic and epiclastic material deposited in a
marine environment, where it was mixed with glauconite and cemented with very fine-
grained calcite (stippled). Curved glass shards and detrital quartz and feldspar are
clear; turbid fragments of meta-andesite and phyllite, and spheroidal pellets of
glauconite, are darkly stippled.
C. Calcareous serpentine arenite (Eocene), southeastern Monterey County, California.
Diam. 3 mm. Angular and subangular grains of serpentine (line pattern), together with
microcrystalline carbonate pellets (stippled), firmly cemented with finely granular
calcite. Note two unbroken foraminifers.

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A. Triassic sandstone, Boonton, New Jersey. Diam. 2 mm. Not well soned, but contains
lithe or no day. Composed of angular and subangular grains derived from
sedimentary and low-grade metamorphic rocks. Rock fragments of shale, slate,
argillite, and limestone (lower left and right); also ragged grains of quartz and very
few of feldspar.
B. Chico Sandstone (Cretaceous), near Chico, California. Diam. 1 mm. Finegrained,
well-sorted arenite consisting of subangular grains; poorly consolidated and very
porous. Rock fragments are slate and Hne schist, with a littlt-chert; quartz (clear or
slightly stippled) is abundant, and feldspar (with deavage), both fresh and cloudy, is
common; hornblende and epidote (darkly stippled, with cleavage, in upper left and at
bottom) are present in every thin section; a bent flake oiotite in upper It.
C. Triassic sandstone (Keuper), Stuttgart, Germany. Diam. 1 mm. Tightly packed
subangular grains; porosity relatively low. Abundant schist and micro-granular rock
particles (lined and stippled); abundant quart], and feldspar (lightly stippled with
cleavage), both orthoclase and plagioclase; some mica flakes. Grains of mica schist
are commonly oriented parallel to bedding and give the rock a very micaceous
aspect in hand specimen.

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