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WORKSHEET 1 For PIBA’s Students 2019

The practical use of Adjectives

A. Tuliskan bahasa Inggeris dari kata kata sifat beriku ini !

1. Tidak Hadir (alfa): ……………… 11. Tuli : ………………..

2. Cemas: ………………… 12. Kecewa : ………………..
3. Tertidur: ……………….. 13. Berhasrat, ingin sekali : …………..
4. Menarik hati: ……………… 14. Tergugah : ………………
5. Bosan : ……………… 15. Ramah : ……………….
6. Berani : ……………. 16. Lucu : …………………
7. Berhati hati : ……………….. 17. Dermawan : ……………….
8. Semberonoh, Lalai : ……………….. 18. Bersyukur : ……………..
9. Kekanak kanakan : ……………… 19. Jujur : ………………
10. Malu malu kucing : ……………… 20. Tawadhu : ……………….
B. Latih buat dalam kalimat beberapa kosa kata di atas seperti Contoh di bawah ini dgn
mengganti subject dan kata2 sifat yang dicetak tebal.
1. + Your father is busy 2. - Your father is not busy 3. ?. Is your father busy 4. -?
Isn’t your father busy 5. Your father was busy yesterday 6. Wasn’t your father busy
yesterday. 7. Be careful 8. Don’t be afraid !

C. Isi yang kosong dibawah ini dengan; am, is , are, was , or were dan ubah ke dalam
kalimat negative , dan Tanya.
1. Your shoes ……… very dirty.
2. I ……… interested in politics
3. My sister ……… afraid of dogs
4. Your friends ……. late again
5. Our lecturer ………. tired
6. The weather …… nice today
7. These bags ………. Heavy
8. The taxi driver …… very friendly
9. The fish ……. still alive.
10. The baby ……… asleep.

D. Terjemahkan ungkapan ungkapan berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggeris !

1. Jangan ribut ! : ............

2. Jangan kikir ! ..................
3. Jangan cemburu !. ...........
4. Saya minta maaf, saya lupa : ............
5. Saya harus dapat berbahasa Inggeris dan Arab: ............
6. Menurut hemat saya : ....................
WORKSHEET 1 For PIBA’s Students 2019

The practical use of Nouns

A. Tuliskan bahasa Inggeris dari kata kata benda beriku ini !

11. Tukang batu : ……….. 11. Wartawan : ……

12. Pengusaha ……….. 12. Hakim : …….
13. Dekan : …………. 13. Dosen : ……..
14. Nelayan : ………. 14. Menteri : ……..
15. Penjual ikan : ……… 15. Juru rawat : ……
16. Tukang kebun : ……. 16. Tentara : ……..
17. Tukang emas : …….. 17. Pramugari : …..
18. Tamu : ……….. 18. Bendahara :…..
19. Kepala sekolah : ….. 19. Pencuri : …….
20. Ibu rumah tangga …… 20. Penulis : ……. .
B. Latih buat dalam kalimat kosa kata di atas seperti Contoh di bawah ini dgn mengganti
subject dan kata2 benda lain di atas;
1. Your father is a teacher 2. Your father is not a teacher 3. Is your father a teacher?
4. Isn’t your father a teacher? 5. Your father was a teacher 6. Was your father a teacher?
7. Wasn’t your father a teacher. 7. I want to be a teacher

C. Isi yang kosong dibawah ini dengan; am, is , are, was , or were dan ubah ke dalam
kalimat negative , dan Tanya.
11. Your friends … students.
12. My brother … an author
13. My parents ……… engineers
14. Your friends ……. singers
15. Our lecturer ………. a writer.
16. My sister …… a nurse
17. His brothers ………. doctors
18. Her uncle ……… a taxi driver
19. My aunt …… a housewife
20. My grandfather ……. a farmer

D. Terjemahkan ungkapan ungkapan berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggeris !

7. Dimana teman temanmu ? ..................................

8. Saya mau jadi pengacara. .................................
9. Jangan jadi pembohong ! ..........................
10. Apa anda mau jadi pegawai negeri ? .............................
11. Saya tidak mau jadi pengangguran ..................................
12. Anda harus jadi pemimpin masa depan yang baik ............................
WORKSHEET For PIBA’s Lecturers

The practical use of Adverbs of Place

A. Tuliskan bahasa Inggeris dari kata kata keterangan tempat beriku ini !

21. Di bandara : ……………………… 11. Di asrama ……………………..

22. Di kantor : …………………………. 12. Di kantor ………………………
23. Di rumah sakit : …. ………………. 13. Di bengkel ……………………
24. Di rumah : ………………………… 14. Di toko ………………………..
25. Di pelabuhan laut : ………………… 15. Di sawah ……………………..
26. Di kantin : ………………………… 16. Di kebun ……………………..
27. Di perpustakaan : ………………. 17. Di dapur ……………………..
28. Di masjid : ……………………… 18. Di kamar tidur ……………………
29. Di ruang makan:………………….. 19. Di pekarangan rumah
30. Di ruang tamu …………………… 20. Di pantai ………………………..
B. Latih buat dalam kalimat kosa kata di atas seperti Contoh di bawah ini dgn mengganti
subject dan kata2 sifat di atas;
1. + Your father is in the Mosque 2. - Your father is not in the rice field 3. ?. Is your
father at home? 4. -? Isn’t your father at home 5. Your father was in the party yesterday
6.Wasn’t your father in the party yesterday.7.I’ll be in the cafeteria tonight8. Will you be there?

C. Isi yang kosong dibawah ini dengan; am, is , are, was , or were dan ubah ke dalam
kalimat negative , dan Tanya.
21. Your shoes ……… in the box.
22. I ……… in the Mosque last night
23. My sister ……… in the kitchen
24. Your friends ……. In the library yesterday
25. Our lecturer ………. in his office
26. The boys …… in the yard
27. The farmers ………. In the rice field
28. The taxi driver …… in the cafeteria
29. The fishmongers ……. In the market.
30. The baby ……… in the bedroom.

D. Terjemahkan ungkapan ungkapan berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggeris !

13. Teman teman saya masih ada di perpustakaan: ...............................................

14. Apa anda di perpustakaan kemarin?.................. ............................................
15. Jangan tinggal di luar pintu, silahkan masuk ... ...................................
16. Apa dekan kita ada di kantornya sekarang? .....................................................
17. Apa kita pergi ke sana sekarang?: ....................................................................
18. Anda seharusnya di sini sebelum matahari terbenam : .......................................
WORKSHEET For PIBA’s Lecturers

The practical VERBS+ING = sedang

A. Tuliskan bahasa Inggeris dari kata kata keterangan tempat beriku ini !

31. Sedang mengajar ………………… 11. Sedang menunggu …………………..

32. Sedang memasak ………………… 12. Sdg mengawasi……………………..
33. Sedang mencuci ………………… 13. Sedang menonton …………………..
34. Sedang menyapu ……………….. 14. Sedang memeriksa ………………….
35. Sedang mengepel …… ………… 15. Sedang tidur ………………………..
36. Sedang menyeterika…………….. 16. Sedang bermain …………………….
37. Sedang shalat ………………….. 17. Sedang membangun ……………….
38. Sedang mandi …………………… 18. Sedang berenang …………………..
39. Sedang memancing ikan ………….. 19. Sedang menerangkan ………………
40. Sedang mencari ………………….. 20. Sedang berlayar ……………………
B. Latih buat dalam kalimat kosa kata di atas seperti Contoh di bawah ini dgn mengganti
subject dan kata2 sifat di atas;
1. + Your father is Praying in the Mosque 2. - Your father is not watching TV 3. ?. Is your
father teaching? 4. -? Isn’t your father teaching 5. Your father was sleeping when I came
to your house yesterday 6.Wasn’t your father sleeping when you came last ningt.

C. Isi yang kosong dibawah ini dengan; am, is , are, was , or were dan ubah ke dalam
kalimat negative , dan Tanya.
31. Your parents ……… watching TV.
32. I …praying in the Mosque when my friends came last night
33. My sister ……… cooking in the kitchen
34. Your friends …….reading in the library when I came yesterday
35. Our lecturer ……waiting for the rector in his office
36. The boys ……playing in the yard
37. The farmers ……planting rice in the rice field
38. The taxi driver … having lunch in the cafeteria
39. The fishmongers …….selling their fish in the market.
40. The baby ……sleeping in the bedroom.

D. Terjemahkan ungkapan ungkapan berikut ke dalam bahasa Inggeris !

19. Teman teman saya sedang membaca di perpustakaan ketika saya datang :
20. Apa anda sedang belajar ketika Pak Dekan datang di kemarin?.........................................
21. Orang tua saya sedang makan malam. .............................................................................
22. Dekan kita sedang menunggu anda di kantornya sekarang? ...........................................
23. HP anda sedang berdering ....................................................
WORKSHEET for PIBA’s Students

The use of Passive Voice; .... am/is/are/was/were/have/has/had been/will/can be + Verb III

A. Fill in the PASSIVE form in the appropriate tense:

1. (TV / invent / Baird) …….. TV was invented by Baird. (contoh)

2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) ……………………………………
3. (milk / produce / cows) ……………………………….
4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) …………………………….
5. (chopsticks / use / in China) ………………………….
6. (plants / water / every day) ……………………………
7. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday)…………………………..
8. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now).. ………………………..
9. (the car / repair / tomorrow) ……………………….
10. (the letter / send / last week) ………………………………..

B. Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE as in the following example

1. He gave me a present. (Contoh)

a) I was given a present.
b) A present was given to me.
2. The waiter will bring us the bill.
a) ……………………………….
b) ……………………………….
3. The Queen presented him with a medal.
a) ………………………………………
b) ………………………………………
4. Her mother bought Mary some sweets.
a) ……………………………………..
b) …………………………………….
5. Bob has sold a second-hand car to Edy.
a) ………………………………………
b) ………………………………………
6. Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.
a) ………………………………………
b) ………………………………………

C. Translate the following sentences using PASSIVE forms

1. Apakah lantai ini sudah disapu? .........................................
2. Apakah Bapak anda diundang ke pesta tadi malam .................................................
3. Apa anda diajar Pak Ali minggu lalu .......................................
4. Kapan dan dimana anda dilahirkan?....................................................................
5. Apa ada orang terluka dalam kecelakaan kemarin?..................................................
WORKSHEET 1 for PIBA’s Students 2019

The Practical use of Pronouns

A.Ubahlah Nouns dibawah ini menjadi Subject,Object, Adjective, and Possessive Pronouns

1. A man : He / him / his / his 8. Girls ……………….

2. People : ………………….. 9. Your Teacher ……………….
3. A cat : …………………. 10. Women ……………….
4. Dogs : ………………….. 11. Students ……………….
5. My parents : ………………….. 12. Our Friends ……………….
6. A girl : ………………….. 13. Men ……………….
7. You and I : …………………. 14. Socks ……………….
Buat beberapa kalimat seperti Contoh di bawah ini;
1. I know Ali. 2. Ali knows me 3. I don’t need this book, you can have it 4. This is not
my book 5. That book is mine .
B. Rewrite the underlined parts using ME, HIM, HER, THEM, US, IT:
41. There are some books on the desk. Look at these books. Look at them (contoh)
42. She is turning the radio on. . ............
43. The teacher is asking Jane a question. ...............
44. Take your shoes off. ..............
45. The man is looking at Ali and me. ................
46. Jim is giving his father some tea. ..................
47. This is the dog’s meat. Give the meat to the dog. ..................

C. Tentukan kata ganti yang sesuai dan isilah bagian yang kosong)

24. __________ threw the ball to _________ friend. Contoh; She/her, or he/his
25. __________ saw__________ at_________ graduation ceremony.
26. __________ will help you with __________ homework.
27. __________ always win against _______ and _____.
28. The bird flew into ________ birdhouse.
29. Jane asked ______ to help _______ learn to swim.
30. _________ works at the store and likes ________ job.

D. Lengkapi kalimat berikut !. Gunakan I/me/he/him etc.

1. Who is that woman?. Why are you looking at ......
2. Do you know that man ?. “ Yes, I work with .....
3. Where are the tickets ?. I can’t find ......
4. I can’ find my keys. Where are ....... ?
5. I’m taliking to you. Please listen to ......
6. I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of .......
7. My brother has a new job. .... doesn’t like .......
Expressions; Don’t tell .....him/her/them !. Don’t care ..... him/her/them !

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