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AK) ae x ™ \ FORENSIC ENGINEERING Tei) es ] & CIVIL STRUCTURES te Forensic Structural Engineering Basic Concept & Implementation Indonesian Experience Prof. Ir. Bambang Suherdro, M.Sc., Ph.D. ate sleeves na ae ‘ha Sof St age mere aor io Sf cnmson ‘ene he on Cnancon eft te Materi © Pendahuluan : forensic engingoring, socolakaan hers, kagagalonhonstuks, kegaalan bangunan © Manajemen Perawatan Infrastruktur & Bangunan © Penyebab Degradasi Material dan Keruntuhan Struktur, Peralatan Investigasi Prinsip Dasar Forensic Engineering © Berbagai Contoh Kasus Forensic Engineering di LN © Berbagai Contoh Kasus Forensic Engineering di Indonesia © Penutup amma nando nabnes ecm I oN Pendahuluan & © Scope of Forensic Structural Engineering + Engineering investigation of structural elle + Determination of the causes of structurl failures of bullings, bridges & other facies + Rendering opinion + Giving testimony in juciia proceedings 9 Structural failure : + Catastropic collapse > Inadequate strength or stabilty Unacceptable diference: intended & actual structural performance { Deficientperformance > serviceabiltyproblems stars atti) Pendahuluan © Kecelakaan Kerja Kacelaan yang dala aging 994 Sat proseskostrus yang dapat mening pare peteriakontruksl tay mengaibathan kegaga an pokrian kant yang dapat iaibatan le + ella penagua js tera desi ona) + lalla ponyesia asa © sansutan perenana (code, DED, spss! tenis, drawing deo) ©. kansultan pngaws (bk profesonl dalam pengawasan plasonson) © pelea knstrus| (shop drowing, andl nut, meted ks, sp) shinee sock keamanan,kzelamatankesehatan dan keberlnjtan dak terpenuh Pendahuluan & ‘© Kegagalan Konstruksi (PP Ri No 2, 2000: Penyelenggsrasn Jaca Konetrui) Kegagalan pekerjaan konstruksi adalah Kesdlaan hasl pokerjaan konstruksi yang tidak sesuat dengan spesifkas| pekerjaan sebagaimana disepakati ‘dalam kontrak kerja honstruksi, balk sebagian atau keseluruhan sebagal ‘akibatkesalshan pengguna asa atau peryediajasa © Kegagalan Bangunan (UURINo2, 2017: Jase Konstruks) Kegagalan angunan adalah suatu oadsan keruntuhan bbangunan danvatau tidak berfungsinya bangunan setelah ppenyerahan aki hasl Jasa Konstruks. Pendahuluan Permassshan yang dhadap dalam bideng Teknik Sip © perencandan, sure, fessblt sty © perancangan (s/9ninfrastrtrbangunan baru © pelakeanaan pembangunen, coxsiuction engineering © construction management -_pengelotean pongoperasia,peawatan dan peningkatan existing Intestructaree — |). eraluaslasesmen tknis untuk men elaykan-pakalinfrastuktrselame ‘ase lsyannya (if tin) an | 5 matode repairistrengthening dan repair materials seme momma nnnination RES II Pendahuluan rod B suengh sures, Sereeobiny, tb, urbty q |. i i 3 pe ae ere eee ees 2 i ‘aniorng, even, repr & || mpasirucre Motennce Manovement Stem tal gale ese Fore Ergnerng eign Contrucion” Operation ife ine >50ye03) aa, sean sa respi Se tt ‘omen ene preventive maintenance & 5 anno eka ebsraire nte Spot pining fet srg ealcemen ease + ange Pantie + ange ting eases + sit epacement Reps + seareg reson INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PAVEMENT, BRIDGE, BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES) (a) deta bose yang mencukupl, kara, den up toate (0) prosedur pemelharaan inspeks, monitoring, evaluas yang eliabel, dan. kitera yang tepat uncuk melakukan penlian/rting ond skstrkturl an fngsional existing structures (©) pedis! kon struktur dan kebutunan masa mendatang am emelinaaan, inspeksi, moitoring, evalusl, rehabltasl, n+ sumber do (0) dattarproritas tahapan, dan estimas bia ‘Yang sudah berkembang dan diimplementasi © Alrport Pavement Management system (APMS) © Pavement Management System (PMS), ‘© Bridge Management system (BMS), 6 Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS), for bridges, buildings, industrial buildings, offshore ‘© Management, Operation, and Maintsnance of irigation and Drainage Systems, © Marine Asset Management System (MAMS), Penyebab Degradasi Material (deyades:stengthe ), siness, aby durabity) SGempa bumitektonik > ssesmen psc gempa + ere Lingkungan agresi atau kori (choi, ec, CO) Getaran, bebanberulang,ledakan bom, tumbukan Fatigue & facture Overloading > renstasbebsn rept beban > rencana Temperatur tngi/rendah],kebakaran > aryete-foue Weathering - Aging Bani, Scouring & abrasi > subsrctae BeralihFungsi* Ie] omcounse cave sacuTus Peralatan Investigasi + Material Test © en Dsratie et angie la! melon, pt, Kins leromognet uso ‘ir emi © Semi dstrecive > core somple > Laboratory Tet > mekan pti iia, leromapnets, ‘Stason nal terme + Structural Test > urging oka: Steading Yet > bia pr respons cmon are 24 jon © Byanicteoting Test > Impot ece, mechancs eve, Peraatan invest ‘razon Pulse Vloty (UPV) Aecslorometer Fait Cl Potensiometer rermacneneet ncn mre II Pile ntogty teeing a Geo Penetrating Rad Uniergroune pote "erp pavement © Bulan feurdation Integrated Virtual Instrumentation ard Wireless Monitoring for Infrastructure Diagnostics (rey, 2008) [10] CCORROTION IN MARINE ENVIRONMENT —_1.1-\seemnsdsmananee fel ecercounsenne 703096057 Prinsip Dasar Forensic Engineering kee ® + Forensle Engineering labit di USA pada tahun 1982, dibidani ‘leh American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), + setelah mengevaluasicapalan mereka dalam membangun begitu banyak bangunan/infrastrukcur, mengoperasikan ‘untuk melayani pubik, merawat dan merepair selama lebih ‘dari 150 tahun, + dan telah mengalami banyak sekali desain, konstruksi, dan pengelol {nfrastruktur, maupun mengalaml berbagai Kegagalan onstruksi dan kegagalan bangunan. + Motto dati Forensic Engineering adalah: “learning from failures’. eee ® erreur zm zt (© Berbogal peristwa yang "tidak dinginkan" sepert 1 kecelakaan kerja, kecelakaan saat pengoperasian @ kerusakan din, 1. degradasikekuatan, serviceability, dan 1 keruntuhan > dapat terjadi pada masa @ pelaksanaan, pemeliharaan, atau pengoperasian suatuinrastruktur, > yang dapat menimbulkan: 1 kerugian mater, 1 korban terluka, korbanjiwa, 1 terganggunya stabilits / pelayanan /aktivitas publik — ® Pendahuluan _Stenath, Sess, Serviceabilty, Stbity, Durty ‘monlterng, evaluation, repr ualty of exiting sevetres she meemaing Forensle Engineering Operation if Fme> 50 yeas) Taian, ecelan sntperzesen hepa att Iepopin boton Ins] Pada kondisi ini berbagai fihak seperti: 8) lembaga pengediian, ) kepolisian, €) _pemerintah daerah sotompat yg terkalt perlinan bangunan, )asuransi, ©) _pemlik Bangunan, pengoloa yy mengoperssik 4) konsultan porencana /pengawas seta 9) kontraktor pada saat pembangunannya > akan dapat libthan untuk menetaphan 1 apapenyebabnys/ mengapa dapat tract 1] siapa yang "bersaah*, 1 seberapabesar“gant-u" yang tars dibayarkan kepada hak van lrugan. © -Situasi yang demikian sangat memerlukan peran Forensic Engineering untuk membantu mengungkapkan ppermasalahan yang sebenarnya secara obyekti, proporsional, dan profesional yang secara umum akan ‘meliputi aspek-aspek: 1 tovestigasi 9 Evaluasi,analss,sintess * Kesaksian al depan pengadilan Ire] cee eae ener tres © ASCE (American Society of Cwil Engineers) resmi membentuk Committee on Forensic Engineering pada tahun 1982, © Seat ini telah berganti nama menjadi Technical Council of Forensic Engineering (TCE) © Konferensi Nasional pertame digelar oleh ASCE di Seattle, Washington, pada April 1986, dgn tema: ee en ee The purpose of the TCFE is to + Develop practices and procedures to reduce failures ‘+ Disseminate information on failares and their causes, provid- ing guidelines for conducting failure investigations + Encourage research and edvcatin in forensic engineering: and ‘+ Encourage ethical conduct in forensic engineering practice. In addition to ASCE's board of directions executive commit- tee, the TCFE consists of six unis Forensic engnering practice: Dissemination of failure information: Technology implementation: Practice to reduce failures: Publication: and Edcation, reac nenonessom Fee ial © Jurnalilmiah Forensic Engineering JPCF telah diterbitkan rutin 3 bulanan sejak Februari 1987 dan mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik dari berbagai kalangan profes Engineering, lawyer, architects, government, insurance executives, dan owners. © Konferensi berikutnya digelar oleh TCFE-ASCE pada tanggal 5-8 Oktober 1997 di Minneapolis, Minnesota, oan Cd > Sejak itu secara meluas dlikutl oleh berbagai negara di seluruh dunia > ilkui berbagt Universitas di USA mulai mengajarkan mata kulah Forensic Engineering dim kurikulum > Berbagat bangunan gedung, stadion, Jembatan, pavement, ‘airport pavement, transportaton tunnel, _geoteknik, bendungan, hydraulic structures, bangunan onshore rmaupun offshore, dan seleisnya, penyebab kegagalanaya telah diiwestigasi dan dlungkap, vang hasilnya sangat bermanfaat selain untuk penyelesaian rmasalah juge untuk pengetahuen agar kegagalan tidak terulang ll en * Ire] remecbenemennasrencot sms a Pendahuluan & © Competence of Structural Forensic Engineering + Profesional Structural Engineer * Decades of experienc in: analysis design, construction & inspection + Familiar applicable codes an strondards + Process of materal degradation (chlor, ai, carbon, biological attacks, thermal, fatigue, ageing, etc.) + Methods of observation, evaluation & assessment of existing structure + Instrumentation, Non Destructive Testing (NDT) feld& Lab Testing + Repair materials and techniques + Investigation and detective skill + Legal implications + Good communication skill + Strong sense of ethics Pendahuluan & © Analytical investigation of existing structures - assessment + Shop drawings and latest (as bul) structural drawings + Site vist + Confirmed or measure of pertinent structural elements * Concrete: site, reinforcement, testing during construction, core, sampling, NOT * Precast, prestress: pont fabrication cerifletion ld connections anchorage, strand, tensioning equipment, callbrtio, tension record + Stee!:size, connections, material test, bolt, welding + Masonry: check brick, mortar, joint + Timber see, type, grade, mosture content, connections + Foundation: size of footing, sol bearing capacity * Observe and define the existing load path ofthe structure under investigation + Morefield muasurement and more sketches ceca RADA NRE hs] a ‘Technical Competency First, the forensic engineer must have demonstrated competency in his or her specialized engineering discipline, Competency isthe result of education and ‘experience. A Professional Engineering license is desirable to quality for courtroom testimony asa forensic engineer. Knowledge of egal Procedures ‘Along with technical competency, the forensic engineer must have a working knowledge of legal procedures and the related vocabulary. The vocabulary used in tigation is quite specie. Detective Skils ‘The forensic engineer, acting as investigator, must possess certain detective skil. Diligence must be exercised in collecting pe-tinent facts from the field and from documents [ASCE 1988]. The quantity and reliablity of available data vary widely with each case and with each discipline. ral and Written Communication Skills ‘The forensic engineer must be an effective communicator, both in orl and \ritten presentations. During the investigation, the news media may interview the forensic engineer. Contacts with the media should be viewed as ‘opportunities to restore public confidence and to show professional concern. ‘This ean be accomplished without making premature specific statements, If the forensic engineer speaks carefully and artculately Personality characteristics ‘The forensic engineer must be able to maintain objectivity and impartiality in ‘seeking truth, in the face of constant pressures to take an emotional or ‘advocacy position. fol romecrcnamen ores es SS ‘plc Frese Engineering Cone Sys (0) CE Sib, Frei eps od endion sessctof lod ‘shel infrasnre—Uar of Clr, Dever es snd Kast 57) Inns ingestion 1s aes do xe sails a0 Noodencve son NDED—e perms, 120 ‘Stowe: mee pre mete ya Regency ad ober ess 1s iil sees cesta 4s hcl ein veins wsnncton 1S Pree fae inven 1s [NDE of ine sts 1s NDE of sary sctaes 1s NDE of conse erctret ts Depend cout sion 30 Consrcion td pet 30 icin oping rte 1s (ARE SOCE 7 Fong feos) 0 Fens egieingMnini Se Un = lanai dbs ad cnn flepl 4S — Fre ce ses ts a or so wna is = ier a eer wine as tog a seri as. asin a es 30 ose oe ec ira ese 60 bose ene eh ge, Fe ini prac aby 4s era oes, Tf ie al pr 30 (Coe yi t,o aa, — Esme sens is 1s ‘ses ih, yw tag ge ses 45 Engi gies pin ees, — el nies a gue, bee (byeerie Saskia erenig ts, = serps conta sabus mata efosnaa iby aah orense einen aust noc enum neon som RENE aa] ce sans ‘Sjlabus Fores Aras & Condition ssessmentof Ci & Mecha nfastrutre Coase Overview nd odcions (leo) Tnfasrotre inspections (video) (Chapter ENDED Induction investigation of ilures doi Expansion and Assignment No.1 Pape on Expuive Soils andlor Set collapse Read: Guidelines Chapter NDE Pressntsions(vioo)& Dye Penatant NDE (Chapar NDE) Expansive ol ile examples apd procedures. Rea: Ful Foundation nd Building Faies Dye Peneuant NDE (Chapies2: NDE) Hyatt Regency, Newport Cente Malte promenade, nd lies Questions Raised Read: Guidelines Clap Tar Invention Oral and Wrten Presence Sol Fale Oral and Wien Presentations SuscurevSol Falluee Magni Parle Methods (Chapt NDE Magna Parle Methods ar and ties Questions Raed INDE of Timber Structures [22] reercoecane eaten Compare Prgrans to Avsaeo ReconsTusion Ora and WeitenPresenaone-VAR Ora nd WrtenPresenaons VAR INDE of Sel Suctres Deposition Testimony and Asignment No.3: Paper Enginesring Bhs Read: Guidelines Chapter NDE of Masonry Stacures Court Testimony. Read: Guilin: Chaps 7 [NDE of Concrete Srstres Contain Law and Bling Faure Product Law ad Product ules isn Enginerng Pace ad Subital of Pape on Eee conse wrap Forensic Engineering + Perlu dicatat bahwa kegagalan di USA saat Forensic Engineering dilahirkan, adalah 41% akibat kesalzhan desain, 36% akibat / konstruksi, 16% akibst kurang pemeliharaan, dan 7% igatkan pula oleh TCFE bahwa potensi kegagalan konstruksi dan kegagalan bangunan akan cukup tinggi frekuensi kejadiannya pada negara-negara berkembang. 23} fo Forensicengineeringis the investigation of materials, product, futures or components that fil 9 do not operate or function as fended, causing peronal_injury or damage to propery. The ‘omsequences of failue are dal wit bythe law of product aii. The ic als deals with racing processes and procedures leading to sccdens in operation of vehicles or machinery. ©The subject is applied most commonly inci aw cases although ‘may be of sein rial as eases, © Generally the purpose of Eorensie ngnecing investigation isto locate cause o cates of fle witha view to improve performance or lif ofa component, oo assist a cout in determining the fats of sm acidet © Itcan also involve investigation of neletal property clims, especialy pens aie & + Forensic Engineering dalam bidong toes dapat arkan ‘Shagal apis dar engineering princes pada nvestiazs eis tas itecelsaan ker, herarakan sn kogguankerutuban teu Wak berungsiny eeu reneanapemntaaan) uate enguan/lnfarrtur ai sebapon maupun kasluruhan, yong ‘engakibathanadanja herugan mater kooantruka, karban a, ‘Staupunterganggunaya playanan pul Jawabancbyektit profesional, dan profesional berdasrkan fata, ‘nai data don seal star *mengop egnglon dapat eta, {ermasuk penyebab dn mekanisme/presny, merupoan Ras yang ‘Stargcthan untuk ceapl dot sunt aes fens Penetapan slap yang berslsh, dan sberap gant rug bag hak yang ‘iru ak mena ehupan dalam investiga ores, naman ‘merupakan kewcrangan pengadionbedaarkan banyak permbangan, ‘Blah etunys adalah has ovestias ferns tease & mactneerne newest mcrae esl GAMBARAN UMUM FORENSIC ENGINEERING Ruang lingkup yang ditangani forensic engineering, sangat luas dan berikut ini disajikan beberapa hal yang terkait: > The most prominent elements are: * Investigation, * evaluation and ‘service as an expert witness > Involving : + court ~ insurance ~ owner — contractor ~ consultant ~ police ~ public - government > Possible unexpected cases that result in accident or structural collapse: (2) During design stage © Misinterpretation of codes, design criteria, or design concept © Misuse of Computer Softwares (input preparation, assumptions, model used, and result interpretation) @ Miscatculation

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